WordPress 4.1 was a version long waited for by theme developers. Especially for this target audience there is lots of innovation. Not only the new standard theme “Twenty Fifteen” has become available but also several more new functions and features. This new functionality reduces the difficulty of theme development considerably. In the following article, we will look at the new features closely and show you how you can use them in the development process of a new theme.

Which photographer hasn’t ever thought about running a photo blog with WordPress for the sake of simplicity? WordPress provides a gallery function since version 2.5. However, this is very basic and surely doesn’t meet the requirements of more than semi-amateur photographers. Those who want to pursue their hobby in a more professional way expect more than that. Therefore, we’ll show you some really useful plugins for photo enthusiasts.

With more than 3,000 themes available in the official repository and hundreds available on third-party websites, to say nothing about plugins for extending functionality, WordPress is the leading content management system that provides power to large parts of the web. It’s almost impossible to keep up with the latest offerings of the eco system. That’s why we focused on free themesfollowing closely along the lines of the latest trends. And that’s of course the use of huge images, flat design, responsiveness and an over-all modern appearance. Part 9 of our series “Blast from the Past” brings you a whopping number of 100 of these specimen, all of which created throughout 2014.

Navigations don’t always have to be arranged horizontally or vertically. They can indeed go round in circles. And that’s where Wheelnav.js comes into play. This smart little tool allows you to arrange menus in circles. Selections are made by spinning the wheel. Wheelnav.js is based on Raphaël.js, which allows you to draw SVGs using JavaScript.

Smart navicons, chic slide out menus, heavily blurred backgrounds, sophisticated control centers, elegant outline graphics, splash screens – these clever solutions were incepted to improve mobile application interfaces in the first place. They also work well when it comes to refining website designs, unintentionally. Smart concepts successfully migrate from one platform to another, reinventing traditional layouts. Last year the integration of principles of mobile website design into desktop design became evident and tangible. One gets the impression that boundaries between web and mobile designers are slowly but steadily disappearing. Our fresh collection serves as a proof for that development. You’ll find components equally well-suited for creating both websites and mobile UIs. That’s what part 8 of our “Blast from the Past” series is all about…
Design Details, as a concept, is now over a year old. As a sort of public journal entry, I’d love to quickly tell the story of how this small kernel of an idea became larger than I could have ever imagined.
Read the Full Story on Medium

Hey there. We are back with our Deal of the Week, once again powered by Mighty Deals. Vintage, the return to the designs of the past, is one of the largest trends of the last years. Vintage design comes across as elegant, valuable, even high-priced. This doesn’t mean the necessary elements need to be high-priced, too, however. And to prove that, Mighty Deals has again put together a package including more than 300 vintage design elements for small money.

What would you say if we had some tips for you on how to become a better-organized designer and how to gain a productivity edge? Developing and keeping an entrepreneurial perspective that will help you be in the spotlight, get more clients and extra free time on your hands is easy. Stick with us through the end of this article and see how you might probably make all that happen.

People working in the web design and development industry need to become thick-skinned over the years if they intend to survive long term. I am in this business since web design got invented in the early Nineties, and I sure know what I’m talking about when it comes to the hidden secrets of client communication. My remedy these days is laughing. I refuse to get angry anymore. Instead, I make fun of the situations that only a few years ago made me want to hire a professional killer. There are quite a few people out there who are only still alive for the fact I couldn’t afford to pay one. Nah, just joking. As making fun of it all is the healthiest way to cope with it, we decided to start a new cartoon series titled “If Web Designers Were” here at Noupe. This is part seven. Hope you enjoy it…

Since the loading performance of a website has become a Google ranking factor, you should give the performance optimization top priority. Not only Google will rejoice at a fast WordPress website, it will be your readers, above all, who will appreciate your efforts and, in the end, it all comes down to them. Studies show that 25% of the users leave a website with a loading performance of 4 seconds. But there are different opinions on how to speed up a website. So, we thought it’s time to tell you the truth about WordPress performance.