
Archive for August, 2018

Using data in React with the Fetch API and axios

August 3rd, 2018 No comments

If you are new to React, and perhaps have only played with building to-do and counter apps, you may not yet have run across a need to pull in data for your app. There will likely come a time when you’ll need to do this, as React apps are most well suited for situations where you’re handling both data and state.

The first set of data you may need to handle might be hard-coded into your React application, like we did for this demo from our Error Boundary tutorial:

See the Pen error boundary 0 by Kingsley Silas Chijioke (@kinsomicrote) on CodePen.

What if you want to handle data from an API? That’s the purpose of this tutorial. Specifically, we’ll make use of the Fetch API and axios as examples for how to request and use data.

The Fetch API

The Fetch API provides an interface for fetching resources. We’ll use it to fetch data from a third-party API and see how to use it when fetching data from an API built in-house.

Using Fetch with a third-party API

See the Pen React Fetch API Pen 1 by Kingsley Silas Chijioke (@kinsomicrote) on CodePen.

We will be fetching random users from JSONPlaceholder, a fake online REST API for testing. Let’s start by creating our component and declaring some default state.

class App extends React.Component {
  state = {
    isLoading: true,
    users: [],
    error: null

  render() {

There is bound to be a delay when data is being requested by the network. It could be a few seconds or maybe a few milliseconds. Either way, during this delay, it’s good practice to let users know that something is happening while the request is processing.

To do that we’ll make use of isLoading to either display the loading message or the requested data. The data will be displayed when isLoading is false, else a loading message will be shown on the screen. So the render() method will look like this:

render() {
  const { isLoading, users, error } = this.state;
  return (
      <h1>Random User</h1>
      // Display a message if we encounter an error
      {error ? <p>{error.message}</p> : null}
      // Here's our data check
      {!isLoading ? ( => {
          const { username, name, email } = user;
          return (
            <div key={username}>
              <p>Name: {name}</p>
              <p>Email Address: {email}</p>
              <hr />
      // If there is a delay in data, let's let the user know it's loading
      ) : (

The code is basically doing this:

  1. De-structures isLoading, users and error from the application state so we don’t have to keep typing this.state.
  2. Prints a message if the application encounters an error establishing a connection
  3. Checks to see if data is loading
  4. If loading is not happening, then we must have the data, so we display it
  5. If loading is happening, then we must still be working on it and display “Loading…” while the app is working

For Steps 3-5 to work, we need to make the request to fetch data from an API. This is where the JSONplaceholder API will come in handy for our example.

fetchUsers() {
  // Where we're fetching data from
    // We get the API response and receive data in JSON format...
    .then(response => response.json())
    // ...then we update the users state
    .then(data =>
        users: data,
        isLoading: false,
    // Catch any errors we hit and update the app
    .catch(error => this.setState({ error, isLoading: false }));

We create a method called fetchUser() and use it to do exactly what you might think: request user data from the API endpoint and fetch it for our app. Fetch is a promise-based API which returns a response object. So, we make use of the json() method to get the response object which is stored in data and used to update the state of users in our application. We also need to change the state of isLoading to false so that our application knows that loading has completed and all is clear to render the data.

The fact that Fetch is promise-based means we can also catch errors using the .catch() method. Any error encountered is used a value to update our error’s state. Handy!

The first time the application renders, the data won’t have been received — it can take seconds. We want to trigger the method to fetch the users when the application state can be accessed for an update and the application re-rendered. React’s componentDidMount() is the best place for this, so we’ll place the fetchUsers() method in it.

componentDidMount() {

Using Fetch With Self-Owned API

So far, we’ve looked at how to put someone else’s data to use in an application. But what if we’re working with our own data in our own API? That’s what we’re going to cover right now.

See the Pen React Fetch API Pen 2 by Kingsley Silas Chijioke (@kinsomicrote) on CodePen.

I built an API which is available on GitHub. The JSON response you get has been placed on AWS — that’s what we will use for this tutorial.

As we did before, let’s create our component and set up some default state.

class App extends React.Component {
  state = {
    isLoading: true,
    posts: [],
    error: null

  render() {

Our method for looping through the data will be different from the one we used before but only because of the data’s structure, which is going to be different. You can see the difference between our data structure here and the one we obtained from JSONPlaceholder.

Here is how the render() method will look like for our API:

render() {
  const { isLoading, posts, error } = this.state;
  return (
      <h1>React Fetch - Blog</h1>
      <hr />
      {!isLoading ? Object.keys(posts).map(key => <Post key={key} body={posts[key]} />) : <h3>Loading...</h3>}

Let’s break down the logic

  !isLoading ? 
  Object.keys(posts).map(key => <Post key={key} body={posts[key]} />) 
  : <h3>Loading...</h3>

When isLoading is not true, we return an array, map through it and pass the information to the Post component as props. Otherwise, we display a “Loading…” message while the application is at work. Very similar to before.

The method to fetch posts will look like the one used in the first part.

fetchPosts() {
  // The API where we're fetching data from
    // We get a response and receive the data in JSON format...
    .then(response => response.json())
    // ...then we update the state of our application
      data =>
          posts: data,
          isLoading: false,
    // If we catch errors instead of a response, let's update the app
    .catch(error => this.setState({ error, isLoading: false }));

Now we can call the fetchPosts method inside a componentDidMount() method

componentDidMount() {

In the Post component, we map through the props we received and render the title and content for each post:

const Post = ({ body }) => {
  return (
      { => {
        const { _id, title, content } = post;
        return (
          <div key={_id}>
            <hr />

There we have it! Now we know how to use the Fetch API to request data from different sources and put it to use in an application. High fives. ?


OK, so we’ve spent a good amount of time looking at the Fetch API and now we’re going to turn our attention to axios.

Like the Fetch API, axios is a way we can make a request for data to use in our application. Where axios shines is how it allows you to send an asynchronous request to REST endpoints. This comes in handy when working with the REST API in a React project, say a headless WordPress CMS.

There’s ongoing debate about whether Fetch is better than axios and vice versa. We’re not going to dive into that here because, well, you can pick the right tool for the right job. If you’re curious about the points from each side, you can read here and here.

Using axios with a third-party API

See the Pen React Axios 1 Pen by Kingsley Silas Chijioke (@kinsomicrote) on CodePen.

Like we did with the Fetch API, let’s start by requesting data from an API. For this one, we’ll fetch random users from the Random User API.

First, we create the App component like we’ve done it each time before:

class App extends React.Component {
  state = {
    users: [],
    isLoading: true,
    errors: null

  render() {
    return (

The idea is still the same: check to see if loading is in process and either render the data we get back or let the user know things are still loading.

To make the request to the API, we’ll need to create a function. We’ll call the function getUsers(). Inside it, we’ll make the request to the API using axios. Let’s see how that looks like before explaining further.

getUsers() {
  // We're using axios instead of Fetch
    // The API we're requesting data from
    // Once we get a response, we'll map the API endpoints to our props
    .then(response => => ({
        name: `${} ${}`,
        username: `${user.login.username}`,
        email: `${}`,
        image: `${user.picture.thumbnail}`
    // Let's make sure to change the loading state to display the data
    .then(users => {
        isLoading: false
    // We can still use the `.catch()` method since axios is promise-based
    .catch(error => this.setState({ error, isLoading: false }));

Quite different from the Fetch examples, right? The basic structure is actually pretty similar, but now we’re in the business of mapping data between endpoints.

The GET request is passed from the API URL as a parameter. The response we get from the API contains an object called data and that contains other objects. The information we want is available in data.results, which is an array of objects containing the data of individual users.

Here we go again with calling our method inside of the componentDidMount() method:

componentDidMount() {

Alternatively, you can do this instead and basically combine these first two steps:

componentDidMount() {
    .then(response => => ({
        name: `${} ${}`,
        username: `${user.login.username}`,
        email: `${}`,
        image: `${user.picture.thumbnail}`
    .then(users => {
        isLoading: false
    .catch(error => this.setState({ error, isLoading: false }));

If you are coding locally from your machine, you can temporarily edit the getUsers() function to look like this:

getUsers() {
    .then(response => console.log(response))
    .catch(error => this.setState({ error, isLoading: false }));

Your console should get something similar to this:

We map through the results array to obtain the information we need for each user. The array of users is then used to set a new value for our users state. With that done, we can then change the value of isLoading.

By default, isLoading is set to true. When the state of users is updated, we want to change the value of isLoading to false since this is the cue our app is looking for to make the switch from “Loading…” to rendered data.

render() {
  const { isLoading, users } = this.state;
  return (
      <h2>Random User</h2>
        {!isLoading ? (
 => {
            const { username, name, email, image } = user;
            return (
              <div key={username}>
                  <img src={image} alt={name} />
                <hr />
        ) : (

If you log the users state to the console, you will see that it is an array of objects:

The empty array shows the value before the data was obtained. The returned data contains only the name, username, email address and image of individual users because those are the endpoints we mapped out. There is a lot more data available from the API, of course, but we’d have to add those to our getUsers method.

Using axios with your own API

See the Pen React Axios 2 Pen by Kingsley Silas Chijioke (@kinsomicrote) on CodePen.

You have seen how to use axios with a third-party API but we can look at what it’s like to request data from our own API, just like we did with the Fetch API. In fact, let’s use same JSON file we used for Fetch so we can see the difference between the two approaches.

Here is everything put together:

class App extends React.Component {
  // State will apply to the posts object which is set to loading by default
  state = {
    posts: [],
    isLoading: true,
    errors: null
  // Now we're going to make a request for data using axios
  getPosts() {
      // This is where the data is hosted
      // Once we get a response and store data, let's change the loading state
      .then(response => {
          isLoading: false
      // If we catch any errors connecting, let's update accordingly
      .catch(error => this.setState({ error, isLoading: false }));
  // Let's our app know we're ready to render the data
  componentDidMount() {
  // Putting that data to use
  render() {
    const { isLoading, posts } = this.state;
    return (
        <h2>Random Post</h2>
          {!isLoading ? (
   => {
              const { _id, title, content } = post;
              return (
                <div key={_id}>
                  <hr />
          ) : (

The main difference between this method and using axios to fetch from a third-party is how the data is formatted. We’re getting straight-up JSON this way rather than mapping endpoints.

The posts data we get from the API is used to update the value of the component’s posts state. With this, we can map through the array of posts in render(). We then obtain the id, title and content of each post using ES6 de-structuring, which is then rendered to the user.

Like we did before, what is displayed depends on the value of isLoading. When we set a new state for posts using the data obtained from the API, we had to set a new state for isLoading, too. Then we can finally let the user know data is loading or render the data we’ve received.

async and await

Another thing the promise-based nate of axios allows us to do is take advantage of is async and await . Using this, the getPosts() function will look like this.

async getPosts() {
  const response = await axios.get("");
  try {
      isLoading: false
  } catch (error) {
    this.setState({ error, isLoading: false });

Base instance

With axios, it’s possible to create a base instance where we drop in the URL for our API like so:

const api = axios.create({
  baseURL: ""

…then make use of it like this:

async getPosts() {
  const response = await api.get();
  try {
      isLoading: false
  } catch (error) {
    this.setState({ error, isLoading: false });

Simply a nice way of abstracting the API URL.

Now, data all the things!

As you build React applications, you will run into lots of scenarios where you want to handle data from an API. Hopefully you know feel armed and ready to roll with data from a variety of sources with options for how to request it.

Want to play with more data? Sarah recently wrote up the steps for creating your own serverless API from a list of public APIs.

The post Using data in React with the Fetch API and axios appeared first on CSS-Tricks.

Categories: Designing, Others Tags:

20 Creative Examples of Photography Business Card Designs

August 3rd, 2018 No comments
Business Card Designs

What do a hairdresser, a carpenter, a dentist, an engineer, and a photographer have in common? A business card! Ok, this probably wasn’t the best IQ question, because they don’t all share the same business card. Today we are talking about the importance of having unique business cards that showcase your business as a photographer the best.

A business card is an essential part of branding for any business these days. To stand out from the crowd you need to do your best to make your business card creative and unique. Besides, it shovuld reflect your style and taste because they are an amazing chance to give a good first impression. It can help you share your contact details with your potential clients.

What should a business card include?

When designing your business you have to keep in mind a few details your photography business card should include. These are:

  • your logo
  • your business’s name
  • the motto that describes your services the best
  • the address of your office
  • your e-mail address
  • your phone number
  • the link to your website
  • a QR code

Here, we have put together 20 creative examples of photography business card designs for your inspiration. We hope this collection will be useful for all beginner and pro photographers alike. Look at this list if you are going to design a business card in the future, or if you would like to redesign your old card.

1. Kraft Letterpress Business Card

2. Space Sheep Studio business card


3. Business card


4. Flat Camera Business Card


5. Illustration for business card


6. Photography business card


7. Geneoh Business Cards


8. Good Photo Co. Business Cards


9. Reighard Photography Business Cards


10. Free Minimal Business Card


11. Victoria Holguín Business Cards


12. Photography Logo


13. Taryn Grey Business Cards Landscape


14. Wixted Photography – Photo Book & Business Cards


15. Business Card by Soumya Ranjan Bishi


16. Dark corporate card


17. Elegant violet abstract business card


18. Original cards for wedding photography


19. Photography business card watercolor style


20. Cheese camera card


We wholeheartedly hope that this blog post has provided a lot of inspiration and that you will share it with your fellow designers and photographers whom will also benefit from it. Also, we invite you to visit us daily for more snippets of creativity. On Monday, we will continue our Agency of the Week series of articles where we features studios with a lot of potential and an impressive portfolio. If you think you are fitted for our series, email us at and we will tell you the steps you have to take into seeing your work on our blog.

Read More at 20 Creative Examples of Photography Business Card Designs

Categories: Designing, Others Tags:

We Are Just Getting Started: 1,000 Smashing Members

August 3rd, 2018 No comments
Allen Brady

We Are Just Getting Started: 1,000 Smashing Members

We Are Just Getting Started: 1,000 Smashing Members

Vitaly Friedman


We’ve all been there: bringing a new product to the market is a tough nut to crack. It requires patience, commitment, and a bit of healthy stubbornness. That’s the exact attitude we started off with when we launched our shiny new Smashing Membership last October — a friendly and respectful community that keeps this website alive, along with books, webinars, discounts, networking, and a seasoned selection of fancy cats.

Thanks to the generous support of Smashing Members, we’re incredibly honored to have crossed the 1,000 members mark today. This is a very important day for us, and frankly, it’s quite flattering to see 1,000 people actively supporting our little site and sharing our goals. In fact, with Membership, sometimes it feels like walking around a small town in which everyone knows each other and their friends, and so we know many members by name, and we’ve also met some of them at Smashing Conferences. It’s a wonderful family that shares similar values and wants to get better at their work. But it’s also a family that wants to bring along a shift in the industry.

The People Behind The Scenes

When looking at obscure avatars and nicknames appearing in remote corners of the web, it’s easy to forget that there are actually real people behind them. That’s why it was important for us that the Membership experience is focused around real names and real faces of the community members — both on the new Smashing Magazine website and in our Membership Slack channel. It’s the people who shape the community and make it feel like home, and so Membership should become a humane product, with approachable and friendly authors, contributors and attendees.

We reached out to a few members to ask them why out of all the wonderful resources on the web, they chose to support the red, cat-friendly, and quirky Smashing Magazine, and what they found useful or remarkably painful during their Membership so far.

Allen Brady

Allen is based in Knoxville, TN. He is passionate about building great experiences on the web for companies and their audiences. Currently he is learning to make the web more accessible with great HTML, CSS and inclusive design.

“I wanted to support Smashing Magazine as soon as they launched their membership program because not only have they been an excellent resource over the years with all the fantastic articles, books and conferences, but also because they’re so great at amplifying the voices in this industry, which is really important. I know that with my membership I’m getting a diverse range of perspectives that’s really helped shape me into a better developer.

The best part about this membership is the community. There’s a fantastic Slack group where you can talk about your projects, ask for help or just chat about whatever. The webinars have also been great. My favorite part is that we get to chat with the hosts and each other during the live recording. Involving the community in everything they can seems to be a theme with Smashing Magazine. It sets them apart from other resources out there and I love it.”

Verena Vertonghen

Verena Vertonghen

Verena‘s journey in the development world started 6 years ago. She studied Multimedia Technology with a specialisation in Web&UX in Antwerp.

“Now I’m a front-end developer who also picks up some design challenges from time to time. I love creating all sorts of things and going on walks with my dogs. Because Smashing Magazine has been an invaluable learning resource for me throughout my studies and my career. I decided on membership to support the continuation of all the great work that Smashing Magazine already offers. But also because you get even more goodies when you do.

Some of the things I really like about it are the eBooks, previews to articles, webinars and the Slack channel that gives me the opportunity to connect with people that have a similar profile. The user experience is overall really great, and SmashingMag cat mascot gives a very playful and personal vibe!”

Emily Serven

Emily Serven

Emily is a recent college graduate and new member of the workforce. In her spare time, she like practicing photography, listening to foreign music, and occasionally playing Overwatch.

“I remember checking SmashingMag regularly as far back as middle school and have always loved the quality and steady quantity of content. I know I can trust the quality of writing on Smashing (especially considering there’s so much content and noise from other places to sift through nowadays)!

I’m also a cat person, for sure. I’ve found the available resources to be really useful (eBook library and book discounts), and I can’t wait for the printed magazine to come out. That’s the other thing about Smashing; even though the medium in which I express my work as a web dev is primarily digital, Smashing still recognizes the value of well-produced and attractive physical media. I love getting the physical books for that reason.

Oh, another thing. I used to freelance more back in middle school until I got my full-time position recently. When I found Smashing for the first time, I really loved how it really ‘got’ me and my job. There was coding, but also design (Photoshop, UX, etc.) and freelance articles specifically. It all felt very well balanced. I think that helped me develop my dev skills and the other auxiliary talents in a way that led to my holistic view of dev nowadays, too.

Arthur Leonov

Arthur Leonov

Arthur is a product designer that also codes front-end. He is a firm believer that merging design and technology can solve even the most difficult problems.

“I’m a designer that codes front-end. What a combo, right? I also believe that merging design and technology can solve even the most difficult problems in this world. The Smashing community keeps me inspired and informed day in and day out.

I catch up on SmashingMag every morning because it is one of the few online magazines in this industry who puts a lot of emphasis on good quality, relevant, and practical content.”

It might sound like an overstatement, but these people have already made a difference. They’ve helped us initiate projects that we wouldn’t be able to support otherwise. Now, don’t get me wrong: with dwindling ad revenues facing us, of course our aim was to earn enough with the help of the Membership to keep the magazine independent and self-funded. But that’s just one side of the story. Our aim was also to support design education and new voices in the industry; reward great people doing great work; foster open, diverse, inclusive and accessible initiatives. Last but not least, we wanted to help community events and projects, and the people behind them.

Did we achieve any of these goals with the money we’ve earned? I’m glad you asked.

So How Much Money Did We Earn? Total: $33,128

Initially, we were hoping to provide a larger financial support for new design/tech education initiatives and open-source projects, but with limited resources we had to be more realistic and pragmatic. We reached 1,013 Smashing Members in 257 days, with 30 supporters, 562 members, and 421 smashers. That makes a current total of $6,689 gross per month for August 2019.

Since the launch of the Membership, Smashing Members contributed a total of $33,128 net over the course of 10 months (including current month):

Month Net revenue
Total $33,128
November 2017 $1,104
December 2017 $1,530
January 2018 $2,130
February 2018 $2,181
March 2018 $2,748
April 2018 $4,015
May 2018 $4,440
June 2018 $4,750
July 2018 $4,990
August 2018 $5,240

It goes without saying that these kind contributions massively helped us cover monthly costs, from maintenance to honorarium for authors, in particular:

  • Honorarium for authors contributing articles and chapters for Smashing Magazine, our eBooks and printed books,
  • Honorarium for reviewers, editors, proofreaders, illustrator Ricardo Gimenes and front-end developer Ilya Pukhalski,
  • Honorarium for all webinar speakers,
  • All design education initiatives and community support is enabled by Smashing Membership,
  • All money was reinvested in the Magazine and Membership projects.

From day one, we kept things fully transparent; we’ve been sharing monthly reports on how much money we’ve earned and how we spent it. So here’s what happened since the launch of Membership last year.

Smashing TV: 24 Live Sessions

Each month, we are proud to host 2 curated webinars for Smashing Members. We’ve teamed up with active members of the community to run 1:1 interactive sessions with Smashing Members. Overall, we ran 24 Smashing TV webinars on front-end, UX, ethics, performance, accessibility and design workflow. With Marcy Sutton, Val Head, Dan Rose, Ada Rose Cannon, Martin Splitt, Michael Riethmueller, Sara Soueidan, dina Amin, Rachel Andrew and Dan Mall, among others.

The goal of every session is to be highly practical and provide actionable insights and learnings — be it in front-end or in user experience. Everyone can also suggest topics for upcoming webinars in the Membership Slack channel, and we’ll invite speakers to cover the topic. Of course, live recordings of these sessions are available as well, and are later released publicly for free for everybody.

Smashing TV: “Smashing Big Bang Redesign” with Vitaly Friedman

Design/Tech Courses And Trainings

These days there is always something to do, learn, or wrap your head around these days, and because all of us tend to get lost in small details, video tutorials and courses can be quite helpful. There are of course huge video course platforms which are wonderful, but there are also many fantastic one-man-show-teachers out there in the community who produce courses and tutorials for everybody to learn from.

That’s why we’ve teamed up with some of these teachers to provide community discounts for training and video courses. For example, for a “Debugging” course run by Remy Sharp, or “DevTools Web Performance Course” by Umar Hansa, or “CSS Layouts Course” by Rachel Andrew or “React/ES6” courses by Wes Bos — with many more courses coming up over the next months.

Supporting Community Initiatives

It’s not easy to maintain and grow a community, and we are proud to help community initiatives around the world to connect like-minded designers and developers.

Here are the projects we’ve supported so far:

If you are running a meet-up or a community in your city, we’d be happy to support you as well. Just drop us a line and tell us a bit about your community, and we’ll make it happen!

Smashing Book 6: New Frontiers In Web Design

It took us a while, but we are almost there. The brand new Smashing Book 6 is coming out early September, with contributions by Laura Elizabeth, Marcy Sutton, Rachel Andrew, Mike Riethmuller, Harry Roberts, Lyza Gardner, Yoav Weiss, Adrian Zumbrunnen, Greg Nudelman, Ada Rose Cannon, and yours truly.

It explores common pain points and solutions from real-world projects: be it accessibility in times of single-page apps, performance loading patterns, making design systems work in real-life, AR/VR, responsive art-direction, building an advanced service worker and designing for next-gen interfaces. A book packed with practical advice for designers and developers alike, designed and illustrated by Chiara Aliotta.

The cover of the Smashing Book 6, with geometric objects shaping the letter S.
Smashing Book 6 is coming. Shipping of the book will start late September, but you can already start reading the first chapters if you order your copy today. (Large preview)

The book is being finished as we speak, but we’ve been slowly releasing chapters, so Members can actually start reading the book already before its official release. All new books and eBooks — as well as upcoming Smashing Print magazine (currently in the works) — is made available for Members free of charge. But that goes without saying, doesn’t it?

Smashing Diversity Program

There is a huge amount of discrimination out there, and not everybody is getting a fair chance even though they deserve one. That’s why we’ve launched a Smashing Diversity program, providing conference and workshop tickets for students, non-profits, and people who might not be able to afford a conference ticket or attend a workshop. We also make sure that our conference volunteers can attend the sessions they’d love to see.

Beyond that, please ping us if there is a way we can help you become a better speaker. To support and encourage new voices in the industry, I’ll be heading to Paris for Mozilla’s Tech Speaker program to provide mentorship, training, and opportunities to up-and-coming speakers from all over the world.

Support New Wave Of Digital Education

Tiego Pedras and Sara Ramos run the New Digital School, a new design education initiative in Porto, Portugal. In fact, they spoke about their project at SmashingConf Freiburg last year. Their goal is to provide students with better front-end and design education to be ready for real-life world.

Each group of students had their own project to work on at The New Digital School.
Each group of students had their own project to work on at The New Digital School. (Image source: Tiago Pedras) (Large preview)

Students presented their projects and shared their results with the group.
Students presented their projects and shared their results with the group. (Image source: Tiago Pedras) (Large preview)

For two years in a row now, I was honored to be able to explore the current state of front-end, interface design, and responsive art-direction with students from all over the world. In February this year, I headed to Porto to spend a week with students from India, Malaysia, Portugal, France and USA for an entire week. Each group of students was working on their own project, ranging from interactive VR storytelling to (hello, Miguel and Sarthak!) to Olympics leaderboards (and hello to you, Prashant and Marissa!).

It might not sound like a big deal, but it was so rewarding to see the sparkle in the eyes of the students as they were working on their projects. Being able to provide an experience that hopefully many students will remember was a huge privilege and a remarkable moment in the entire experience. And it was all possible thanks to the contributions of our Smashing Members. I couldn’t be more proud of this effort.

Berlin Design Campus

Late June is usually quite slow, with most projects slowly fading into sleep mode. Well, it was quite the opposite for us. For June, we teamed up with Prjctr Design School (Kyiv, Ukraine) to run Berlin Design Campus — a week-long trip to Berlin to explore digital design agencies and studios with students from Ukraine. It was our first initiative to improve design education by setting up a project of our own.

We visited the offices of Mozilla (thanks, Emanuela and Amin!), SinnerSchrader (thanks, Martin!), EdenSpiekermann (thanks, Daniel!), Hort (thanks, Eike!), Fjord (thanks, Simon and Jake!), Contentful (thanks, Ben!), Matteo Cevucci (previously EdenSpiekermann, Thoughtworks) with hands-on workshops in those companies throughout the week.

Branding and visuals for Berlin Design Campus, designed by Prjctr Design School in Kiev, Ukraine.
We couldn’t be more proud to team up with Prjctr Design School from Kiev, Ukraine who are trying change the education landscape in Kiev, Ukraine, and London. Visuals were designed by the Prjctr team as well. (Image source) (Large preview)

We visited both design agencies and larger consultancy firms, spoke with local freelancers, artists and entrepreneurs. We’ve set up informal evening meetings in which students could ask questions, and we organized visits to offices so students could see how other professionals work. It was a fascinating week with practical insights you would never get otherwise; a look behind the scenes in actual real-life projects with early prototypes that failed and hands-on exercises to work on.

Ukrainian students visiting design agencies in Berlin.
During Berlin Design Campus, we visited a number of offices in Berlin. One of them was Mozilla’s office, with a hands-on workshop by Amin al Hazwani. (Image source) (Large preview)

You never get to visit or see how designers in those respected companies work, and what their processes look like. So happy and honored to be a part of this little initiative, and looking forward to more adventures in the future. Again, made possible through contributions of wonderful Smashing Members.

New SmashingConf Experience

With a few more resources available to us, we were able to focus on exploring new formats for Smashing Conferences. Being inspired by our Italian friends from the NoSlidesConf, we tested a brand new format in Toronto earlier this year: interactive live sessions in which speakers were not allowed to use slides (be it Powerpoint, Keynote or Reveal.js). Instead, we encouraged speakers to show how they work, how they design and build, what their setup looks like, and give audience insights into how they think as they make progress in their work.

Gemma O'Brien presenting with no slides at SmashingConf Toronto 2018
One of those unforgettable moments. When Gemma O’Brien brought her entire studio to SmashingConf Toronto, a conference where speakers weren’t allowed to use slides. We’ll be rolling out this format at all Smashing events in 2019. (Image credit: Marc Thiele) (Large preview)

Instead of speaking in front of a podium, we set up a coffee shop-alike setting with speakers sitting at the desk and literally walking the audience through their thought process. It was a quite special event. Some speakers felt challenged and excited about the new format, and attendees appreciated the fact that every session was unique and pushed the speakers outside their comfort zones. That’s why we’ll be rolling out this format for SmashingConf 2019, along with lightning talks, design nights, and a book exchange board. It goes without saying: all Smashing Members are getting a heavy discount on all Smashing Conferences.

Giving Back To The Community

Of course, Smashing Magazine has always been free, but with Rachel Andrew joining us on board last year, we now have a strong and keen Editor-in-Chief focusing on getting the best articles out there every single day. Since then, we’ve published 87 articles — all thoroughly reviewed and edited by the Smashing Editorial team. We refocus back on the heart of it all — yours truly Smashing Magazine.

We are committed to make the content we get out there accessible to as many people as possible. That goes for our eBooks as well. That’s why we also publicly released “Inclusive Design Patterns” eBook by Heydon Pickering (PDF, ePUB, Amazon Kindle), a wonderful book on inclusive design patterns — for free. Why? Because accessibility matters.

We Are Just Getting Started

1,000 is a first major milestone for us. Not many people know it, but the entire Smashing team is actually quite small, with just 13 of us floating from one project to another. Frankly, we might be a bit slow at times, but we are trying our best to bring along a positive change to our industry.

We need less craziness and narrow-mindedness around us, and we need more respect, care, and constructive help. That’s the goal we are aiming to provide with the Smashing Membership, with our next projects, and with your help. There might be something in it for you, too. We are in it for a long game. We are, after all, just getting started.

Huge thank you to Cosima Mielke for helping with preparations of this article, and Scott Whitehead for his kind support and work on the Smashing Membership. You are truly smashing!

Smashing Editorial(cm, sw, il)
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5 Ways to Keep Designing When the Power is Out

August 3rd, 2018 No comments

There’s a certain peace to be found at night, when the world goes dark and silent. You might settle down on the couch for a moment, and just soak in the absence of noise and bustle. However, if you’re at work, and the world goes dark and silent, it’s a lot less comforting.

At the very least, it means a delay in your work. If you’re a freelancer, that could very well mean a delay in getting paid. It’s stressful, and it can happen anywhere, to anyone. First world countries can’t always prevent power-outs. Countries like Mexico can set their clocks by them. How do you know it’s rainy season? The power’s out. Oh, and the rain.

Now, this isn’t always a terrible thing. A break might be just what you need to gather your thoughts, relax, and get ready to work like mad when the power’s back. Or, you know, you might just relocate to a place that has power and wi-fi, if that’s an option.

But what if it isn’t? Let’s say all of your machines are desktops, and you’re expected to stay in the office. I mean, power-outs don’t usually last all day. And maybe you have a tight deadline. How can you stay busy, and perhaps actually make some progress before the lights come back? Well, let’s start with the more practical ideas:

1. Brainstorm

If you’re lucky, or at least less unlucky, then this is happening during the planning stages of your design and development cycle. So start planning. There’s nothing stopping you from grabbing your coworkers (if you’re not a one-person studio), and brainstorming the time away. Throw some ideas around!

Now, assuming you already have some plans, you could go over them. Well, if you printed them. Or, go back and revisit ideas that you might have decided to talk about later. Well, it’s later now, and you don’t have anything better to do.

Go over the core of your current plans, see how they could be improved. With the ability to jump straight into the work taken away from you, you might see something you missed, or you might come up with something better.

2. Wireframe on Paper

Now, assuming this isn’t already a part of your process, grab a pencil and some paper, and start drawing out ideas fast. If you’ve already done some of the actual mockup work, try drawing out bits of the interface from memory. Use these drawings in your brainstorming session to see if you can’t come up with something better.

If you already have some hand-drawn wireframes, haul them out and keep iterating. Even if you don’t use the new or updated designs, they might help you to remember why you made certain design decisions in the first place. If nothing else, affirmation is motivating.

3. Develop a Paper Prototype

If you have a lot of downtime, why not try your hand at some arts and crafts? Paper prototypes are basically layers of paper designed to imitate a digital interface. Putting one together will give you a prototype you can actually touch and (to a very limited extent) interact with. All you really need is a paper, a pen(cil), and some scissors. Heck, work on it enough, and perhaps you could show it to your boss or clients later, to help answer any questions they might have.

Here’s a great article on how to make paper prototypes, with examples.

4. Grab a Book

Okay, so you’ve done all the planning you’re ever going to do. Or there’s no point because the plan has gotten sign-off from above, and everything is set in corporate stone, for now at least. What next? Grab a book. Specifically grab a book on web design, typography, accessibility, branding, graphics, or anything else you can imagine!

And don’t let anyone tell you that continuing to educate yourself, grounding yourself in basic principles, or just seeking inspiration isn’t a practical thing to do. The results will show themselves when the power comes back on, and you tackle the project with new vigor, and perhaps some new insight.

5. Try your hand at predicting the future

Okay, I am not one of those guys who will tell you that visualizing success is the key to achieving it. Doing stuff and not sucking at it is mostly the key to success. However, taking some time to visualize the future of what you’re building is still a useful thing to do in small doses. Just sit there, alone or with colleagues, and imagine the thing is already built. Picture your users, and the way they might integrate your product into their lives. Make it a meditative thing.

Spend five minutes on this if you’re a normal person. If you’re an over-thinker like me, maybe schedule a solid hour. Either way, you may very well come out of this exercise with a renewed will to make it happen. Or better yet, you might identify some previously unforeseen issues, and address them before they ever become a problem.

And hey, this is something you can do even if you don’t have enough natural light for most of the other things on this list.


A power-out doesn’t mean your work has to come to a complete, screeching halt. Mind you, it’s not a terrible thing if it does. Unexpected breaks are good for people. But if you just have to keep going, you can often make tangible progress with a little creativity. Otherwise, you can at least make sure you’re ready to tackle your work with a vengeance as soon as the lights come back on.

Add Realistic Chalk and Sketch Lettering Effects with Sketch’it – only $5!


Categories: Designing, Others Tags:

30 Mobile Login and Signup Forms You Will Love

August 2nd, 2018 No comments
login form

People would say that they are not so important as other parts of a website or platform, but login and signup forms play an important role in the user’s first impression of your standards as a company. For today’s blog, we’ve collected 30 mobile login and signup forms for you to be inspired.

It’s not a secret that the internet is also called the “virtual world.” Almost everything you can physically do in the real worlds, you can also do in a version for it online, a few clicks away. Nowadays, you don’t have to go to a restaurant because the food comes to you, you don’t have to stand in a line to buy a movie ticket because you can purchase it online; you don’t always have to go to the doctor for minor symptoms, you can look them up online; you don’t have to go to a Home Depot to get home and gardening supplies, you can order them and they deliver the to you within a few days. And for all of them, you need to signup and login form, which is basically like the entrance door to all these places.

Login forms are everywhere on the internet these days. If you are using a social network, you need to use login form to sign in. If you try to leave a comment on WordPress blog, share a review, create your own website, download files, create an email box, and join a form, you need to go through the login process.

A professional looking well-organized, eye-catching login form will encourage people to sign in and increase conversion rates. In this collection, we are going to share 30 stunning mobile login forms you will love. Let us know in the comment section below which login form is your favorite and why.

1. LogIn Form

2. Login Form

Signup Forms

3. Login Form

Signup Forms

Cesis Mobile Login Form

Signup Forms

5. Login Form

Signup Forms

6. Login Form

Signup Forms

7. NUMBER26 Login Form

Signup Forms

8. Multiple Login Form

Signup Forms

9. Login Form

Signup Forms

10. Login Form

Signup Forms

11. Login


12. Gym app Login


13. Agent Login


14. Register and Login


15. Simple Login


16. Free vs Premium Account


17. Account Login Form


18. Daily UI :: 001 Day 001 Sign Up


19. Sign in form


20. Sign up by Qunt


21. Login Form


22. Simpler – Login/Signup


23. Mixergy Login Options


24. Manifest App Login


25. Daily Ui 001# – Sign Up


26. Login Form


27. Rough form interaction


28. Illustration Login Form “Harmoni”


29. Login Page


Login & Sign Up Form


If you enjoyed this post and you think that somebody else would enjoy it, feel free to share it on your social media platforms. Also, we would like you to tell us the topics you would like us to write and provide you with resources and inspiration. Comment that in the section below and make sure you visit us daily for more creative snippets of inspiration.

Read More at 30 Mobile Login and Signup Forms You Will Love

Categories: Designing, Others Tags:

VS Code extensions for the discerning developer palette

August 2nd, 2018 No comments

I am a VS Code extension snob. I like to hunt down the most obscure extensions for VS Code — the ones that nobody knows about — and impress people at parties with my knowledge of finely aged and little-known VS Code capabilities… then watch as they look around desperately for someone else to talk to. It’s like the “Sideways” of VS Code.

In my endless pursuit of the perfect VS Code setup, I reached out to my colleagues here on the Azure team and asked them to share their favorite extension in their own words. So clear your pallet and breathe in the aromatic flavors of productivity; I am your VS Code Extension Sommelier.

Christina Warren – Settings Sync

I cannot live without this extension. If you use multiple machines (especially on multiple platforms, where a sym-linked Dropbox folder won’t really work), this extension is for you. It syncs your extensions, settings file, keybinding file, launch file, snippets folder, extension settings, and workspaces folder. This means that when you login to a new machine, you can quickly get back to work with your own settings and workflow tools in just a few minutes.

? Get Settings SyncExtension

Shayne Boyer – Paste JSON as Code

Consuming an endpoint that produces JSON is like breathing, but no one wants to choke on the hand cranking of an object by looking back and forth between JSON and the target language. This is a long loved feature in Visual Studio for .NET developers, but now you too can copy the JSON and paste that class into the editor as your target language and save a ton of time. Currently supports C#, Go, C++, Java, TypeScript, Swift, Elm, and JSON Schema.

? Get Paste JSON as Code Extension

Jeremy Likness – Spell Right

I find myself authoring blog posts, articles, and documentation almost every day. After embracing the power of Markdown (it is, after all, what is used to drive our own, I began writing my content in Visual Studio Code. It has a built-in preview window so I can edit the Markdown source and see the rendered result side-by-side. As much as I’ve written over the years, mastering the fine art of spelling still eludes me. Maybe it’s because I’m lazy, and this extension doesn’t help at all. With Spell Right, I get to reunite with my same favorite red squiggly lines that I first met in Word. It does a great job of catching spelling mistakes in real time, then illuminates my mistakes with a handy light bulb with alternative suggestions that give me single-click corrections. It enables me to be highly productive and look like I know what I’m doing. I recommend this for anyone who uses Code to write.

? Get Spell Right Extension

Aaron Wislang – Go

I live in VS Code and use it for everything from code and content to its integrated terminal. This extension enables first-class support for IntelliSense, testing, refactoring and more, making Code the best place to me to write Go. And it turns out I’m not the only one who thinks so; it helped to make Code the most popular editor amongst Gophers, just ahead of vim-go, as of the Go 2017 Survey!

? Get Go Extension

Cecil Phillip – C# Extensions

This extension was created by one of our community members, and it’s a great companion to the official C# extension from Microsoft. The “New Class|Interface” actions make it easy to add new types, and takes some of the hassle out of fixing up the namespaces. It also comes with a few interesting refactorings like “Initialize fields from constructors,” which I use pretty often. Whenever I’m teaching a C# course, I always have my students that are using Visual Studio Code install this extension.

? Get C# Extension

Brian Clark – VS Live Share

Pair programming just got way better. Gone are the days where I need to set up screen sharing to review code with coworkers. Instead I fire up a live share session, invite the other party and we can all view and edit code directly from our editors. I’ve used it in a situations where I review someone else’s C# code on my machine while it runs on THEIR machine! I didn’t have anything installed on my Mac for C# and yet I could debug their code!

? Get VS Live Share Extension

David Smith – Rewrap

I write a lot of text, and sometimes I just want (or need) to write in a plain-text environment. Easy reflowing of text is essential. (Surprised this isn’t built in, in fact.)

? Get Rewrap Extension

Anthony Chu – Git Lens

At a glance, GitLens shows me contextual information from Git about the line of code and the file I’m working in. It adds some useful commands to view history and diffs, search commits, and browse local and remote branches… all without leaving VS Code.

? Get Git Lens Extension

Asim Hussain – AsciiDoc

I used to write with Markdown, we all make mistakes. The solution to my Markdown mistake is AsciiDoc, especially if you write a lot of code snippets as I do. Out of the box it let’s you add line numbers, annotate and highlight lines and provides an incredible amount of customization. Plus, as a bonus it also can convert your blog posts into PDFs, ePubs, Mobis which is perfect for ebooks.

Once you start with AsciiDoc it’s hard to go back to Markdown and this plugin lets you preview your AsciiDoc right inside the editor.

? Get AsciiDoctor Extension

Seth Juarez) – VS Code Tools For AI

With Visual Studio Code Tools for AI, I can finally use machines I need but might never have access to in order to build the next Skynet — all within the comfort of my favorite lightweight editor. We live in amazing times, friends…

? Get VS Code Tools For AI Extension

Alena Hall – Ionide

Ionide is an awesome Visual Studio Code extension for cross-platform F# development. It’s open-source and it was created by the F# Community. I use it every day on multiple machines I have. It runs perfectly on both my Mac and Linux machines. Ionide conveniently integrates with Paket, Project Scaffold, and you can experiment away as much as you want in F# Interactive!

? Get Ionide Extension

Matt Soucoup – VSCodeVim

There’s an old joke that goes: “How do you know if a developer uses vim? They’ll tell you.” Well, I use vim! But… I want more. I want to tell everybody I use vim and I want to use all the great features and extensions that VS Code offers. (I mean, look at the list here!) So that’s where VSCodeVim saves the day for me. It puts a full-featured vim emulator into my VS Code editor, letting me edit files super fast by typing esoteric commands like h, 10 k, i, and u (lots and lots of u) and I still get to use all the awesome features of VS Code.

? Get VSCodeVim Extension

John Papa – Docker

If you like it put a container on it. Yeah, containers are the latest craze, but in a constantly evolving containerization world, it’s nice to have great tooling make it easy to use containers. Enter the Docker extension for VS Code. It handles the complete container development and deployment lifecycle! Start by generating docker files to your project, create an image, run it, and even push it to a container registry. If you’re like me, you like to make sure you still have complete control over your code and your app, even when they are inside of containers. Accessing the files, showing logs, and debugging the running container are all essential tools for development. This extension puts all of this within your reach without having to learn the docker command line!

? Get Docker Extension

Suz Hinton – Arduino

My favorite extension for VS Code is Arduino. I’m pretty sure anyone who knows me wouldn’t be surprised about that. Traditionally, developing programs for Arduino-compatible micro-controller boards has been done in the Arduino IDE. It’s a powerful program which smooths over the compilation and uploading experiences for dozens of boards. It is, however, not a full code IDE. It’s missing some of the features you love, such as autocomplete, a file tree, and fine-grained tuning of the editor itself.

The good news is that the Arduino extension allows you to finally develop freely for all of your favorite micro-controller boards without leaving VS Code!

Here are some of my favorite things about the extension:

  1. It’s open source! So reporting bugs and contributing improvements is a straightforward experience.
  2. The Command Palette integration is so handy. Compile and upload your code to an Arduino with one simple shortcut.
  3. Access all the great tools from the Arduino IDE right in VS Code. Yes, that even means board / library management and the serial monitor!
  4. Scaffolding brand new Arduino projects is a command away. No more copy + pasting older project directories to get set up.

? Get Arduino Extension

Burke Holland – Azure Functions

Serverless is like Hansel — so hot right now. But Serverless shouldn’t be a black box. The Azure Functions extensions for VS Code puts Serverless right inside of the editor. I love it because it lets me create new Serverless projects, new functions for all of the available trigger types (http, timer, blob storage, etc.), and most importantly, I can run them locally and debug them. Not that I would ever need to debug. My code is always perfect.

? Get Azure Functions Extension

The post VS Code extensions for the discerning developer palette appeared first on CSS-Tricks.

Categories: Designing, Others Tags:

What Happens When You Create A Flexbox Flex Container?

August 2nd, 2018 No comments

What Happens When You Create A Flexbox Flex Container?

What Happens When You Create A Flexbox Flex Container?

Rachel Andrew


In a short series of articles, I’m going to spend some time in detailed unpacking of Flexbox — in the same way I have done in the past with grid. We’ll have a look at the things Flexbox was designed for, what it really does well, and why we might not choose it as a layout method. In this article, we will take a detailed look at what actually happens when you add display: flex to your stylesheet.

A Flex Container, Please!

In order to use Flexbox, you need an element that will be the flex container. In your CSS, you use display: flex:

See the Pen Smashing Flexbox Series 1: display: flex; by Rachel Andrew (@rachelandrew) on CodePen.

Let us spend a little while thinking about what display: flex really means. In the Display Module Level 3, each value of display is described as actually being a combination of two things: an inner display model, and an outer display model. When we add display: flex, we are really defining display: block flex. The outer display type of our flex container is block; it acts like a block level element in normal flow. The inner display type is flex, so items directly inside our container will participate in flex layout.

This is something you might never have really thought about but probably understand anyway. The flex container acts like any other block on your page. If you have a paragraph following by a flex container, both of these things behave as we have become accustomed to block elements behaving.

We can also define our container with a value of inline-flex which is like using display: inline flex, i.e. a flex container that acts like an inline level element, with children that participate in flex layout. The children of our inline flex container behave in the same way that children of our block flex container behave; the difference is how the container itself behaves in the overall layout.

See the Pen Smashing Flexbox Series 1: display: inline-flex; by Rachel Andrew (@rachelandrew) on CodePen.

This concept of elements having an outer display type, which defines how they behave as a box on the page (plus an inner display type) dictating how their children behave is quite useful. You can apply this thinking to any box in CSS. How does this element act? How do the children of this element act? The answers relate to their outer and inner display models.

Rows Or Columns?

Once we have defined our flex container, some initial values come into play. Without our adding any extra properties, the flex items display as a row. This happens because the initial value of the flex-direction property is row. If you don’t set it, you get a row.

The flex-direction property is how we set the direction of the main axis. Other values for flex-direction are:

  • column
  • row-reverse
  • column-reverse

With our items in a row, the items are placed with the first item at the start edge of the inline dimension and display in the order that they appear in the source. In the specification, this edge is described as main-start:

main-start is at the beginning of the row
main-start is at the start of the inline dimension (Large preview)

If we use the value column, the items begin to lay out from the start edge of the block dimension and therefore form a column.

Items laid out as a column, main-start is at the top
main-start is the start of the block dimension (Large preview)

When we use row-reverse, the location of main-start and main-end are switched; therefore, the items lay themselves out one after the other ending up in reverse order.

Items start at the end of the row
main-start is at the end of the inline dimension (Large preview)

The value column-reverse does the same thing. It’s important to remember that these values don’t “switch the order of items” although this is what we see happening, they change the place where the flow of items starts: by switching where main-start is. So our items do display in reverse order, but that is because they start laying out at the other end of the container.

It is also important to remember that when this happens, the effect is purely visual. We are asking the items to display themselves starting at the end edge; they are still flowing in the same order and this is the order that your screen reader uses and also the order they can be tabbed through. You should never use row-reverse when what you really want to do is change the order of the items. Make that change in your document source.

The Two Axes Of Flexbox

We have already exposed an important feature of flexbox: the ability to switch the main axis from row to column. This axis switching is why I think that often it is easier to understand things like alignment in Grid Layout first. With Grid, working in two dimensions, you can align on both axes in pretty much the same way. Flexbox is a little trickier because different things happen depending on whether you are working with the main axis, or the cross axis.

We have already encountered the main axis, i.e. the axis that you define as the value of flex-direction. The cross axis is the other dimension. If you have set flex-direction: row, your main axis is along the row, and your cross axis is down the columns. With flex-direction: column, the main axis is down the column and your cross axis along the rows. It is here where we need to explore another important feature of Flexbox, and that is the fact that it is not tied to the physical dimensions of the screen. We don’t talk about a row running from left to right, or a column from top to bottom, because that is not always the case.

Writing Modes

When I described row and column above, I mentioned the block and inline dimensions. This article is written in English, which is a horizontal writing mode. This means that when you ask Flexbox to give you a row, you get a horizontal display of your flex items. In this case, main-start is on the left — the place in which sentences start in English.

If I were working in a right-to-left language such as Arabic, then the start edge would be on the right:

See the Pen Smashing Flexbox Series 1: row with rtl text by Rachel Andrew (@rachelandrew) on CodePen.

The initial values of flexbox mean that if all I do is create a flex container, my items would start on the right and be displayed moving towards the left. The start edge in the inline direction is the place where sentences start in the writing mode you are using.

If you happen to be in a vertical writing mode and ask for a row, your row will run vertically, because that is the way in which rows of text run in a vertical language. You can try this by adding the writing-mode property to your flex container and setting it to the value vertical-lr. Now, when you set flex-direction to row, you get a vertical column of items.

See the Pen Smashing Flexbox Series 1: row with a vertical writing mode by Rachel Andrew (@rachelandrew) on CodePen.

So a row can run horizontally, with a main-start of the left or the right, and also run vertically with main-start at the top. It’s still a flex-direction of row even if our horizontal text accustomed minds find it hard to think of a row running vertically!

To cause the items to lay themselves out in the block dimension, we set the value of flex-direction to column or column-reverse. In English (or in Arabic), we then see the items displaying one on top of the other down the page, starting at the top of the container.

In a Vertical Writing Mode, the Block dimension runs across the page, as this is the direction blocks are laid out in those writing modes. If you ask for a column in vertical-lr, your blocks will run left to right vertically:

See the Pen Smashing Flexbox Series 1: column in vertical-lr writing mode by Rachel Andrew (@rachelandrew) on CodePen.

However, no matter in which direction the blocks are displayed, if you are working with a column then you are working in the block dimension.

Understanding the fact that a row or a column can run in different physical directions is helpful in understanding some of the terminology being used for Grid and Flexbox. We don’t refer to ‘left and right’ or ‘top and bottom’ in Flexbox and Grid because we don’t make any assumption as to the writing mode of our document. All of CSS is becoming more writing mode aware; if you are interested in some other properties and values being implemented to make the rest of CSS behave in this same way, read my article on Logical Properties and Values.

As a summary, remember that:

  • flex-direction: row

    • main axis = inline dimension
    • main-start will be where sentences begin in that writing mode
    • cross axis = block dimension
  • flex-direction: column

    • main axis = block dimension
    • main-start will be where blocks start to lay out in that writing mode
    • cross axis = inline dimension

Initial Alignment

Some other things happen when we apply display: flex. Some initial alignment happens. In a future article in this series, we will take a good look at alignment; however, in our exploration of display: flex, we should look at the initial values that are applied.

Note: It is worth noting that while these alignment properties started life in the Flexbox specification, the Box Alignment specification will ultimately supersede those defined in the Flexbox specification, as explained in the Flexbox specification.

Main-Axis Alignment

The initial value of justify-content is set to flex-start. It is as if our CSS was:

.container {
    display: flex;
    justify-content: flex-start;

This is the reason that our flex items line up at the start edge of the flex container. It’s also the reason why when we set row-reverse they switch to the end edge because that edge then becomes the start of the main axis.

When you see an alignment property which begins with justify-, then it applies to the main axis in Flexbox. So justify-content performs main-axis alignment and aligns our items to the start.

The other possible values for flex-direction are:

  • flex-end
  • center
  • space-around
  • space-between
  • space-evenly (added in Box Alignment)

These values deal with the distribution of available space in the flex container. This is why the items are moved around, or spaced out. If you add justify-content: space-between, then any available space is shared out between the items. However, this can only happen if there is free space to start with. If you had a tightly packed flex container (with no extra space after all the items had been laid out), then justify-content would do nothing at all.

You can see this if you switch your flex-direction to column. Without a height on the flex container there is no free space, so setting justify-content: space-between won’t achieve anything. If you add a height and make it so that the container is taller than is required to display the items, then the property has an effect:

See the Pen Smashing Flexbox Series 1: column with a height by Rachel Andrew (@rachelandrew) on CodePen.

Cross-Axis Alignment

Items are also aligned on the cross axis with a single line flex container; the alignment that we are performing is to align the boxes against each other in the line. In the next example, one of our boxes has more content in than all the others. Something is telling the other boxes to stretch to the same height. That something is the align-items property, which has an initial value of stretch:

See the Pen Smashing Guide to Layout: clearfix by Rachel Andrew (@rachelandrew) on CodePen.

When you see an alignment property which begins with align- and you are in flexbox, then you are dealing with cross-axis alignment, and align-items aligns the items within the flex line. The other possible values are:

  • flex-start
  • flex-end
  • center
  • baseline

If you do not want the boxes to all stretch to the height of the tallest, then setting align-self: flex-start will cause them all to align to the start edge of the cross axis.

See the Pen Smashing Flexbox Series 1: align-items: flex-start by Rachel Andrew (@rachelandrew) on CodePen.

Initial Values For The Flex Items

Finally, the flex items themselves also have initial values, they are set to:

  • flex-grow: 0
  • flex-shrink: 1
  • flex-basis: auto

This means that our items will not grow by default to fill the available space on the main axis. If flex-grow were set to a positive value, this would cause the items to grow and take up any available space.

The items can shrink, however, as flex-shrink is set to the positive value of 1. This means that if we have a very narrow flex container, then the items will get as small as they can before any overflow happens. This is sensible behavior; in general, we want things to stay inside their boxes and not overflow if there is space to display them.

In order to get the best possible layout by default, flex-basis is set to auto. We will have a proper look at what that means in a future article in this series, however, most of the time you can think of auto as “big enough to fit the content”. What you will see happen, when you have flex items that fill the container, and one of those items has a larger amount of content than the others, the larger item will be given more space.

See the Pen Smashing Flexbox Series 1: initial values of flex items by Rachel Andrew (@rachelandrew) on CodePen.

This is Flexbox’s flexibility in action. With a flex-basis of auto and no sizing applied to the items, the flex items have a base size of the max-content size. This would be the size they would be if they stretched out and did no wrapping whatsoever. Then, space is taken away from each item in proportion, detailed in the following note in the flexbox specification.

“Note: The flex shrink factor is multiplied by the flex base size when distributing negative space. This distributes negative space in proportion to how much the item is able to shrink, so that e.g. a small item won’t shrink to zero before a larger item has been noticeably reduced.”

The larger item has less space taken away and so we get the final layout. You can compare the two screenshots below, both taken using the example above. However, in the first screenshot, the third box has a smaller amount of content, and therefore our columns have a more equal distribution of space.

The example with a larger item shows the item taking up more space
The items flex to give the larger item more room (Large preview)

Flexbox here is helping us to end up with a reasonable end result given no other input from the person writing the CSS. Rather than reduce the space evenly and end up with a very tall item with a couple words on each line, it assigns that item more space to lay itself out. Within this kind of behavior is the key to the real use cases for Flexbox. Flexbox is at its best when used to lay sets of things out — along one axis — in a flexible and content aware way. I’m touching on a little of the detail here, but we will take a proper look at these algorithms later in this series.


In this article, I’ve taken the initial values of Flexbox, in order to explain what actually happens when you say display: flex. It’s a surprising amount once you begin to unpack it, and contained within these few properties are many of the key features of flex layouts.

Flex layouts are flexible: they try to make good choices by default about your content — squishing and stretching to get the best readability. Flex layouts are writing mode aware: the directions of row and column relate to the writing mode being used. Flex layouts allow alignment of the items as a group on the main axis, by choosing how space is distributed. They allow alignment of items within their flex line, moving the items on the cross axis in relationship to each other. Importantly, flex layouts understand how big your content is, and try to make good basic decisions in order to display it. In future articles, we will explore these areas in more depth, and consider further exactly when and why we might choose to use Flexbox.

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Standing desks vs sitting: why sitting ISN’T slowly killing you

August 2nd, 2018 No comments

You’re *sitting* at your desk working away, deep in flow, when you notice out of the corner of your eye someone staring at you.

Ignoring it at first, you continue to type away at your computer, but as the feeling of staring daggers grows stronger, it gets harder and harder to resist the urge of looking up and seeing who the culprit is.

Finally, you glance away from your screen and lock eyes with Susan in accounting — who is standing upright with perfect posture at her brand spanking new standing desk.

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Reading Waterfall Charts to Focus on Page Speed

August 2nd, 2018 No comments

There’s no question that making your website’s pages load fast is important. Research shows that people start to lose focus on something after a single second, and lose interest completely somewhere between 4 and 10 seconds. There’s even a direct correlation between slow load times and losing sales, according to Amazon and Kissmetrics. But who has time for complex tools like reading waterfall charts? The easy solution would be to just keep files small and design simple, right?

Maybe not. Modern design trends are heading towards animation and detailed, fullscreen images. If you don’t have these assets, your site may look washed out next to your competitors. And while these features may increase user engagement and sales in a vacuum, they don’t do anything for you if they bog down your site so much that nobody ever sees them. This isn’t even mentioning the fact that Google started including page speed in their ranking algorithms.

Big media isn’t the only things that can slow a website down, either. This is where a skill like reading waterfall charts can come in handy, as these tools provide a powerful analysis of every step between DNS connections and a full page render.

The Best Starting Point: Reading Waterfall Charts

Tools like Pingdom and Google PageSpeed Insights can give you a decent idea of where to start, but the truly best starting point in a waterfall chart, like the ones provided by Web Page Test. These in-depth tools give you an impressive breakdown of everything that’s loading on your site: when they start, when they’re visible, when they finish, and how they relate to every other file. While Pingdom and Google may point you in the right direction, a waterfall chart will show you exactly where to go.

After you run your test, you’ll see a general score at the top of the page, just like other tools.

It’s important not to get distracted by this, though. The true power of this tool is a simple scroll away, by reading the waterfall chart itself. Below you’ll find the first one third or so of the same site’s test.

While the chart may seem overwhelming, it’s not too difficult to read. Every element is classified, and every class is color coded. On the left is the name of the file or resource (hovering over it while provide the full file name and location), and on the right the time is tracked in seconds, from when it starts loading to when it’s visible to when it’s done.

Even though this site scored an overall “A,” we can see there are some images that could tighten up the load speed significantly if they got some attention. If we want to go ever further, we can see that some fonts are taking a while to load, and something is spitting back a 404 error as well. Looking at the entire chart, we can start to pinpoint the exact files that are slowing our site down, and address them accordingly.

Addressing Issues Accordingly

Every website is different, and will require different fixes and maybe even different paths to those fixes than the next site. However, there are a few general tips for keeping your site lean and quick.

Optimize Media

Optimizing media simply means reducing the file size of images or video without sacrificing quality. This means they don’t take as long to transfer to a user’s browser, which means they don’t take as long to load. The actual process is pretty technical, but you can find tons of free tools online (Google PageSpeed Insights will even offer to do it for you when you run a test).

You can even preserve quality across devices by using the srcset attribute in your image tags. This lets you provide the tag with multiple images of varying resolutions and sizes, and the browser will choose the best one to serve to each user.

Minify Files

Like media optimization, minifying files is all about reducing file size. Most sites pull from a wide array of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and other files. All it takes to minify them is to cut out unnecessary characters: spaces, line breaks, comments, etc. It’s generally best practice to keep two files: a “pretty” one for development purposes and a minified, “ugly” one for production. You could do this manually, but it’s much easier to run your files through a free tool instead.

Defer Loading of Files

If even a minified Javascript file is slowing your site down, you might consider deferring its loading until the rest of the page is loaded. For external files, you can accomplish this with a simple attribute on your script tags. Though if a plugin grabs these files automatically, and you don’t even see the script tags, things can get more complicated. For internal files, you can separate your code into “necessary for loading” and “unnecessary for loading,” put the unnecessary code into a separate file, then put this script near the bottom of your closing body tags.

Object Caching

Object caching is when files like HTML and images are temporarily stored on a user’s browser after they load. This is great since it means the page doesn’t even to reload fresh every time somebody hits the back button, or even when they come back a week later. There are tons of plugins on the market to help cache automatically, but it’s possible to do it yourself using APIs (like in WordPress or Drupal) if you so desire.

GZIP Compression

GZIP compression is fairly standard practice, but isn’t totally universal yet. The details of this practice could take up a blog post by themselves, but there’s a quick way to see if this even needs your attention with the “Check GZIP Compression” tool.

These are fundamental techniques for keeping your site loading fast, but there are more complex means available. It all depends on what exactly your site needs to reach those snappy load times. Hopefully learning about reading waterfall charts has pointed you in the right direction!

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Categories: Designing, Others Tags:

How to Design for IPhone X

August 1st, 2018 No comments

Designing for the iPhone X will bring some new challenges, but also some new design opportunities. In this article, I’ll share a few suggestions that will help you design apps and games that look and feel great on iPhone X.

Display Specifics

iPhone X has a new high-resolution, rounded, edge-to-edge Super Retina display has a resolution of 1125×2436px. While it gives designers more space for display content and allows them to create a genuinely immersive experience, there are a few things that should be considered when designing for this device:

1. 3x Image Scale Factor

iPhone X has 3x image scale factors (@1x,@2x, and @3x). When rasterized images are needed, be sure to include both 2x and 3x image resolutions in your app image resolution catalog. Also, it’s recommended to use SVGs for glyphs and other flat artwork that requires high-resolution scaling because they are resolution-independent.

2. New Display Dimensions: More Screen Space, More Content

iPhone’s X display dimensions are 375pt width * 812 pt tall. On a 3x display this equals 1,125 px @3x width * 2,436 px @3x tall. In portrait orientation, the width of the display on iPhone X matches the width of the 4.7? displays of iPhone 6, iPhone 7, and iPhone 8 so there shouldn’t be any difference in the amount of information presented along with the narrow dimensions of these devices. But the display has a different height: the 812pt height is 145pt taller that 667pt of 4.7” displays. This additional height of iPhone X provides 20% more space for content.

3. Consider Aspect Ratio When Creating Background Images

When designing background images keep in mind that iPhone X also has different aspect ratio than a 4.7” display. Background graphics created for iPhone’s 8 16:9 aspect ratio needs to be adjusted to satisfy the technical requirements of iPhone X . To prevent the negative outcome, it’s better to compose images so that critical visual information remains visible regardless of display aspect ratio.

4. Don’t Position Elements In Display’s Edge Corners

Rounded corners bring another challenge for designers: every element that is positioned too close to the viewport’s edges may get clipped or covered by the sensor housing. It’s critical to inset controls and other elements to avoid this.

5. Use Safe Area Layout To Display Content

Safe Area layout helps avoid underlapping system UI elements when positioning content and controls. On iPhone 8 the Safe Area is the same size as the viewport when no bars are visible. On iPhone X the Safe Area layout is inset from the top and bottom of the screen edges even when no bars are visible on the screen. This helps you to prevent interface elements from getting clipped or covered.

However, there two exception for the Safe Area: the app’s background and vertically scrollable views. Vertically scrollable views, such as tables and collections, should extend all the way to the bottom of the display and extend to the edges rather than be constrained to the Safe Area zone.

6. Don’t Worry About Native Components

If your app uses native iOS component (such as navigation bars, tables, collection views, tab bars, etc.) and you worry about how they’ll be adapted for the iPhone X, don’t worry! They will be inset and positioned automatically.

Home Indicator

iPhone X changed one of the iPhone’s interactions basics, the home button is legacy now. Before iPhone X users who wanted to access the app switcher or the Home screen clicked the iPhone’s home button to do that. For iPhone X the same process is available when users swipe up anywhere along the bottom edge along the display. Swipes are the new clicks.

In the attempt to replace the home button with a gesture and make it intuitive, Apple offers information about the interaction in the format of an indicator at the bottom edge along the display; a small line that lives on the bottom of a screen. This indicator is displayed over iPhone X app’s interface. You’ll need to account for this when designing your app.

Notice a white line at the bottom, that’s the new home indicator. It notifies you that you can swipe up to go back to your Home screen or into multitasking.

7. Avoid Placing Interactive Elements Near the Home Indicator

It’s best to avoid placing interactive elements such as buttons in close proximity to the indicator or you’ll risk having them overlapped with the Home indicator. Simply leave some whitespace near the home indicator by placing non-scrollable elements within the safe area.

8. Don’t Draw Special Attention To Home Indicator

The home indicator isn’t a decorative element. Don’t mask it, and don’t call special attention to it.

9. Use Auto-Hide For Full-Screen Experiences

When presenting full-screen visual content such as videos, it’s possible to use auto-hide to hide the Home Indicator.

Notch Area

The notch area is perhaps the most controversial part of the iPhone X design. Some people think it’s visually appealing; others think it’s ugly. But as designers, we can use the screen space available in the notch area for good.

10. Don’t Mask the Notch

Some designers try to make the experience on iPhone X look like similar to the experience on iPhone 8; they place black bars at the top to make it look like an old-school app. It’s better to avoid that – this will only make your app feel inconsistent with other apps on iPhone X. Your app or game should always fill the entire display it runs on.

11. Don’t Hide the Status Bar

If you currently hide the status bar in your app, it’s better to reconsider this decision. Since the status bar area is taller (previously is was 20pt high, now it’s 44pt) and you have more estate to display your content. Add content that is useful for your users.

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Categories: Designing, Others Tags: