Home > Others > Energize Bootstrap: 12 Fresh Free Themes, PSD Templates, Code Snippets

Energize Bootstrap: 12 Fresh Free Themes, PSD Templates, Code Snippets

September 2nd, 2015 Leave a comment Go to comments

Among numerous free and premium frameworks that are used to provide web projects with a solid and reliable base, Twitter Bootstrap is considered to be one of the most attractive and viable options. With an excellent structure that is simple and straightforward to every tech-savvy person and a quite vast potential, the boilerplate allows prototyping absolutely different websites starting from simple one-column blog and ending with a multi-column e-store that will treat multimedia as well as dish up content in a proper way. A significant benefit of this system is its mobile-first approach that deals with numerous issues concerning responsiveness without a hitch and in no time. The foundation is a perfect choice for those of you who prefer to focus more on design aspect rather than on functionality. It does all the heavy lifting, providing artists with a plenty of time for decorating and tidying up an appearance of a project. What’s more, let us not forget about such vital advantage as the availability of a ton of free and paid third-party plugins, components, code snippets and themes that are regularly created by the dev community. They significantly enhance and enrich Bootstrap-powered websites as well as extend their possibilities. […]

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