Home > Others > Breaking It Down To The Bits: How The Internet, DNS, And HTTPS Work

Breaking It Down To The Bits: How The Internet, DNS, And HTTPS Work

February 4th, 2016 Leave a comment Go to comments

Smashing Magazine is known for lengthy, comprehensive articles. But what about something different for a change? What about shorter, concise pieces with useful tips that you could easily read over a short coffee break? As an experiment, this is one of the shorter “Quick Tips”-kind-of articles — shorter posts prepared and edited by our editorial team. What do you think? Let us know in the comments! —Ed.

If we want to build high performance applications, we have to understand how the individual bits are delivered.

The Internet is the foundation of our craft. But what do we actually know about its underlying technology? How do DNS, networks and HTTPS work? What happens in the browser when we type a URL in the address bar?

The post Breaking It Down To The Bits: How The Internet, DNS, And HTTPS Work appeared first on Smashing Magazine.

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