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How To Land A First-Rate Graphic Design Internship

April 21st, 2016 Leave a comment Go to comments

My first experience in the design world came through an internship at a small motion graphics studio called Motion Theory. I was fresh out of school and had never worked with so many talented people before. It was intense, difficult and nerve-wracking.

How To Land A First-Rate Graphic Design Internship

And I loved it. It made me a better designer. And the lessons I learned there have served me well throughout my years as a freelancer. Because my experience was so rewarding, I’ve developed the habit of scrutinizing internship programs at every new studio I visit. I’ll share my insights below, as well as insights from some of the world’s best design firms so you can think about the application process from both sides.

The post How To Land A First-Rate Graphic Design Internship appeared first on Smashing Magazine.

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