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Microsoft’s Bing Has A New Logo

January 15th, 2016 Leave a comment Go to comments

The world’s second most popular search engine has a new logo. Yes, Microsoft recently unveiled a new logo for Bing.

The new logo has abandoned the erstwhile yellow and is now green in color. This is the second change in logo of Bing ever since its birth in 2009 — the first change came in 2013.

Bing currently holds roughly 21% of the search engine market share which, though an impressive number, is nowhere near Google’s 64% market share. As such, while Bing does have a lot to be happy about — such as the fact that all AOL searches are powered by Bing — it is still way behind Google in terms of market share and number of users.


Bing logo down the years, left to right

Internet search has been a crucial market, and with billions pouring in as revenue every year, both Bing and Google realize the importance of gaining new users. Last year, Google too introduced a new logo, and underwent certain significant changes, so it might just be possible that Bing follows suit this year.

Bing also powers Apple’s Siri, as well as Amazon’s Alexa, and is the default search engine on Microsoft Windows devices and smartphones.

What do think of the new Bing logo? Share your views in the comments below.

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