
Archive for October, 2016

Carousels Don’t Have to be Complicated

October 28th, 2016 No comments

Over on the MediaTemple blog, I show you how you can make a pretty decent little carousel with just a few lines of code. Here’s the entire premise:

Every time a carousel is mentioned in a blog post, it’s a requirement to mention that… say it with me now:

You probably shouldn’t use a carousel.

Jared Smith made a microsite just for it, with research and rhetoric supporting the idea that you shouldn’t use them. Most of that information focuses on the fact that there is low engagement with the non-first-slide(s).

I’m not here to argue with data, but I would argue with the dogmatism of “never user them, EVER.” Swiping on mobile is an extremely common action, and what is a swipe that reveals more content? Basically a carousel. What about a carousel that doesn’t demand much interaction? Perhaps just a way to swipe through an artist’s recent work. This seems like a perfectly nice way to do that, so long as the UI is clear and accessibility is implemented.

What I am here to talk about is the situation where you do want a carousel and to resist the temptation to reach for a wheelbarrow full of code to do so. I guarantee there are people who’ve picked an entire CMS because they thought they needed it to make a carousel. No shame. We’re all learning.

I have good news: Carousels don’t have to be complicated. They don’t have to require a ton of code or do anything that you can’t wrap your head around with basic HTML, CSS, and JavaScript knowledge.

It’s not just my idea, I link out to all the smart people who have tackled this subject before throughout the years and made similarly simple and awesome demos.

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Carousels Don’t Have to be Complicated is a post from CSS-Tricks

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20 essential CSS tricks every designer should know

October 28th, 2016 No comments

This one’s for the absolute beginners. Once you’ve learned how the box model works, and how to float those boxes, it’s time to get serious about your CSS. To that end, we’ve compiled a massive list of tips, tricks, techniques, and the occasional dirty hack to help you build the design you want.

CSS can get tricky, and you should too. And now, in no particular order, (almost) everything you’ll need to know:

Absolute positioning

If you want control over where an element lives on our website at all times, absolute positioning is the key to making this happen. If you think of your browser as one big bounding box, absolute positioning allows you to control exactly where in that box an element will stay. Use top, right, bottom and left, accompanied by a pixel value to control where an element stays.


The CSS above sets the position of an element to stay 20px from the top and right edges of your browser. You can also use absolute positioning inside of a div.

* + selector

The * enables you to select all elements of a particular selector. For example, if you used *p and then added CSS styles to that, it would do it to all elements in your document with a

tag. This makes it easy to target parts of your website globally.

Overriding all styles

This should be used sparingly, because if you do this for everything, you’re going to find yourself in trouble in the long run. However, if you want to override another CSS style for a specific element, use !important after the style in your css. For example, if I wanted the H2 headers in a specific section of my site to be red instead of blue, I would use the following CSS:

.section h2 { color:red !important; }


Centering is tricky, because it depends on what you’re trying to center. Let’s take a look at the CSS of items to be centered, based on content.


Text is centered using the text-align:center;. If you want it to either side, use left or right instead of center.


A div (or any other element) can be centered by adding the block property to it, and then using auto margins. The CSS would look like this:

#div1 {
    display: block;
    margin: auto;
    width: anything under 100% 

The reason I put “anything under 100%” for width is because if it was 100% wide, then if would be full-width and wouldn’t need centering. It is best to have a fixed width, like 60% or 550px, etc.

Vertical alignment (for one line of text)

You will use this in a CSS navigation menu, I can almost guarantee that. The key is to make the height of the menu and the line-height of the text the same. I see this technique a lot when I go back and edit existing websites for clients. Here’s an example:

.nav li{

Hover effects

This is used for buttons, text links, bock sections of your site, icons, and more. If you want something to change colors when someone hovers their mouse over it, use the same CSS, but add :hover to it and change the styling. Here’s an example:

.entry h2{

.entry h2:hover{

What this does is it changes the color of your h2 tag from black to red when someone hovers over it. The great thing about using :hover is that you don’t have to declare the font-size or weight again, if it isn’t changing. It only changes what you specify.


For hover effects, like with menus or on images in your website, you don’t want colors snapping too quickly to the end result. You ideally want to ease the change in gradually, which is where the transition property comes into play.

.entry h2:hover{
    transition: all 0.3s ease;

This makes the change happen over .3 seconds, instead of just instantly snapping to red. This makes the hover effect more pleasing to the eye and less jarring.

Link states

These styles are missed by a lot of designers, and it really causes usability issues with your visitors. The :link pseudo-class controls all links that haven’t been clicked on yet. The :visited pseudo class handles the styling of all of the links you’ve already visited. This tells website visitors where they have already been on your site, and where they have yet to explore.

a:link { color: blue; }
a:visited { color: purple; }

Easily resize images to fit

Sometimes you get in a pinch where images need to fit a certain width, while scaling proportionally. An easy way to do this is to use max width to handle this. Here is an example:

img {

This means that the largest the image could ever be is 100%, and the height is automatically calculated, based on the image width. In some cases, you might have to also have to specify the width at 100%.

Control the elements of a section

Using the image example above, if you only want to target the images of a certain section, like your blog, use a class for the blog section, and combine it with the actual selector. This will enable you to select only the images of the blog section, and not other images, such as your logo, or social meia icons, or images in any other sections of your site, like the sidebar. Here’s how the CSS would look:

.blog img{

Direct children

I wish I’d known this when I first started out using CSS. This would have saved me so much time! Use > to select the direct children of an element. For example:

#footer > a

This will select and style all of the active link elements that are immediately under the Footer ID. It won’t select anything past the active element, or anything else contained in the footer, like plain text. This works great with top level navigation elements, too.

Specific Child Elements

Believe me, this is handy when you are styling lists. You just need to count how many items down the element is that you want to style and then apply that style.

li:nth-child(2) {
    color: blue;

The CSS above targets the second item in the list and makes it bold, underlined, and blue. Add an “n” after the number in parenthesis and you can target every 2nd list item. Imagine being able to style every other line in a table-style layout for easy reading. The CSS would be:


Apply CSS to multiple classes, or selectors

Let’s say you wanted to add an identical border around all images, the blog section and the sidebar. You don’t have to write out the same exact CSS 3 times. Just list those items out, separated by commas. Here is an example:

.blog, img, .sidebar {
    border: 1px solid #000;

Whether you’ve been a web designer for years, or you’re just starting out, learning how to build websites the right way can seem like a rocky, never-ending journey. Once you’ve narrowed down which languages you want to learn, you have to learn and refine your skills.

No matter what you learn, CSS is one of those essential, but daunting skills you have to master. It doesn’t have to be so difficult, though, especially if you know a few handy and lesser-known CSS techniques to get the job done.

box-sizing: border-box;

This is a favorite among many web designers, because it solves the problem of padding and layout issues. Basically, when you set a box to a specific width, and add padding to it, the padding adds to the size of the box. However, with box-sizing:border-box;, this is negated, and boxes stay the size they are meant to be.


This CSS is a selector that allows you to choose a CSS element and insert content before every element with a specific class applied to it. Let’s say you had a website where you wanted specific text before every H2 tag. You would us this setup:

h2:before { 
    content: "Read: ";
    color: #F00;

This is extremely handy, especially if you are using an icon font. You can place icons before certain elements, and apply it globally.


Like the :before selector, you can use :after to insert content globally on specific elements. A practical use would be adding “read more” after every excerpt on a blog. Here’s how you would do that.

    content: " -Read more… ";


content is a CSS property that comes in handy when you need to insert an element that you want to be able to control. The most common use I’ve seen for this is to insert an icon from an icon font in a specific place. In the examples above, you can see that you have to wrap the text you want to insert in quotation marks.

CSS reset

Different browsers have default CSS settings, so it is a must to reset those, so you have an even, consistent playing field. Think of it as building a house, and whether you build on the side of a mountain, on a sandy beach, or on the middle of a wooded area, you want that foundation to be level.

This CSS reset method sets a standard base for all of your websites, giving them consistency in their CSS starting point. It removes unwanted borders, preset margins, padding, lines heights, styles on lists, etc. Eric Meyer created one that works well.

Drop caps

Everyone loves drop caps. It reminds us of the traditional printed book, and is a great way to start a page of content. That 1st, large letter really grabs your attention. There’s an easy way to create a drop cap in css, and it’s by using the pseudo element: :first letter. Here’s an example :


What this does is set the letter to 3x the size of the other letters. It sets 3px of space around the letter to prevent overlapping, and sets the color of the letter to red.

Force text to be all caps, all lowercase, or capitalized

It would be absurd to type an entire section in all caps. Imagine having to go back and fix that later when the format of the website changes, or it gets updated. Instead, use the following css styles to force text to a certain formatting. This css targets the h2 title tag.

  • h2 { text-transform: uppercase; } – all caps
  • h2 { text-transform: lowercase; } – all lowercase
  • h2 { text-transform: capitalize; } – capitalizes the 1st letter of each word.

Vertical screen height

Sometimes you want a section to fill the entire screen, no matter what the screen size is. You can control this with vh, or view height. The number before it is a percentage, so if you want it to fill 100% of the browser, you would set it to 100. You might set it to a value like 85% to accommodate a fixed navigation menu.

Create a class for the container and apply the amount of vh you want it to have. One thing you may need to tweak is the media query value for specific screens or orientations like phones in portrait mode. Imagine stretching a landscape image to fit portrait mode. That just wouldn’t look good.

.fullheight { height: 85vh; }

Style telephone links

If you have a link that calls a phone number when a user taps it on their phone, you may have trouble styling it with the traditional active link selector. Instead, use the following CSS:

a[href^=tel] {
    color: #FFF;
    text-decoration: none;

Build your own custom Photoshop and Illustrator panels – only $9!


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Web Development Reading List #156: Browser News, Webpack 2, And Lessons Learned From HPKP

October 28th, 2016 No comments

Is a person who is sitting by herself in a room alone? From an outside perspective, it might seem so, but the human brain is way more interesting in these regards. We carry a map of relationships inside ourselves, and it depends on this map if the person actually does feel alone or not.

I just read “Stress and the Social Self: How Relationships Affect Our Immune System”, and I feel that we can learn a lot from it. In fact, I might see social media from a different perspective now. We’re social beings, I love sharing good content with you, so, without further ado, here’s this week’s web dev reading list.

The post Web Development Reading List #156: Browser News, Webpack 2, And Lessons Learned From HPKP appeared first on Smashing Magazine.

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Top Tips for Creating and Maintaining Evergreen Content

October 28th, 2016 No comments

The best thing you can do as a blogger is creating evergreen content. Most of us have already done that. However, only a part of an average blog consists of this type of content. Another part is about news, which means it will be worthless soon. In this article, I’ll show you how to write content which your blog will benefit from even ten years from now.

What is Evergreen Content?

The term evergreen originates from music, and is used to describe a song that is always up to date. It was listened to a long time ago, it’s listened to today, and people will still listen to it in twenty years from now.

This is exactly what we have to accomplish with our content. We have to write content that is always relevant.

Tech-Blogs Have a Rough Ride

Evergreen content is contemporary content. It’s the type of content that is always worth a read. This doesn’t work for all contents, however. Tech blogs and news writers will have a rough ride, as too many things are changing too fast.

Evergreen Content or Not

When writing guides like “How to write evergreen content”, you’re writing evergreen content. However, when writing a guide on keyboard combinations of Windows or Mac, that’s not evergreen content.

The way of writing a product review won’t be different from today, even in ten years. Keyboard combinations of operating systems might change in ten years, however.

This doesn’t mean that it’s impossible to create an evergreen on keyboard combinations. You just need to know how to do it. By the way, the advantages are obvious:


Evergreen Content Gets You a Lot of Page Views Over Time.

Evergreen Content Can be Created

Not every article has what it takes to become an evergreen. But with some effort, a lot of them do. Google Analytics or the analytics software of your choice is your best friend for this job.

When you’ve been blogging for a longer period of time, you have a large collection of articles. Make a list of old articles that still get a good amount of views. Take a close look at them and see if you can update them.

If yes, do it. Your most popular articles should always be kept up to date and fresh. Additionally, it can also be advantageous when you display the date of the last update. There’s a great plugin for this task. It’s called Last Modified Timestamp. Always show the date of the last update, and not the date on which the post was published.

This way, every visitor will be able to see if the post they’re viewing is still up to date.

Different Types of Evergreen Content

You probably already published content that can be considered contemporary. A tutorial (“How to…”) is an example for that. This also includes recipes, fitness tips, and other similar posts.

Here’s some advice on how to produce evergreen content. The following content types all classify as evergreens.

1 – Frequently Asked Questions

If you are tired of getting the same questions over and over, or you are certain to receive specific questions, setting up an FAQ page is a good idea. Here, you write down common questions, and the respective answers. That’s a great example for sustainable content. As soon as new questions pop up, you add them to your FAQ, giving your readers just what they’re looking for.

2 – Glossaries

As expected from a branch expert, you obviously know the meaning of all words on your website. This doesn’t always apply to your readers, though. So don’t alienate yourself from your readers, but provide an added value that puts them on the same level that you’re on. Create a glossary, and use it to “translate” the terms so that everyone is able to understand them. Nobody likes to stumble through an article, not really knowing what it’s about. Use a glossary to lead your readers into the light.

3 – Historical Posts

History is always in the past. It won’t change. When writing about historical topics, you most likely won’t have a single article on your blog that is not up to date. For example, you could write about the history of industrialization. Or maybe you dig deeper, and find a few famous people from the past years that are worth writing about.

If your blog happens to be one of a few, or even the only one on the internet that deals with said topics, you’ve won the jackpot. It will be of enormous value for researchers in that niche for many years.

4 – Checklists

Checklists are similar to guides, but with an open end. They don’t give precise intstructions, but rather a general overview on how to do something. Nonetheless, checklists are magical and everyone loves them, as they give you advantages in productivity. We all like completed tasks. So why shouldn’t you write content that deals with this process?

5 – Productivity Content

With a few adjustments, articles of that type are always relevant. The topic is interesting to many people. Who doesn’t want to be more productive? This type of content lets you steer your boat into multiple directions. You could work out how to get more done in a shorter period of time. For fast promotions, for instance. Another aspect could be getting the same amount of work done in less time. Perhaps in order to be able to enjoy more recreational time.


If you have yet to publish articles of that kind, you should do so. Evergreen content makes for great internal links, and you shouldn’t stop linking them over and over again. Over time, this type of content will get you an expert status, which will win you even more traffic.

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Spooky Dark UX Patterns

October 27th, 2016 No comments
example of blue on blue and unreadable unsubscribe links

Since Halloween is coming up, I thought I’d go through some things I’ve seen implemented on sites that sent a chill down my spine. Dark UX Patterns are things built for the web that are really bad for the user, and actually take time and care to build.


(Unexpected) modals are the spookiest pattern of them all. They are my personal least favorite UX pattern, because they instantaneously break focus and spatial awareness while your brain is trying to understand and map the UI. I tend to close them immediately as an annoyance, sometimes to realize I needed the information in them. They are an example of what I call “brute force UX”, the idea behind which is an example of thinking that’s a bit too lateral: “we need the user to see this, we’re going to totally disrupt them to force it in their faces”. Modals that a user triggers aren’t so bad, as they initiated an interaction, but modals that appear on a timer out of nowhere are distracting and can be infuriating.

Google agrees. They recently announced that they would start knocking SEO points for timed modal popups on mobile. Marketers are already having to adjust product timelines to avoid the penalty, which, as a user, I’m grateful for.

All of this aside, the scariest thing about modal interstitials is how bad they can be for the blind. This video below reminds me of the scene in a movie where the girl is walking into the closet but you as viewer know the killer is in there:

There’s more information on why modals are so bad for the blind in this article.

To help solve this issue, if you do have to use a modal for interaction, please take care to make the contents available to screen readers. If you move their focus position, make an effort to help them recover where it was, as explained in this article and video. They even have a lesson at the bottom to help you learn. Super cool.

Developers (and even designers) sometimes don’t get a say in this because it affects conversion, but it’s worth standing up for.

Unsubscribe Links

I recently hit a point where I couldn’t even find my actual emails anymore because I had so much promotional mail, none of which I actually manually subscribed to, bulking up my inbox. I took an afternoon and went through each one and unsubscribed to all of them. This process was pretty enlightening for me. It was amazing to me how often people made the unsubscribe button illegible and inaccessible. Once I clicked it, about half led me into a crazy user circle of page after page of “are you sure?” content, some becoming progressively more aggressive as I tried to opt out.

I don’t doubt that these implementations came from a metric ton of user testing for retention and that’s perhaps the most bothersome part of this dark UX. Instead of funneling our minds and time and energy into building products that are so useful that users will want to return to our sites, we’re wearing people down until they say “oh well” and stay subscribed. This is dark UX at its root.

Lea Verou created a tumblr of ridiculous unsubscribe links, some are quite funny, and it’s pretty entertaining to go through them.

The worst one I found was an email list that said they were contacting me because “Heather says you’re great!” (I don’t know a Heather). When I clicked on the #eee on #fff unsubscribe list at the bottom, I was taken to a page that said they didn’t currently have my email on their list yet, but don’t worry, they just subscribed me! …uhhhh…

Code cut and paste trap

I wouldn’t call this one a “pattern” as I’ve only seen it once, but it was so memorable I thought I’d include it. I was recently searching for a way to use e.pageX with a touch device, so naturally I turned to my good friend Google. After a bit of searching around, I found an article that seemed to have an elegant solution. When I went to copy a bit of code out of the example to play with, it opened a new page with a giant ad. I tried again – same thing – a new page with another ad. The ad sharks had paid them handsomely and I was the clickbait guppy.

Though this pattern isn’t common, I think it is pretty common that you try to interact with a page and either an ad begins obscuring content as you touch, or it takes you to a place you don’t expect (sometimes triggering one of those modals I spoke of earlier). I’d argue any time you create a situation where a user calls for some interaction, and you bait and switch them into something else, it’s a dark UX pattern.

I also think that this tends to be where “we used data” fails as well. If I am tricked into clicking on something and your clickthrough rate goes up, those data points might look high but you’d better bet I’m leaving your site and not coming back unless your product is something I need in order to breathe.

Happy halloween! Thanks for joining us in this scary foray into the darkest of UX patterns on the web. There are many more too! If you have any more to add, link them up in the comments.

Spooky Dark UX Patterns is a post from CSS-Tricks

Categories: Designing, Others Tags:

Designing with SVG: How Scalable Vector Graphics Can Increase Visitor Engagement

October 27th, 2016 No comments

I did an online seminar (organized by Shopify) in which I gave my “10 Things You Can & Should Do With SVG” talk. You can watch the video at this link. Sara Chisholm busted it out into an article that covers some of my points and embeds some of the demos.

Direct Link to ArticlePermalink

Designing with SVG: How Scalable Vector Graphics Can Increase Visitor Engagement is a post from CSS-Tricks

Categories: Designing, Others Tags:

4 modern background tricks to try out

October 27th, 2016 No comments

It seems that, as a constituent of a design, backgrounds live in the shadows; however, that’s not entirely true. In times when CSS only began to make its first steps towards the world conquest, the background had already taken on the role of the main decorative element of the website.

Nowadays the situation has not changed drastically. In most cases, it serves as a primary visual driving force that makes an important contribution to the general theme.

Traditionally, photos and videos are first choices for a backdrop. The fact is that they are simply overpopulated hero sections: every other website greets the online audience with either image-based or film-based backdrop. And that makes the Web (and your interface in particularly) pretty alike resulting in anticipated user experience.

One way out is to find fresh solutions by exploiting the brand-new techniques and playing around with the CSS3, HTML5, and JavaScript. Actually, there is a discernible trend of going for these options. There are at least four different modern dynamic backgrounds that take part in a competition to win its place in the sun these days.

Let’s look at them:

Particle Animation

Particle animation is one of the most popular choices right now. Loads of websites has successfully adopted this elegant cosmos-inspired solution. It works well in combination with plain solid color canvas, illustration, vector drawings, and even photos.

Moreover, the animation varies. It can be a bundle of chaotically moving dots that are scattered throughout the entire page to imitate starry sky or rain of stars, or constellation-themed solution where you can connect circles with thin lines. And that’s not all; sometimes it is paired with the effects triggered by mouse hover events: in this case, you are able to drive the particles away, form swirls from them, attach them to cursor as a trail, etc.

Huub is an example of the typical particles animation. It features a neat moving cluster of dots that goes perfectly well with a dark coloring and a map placed on the back. Use your mouse cursor to have some fun.

Tip: If you want to get to grips with the Huub’s dynamic header background, then you should take a look at the project created by Dominic Kolbe called mouse parallax demo. It looks almost the same. But if you need an immediate solution then JavaScript library by Vincent Garreau that is called Particles.js is what you’re looking for.

Waves of particles

Whereas in the previous example, the effect can be achieved with the clever manipulations with HTML5 and CSS3 and a pinch of JavaScript magic, this one is an ingenious experiment with Three.js library. With its arched forms and smooth ripple-like movements, it easily reminds one of small tides. It creates a feeling of a breathing canvas. You can use the mouse cursor to rotate it in different directions, exploring it both horizontally and vertically.

StuurMen has a simple, refined “welcome” section. It is minimal, clean, and exquisite. The content unobtrusively enters the field of view while the pulsating background establishes a right mood for the project.

Tip: Here you can find an original script by ThreeJS and its successful adaptation by Deathfang with a demo called three.js canvas – particles – waves.

Mouse hover parallax

Layered parallax is another growing trend. Along with particle animation, it can transform a dull static background into a composition with a subtle 3D feeling. The great thing is that you do not have to ditch your favorite image choice, just use parallax to spruce it up a bit.

It is pretty beneficial when you need to liven up the title, logotype, surreal scene, or illustration. It is also suitable for various abstract animations. Triggered by standard mouse hover event, it not only adds another dimension, but also allows the users to play with the environment.

The personal portfolio of Alexandre Rochet has an outstanding splash page. Not only does the behavior catch the eye, but also mouse hover parallax makes the letters shift.

Tip: There are numerous libraries and viable code snippets for generating parallax. One of the most popular is a plugin created by Matthew Wagerfield called Parallax.js. However, if you need to see it in practice, especially applied to the typography, then you can explore a pen by Frontnerd that features his take on a 3d parallax on the mouse.

WebGL experiments

WebGL experiments are, of course, a variant for sophisticated hardened developers and clients with a generous budget. They can be brilliant, awe-inspiring, and a bit pompous. It’s worth every penny. However, there is always a fly in the ointment. With great power comes great responsibility, and with WebGL you should never forget about the amount of resources that it consumes, and the lack of full browser compatibility.

Solarin is all about an unforgettable and mind-blowing user experience. It is a 3D WebGL experiment that is rich in numerous exciting and innovative features. The header background is a huge futuristic sphere that responds to the mouse cursor and creates a tremendous impression.

Tip: While to imitate what geniuses in MediaMonks have done is fiendishly complicated, on the Web, you can always find a starting point that will give you food for thought. Consider the WebGL API, and this codepen from Yoichi Kobayashi who has come up with a project called “The wriggle sphere”.


Whereas utilization of images and videos is a time-proven and less painful way to prettify the background, there are still other promising and experimental options that can obtain the desired result. Staying away from the banalities is challenging and even money-consuming, but these measures are justified and pretty reasonable.

Whether it is a simple yet elegant particles animation or remarkable WebGL experiment it injects new life into a core detail of the interface, giving your website a head start.

LAST DAY: Laura Worthington’s Charcuterie Font Family (22 fonts) – only $19!


Categories: Designing, Others Tags:

Writer’s 101: Creativity Techniques for the Average Joe

October 27th, 2016 No comments

Oh no, creativity techniques, is this really necessary? That’s probably what you’re thinking right now. There is tons of literature on this topic, most of it being pseudo-scientific babble, mixed with approaches that look like they jumped straight out of a conjuring book. I won’t show you stuff like this; instead, I’ll present robust methods that I tested on myself and found to be good.

Let me give you some background information, so you get an impression of whether you should believe me or not. I’ve been getting paid for writing since the mid-90s. I’ve delivered over 10,000 articles for online publications, as well as a variety of professional manuals, expert reports, short stories, and ad texts. Nobody should want or be able to deny my experience.

Previously, I showed you ways of how to quickly find topics. Of course, that’s an aspect of creative thought processes as well. Today, I don’t want to talk about these factual approaches as much. I’d rather show you what I do when my creativity falters, leaves me entirely, or decides not even to show up in the morning.

Let’s start with things that don’t work for me.

These Are the Creativity Tips That I’ve Put Down as Inefficient Over the Years

Simple, but very popular tips like “Turn Writing an Article Every Day Into a Habit” don’t work for me. If I only wrote one article a day, I wouldn’t be able to make ends meet financially.

“Read books” is another traditional advice that is no good for me. I do read a lot of books, at least one per week. However, I can’t remember the last time a book inspired me to write an article. Well, maybe if I was a book blogger… but I’m not.

“Take notes as soon as an idea comes up.” Although this tip is not bad, I have had little success with the realization. I always get my ideas at the weirdest times, and in the weirdest places. I have tried to carry small diaries with me, or to record voice memos on my smartphone. For a while there, I even kept an extremely small Olympus recording device on me. None of this worked out for me. I gave up on it.

Techniques like “Brainstorming” or “Mind Mapping” go into the same direction. In twenty years, this has never worked for me, although I will admit that brainstorming in larger groups can definitely show some good results. When having to draw creativity out of oneself, this is a lot more difficult as there are no resonating bodies.


You probably already know suggestions like “only eat superfoods.” Doesn’t work. I won’t set up some high-performance nutrition logistics that is not even proven to be effective. At least, I have never felt an energy boost that was purely related to eating a particular food. I already eat healthily, but not because it is supposed to increase my creativity.

By the way: You do know that you can’t expect to be productive after chugging five liters of beer and two liters of coffee, right? I’ve never made this bad experience with sugar, though. However, that doesn’t mean you should fatten yourself with sugar, as I’ve also never felt sugar positively influencing my productivity either. It simply didn’t matter.

At last, I was able to verify a direct connection between creativity and food consumption. If I don’t pay attention to a sufficient water supply, my performance will drop rapidly. For that reason, I always keep a carafe full of water on my desk. Once it’s empty, I get a new one. This way, I’ll drink about three liters of water every work day.

“Expand your horizon” and other tips that basically recommend taking part in things that you’d never take part in voluntarily, to force your creativity to work, have proven to be just as ineffective for me, and they’ll likely be for you.

Surely, there are people that somehow only run around on camps, workshops, and whatnot. These people swear that it pushes them forward immensely. But when you actually look at the output these people have to show, you’ll often get to a sobering result.

Let me put it this way: if I use a method to get my creativity going, this method needs to have an appropriate effort to use relation. I do not doubt that a two-week Carribean vacation would give me a lot of impressions that may come in handy. But, how often am I supposed to do that, and how am I going to price in these incentives 😉

“Break your mental barriers.” This is a good one too. Think outside your way of thinking. This is almost meta. Of course, meditation and Zen Buddhism can get you there. But I consider this breaking a butterfly on a wheel. After all, your goal is to be creative, and not to turn around your entire life.

This is not supposed to mean that I have a problem with meditation or Zen. The opposite is the case, and I’m actually working myself into that direction. However, the point of that is not to initiate creative boosts, but to bring more awareness to my life.

“Break the rules,” “Don’t repeat yourself,” and “Challenge yourself” go into that category as well, by the way. I don’t want to question the creativity of the people that came up with these tips, though 😉


Recently, there was a lot to read on how neuroscientists discovered that you’re especially creative when you’re exhausted, and think of something different than usual in this state of exhaustion. Due to the exhaustion, you lose your focus, supposedly making it easier for your mind to wander paths that it would never enter fully focused. It is said that you’d get alternative ideas that would stay hidden from you otherwise.

I’m way too friendly to even think about a word like nonsense, but I’m very close to doing so. It might be possible that these scientists can deliver academic proof for this claim. However, my life is not taking place under academic conditions, but here and now, the way it is. Under these given conditions, I was never able to profit from exhaustion.

Creativity Techniques To Apply Right Now

Now, I’ll write down my techniques. I’ve been using these methods daily for years. The order in which they appear represents the significance they have for me.

Creativity Technique 1: Sleep

Sounds mundane, and it really is. Nonetheless, sleep is consistently undervalued. Bon Jovi once sang “I’ll sleep when I’m dead,” but must have forgotten that the recovery effect that is unique to sleeping will not occur in that case.

Sleeping is not really a creativity technique. You can’t just sleep for a bit and expect a new idea to pop up. Nonetheless, sleep is the base for all other techniques. When you’re exhausted, you’re exhausted, but not creative, not productive. Just look at the discrepancy between the words “exhaustion,” and “productivity.” You realize that yourself, don’t you?

Of course, sleep is an individual thing. I know some people that claim to run perfectly well on four hours of sleep a night, while others are useless if they haven’t slept for at least eight hours. And although I will admit that sleep is individual; it still is not THAT individual.

According to my observation, we tend to underestimate our need for sleep, as we think of ourselves to be as strong as an ox, and sleep is for the weak. You don’t need to actively feel this; your subconsciousness takes care of that.

At least make sure to look deeper into the topic of sleeping. If there are things wrong with the base, you needn’t think about anything else. You can’t build a highrise on sand.


Creativity Technique 2: Relaxation and Breathing

Under the impression of the approaching deadline, and the pressure that results from your email, Slack, or enter-any-other-communication-channel-here flood, it is not possible for you to be creative. Your brain will block off anything that is not absolutely necessary and goes into fight-or-flight mode.

Move to an open window, take deep breaths, inhale, exhale, and focus on the part of your body where the breath enters and leaves the body. Breathe in through the nose, and out through the pursed mouth. This doesn’t need to take longer than one or two minutes. Breathe regularly, and focus on nothing but your breath. You’ll quickly feel how you calm down, how the barriers disappear, and thoughts that are not related to fight or flight become possible again.

Whenever you feel yourself developing stress, notice it, and execute the above-mentioned exercise. This way, you become more present, and you’ll be able to react more directly. If you succeed, the barriers will become lesser on their own.

What doesn’t work for me, however, are small naps. Supposedly, micro naps increase the wellbeing. They tend to knock me deep into the hole, though. After a nap, I need hours to go back to proper shape.


Creativity Technique 3: Focusing With the Help of Sound

To be creative, an undisturbed environment is necessary. In the everyday office life, this is not easy to accomplish. Someone always thinks they had to tell you the latest gossip, or the oldest joke. You won’t achieve much with a few kind words.

There’s a simple solution: wear headphones. Wearing headphones alone already shows your environment that you don’t want to be disturbed, while also making it harder to disturb you. Don’t use small in-ears, but go for the big ones from Bose or Sony. This way it is evident that you don’t want to hear what Carl Gustav wants to tell you.

Now, of course, you won’t listen to the latest song of Asking Alexandria, but you’ll pick a sound that increases your focus while being able to spark creativity. Try Noisli or Focus@Will, for example. I use them both, depending on my mood.

While Noisli lets you compile environment sounds, like the sound of the sea, Focus@Will delivers music experiences. The operators have worked with the results of neuroscience and created sounds that are supposed to boost productivity and creativity.

Both services work a lot better than all the concentration playlists you can find on Spotify. The latter ones have too many breaks that will immediately drag you out of focus again. Focus is only created by a consistently steady sound. This is not supposed to be boring, but still predictable.


Creativity Technique 4: Motion

Yes, this does also include sports. A power walk of half an hour charges my batteries better than half an hour on the park bench. I don’t have to explain which biochemical processes are responsible for that. You know this, but your weaker self is tough to beat.

If a power walk is not doable for whatever reason, go for a dragged out walk. While you’re at it, you might as well pay attention to your breathing, and listen to calming sounds. It’s important to do something that gets your metabolism going.


Creativity Technique 5: Listen

Listening, not talking, is one of my most effective methods when it comes to solving an issue with your creativity. Just ask people around you or in social media a couple of simple questions that deal with your article, and look at their answers. You will almost always find something that you didn’t think about yourself. It’s important to include a sufficiently large group or to make sure that there are a few experts on the topic involved.

An alteration of this technique is to search the problem at hand via Google and compile a large variety of suggestions from the search results.


Conclusion: Why Roam Far Away…

I hope you’re not too sad that you didn’t find hyped terms like Scamper, Six Thinking Hats, Walt Disney, Osborn, and so forth in this article. My goal was to provide you with creativity techniques that you don’t need to learn first. Creativity techniques are like cameras. As you know, the best camera is the one that you have with you. The same applies here.

So before you spend money on weekend courses and full-color literature, just focus on the approaches I presented here, and look how far they’ll get you. I’d bet you won’t need more than this.

Categories: Others Tags:

Spoooooky CSS Selectors

October 26th, 2016 No comments

Let’s get into the spirit a little bit this year with some Halloween themed posts! I’ll kick it off with some CSS selectors FROM BEYOND THE GRAVE. Er. CSS selectors that will CHILL YOU TO THE BONE. OK maybe not, but they will be at least kinda weird.

The Lobotomized Owl Selector

Heydon Pickering made this one famous two years ago. I looks like this:

* + * {
  margin-top: 1.5em;

Lobotomized owl? Get it?!

Illustration by Ping Zhu, kiped from A List Apart

The idea is that only elements that have a previous sibling get margin on top. So that you don’t have to do stuff like:

.the-last-one-so-don't-put-margin-on-me {
  margin-bottom: 0;

Instead, you get even spacing kinda for free:

See the Pen Lobotomized Owl by Chris Coyier (@chriscoyier) on CodePen.

You can see other people playing around with it.

The Mr. Ghost Selector

This little guy is such weird characters that my WordPress site won’t even save them, so let’s do this in a Pen (the embed might look weird too, try looking on CodePen itself):

See the Pen Ghost Selectors by Chris Coyier (@chriscoyier) on CodePen.

Speaking of unusual characters, remember that emoji are valid too!

<div class="👻">
  Mrs. Ghost
.👻 {


Monster Selectors

Speaking of unusual characters, how about some of these dongers:

Those could be selectors too! But in this case, some of those characters need to be escaped in CSS. ESCAPE FROM MONSTER ISLAND. Or something. Fortunately Mathias Bynens has a tool for that.

Which means we can do like:

See the Pen jrRBqB by Chris Coyier (@chriscoyier) on CodePen.

Or how about some FANGS:

<div ^^=^^>
[^^^=^^] {

Another Lobotomy Selector

How about one like this:

the-brain:empty {
  color: green;

What kind of selector is the-brain? It’s an element we CREATED OURSELVES through MAD SCIENCE like FRANKENSTEIN’S MONSTER. Or just create a custom element or whatever.

  The brain!
var tmpl = document.querySelector('template');

var brainProto = Object.create(HTMLElement.prototype);

brainProto.createdCallback = function() {
  var root = this.createShadowRoot();
  root.appendChild(document.importNode(tmpl.content, true));

var brain = document.registerElement('the-brain', {
  prototype: brainProto

(Maybe this is supposed to use customElements.define() these days? I dunno.)

So now our original selector will match if we do:


But as the selector suggests, it will not match if we do:

  Fallback content inside.

It won’t even match:

<the-brain> </the-brain>

Otherwise we could do the-brain:blank {}, but :blank isn’t really supported yet.

The Insensitive Selector

What’s scarier than insensitivity? Other than MOST ANYTHING. Yah well this is still a really weird looking selector, right?

a[href$=".zip" i] {


The ” i” at the end there is telling the attribute value that “.zip” can match upper or lower case characters.

This one is from Wes Bos:

? CSS4 is getting case insensitive matching on attribute selectors!

— Wes Bos (@wesbos) December 2, 2015

The Only The Righteous Shall Stand Selector

ZOMBIE Zebra striping is easy right?

tr:nth-child(odd) {
  background: WhiteSmoke;

But what if we BANISH some rows from visibility with our MAGIC SPELL OF JAVASCRIPT by applying a class name to certain rows:

<tr class="BANISHED"><td></tr></tr>
  display: none;

Now our zebra striping is all messed up, like too many newts fell into the cauldron during spellcasting (ug, sorry).

Selectors Level 4 has a fix:

tr:nth-child(odd of li:not(.BANISHED)) {
  background: WhiteSmoke;

This would mean that “odd” is only calculated on the rows that are still visible, and the zebra striping will remain intact.

It’s not supported anywhere yet though, so let’s SCREAM LIKE A BANSHEE until it is.

The Knife Through The Guts Selector

Remember that custom element we created? ? Let’s say the template for that element was like this instead, having some actual HTML in there:

  <div class="braaaain">The brain!</div>

As we already saw, you can apply CSS to that element and it will cascade into there as you might expect. But you can’t get your BLOODY HANDS on elements inside directly.

/* works fine */
the-brain {
  color: pink;
/* But you can't reach inside like this */
.braaaain {
  color: red;

That’s encapsulation. It’s kind of the point of web components. You can stick a knife through that SPOOKY OL’ SHADOW DOM though, like this:

html /deep/ .braaaain {
  color: red;

That only works in Blink though and I have no idea if it’s standard or what. Ahhh the TERRORS of CROSS-BROWSER COMPATIBILITY.

The ID selector

#container {


Too specific. #lol

Spoooooky CSS Selectors is a post from CSS-Tricks

Categories: Designing, Others Tags:

Draw Browser UI in Adobe XD

October 26th, 2016 No comments

In this tutorial, we’re going to learn how to draw a browser user interface in Adobe XD.

Download Adobe Experience Design CC (Adobe XD).

Read More at Draw Browser UI in Adobe XD

Categories: Designing, Others Tags: