
Archive for April, 2016

SEO State of the Art: What’s Important in 2016

April 15th, 2016 No comments
SEO State of the Art: What's Important in 2016

It doesn’t hurt to take a close look at the development of search engine optimization from time to time. What will become important in 2016? What will change? The trend is definitely leaning towards the mobile internet. Google’s new AMP project already hints at that. Of course, the increasing implementation of apps in the mobile search will become a relevant factor as well. Google loves the mobile web and will further push its optimal usage in 2016.

Increasingly Important: The Ranking Factor HTTPS

Google prefers fast and safe websites. That’s why it’s not confusing to see that there’s a connection between the first search results and the usage of HTTPS. However, it is not easy to answer whether a switch to HTTPS should have priority for you or not. It’s a lot of work and the SSL certificates are not really cheap unless you use the service Let’s Encrypt. The service is currently in open beta stage and wants to provide free HTTPS certificates for everyone. Every webmaster can create certificates for his domain, as soon as the server meets the technological requirements.

SEO Trend 2016: The Mobile Internet

An increasing number of users only visits the internet using mobile devices. We’ll be seeing that trend continue to grow in 2016. Every website owner should think about whether his website is optimized for mobile use or not. If no responsive website is available, you should definitely consider this investment. If the mobile view of the responsive website is not optimal or loads too slowly, it should be fixed as soon as possible.

Google’s »test on optimization for mobile devices” can give you a first look at the topic.

SEO State of the Art: What's Important in 2016

When wanting to optimize a website for mobile use, there are two imperative aspects. For one, a fast loading speed. Not everyone has access to 4G/LTE from everywhere. The page also needs to load at a proper speed when the internet is slower. Second, a fitting division of content containers is important. Not every area of the desktop view has to be transferred to the mobile layout. You can use the Google Resizer tool to see how your website looks on relevant mobile devices.

SEO State of the Art: What's Important in 2016

Google’s AMP Project

AMP’s (Accelerated Mobile Pages) job is the acceleration of the mobile internet. The goal is that the smartphones don’t receive the heavyweight mobile views anymore, but instead, they are provided with the massively reduced AMP version, which only contains image material and a little HTML. The idea behind it is the reduction of the loading time of mobile pages down to a couple of milliseconds. As of right now, AMP is still in the early stages of development. However, WordPress users can easily hop on the train and install the AMP plugin.

SEO: User Behavior Will Contribute to the Ranking

Google wants to pay more attention to the user behavior in the future. This will be done via analysis of the bounce rate. A low bounce rate is always better than a high one. The difference is determined by measuring the time spent on a particular website. When many users only visit a single part of your site, and leave it after a couple of seconds, that results in a high bounce rate. You can picture this as visitors literally bouncing off your site. They pop on it and more less immediately pop off again.

However, should they stay on your website for a few minutes, or even access another page, your bounce rate is low. Google will search for just this scenario and rank the respective websites accordingly. For the search engine, this is a signal that the content is relevant. A high bounce rate is not always bad, however, as there are certain websites that are unable to achieve a good bounce rate. Read more on that in a later article.

App Indexation (App Deep Linking)

The mobile Google search shows an increasing number of results that can be opened in an app. The search result comes with the option to download the related app. App deep linking is responsible for this. The indexation makes the app content available for the mobile Google search. This procedure is nothing new, existing for Android since 2013, and for iOS since May 2015. The new process only brings advantages for the user. He can choose whether he wants to open the information in the browser or in an app.

In the future, Google will probably rank the websites or online shops that work with their own apps higher than others. Google already announced in multiple posts, how webmasters can optimize their websites for mobile devices. The search engine will keep its focus on mobile usage, and it is time to react if you didn’t already.

SEO State of the Art: What's Important in 2016

Further Information: Onpage Wiki: App Indexing | Google: App Indexing Introduction


Categories: Others Tags:

Web Development Reading List #133: Workflow Tools And The Aesthetics Of Invisible Code

April 15th, 2016 No comments

I write about it often, but it’s a topic that makes me love my job, it’s the reason why communities work and why great people are great. I’m talking about honesty and ethics in everything we do, in how we live.

Browsing through the HTML markup of the German newspaper, Francesco Schwarz detected invisible details that improve the user experience.

Reading about corruption, tax avoidance tricks, wars, and also about poorly written code or bad user experiences has taught me a lot. Looking back at projects where I stood behind the idea and business model and at projects that I saw only as money-making work showed me that sticking to my ethical principles and being honest makes me feel better, which leads to better work.

The post Web Development Reading List #133: Workflow Tools And The Aesthetics Of Invisible Code appeared first on Smashing Magazine.

Categories: Others Tags:

Here’s The Programming Game You Never Asked For

April 15th, 2016 No comments

You know what’s universally regarded as un-fun by most programmers? Writing assembly language code.

As Steve McConnell said back in 1994:

Programmers working with high-level languages achieve better productivity and quality than those working with lower-level languages. Languages such as C++, Java, Smalltalk, and Visual Basic have been credited with improving productivity, reliability, simplicity, and comprehensibility by factors of 5 to 15 over low-level languages such as assembly and C. You save time when you don’t need to have an awards ceremony every time a C statement does what it’s supposed to.

Assembly is a language where, for performance reasons, every individual command is communicated in excruciating low level detail directly to the CPU. As we’ve gone from fast CPUs, to faster CPUs, to multiple absurdly fast CPU cores on the same die, to “gee, we kinda stopped caring about CPU performance altogether five years ago”, there hasn’t been much need for the kind of hand-tuned performance you get from assembly. Sure, there are the occasional heroics, and they are amazing, but in terms of Getting Stuff Done, assembly has been well off the radar of mainstream programming for probably twenty years now, and for good reason.

So who in their right mind would take up tedious assembly programming today? Yeah, nobody. But wait! What if I told you your Uncle Randy had just died and left behind this mysterious old computer, the TIS-100?

And what if I also told you the only way to figure out what that TIS-100 computer was used for – and what good old Uncle Randy was up to – was to read a (blessedly short 14 page) photocopied reference manual and fix its corrupted boot sequence … using assembly language?

Well now, by God, it’s time to learn us some assembly and get to the bottom of this mystery, isn’t it? As its creator notes, this is the assembly language programming game you never asked for!

I was surprised to discover my co-founder Robin Ward liked TIS-100 so much that he not only played the game (presumably to completion) but wrote a TIS-100 emulator in C. This is apparently the kind of thing he does for fun, in his free time, when he’s not already working full time with us programming Discourse. Programmers gotta … program.

Of course there’s a long history of programming games. What makes TIS-100 unique is the way it fetishizes assembly programming, while most programming games take it a bit easier on you by easing you in with general concepts and simpler abstractions. But even “simple” programming games can be quite difficult. Consider one of my favorites on the Apple II, Rocky’s Boots, and its sequel, Robot Odyssey. I loved this game, but in true programming fashion it was so difficult that finishing it in any meaningful sense was basically impossible:

Let me say: Any kid who completes this game while still a kid (I know only one, who also is one of the smartest programmers I’ve ever met) is guaranteed a career as a software engineer. Hell, any adult who can complete this game should go into engineering. Robot Odyssey is the hardest damn “educational” game ever made. It is also a stunning technical achievement, and one of the most innovative games of the Apple IIe era.

Visionary, absurdly difficult games such as this gain cult followings. It is the game I remember most from my childhood. It is the game I love (and despise) the most, because it was the hardest, the most complex, the most challenging. The world it presented was like being exposed to Plato’s forms, a secret, nonphysical realm of pure ideas and logic. The challenge of the game—and it was one serious challenge—was to understand that other world. Programmer Thomas Foote had just started college when he picked up the game: “I swore to myself,” he told me, “that as God is my witness, I would finish this game before I finished college. I managed to do it, but just barely.”

I was happy dinking around with a few robots that did a few things, got stuck, and moved on to other games. I got a little turned off by the way it treated programming as electrical engineering; messing around with a ton of AND OR and NOT gates was just not my jam. I was already cutting my teeth on BASIC by that point and I sensed a level of mastery was necessary here that I probably didn’t have and I wasn’t sure I even wanted.

I’ll take a COBOL code listing over that monstrosity any day of the week. Perhaps Robot Odyssey was so hard because, in the end, it was a bare metal CPU programming simulation, like TIS-100.

A more gentle example of a modern programming game is Tomorrow Corporation’s excellent Human Resource Machine.

It has exactly the irreverent sense of humor you’d expect from the studio that built World of Goo and Little Inferno, both excellent and highly recommendable games in their own right. If you’ve ever wanted to find out if someone is truly interested in programming, recommend this game to them and see. It starts with only 2 instructions and slowly widens to include 11. Corporate drudgery has never been so … er, fun?

I’m thinking about this because I believe there’s a strong connection between programming games and being a talented software engineer. It’s that essential sense of play, the idea that you’re experimenting with this stuff because you enjoy it, and you bend it to your will out of the sheer joy of creation more than anything else. As I once said:

Joel implied that good programmers love programming so much they’d do it for no pay at all. I won’t go quite that far, but I will note that the best programmers I’ve known have all had a lifelong passion for what they do. There’s no way a minor economic blip would ever convince them they should do anything else. No way. No how.

I’d rather sit a potential hire in front of Human Resource Machine and time how long it takes them to work through a few levels than have them solve FizzBuzz for me on a whiteboard. Is this interview about demonstrating competency in a certain technical skill that’s worth a certain amount of money, or showing me how you can improvise and have fun?

That’s why I was so excited when Patrick, Thomas, and Erin founded Starfighter.

If you want to know how competent a programmer is, give them a real-ish simulation of a real-ish system to hack against and experiment with – and see how far they get. In security parlance, this is known as a CTF, as popularized by Defcon. But it’s rarely extended to programming, until now. Their first simulation is StockFighter.

Participants are given:

  • An interactive trading blotter interface
  • A real, functioning set of limit-order-book venues
  • A carefully documented JSON HTTP API, with an API explorer
  • A series of programming missions.

Participants are asked to:

  • Implement programmatic trading against a real exchange in a thickly traded market.
  • Execute block-shopping trading strategies.
  • Implement electronic market makers.
  • Pull off an elaborate HFT trading heist.

This is a seriously next level hiring strategy, far beyond anything else I’ve seen out there. It’s so next level that to be honest, I got really jealous reading about it, because I’ve felt for a long time that Stack Overflow should be doing yearly programming game events exactly like this, with special one-time badges obtainable only by completing certain levels on that particular year. Stack Overflow is already a sort of game, but people would go nuts for a yearly programming game event. Absolutely bonkers.

I know we’ve talked about giving lip service to the idea of hiring the best, but if that’s really what you want to do, the best programmers I’ve ever known have excelled at exactly the situation that Starfighter simulates — live troubleshooting and reverse engineering of an existing system, even to the point of finding rare exploits.

Consider the dedication of this participant who built a complete wireless trading device for StockFighter. Was it necessary? Was it practical? No. It’s the programming game we never asked for. But here we are, regardless.

An arbitrary programming game, particularly one that goes to great lengths to simulate a fictional system, is a wonderful expression of the inherent joy in playing and experimenting with code. If I could find them, I’d gladly hire a dozen people just like that any day, and set them loose on our very real programming project.

[advertisement] At Stack Overflow, we put developers first. We already help you find answers to your tough coding questions; now let us help you find your next job.
Categories: Others, Programming Tags:

Here’s The Programming Game You Never Asked For

April 15th, 2016 No comments

You know what’s universally regarded as un-fun by most programmers? Writing assembly language code.

As Steve McConnell said back in 1994:

Programmers working with high-level languages achieve better productivity and quality than those working with lower-level languages. Languages such as C++, Java, Smalltalk, and Visual Basic have been credited with improving productivity, reliability, simplicity, and comprehensibility by factors of 5 to 15 over low-level languages such as assembly and C (Brooks 1987, Jones 1998, Boehm 2000). You save time when you don’t need to have an awards ceremony every time a C statement does what it’s supposed to.

Assembly is a language where, for performance reasons, every individual command is communicated in excruciating low level detail directly to the CPU. As we’ve gone from fast CPUs, to faster CPUs, to multiple absurdly fast CPU cores on the same die, to “gee, we kinda stopped caring about CPU performance altogether five years ago”, there hasn’t been much need for the kind of hand-tuned performance you get from assembly in mainstream programming. Sure, there are the occasional heroics, and they are amazing, but in terms of Getting Stuff Done, assembly has been well off the radar of mainstream programming for probably twenty years now, and for good reason.

So who in their right mind would take up tedious assembly programming today? Yeah, nobody. But wait! What if I told you your Uncle Randy had just died and left behind this mysterious old computer, the TIS-100?

And what if I also told you the only way to figure out what that TIS-100 computer was used for – and what good old Uncle Randy was up to – is to fix its corrupted boot sequence … using assembly language? From reading a (blessedly short 14 page) photocopied reference manual?

Well now, by God, it’s time to learn us some assembly and get to the bottom of this mystery, isn’t it? As its creator notes, this is the assembly language programming game you never asked for!

I was surprised to discover my co-founder Robin Ward liked TIS-100 so much that he not only played the game (presumably to completion) but wrote a TIS-100 emulator in C. This is apparently the kind of thing he does for fun, in his free time, when he’s not already working full time with us programming Discourse. Programmers gotta … program.

Of course there’s a long history of programming games. What makes TIS-100 unique is the way it fetishizes assembly programming, while most programming games take it a bit easier on you by easing you in with general concepts and simpler abstractions. But even “simple” programming games can be quite difficult. Consider one of my favorites on the Apple II, Rocky’s Boots, and its sequel, Robot Odyssey. I loved this game, but in true programming fashion it was so difficult that finishing it in any meaningful sense was basically impossible:

Let me say: Any kid who completes this game while still a kid (I know only one, who also is one of the smartest programmers I’ve ever met) is guaranteed a career as a software engineer. Hell, any adult who can complete this game should go into engineering. Robot Odyssey is the hardest damn “educational” game ever made. It is also a stunning technical achievement, and one of the most innovative games of the Apple IIe era.

Visionary, absurdly difficult games such as this gain cult followings. It is the game I remember most from my childhood. It is the game I love (and despise) the most, because it was the hardest, the most complex, the most challenging. The world it presented was like being exposed to Plato’s forms, a secret, nonphysical realm of pure ideas and logic. The challenge of the game—and it was one serious challenge—was to understand that other world. Programmer Thomas Foote had just started college when he picked up the game: “I swore to myself,” he told me, “that as God is my witness, I would finish this game before I finished college. I managed to do it, but just barely.”

I was happy dinking around with a few robots that did a few things, got stuck, and moved on to other things. To be honest, I got a little turned off by the way it treated programming as electrical engineering, and messing around with a ton of AND OR and NOT gates was just not my jam. I was already cutting my teeth on BASIC by that point and I sensed a level of mastery was necessary here that I didn’t have and probably didn’t want. I mean seriously, look at this:

I’ll take a COBOL code listing over that monstrosity any day of the week. Perhaps Robot Odyssey was so hard because, in the end, it was a bare metal CPU programming simulation.

A more gentle example of a modern programming game is Tomorrow Corporation’s excellent Human Resource Machine.

It has exactly the irreverent sense of humor you’d expect from the studio that built World of Goo and Little Inferno, both excellent and highly recommendable games in their own right. It starts with only 2 instructions and slowly widens to include 11. If you’ve ever wanted to find out if someone is interested in programming, recommend this game to them and find out. Corporate drudgery has never been so … er, fun?

I’m thinking about this because I believe there’s a strong connection between these kinds of programming games and being a talented software engineer. It’s that essential sense of play, the idea that you’re experimenting with this stuff because you enjoy it, and you bend it to your will out of the sheer joy of creation more than anything else. As I once said:

Joel implied that good programmers love programming so much they’d do it for no pay at all. I won’t go quite that far, but I will note that the best programmers I’ve known have all had a lifelong passion for what they do. There’s no way a minor economic blip would ever convince them they should do anything else. No way. No how.

Here’s where I am going with this: I’d rather sit a potential hire in front of Human Resource Machine and time how long it takes them to work through a few levels than have them solve FizzBuzz for me on a whiteboard. Is this merely about attaining competency in a certain technical skill that’s worth a certain amount of money, or are you improvising and having fun?

That’s why I was so excited when Patrick, Thomas, and Erin founded Starfighter.

If you want to know how good a programmer is, give them a real-ish simulation of a real-ish system to hack against and experiment with – and see how far they get. In security parlance, this is known as a CTF, as popularized by Defcon. But it’s rarely extended to programming until now. Their first simulation is StockFighter.

Participants are given:

  • An interactive trading blotter interface
  • A real, functioning set of limit-order-book venues
  • A carefully documented JSON HTTP API, with an API explorer
  • A series of programming missions.

Participants are asked to:

  • Implement programmatic trading against a real exchange in a thickly traded market.
  • Execute block-shopping trading strategies.
  • Implement electronic market makers.
  • Pull off an elaborate HFT trading heist.

This is a seriously next level hiring strategy, far beyond anything else I’ve seen out there. It’s so next level that to be honest, I got really jealous reading about it, because I’ve felt for a long time that Stack Overflow should be doing yearly programming game events exactly like this, with special one-time badges obtainable only by completing certain levels on that particular year. As I’ve said many times, Stack Overflow is already a sort of game, but people would go nuts for a yearly programming game event. Absolutely bonkers.

I know we’ve talked about giving lip service to the idea of hiring the best, but if that’s really what you want to do, the best programmers I’ve ever known have excelled at exactly the situation that Starfighter simulates — live troubleshooting and reverse engineering an existing system, even to the point of finding rare exploits.

Consider the dedication of this participant who built a complete wireless trading device for StockFighter. Was it necessary? Was it practical? No. It’s the programming game we never asked for.

An arbitrary programming game is neither practical nor necessary, but it is a wonderful expression of the inherent joy in playing and experimenting with code. If I could find them, I’d gladly hire a dozen people just like that any day, and set them loose on our very real programming project.

[advertisement] At Stack Overflow, we put developers first. We already help you find answers to your tough coding questions; now let us help you find your next job.
Categories: Others, Programming Tags:

30 Extremely Elegant Serif Fonts

April 15th, 2016 No comments

A few weeks ago, I showed you a bunch of super sleek fonts to use in your clean designs, but if you’re looking to establish a classic mood for a design, you may want to choose an elegant serif font. This article presents to you 30 of the best free serif fonts around










Serif Beta

Serif Beta

Gentium Basic

Gentium Basic

Centabel Book

Centabel Book



Andron Freefont LAT

Andron Freefont LAT

Grandesign Neue Serif

Grandesign Neue Serif



Bergamo Std

Bergamo Std











Day Roman

Day Roman

Bitstream Vera Serif

Bitstream Vera Serif

Dustismo Roman

Dustismo Roman

Portland LDO

Portland LDO





Queens Park

Queens Park

Athena Unicode

Athena Unicode





Slab Tall X

Slab Tall X

Liberation Serif

Liberation Serif

Read More at 30 Extremely Elegant Serif Fonts

Categories: Designing, Others Tags:

Facebook Has Built Tools To Detect Memory Leak on iOS

April 14th, 2016 No comments

Memory is a precious resource on mobile devices, especially because it is shared by different apps and if one runs multiple apps, memory hog can be a big issue that can affect the performance of even the best of mobile phones and tablets in an adverse manner.

To fix this, Facebook has come up with a set of tools to detect memory leak on iOS devices.

The Facebook official app for iOS devices comes with several features that tend to share memory, and even if one such feature misbehaves, it can cause memory leak and crash the app or even worse, compel you to restart your phone or device. If you are wondering what memory leak is, it happens if a given portion of the device’s memory is allotted to a given object, but after the object terminates, the app or the system does not free that portion of memory.


To fix this issue, Facebook has devised an automated solution to detect memory leak on iOS. Here is how Facebook describes it:

Automating the process would allow us to find memory leaks faster without much developer involvement. To address that issue, we have built a suite of tools that allow us to automate the process and fix a number of problems in our own codebase. Today, we are excited to announce that we are releasing these tools: FBRetainCycleDetector, FBAllocationTracker, and FBMemoryProfiler.

To learn more, check out Facebook Developers blog.

What do you think of this innovation? Share your views in the comments below!

Read More at Facebook Has Built Tools To Detect Memory Leak on iOS

Categories: Designing, Others Tags:

Best of 2015: 100 Free Resources for Sketch App

April 14th, 2016 No comments
100 Free Resources for Sketch App

Lightweight, handy, cost-effective and powerful – Sketch App was a dark horse that took the web by storm not so many years ago and became an alternative to goliaths such as Photoshop or Illustrator. Although it is available just for aficionados and lucky owners of Macs, this does not stop it from conquering the creative offices around the world. The majority of the premium digital goods that are created these days, such as packages of icons, GUI sets, website templates or other designer’s stuff, come in several formats, and Sketch is one of them. The application has been well-received by the community, having occupied its solid niche.

Today we are going to share with you a collection of the 100 best free resources for Sketch that assist you in crafting something valuable.

Free iOS 9.3 iPhone UI Kit

Creator: Rusty Mitchell
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

Slides Design Resources

slides 2

Creator: Designmodo
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

SketchApp Challenge

challenge by Semenov
Creator: Serhiy Semenov
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

iOS9 GUI for Sketch

ios 9 for sketch
Creator: design+code
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

Instagram Android UI Freebie

instagram ui
Creator: Arjun Rajkishore
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

Mini UI Kit

mini ui kit
Creator: Awesomed
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

12 Weeks Sketch Marathon UI Kit

resources for sketch
Creator: Ron Evgeniy
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

Flat Travel Blog UI Kit

travel ui
Creator: Francesca Chiti
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

Fully Scalable templates

iwatch templates
Creator: Robbie Pearce
License: Free for personal and commercial use.


ios9 gui
Creator: Facebook
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

Blog UI

blog ui
Creator: Thomas Budiman
License: Free to use both commercial or personal.

Minimal MacBook & Radio Mockup

macbook illustrations
Creator: Volker Matthes
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

Analytics Chart

analytics chat
Creator: Mike DelGuidice
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

Pedesa Magazine Theme

magazine theme
Creator: Aristotheme
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

Mail App

mail app
Creator: Apostol Voicu
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

Wollet App

wollet app
Creator: Bagus Fikri
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

Free .psd + .sketch – “Bikees.”

bikes app
Creator: Kevin Le Pommelec
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

Mobile Keyboard UI

mobile keybiard
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

Dribbble UI

dribbble ui
Creator: Marco Santonocito
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

Material Design Template v.2

material design template
Creator: Kyle Ledbetter
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

Product Card UI

product card
Creator: Tony Thomas
License: Free for personal and commercial use.

Redesign Concept Nepali Patro

nepali patro ui
Creator: Anjan Shrestha
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

Music Player UI Kit

music player
Creator: uiuxassets
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

Material Fitness Dashboard UI Kit

material fitness screens
Creator: uistash
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.


light ui
Creator: Lina Seleznyova
License: Feel free to use it any way you want.

Dualshock4 – Sketch & Principle Freebie

principl freebie
Creator: Alexander Boychenko
License: Feel free to use it for personal or commercial projects.

iOS Banking UI

ios banking ui
Creator: Silvia Bormüller
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

Article Detail

article detail
Creator: Onur Oral
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

Free Kit iOS

purple kit
Creator: ThinkMobiles
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

eCommerce UI Kit

ecommerce ui
Creator: Baltazar Pazos
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.


calendar ui
Creator: Hoang Nguyen
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

Browser Flat Responsive Download

flat browsers
Creator: Marco Frasson
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

Valentine Day icon

valentine's icons
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

Moon Wireframe UI Kit

moon ui kit
Creator: George Frigo
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

Minimal UI Kit

minimal ui kit
Creator: Mohamed Kerroudj
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

Max UI Kit

max ui kit
Creator: Visual Hierarchy
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

Pearl UI Kit

pearl ui kit
Creator: Huseyin Emanet
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

Apollo Online Learning Course Dashboard

Creator: Gita Adi Ramdhani
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

Template — iPhone Mock + Diffuse Shadow

iphone mockup
Creator: W
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

Message UI

message ui
Creator: Eugene Ledenyov
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

DropBox Redesign

dropbox redesign
Creator: Maximlian Hennebach
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

eCommerce Store

ecommerce page
Creator: Balaji
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

eCommerce UI Kit

ecommerce ui kit
Creator: Szab
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

Apple Watch Analytics

apple watch analytics
Creator: Maciej Jasinski
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.


devices by Facebook
Creator: Riccardo Carlet
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

Web App UI Set

web app ui kit
Creator: Sanja Zakovska
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

UI Stash Landing Page

business homepage
Creator: ui stash and Joanna Jiang
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

Anri Kit

arni - ecommerce ui kit
Creator: Ghevond Matevosyan
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

Sport Landing Page

sport page
Creator: Zhenya&Artem
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

Financial Service Dashboard

financial service dashboard
Creator: Gita Adi Ramdhani
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

Android Lollipop UI Design Kit

android lollipop
Creator: Adam Zielonko
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

iOS Grid System

Creator: Chris Rodemeyer
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

Flat iPhone 6 Sketch Templates

flat iphone
Creator: Shane Jeffers
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

Wild Website

web template
Creator: Jardson Almeida
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

Pocket Mac App

pocket mac app
Creator: Charlie Isslander
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

iPad, iPad Mini, Flat Kit Photoshop & Sketch Template

ipad mini
Creator: MENO
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

Collection of Mockups

collection of freebies
Creator: MENO
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

LG Nexus 5

nexus 5 in sketch
Creator: Abinash Mohanty
License: Feel free to use in both personal as well as commercial projects.

iPhone Wireframes

iphone wireframes
Creator: Phil Goodwin
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

iPad Wireframes

ipad wireframes
Creator: Phil Goodwin
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

Weather Widget

weather widget
Creator: Dustin Putnam
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

News Site Template

news site template
Creator: deeziner
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

Microsoft Lumia 640 XL Mockup

lumia 640
Creator: Petr Ondrusz
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

Minimal iPhone Mockups

minimal iphone
Creator: Frexy
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

UI Kit for Sketch 3

ui kit for sketch 3
Creator: name
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

Landing Page Wireframe

landing page wireframe
Creator: Pausrr
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

Safari Toolbar for OS X

safari toolbar
Creator: Manny Larios
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

Nest Material Design

material design ui
Creator: JoJo Marion
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

Apple Watch

apple watch
Creator: Peter Hol
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

iPhone + iPhone Outline Mocks

devices outline
Creator: Tareq Ismail
License: Use for commercial or personal, no attribution required but a rebound would be nice.

Apple Watch Wireframe

apple watch wireframe
Creator: Rémi Fayolle
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

Atelier Sketch Template

atelier ui
Creator: Owen Wassell
License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Weed UI Kit

weed ui kit
Creator: name
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

Apple tvOS UI Kit for Sketch

apple tv ios
Creator: Adam Yale
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

Fuoricittà: Free UI Kit

clean ui kit
Creator: Paolo Bartolomucci
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

DiscoMusica – Free Web UI Kit

disco music ui
Creator: Tobia Crivellari
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.


hugo landing page
Creator: DZOAN
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

Flat Mobile Devices

flat mobile devices
Creator: Bas Dobbelaer
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

Free: Slate Style iPhone 6 / 6+ Wireframes

flat style devices
Creator: Phillip Wong
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

Recipe UI Kit

recipe ui kit
Creator: Thomas Budiman
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

Galaxy S6 Edge Template for Sketch

galaxy s6
Creator: Pieter-Pleun Korevaar
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

Elegance iOS UI Kit

elegance ui kit
Creator: Fatih Sinan
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

WatchOS Icon Template

watchOS icon
Creator: Gabriel Felix
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

Spotify and Apple

spotify app
Creator: Isaac Sanchez
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

Free Loupe Sketch Template

landing page theme
Creator: Dušan Kitic
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

UI Kit – Colours of Karl

dark ui kit
Creator: Jana de Klerk
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

Sketch Wireframe

sketch wireframe
Creator: The Gentlemans Mustache
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

Apple Watch Mockup

iwatch mockup
Creator: Yuriy Kondratkov
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

60 Icons, Vector & for Free

flat icons
Creator: Sam Mountain
License: Free for personal and commercial use.

Social Flat Icons

social media icons
Creator: Christophe Kerebel
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

Free Icons “Doux” – Sketch 3

sketchy icons
Creator: Kevin Le Pommelec
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

280 Free Office/General Icons

office icons
Creator: Nick Botner
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

1000 Icons

1000 web icons
Creator: Smashicons
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

iOS 9 Badges

ios9 badges
Creator: Phil Goodwin
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

Icons Set

solid icons
Creator: Artyom Khamitov
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

72 Icons

Creator: Eleken
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

Editor UI Icon Set

editor ui icons
Creator: Max Burnside
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

Business Icons

business icons
Creator: Icons Mind
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

DripIcons Version 2

Creator: Amit Jakhu
License: Free for personal and commercial use.

60 Line Icon Set

line icons
Creator: Nikola Milasinovic
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.


Categories: Others Tags:

Logo Design For Responsive Websites

April 14th, 2016 No comments

The modern logo has to work harder than ever before. In the past, a company logo was perhaps intended simply for a shop sign and printed in local newspaper adverts. Today’s logos have to work with a growing plethora of smart devices with varying screen sizes and resolutions, displaying responsive websites.

Logo Design For Responsive Websites

Often logos end up suffering within responsive website design. Many have not been designed with responsive frameworks and variable sizes in mind, and are just resized to fit whatever available space has been provided for them or not.

The post Logo Design For Responsive Websites appeared first on Smashing Magazine.

Categories: Others Tags:

The dark side of Guardian comments

April 14th, 2016 No comments

As part of a series on the rising global phenomenon of online harassment, the Guardian commissioned research into the 70m comments left on its site since 2006 and discovered that of the 10 most abused writers eight are women, and the two men are black. Hear from three of those writers, explore the data and help us host better conversations online

Nice to see some real research corroborate what so many people have felt to be be true.

This is also a damn nice piece of storytelling on the web. Not just well-designed and well-written, but uses video in interesting ways (GIF poster attribute!), has dope infographics, includes interactive components that engage and help further the story, and realtime components that drive home the point. Nice juxtaposition of the wonderfulness and sadness of the web.

Direct Link to ArticlePermalink

The dark side of Guardian comments is a post from CSS-Tricks

Categories: Designing, Others Tags:

Adobe Premiere Pro finally gets integrated video collaboration with

April 14th, 2016 No comments

Adobe is arguably the designers’ program of choice when it comes to anything video-related. Now, we have the opportunity to use Adobe Premiere Pro in a truly, collaborative fashion.

Recently,, the video-collaboration service, launched an extension that’ll help video editors to utilize the video-collaboration tool inside of the video-editing program. for Adobe Premiere Pro promises to be the definitive collaboration tool of its kind by billing itself as the most real-time, advanced and connected service.

Does it live up to this lofty expectation?

One thing’s for sure: for Adobe Premiere Pro changes the routine work flow that designers have become used to. A big change is allowing users to export right from their edit sequence into to easily add collaborators. The end result is increased functionality and usability.

Arguably, designers’ most utilized task is exporting; the new extension lets them do this with just one click to streamline the user experience. While’s web app is suitable for clients and customers, this extension is more geared toward video editors. Both work well together, however.

What sets apart this extension from other video-collaboration services is its unique roots. It was built by editors for editors, which helps to explain why there’s been more thought put into aspects like the user experience.

Editors in particular will appreciate the emphasis on reducing the number of clicks and steps it usually takes to edit. With many editors having to go through many clips in the average month and year, it definitely helps to have a service that increases productivity. Whether it’s distributing media, collaborating with others in the field, or to simply collect feedback, for Adobe Premiere Pro streamlines the process.

  • Shared cloud bin: it’s possible for editors, clients and producers to all have access to the same media from an interface designed to their needs and specifications.
  • Total viewing control: editors have the opportunity to now conceal files that they don’t wish their collaborators to see.
  • Direct uploading: the days of waiting a long time for renders to finish are gone. for Adobe Premiere Pro renders the timeline, upload the files, and then notify editors’ teams, all in one click. Markers get converted into timestamped comments within
  • One-click auto versioning: the creative process thrives when there’s fast iteration.
  • Progress tracking: editors can track progress by checking off tasks one by one, right from within Premiere Pro; no more need for disorganized notebooks.
  • Accelerated Uploading: thanks to’s global file uploader, editors can enjoy speeds that are five times faster than even Dropbox.
  • Branded presentations: editors can share amazing presentations of their work with clients and anyone else. They’re super-efficient without the need to log in first.

All told, for Adobe Premiere Pro gives cloud-collaboration tools like Google Drive, Dropbox and Box a serious run for the money.

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Categories: Designing, Others Tags: