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Ryan Carson & Treehouse’s 32-Hour Work Week

September 7th, 2015 Leave a comment Go to comments

The Atalntic recently did a small video piece with Ryan Carson, CEO & founder of the online learning website Treehouse.

Treehouse was founded as a way for people with little-to-no knowledge of design/development to teach themselves the prerequisite skills to get a job in the industry. It has flourished since being originally founded and offers a tremendous amount of information for types of digital creatives.

In a short 5-minute video clip, Ryan talks about Treehouse’s 32-hour work week and why he starkly imposes a 4-day week for his employees(and himself).

It’s an interesting look into the machinations of Treehouse. But more than this it’s an interesting look at a modern 21st century company that’s building a framework for happy employees and profitability.

If you have the time check out the video and let us know what you think in the comments below.

Read More at Ryan Carson & Treehouse’s 32-Hour Work Week

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