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LaunchDarkly Tracks & Measures UI Features with Split Testing


Pushing out updates to a new website or mobile app can be intimidating. For larger sites it often takes a team of people to get the project moving and to fix any potential bugs. But a new service called LaunchDarkly hopes to expedite release times and put nauseating anxiety at bay.

LaunchDarkly is a delivery platform with various features meant for developers. It’s meant to track changes and offer real metrics for which updates have been most accessible to users.

It’s possible to roll out new features only to a subset of users, or even to test these features internally before giving the final rubber stamp. And it’s just as easy to completely disable a feature that you believe is not working or might be generating conflict among users.

You can learn a whole lot more from the official FAQ page regarding initial setup and how it can impact your workflow.

Once setup properly you can disable/enable features with the click of a switch. You’ll also be able to set percentages for rolling out features based on a certain number of users. These users can even be placed into groups like “beta testers” or “team XYZ”.

Some might call LaunchDarkly the all-in-one A/B testing suite. You can manage all your changes from a dashboard while simultaneously tracking metrics to gauge visitor interactions.

If you’re interested check out the site and give it a free 30-day trial. You can also find more info on their Facebook page or via Twitter @LaunchDarkly.

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