The Dock is a set of iconic images that expand when rolled over with the cursor, and usually perform some action when clicked. jqDock is a jQuery plugin that mimics that behaviour by transforming a contiguous set of HTML images into an expanding Dock, vertical or horizontal, with or without labels.
Basically, jqDock expands a reduced size image towards its full size when the cursor is on or near it. You can specify a vertical or horizontal orientation for the Dock, and select the direction in which the image should expand and whether to show labels or not. The styling and positioning of the Dock is (almost) entirely down to you.
You should also check out other Fish Eye Menus we mentioned earlier.

Developer Kevin van Zonneveld was once working on a project with a lot of client(JS) / server(PHP) interaction, and he found himself coding PHP functions (like base64_decode & urldecode) in JavaScript to smoothen communication between the two languages.
He stored the stored the functions in a file called PHP.JS which was included in the project. But even when the project was done, it remained fun trying to port PHP functions to JavaScript, and so the library grew.
Kevin decided to share the little library on his blog, triggering the enthusiasm of a lot of PHP developers longing for PHP functionality in JavaScript. PHP.JS is an open source project in which they try to port PHP functions to JavaScript. By including the PHP.JS library in your own projects, you can use your favorite PHP functions client-side.
jQuery Masonry is a layout plugin for jQuery. Think of Masonry as the flip side of CSS floats. Where as floats arrange elements horizontally then vertically, Masonry arranges them vertically then horizontally. The result leaves no vertical gaps between elements of varying height, just like a mason fitting stones in a wall. Masonry will work with all structural elements: div’s, lists, p’s, spans.
There are no setting or options within in the plugin. Instead, all spacing properties can be set with CSS. The only property required for Masonry to work is for the width of the child elements. Child elements should be should have equal width in order to avoid any overlapping.