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All Your Base 2015 Database Conference in London

October 22nd, 2015 Leave a comment Go to comments

Web developers and database enthusiasts are sure to love this single-day conference focused solely on database creation, architecture, and maintenance.

All Your Base will run on November 13th in the heart of London with a list of some great speakers. While the event only runs for a single day, it’s bound to have some fascinating information for anyone who enjoys database development.

Topics will range from MongoDB setup to scaling MySQL at Facebook. For just a single day there sure is a lot of great stuff packed into this event.

Tickets are still on sale so if you have time to attend consider picking up your reservation today.

Folks who can’t make it should still follow along with event updates on Facebook or via Twitter @AYBConf.

You can also check out a brief video from the 2014 conference:

Read More at All Your Base 2015 Database Conference in London

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