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Simple & Sweet On Scroll Animations in Adobe Muse

Muse For You - Simple and Sweet On Scroll Animations Widget - Adobe Muse CC

Simple & Sweet On Scroll Animations in Adobe Muse. No Coding Skills Required.

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Have you ever seen those car commercials where everything looks really smooth and slick? The car is driving down the road and making those turns effortlessly…the driver is switching gears…the tires are turning. Everything feels and looks like a perfect combination of beauty and motion. This same effect of beauty and motion is what I intended with the “Simple and Sweet On Scroll Animations Widget” for Adobe Muse.

Muse For You - Simple and Sweet On Scroll Animations Widget - Adobe Muse CC

Subtle on scroll animations can be a great way to give your website a more fluid and dynamic feel. The user scrolls down the page and elements are either fading in or moving in from different directions. This widget was created specifically for that purpose. You can choose from 26 different animation options and have your elements fade in as well. You can also choose at what point within the browser the animation will trigger.

Muse For You - Simple and Sweet On Scroll Animations Widget - Adobe Muse CC

The features include:

  • Choose from 26 different on scroll animations
  • Select at what point in the browser the element will animate
  • Have another element trigger the animation
  • Set the animation duration
  • Set the easing for the animation
  • Add a delay to the animation before it starts
  • Works across breakpoints
  • Disable at a certain breakpoint
  • Add to any element on your Adobe Muse website
  • Works in Adaptive Design and Fluid-Width Design
  • Lightweight for your website

The widget works great on mobile as well.

The “Simple & Sweet,” widget was designed…well to be simple and sweet :D. There are not any over the top animations, and everything is designed to introduce elements in an elegant and subtle way.

In the video above I go over where to access the widget and how to use it. You can access the widget at http://museforyoushop.com.

Happy Musing :).

Read More at Simple & Sweet On Scroll Animations in Adobe Muse

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