Home > Designing, Others > GetTerms offers a Terms & Privacy Policy for Startups

GetTerms offers a Terms & Privacy Policy for Startups

October 22nd, 2015 Leave a comment Go to comments

A unique webapp named GetTerms allows startups and smaller companies to auto-generate legal text for their Terms of Service & Privacy Policy.

This app was created by the design agency Humaan to alleviate the stress of hiring a lawyer, or even hand-writing it from scratch.

You simply enter the following three items:

  • Website URL
  • Company name
  • Company location

Then you click the “Generate policy” button and you’ll be presented with all your vital legal mumbo-jumbo. It can be copied as plaintext or in HTML to make your life easier.

One thing I don’t like is the inability to customize the policy. There doesn’t seem to be a page that explains what is going into the text.

And it seems only slightly less dangerous to have terms you don’t understand, than to have no terms at all.

Still this can offer a great boilerplate and with more startups on the rise this is a fantastic way to cut down on legal costs.

Read More at GetTerms offers a Terms & Privacy Policy for Startups

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