WebDev: How to Use NGROK to Test a Local Site for Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer
I recently wrote about RemoteIE which is a tool created to help developers on non-Windows OS’es to test for Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer 11. It uses Microsoft’s RemoteApp virtualization software to create a browsing session without the need to install a VM. Developers have been sending us a lot of requests to expand it out to other versions of IE. One of the big limitations, though, is the fact that you can’t access resources or sites locally hosted on your development machine. This is a cumbersome limitation and narrows the usability of the tool for testing. It’s been nagging at me for awhile that we couldn’t use this in this fashion, but this past week I found a solution that I wanted to share. ngrok – Secure Tunnels to Localhost Enter ngrok, a very cool, lightweight tool that creates a secure tunnel on your local machine along with a public URL you can use for browsing your local site. When ngrok is running, it listens on the same port that your local web server is running on and proxies external requests to your local machine. This was the secret sauce I was looking for to allow RemoteIE to be […]
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