The Ten Most Interesting Widgets for Your WordPress Website
It is not least its versatility that makes WordPress so fascinating. WordPress websites are unique – at least if you want them to be. But what people often forget is that high individuality and functionality can already be achieved by using the right sidebar widgets. They’re like the icing on the cake and can add spice to your website. Therefore, we want to show you the 10 most interesting widgets for your WordPress website. Start clearing the sidebar… WordPress Widgets – Here We Go! 1. Recent Posts Widget With Thumbnails The Recent Posts Widget With Thumbnails is a simple, however, very useful plugin. It displays the most recent postings along with a thumbnail which is either generated from the featured post image or the first image in the post. It also displays the title linked to the postings. There’re only few settings that aren’t self-explaining. The result is a nice and useful add-on for your website which encourages your visitors to read more articles on your WordPress website. Developer: Hinjiriyo Continuous development: Yes Latest version: 09/06/2014 Price: Free on License: GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Incompatibilities with other plugins: Not known Developer’s homepage: None 2. Simple Social Icons The Simple Social […]
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