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Free Helpers: Three Note-worthy Panels for Adobe Photoshop

October 20th, 2015 Leave a comment Go to comments

Panels are small expansions for Photoshop. They are able to do more than actions but are lesser in functionality than full-fledged plug-ins. We are going to introduce you to three of these topical add-ons. With these youwill be able to create guides and grids and an interactive luminosity mask and transform chosen layer contents evenly, all that in an easy way. That way you obtain additional Photoshop power through a fast installation only. Isn’t that paradise? Photoshop Panel #1: Griddify for Guides and Grids Link: http://gelobi.org/griddify Price: free of charge Created by: Gelobi Griddify allows for the creation of guides that ultimately form a grid. By entering a numeral you define the gap between the lines. Entering more than one numerals arranges a series of lines. On pushing one button you can change the alignment of lines. A selection limits the grid to the defined area. Divide enables a division after entering a numeral. Wrap frames a selection whereby the position can be controlled using positive or negative numbering. Photoshop Panel #2: Interactive Luminosity Masks Link: http://svenstork.com Price: free of charge Created by: Sven Stork Create whatever luminosity mask you need by simply pushing a button. The panel provides different […]

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