Not Just for Designers: Resourcy Collects Collections With Resources
There are plenty of resources and resource collections. There are so many that it’s hard to stay on top of things. This is where the new Resourcy comes into play.
Collection-collection From Argentina
Argentina is not really a country that you’d relate to web innovations. Nonetheless, it is up to date regarding web development, dealing with problems and situations similar to ours for the most part.
Janva, the developer of today’s newcomer Resourcy, lives and works in Buenos Aires. On Twitter, he or she has only been active three times, although the account has been created over four years ago.
Around Christmas 2017, Janva’s new project Resourcy got featured on Producthunt and received a certain level of publicity. According to its self-description, Resourcy is a collection of collections with resources on design, development, marketing, freelancing, startups, and more.

The theme scope seems somewhat random to me, as the topics also cover cryptocurrencies, and “miscellaneous.” On top of the crude categorization, there’s also the design, which can either be called brutalistic or, “the nineties have called and wanted their design back.” Horrible might be a fitting description, too.
Regarding Content, Resourcy is Wide and Deep
But, let’s not get scared off by looks. Regarding the content, the collection-collection has quite a bit of quality. The segment design contains up-to-date entries, and so does the development area. In the latter, there is an extraordinary amount of content on the topic of artificial intelligence. That alone made the visit worthwhile to me.
Janva has subdivided the main individual topics, allowing you to click deeper into the collection. In most cases, there are at least two layers. For instance, in the category development, you can dive into the topic web. In there, the collection is divided even further, into frontend, backend, and CMS.
Aside from the filtering via categories and subcategories, Resourcy makes use of tags that list up compilations across multiple categories. Janva adds the tags “submissions,” “curated,” or “recommendations” to each entry, allowing you to tell how the entries ended up in there. If you don’t want to click your way through the collections, the free text search on the landing page is the most interesting approach.
For registered users, there seems to be some upvoting option, although this is not properly documented anywhere. However, I didn’t want to register just on a guess, without actually knowing the benefits, so I can’t speak on that.
Every resource collection has its own URL so that you could link it right away. It is also possible to share the entries on Facebook or Twitter. Calling up the direct URL makes little sense otherwise, as the individual view doesn’t offer any information that you can’t see in the list view.
Conclusion: Still Better Than Google
I added Resourcy to my bookmarks just because of the collection character. The sustainable user value will have to prove itself over the following weeks and months. As the Google results are continuing to worsen, we are reliant on offers such as Resourcy when looking for specific information or inspiration.
On this occasion: Congratulations to the content marketing freaks. You have watered down the Google index in no time.