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Write Your Next Web App With Ember CLI

January 7th, 2016 Leave a comment Go to comments

When you start a fresh web project or start digging into an existing code base, chances are you’re trying to create or enhance a feature for your users. The last thing you want to do is spend time customizing build tools and creating infrastructure to develop your application. If you land a new client, you want to show them features today, not in a week after you’ve cobbled together a build pipeline.

Write Your Next Web App With Ember CLI

As you might already know, Ember is an “opinionated” JavaScript web framework focused on building ambitious, rich client web applications. Technologically, Ember has positioned itself as the antidote to hype fatigue. It’s a framework that just won’t die, but keeps pressing on with each innovation and with a commitment to backwards-compatibility.

The post Write Your Next Web App With Ember CLI appeared first on Smashing Magazine.

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