10 Free Tools to Create Your Own Font
Fonts are a very powerful, individual way to present content. They influence our perception and how we interpret a content. Typography is very popular today, especially in a synergy with responsive web design, which has its own rules. There’s a plethora of free fonts available online. Just have a look at the huge Google Fonts directory that (currently) provides 671 fonts. Those can’t be edited, however. So, if you want to modify an existing font or create a font from scratch, this is the wrong place. There are, however, some tools that have specialized in modifying existing fonts and creating new ones. Today, we’ll show you some of them. 1. FontArk FontArk is a browser-based font editor that creates new fonts. FontArk allows you to import templates or create completely new fonts. It provides a good video tutorial, which explains each function and how to get good results. It goes without saying that you’ll need a training period for good results. You can try out the font editor without having a user account; however, to unlock all functions you’ll need to log in. Registration is required if you want to save and use your work. OAuth registration via Facebook is […]
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