International Language: The Emergence of Icons and Pictograms
Symbols and pictograms have been used since the beginning of history, in every stage of the evolution of the many forms of human communication, from the use of visual signs and figures to convey the meaning of concepts, words and sounds, to the development of spoken language to writing. As a communication form, pictograms have maintained their varied functions which have now become more useful as the demand for quick communication has grown. (Image Source: Sascha Elmers | Composition: Canva) This article will try to focus on the fact that we have entered an era of more pictograph-based communication. That’s also the reason why we included some professional insights by Sergey Punchev, Game User Interface Artist from Bulgaria, and Jason Hill, who leads Jason Hill Design, a design and illustration studio located in Venice, California, to know about their thoughts on the icons and pictograms creation process. What do we mean when we say “pictograms” A pictogram or pictograph is a sign that represents a symbol, a real object or a figure in a schematic way. With this term we identify written symbols that belong to logo-graphic writing systems, which were originally based on ideograms. This kind of signs is […]
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