Home > Others > Why We’re Addicted To Our Smartphones, But Not Our Tablets

Why We’re Addicted To Our Smartphones, But Not Our Tablets

November 4th, 2015 Leave a comment Go to comments

Remember all of the wisecracks about executives and their BlackBerry addictions? Back then, constant contact was limited to the few and the mighty — relatively speaking, of course. But now, the last laugh might be on us. In record time, our smartphones have become indispensable, and as mobile technology has become integrated into nearly every aspect of our lives, our smartphones are shifting from device to dependency.

Why We're Addicted To Our Smartphones, But Not Our Tablets

But while it’s now clear that we are locked in an intense relationship with our smartphones, one has to wonder why this courtship hasn’t turned into a love triangle with tablets. After all, no matter how sleek our iPhone 6 is, our iPad or Android tablet is equally smooth and packed with life-organizing apps.

The post Why We’re Addicted To Our Smartphones, But Not Our Tablets appeared first on Smashing Magazine.

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