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Brave: A Web Browser That Blocks Ads

January 21st, 2016 Leave a comment Go to comments

Brendan Eich, one of the founders of Mozilla, has recently announced the launch of a new startup, and much like Mozilla, this venture too has a lot to do with web browsing.

Meet Brave, a new web browser that will block all advertisements by default.

Sounds interesting? According to Eich, the internet has become bloated due to unnecessary advertisements, and web browsers have chosen to do nothing about it. Sure you can block ads, but only if you install “extensions”, not with the help of the browser itself.

As such, Eich intends to block all adverts, and offer you a cleaner and better web browsing experience. In essence, it will help users who are concerned about their privacy, since modern advertising is intrusive and relies heavily on re-targeting by means of cookies, etc. Also, the absence of ads means a page will load faster and without any annoying popups or banners.

However, that is not all. Brave will have an advertising channel of its own: it will block ads, and then replace those ads with its own ads, wherein publishers, Brave and content channels share the revenue. So yeah, your dreams of an ad-free web browsing experience will have to still rely upon AdBlock and other extensions.

Brave is expected to be launched sometime later this year. It will be open source, just like Firefox, and will be available for all major desktop and mobile platforms.

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