Link of the Day: Webdesigner News – All the Latest and Greatest in Web Design and Development
Staying up to the latest innovations in web design and development is not an easy task to accomplish. My personal Feedly is cram packed with over 500 feeds. And it costs me a lot of time to even keep up with these news, although they are more or less easily digestible through RSS – much easier than having to visit all these sites manually in any case. Tech news consumers love their TechMeme, but what do web designers and developers do. No, don’t worry, I won’t suggest that there are no sites to go to, but it’s only a handful. Now this hand has grown its sixth finger… Webdesigner News – Curated Shortnews for Designers and Developers Webdesigner News is the latest project by the guys behind Webdesigner Depot and Mighty Deals (and then some). There’s no doubt that they know their trade. Webdesigner News is a site in the tradition of Hacker News (HN) and Designer News(DN) with the latter being the most obvious competitor. In a way you are already familiar with should you frequently visit the other two news sites, Webdesigner News lists the latest and greatest as a timeline without a lot of decoration around it. […]
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