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Sponsor: Media Temple

January 21st, 2016 Leave a comment Go to comments

I’m pretty excited to welcome Media Temple as a the brand-spankin’ new primary site sponsor around here. I pitched the idea to them, actually. While sponsors are vital for the site, I’m selective about the companies we work with. I personally approve and endorse every one. I’m particularly selective about the primary sponsor. I want it to be a company that I not only use and endorse, but that I select as a good fit. Media Temple was at the top of that list.

Media Temple will be sponsoring the site all of 2016. You’ll see them right in the header of the site, reminding you they are the web host we use and recommend.

Thoughout the year, I’ll be doing some posts like this to let you know about some of the interesting things they do and services they offer. You’ll hear about them from time to time on ShopTalk and CodePen Radio. I’ll even be writing a bit over on their blog.

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Sponsor: Media Temple is a post from CSS-Tricks

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