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View Source Conference runs November 2nd-4th in Portland

October 20th, 2015 Leave a comment Go to comments

Mozilla is known for some amazing stuff beyond just Firefox. They have the Mozilla Dev Network, Thimble, and loads of open source projects.

They’re also big sponsors for design/dev events like View Source Conference. This is a 3-day event made for people who want to learn and practice building a better web.

This year’s 2015 conference will run from November 2nd-4th in Portland, Oregon.

Here’s a brief snippet from the official conference webpage:

View Source is a single track conference for front-end web developers. The goal is to provide an in-depth, practical look at current and on-the-horizon technologies, with plenty of opportunities for conversation.

Web developers used to learn how to create on the web by seeing a great website and simply using “view source” to get the code. Today, it’s harder to do that; the libraries and development practices are often hidden from the browser. At View Source, we will share best practices for improving how websites are built across platforms and devices, with technical talks exposing best practices and practical development techniques. By exploring what is and is not working on the web of today, we can view the source of the modern web and pave the way for the web of tomorrow.

Other major sponors of View Source include Yahoo!, Intel, and even jQuery.

The full event schedule is online including a list of all the speakers and presentation topics.

If you’re interested be sure to grab a ticket before they sell out.

Alternatively those who can’t attend may still be able to keep up on the action via social media. View Source has their own FB event page along with a Twitter handle @viewsourceconf.

Read More at View Source Conference runs November 2nd-4th in Portland

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