Advanced WebDev: Understanding Collisions & Physics by Building a Cool WebGL Babylon.js Demo With Oimo.js
Today, I’d like to share with you the basics of collisions, physics & bounding boxes by playing with the WebGL babylon.js engine and a physics engine companion named oimo.js. Here’s the demo we’re going to build together: babylon.js Espilit Physics demo with Oimo.js You can launch it in a WebGL compatible browser—like IE11, Firefox, Chrome, Opera Safari 8, or Project Spartan in Windows 10 Technical Preview —then, move inside the scene like in an FPS game. Press the “s” key to launch some spheres/balls and the “b” key to launch some boxes. Using your mouse, you can click on one of the spheres or boxes to apply some impulse force on it also. Understanding collisions Looking at the Wikipedia Collision detection definition, we can read that: “Collision detection typically refers to the computational problem of detecting the intersection of two or more objects. While the topic is most often associated with its use in video games and other physical simulations, it also has applications in robotics. In addition to determining whether two objects have collided, collision detection systems may also calculate time of impact (TOI), and report a contact manifold (the set of intersecting points).[1]Collision response deals with simulating what […]
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