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Twitter will release new High-Contrast Social Buttons

September 24th, 2015 Leave a comment Go to comments

Every major social media website uses some type of sharing button. Facebook has their like/share buttons, Pinterest has re-pin buttons, and Twitter has follow/retweet buttons.

A recent forum post on Twitter’s official community announced that Twitter will be released brand new redesigned buttons sometime around October/November. The release is expected to include a higher contrast between button background colors and text colors.

Each button widget is meant to serve visitors on external websites who want to share a piece of content on Twitter, or perhaps follow a specific account on Twitter without visiting the URL. It is possible to designers to create their own custom links, however Twitter’s widgets connect right into the API to pull realtime metrics.

There is no specific evidence to say that Twitter’s previous redesign has caused problems with contrast. But just by looking over the changes it should be obvious that grater contrast will have a lasting effect.

While the topic was published in Twitter’s forum area, the thread has been subsequently locked which prevents any further discussion.

So for the moment we’ll have to just wait & see how this progresses over the coming weeks. I’m sure the designers at Twitter will organize a proper blog post once the new button design nears an official release date.

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