Home > Others > Web Development Reading List #138: Accessible Web Components And CSS And Sass Precision

Web Development Reading List #138: Accessible Web Components And CSS And Sass Precision

From time to time you need to recalibrate your brain by experimenting with new technologies, by tracing down the performance of a certain feature or by reconsidering the environment of your project. While I’m generally not a proponent of inlined CSS, we now will use it for a third-party script we are providing to avoid style leakages. The point here is that this decision won’t harm performance as it’s an asynchronously loaded script.

Accessibility is vital, also when it comes to web components

The other thing I always assumed but never got confirmed was that CSS filters slow down the rendering of a page massively. But as it turns out, when you research this properly, there’s only a barely noticeable difference to unfiltered images. Don’t hesitate to try out new things, only make sure that it’s the best solution when you put it to production.

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