Inspiration: 30 Websites in Warm Earth Tones
Each and every web designer out there is in search of inspiration now and then. Creativity does not run without fuel. Fortunately we don’t need to buy creative gas to fill up our tanks. Just floating around the web, looking at what others did can do wonders to your fuel gauge. Suddenly ideas start to bubble up and your creative motor gets running again. To help you spark that process we have collected a series of websites created in warm earth tones. Earth tones are shades of brown, green, blue and other natural colors. Take a walk in the forest and see them live 😉 Using these colors in a web design leads to a subtle, minimalistic, natural, organic look and feel. Enjoy our findings… 1. Groovemade 2. IMM 3. The Barstow 4. Wolf & Son 5. Wild Measure 6. Cantina Valpolicella Negrar 7. Hyperquake 8. Indigy 9. Tradestone Confections 10. Belle Epoque 11. Tilted Square 12. Andy Wolf Eyewear 13. Denise Chandler 14. Vers 15. Grand Hotel a Villa Feltrinelli 16. Brown’s Court Bakery 17. Knuckles Industries 18. The Boerum 19. Serge Thoraval 20. Electric Pulp 21. Lucas ‘NK’ Nikitczuk 22. La Grotte Chauvet Pont d Arc 23. Wootten 24. Petersham Nurseries 25. Dishoom Bombay Café 26. The First Time 27. Space Style Concept […]
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