VS Code is slowly closing the gap between a text editor and an interactive development environment (IDE). At the core of this extremely versatile and flexible tool lies a wonderful API that provides an extensible plugin model that is relatively easy for JavaScript developers to build on. With my first extension, VS Code All Autocomplete, reaching 25K downloads, I wanted to share what I learned from the development and maintenance of it with all of you.
Trivia! Visual Studio Code does not share any lineage with the Visual Studio IDE. Microsoft used the VS brand for their enterprise audience which has led to a lot of confusion. The application is just Code in the command line and does not work at all like Visual Studio. It takes more inspiration from TextMate and Sublime Text than Visual Studio. It shares the snippet format of TextMate (Mac only) and forgoes the XML based format used in Visual Studio.
Why you should create an extension
On the surface, VS Code does not seem to provide many reasons for why anyone would create extensions for it. The platform has most of the same features that other editors have. The snippet format is powerful, and with extensions like Settings Sync, it is easy to share them over a Gist. Code (pun intended) is open source and the team is fairly responsive to requests. Basic support can be provided without a plugin by creating a “typings” file in the npm module.
Still, creating extensions for VS Code is something all web developers should try for the following reasons:
Playing with TypeScript: Many developers are still on the edge with TypeScript. Writing an extension in VS Code gives you a chance to witness how TypeScript works in action and how much its type safety and autocomplete features can help with your next JavaScript project.
Learning: The web gets a lot of slack for its performance. VS Code demonstrates how you can develop a performance-sensitive applications in Electron and some of the techniques — the multi-process and cluster-oriented architecture is so good that all Electron apps should just steal it for their own use.
Fun: Most important, it is a lot of fun developing VS Code extensions. You can scratch an itch and end up giving back to the community and saving time for so many developers.
Trivia! Even though TypeScript is an independent programming language with many popular uses including the Angular (2+) framework, VS Code is the sister project with the most impact on the language. Being developed in TypeScript as a TypeScript editor, VS Code has a strong symbiotic relationship with TypeScript. The best way to learn the language is by looking at the source code of Visual Studio Code.
What an extension can do
VS Code exposes multiple areas where an extension can create an impact. The exposed touch points could easily fill a book. But there’s unlikely a situation where you need all of them, so I’ve put together a listing here.
These outline the various places that can be extended as of version 1.25:
Language grammar
Variables, expressions, reserved words, etc. for highlighting
Code Snippets
Items in autocomplete with tab-based navigation to replace certain items
Language configuration
Auto-close and indent items like quotes, brackets, etc.
Hover action item
Documentation tooltip on hover
Code Completion
Autocomplete items when typing
Error Diagnostics
Squiggly red underlines to indicate potential errors
Signature Helper
Method signature tooltip while typing
Symbol Definition
Location of the code where the symbol is defined in the inline editor and go to the definition (including a ?+Hover tooltip)
For the inline editor with links, all files, and places associated with the symbol
Document Highlighter
List of all positions where the selected symbol exists for highlighting
List of symbols navigable from the Command menu with an @ modifier
Workspace Symbol
Symbol provider for an entire workspace
Code Action
Squiggly green underline to indicate fixable errors with a fix action on click
Code Lens
Always present inline metadata with clickable action items
Support for renaming symbols used in multiple places
Document Formatting
Fix indentation and formatting for the entire document
Document Range Formatting
Fix indentation and formatting for selected text
On Type Formatting
Fix formatting and indentation in real time
Color Provider
Color popup menu alternative
Configuration Defaults
Override settings and save as a new set of defaults
Commands in the ?+P menu
Menu items in the top level menu, any menus alongside the document tab bar, and context menus
Key bindings
Keyboard shortcuts
Debugger settings for debugging a new or existing language
Source Control
Overrides to support a custom source control system
Color theme
Same as code snippets above
A new section in one of the docked panels on the left
View Containers
A new docked panel on the left bar
TypeScript server plugins
Overrides for the built-in TypeScript language server
Alternative page in parallel to a document to show a custom rendering of a document or any custom HTML (unlike a View Container that is docked to a side)
Text Decoration
Decoration on the gutter of the text area
Popups for error, warning and informational messages on the bottom-right
Quick Pick
Multi-select option selector menu
Input Box
Text box for the user to input values
Status Bar Item
Icon, button, or text in the status bar
Show a progress indicator in the UI
Tree View
Create a tree like the one used to define the workspace (which can be put inside a View or a View Container)
Folding Range
Custom code folding into the plus button on the gutter
The implementation provider (languages like and TypeScript can have declaration and implementation as separate)
Diff Provider
Diff view in source control mode
Commit Template
For commits in source control mode
Apart from this, you can invoke any functionality that the user can invoke in any of the menus with whatever parameters the user can pass. There are events on almost every functionality as well as a lot of file systems and text file-related utility methods.
Let’s start building
Alright, enough with the preamble — let’s start putting an extension together with what we’ve just learned.
Next up, configure the options. Here’s how I set things up:
Extension Generator for VS Code
TypeScript is optional, but highly recommended. Just another way to remind you that VS Code works really well with TypeScript.
Now, you can open the folder in VS Code. I would recommend checking the initial commit. You can look at the quick start guide that gets generated in the project to understand the file structure. Take a quick stab at seeing it live. Go to the debug panel and launch the extension in debug mode. Place a breakpoint inside the activate method in extension.ts to walk through this in action. The “Hello world” application already registers a command that can launch an informational message in the footer. Go to the commands menu with ?+?+P (Ctrl+Shift+P on Windows) and select hello world.
Hitting the debugger
You can put another breakpoint in the registerCommand callback to get the command event.
Open package.json for a description of the plugin’s configuration. Change activationEvents to a more specific one based on what type of language or file protocol you want to support. All Autocomplete supports all file formats, indicated by an *. You should also look at the contributes section if you want to contribute to things like settings, commands, menu items, snippets, etc.
All Autocomplete in the contributes section with contribution points
Many of these contributions have additional JSON in the same package.json file with all the information. Some APIs require code that has to be used in the activate call like vscode.commands.registerCommand for creating a command. For an autocomplete extension, the contributes section is not required and can be removed.
To use the same All Autocomplete options in extension.ts, replace the activate function with the following:
You can specify further details about the completion item, like attached documentation using more options in the object. Now, if you debug this and type H you should see Hello in the completion menu. The code to register most of the language-based providers is nearly the same.
The All Autocomplete menu
You can see the All Autocomplete menu in vscode.languages, which provides options to register providers. Each provider has its own set of parameters that we can fill up similar to the completion item provider.
All Autocomplete with the list of language-specific providers
The document object provides access to the document with utility methods to access text at specific positions and ranges. It is strongly encouraged to use the APIs to access all documents instead of the raw Node.js APIs.
You can parse the document on demand or keep a data structure (like the trie used in All Autocomplete) optimized to search for inputs as the user is typing.
Tip: If you are looking for some text selection/manipulation APIs, there will most likely be an API already available. No need to reinvent the wheel. You can precisely get text with document.getText(document.getWordRangeAtPosition(position)). Alt+Click on any VS Code object to get to the class structure and JSDoc documentation.
Publishing the extension
Once the extension is complete, it is time to publish it to the marketplace. VS Code has a command line tool (vsce) for publishing but it does require creating an account.
Here’s how to prep the extension for submission:
Clean up the package: The package.json and README.md files provide the description and details about your extension that get displayed in the marketplace. It is essential to spruce up those files and fill all missing information so that the documentation comes out clean. Good to add some badges and a self-describing GIF to the repo.
Create an account: You need to create a Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS) account. This is the only place where VS Code ties up with Visual Studio. You need to sign up and get an access token. The VSTS interface is slightly confusing, but you don’t need to learn a new code management tool to publish. Go to the security section to get the access token. (Don’t make the same mistake as me and confuse the gear icon in the menu with security.)
Install: Use the vsce command line tool to publish extensions. It is available in npm and is extremely easy to use.
Security Settings in VSTS
Tip: The access token for VSTS expires every year and therefore the account information is extremely important. It is also required to reply to the comments on the marketplace, though most users are active on GitHub and that is where you are more likely to get bugs and feature requests.
npm install -g vsce # One time installation
vsce create-publisher <name> # One time create publisher
vsce login # One time login. Asks for access token.
vsce publish <version> # Publish or update the extension
VS Code does not compile extensions on the server. Make sure the output folder created by compiling your extension is up to date. Also be sure to check case sensitivity of your file names because incorrect file paths will break in Linux. Native modules in Node are a huge pain and should not be used. It is impossible to compile and provide all platform variants for specific Electron versions. (Someone needs to create a PhoneGap build for npm!) This will get better over time with WebAssembly and N-API.
Support and Maintenance
The VS Code team is super active on GitHub and StackOverflow. GitHub is the right place to file bugs that you might discover in the API. The team is fairly responsive though you need to make the context extremely clear as you would with any helpful bug report.
You should have a GitHub repository for your extension and expect users to file issues directly on GitHub. Expect VS Code users to be proficient with tools and technology (some of them may have a lot more knowledge that you). Even though it’s a free endeavor, keeping humility and treating issue reporters as customers is the right behavior.
Tips on performance
VS Code has good performance because it is built with an architecture that isolates things like extensions that can cause slowness. If your extension does not return in time, your output might be ignored.
A few things that can help maintaining the performance of the editor include:
Using the official APIs: It is easy to ignore them and build your own. The “typings” file is wonderful and has documentation for all of the available APIs. A five minute search there can save a lot of time. If you need some files, it is better in most cases to request VS Code to open it in an editor than it is to read it from a disk (unless you are reading thousands of files and not leaving them open).
Expose options: Ensure there is a way for users to turn off capabilities that rely on heavy events, like every keystroke. It may not seem noticeable on your machines, but this is not the place for that. Developers maintain their dot files forever and they spend time going through options if there is an issue they to work around. There is no harm in exposing a way to gracefully degrade in case every keystroke is not possible.
Child process: Developer tools — especially on the command line — are extremely fast and well optimized. If you need something that involves a lot of files that could choke the JavaScript thread, call into a native tool and politely ask the users to install the dependency. Electron has limitations and we should accept them.
Wrapping up
VS Code is a very flexible application and provides almost all of its guts to extension developers. The workflow to develop and debug extensions is easy and every JavaScript developer should feel at home trying them out. The biggest advantage of developing extensions outside of improving our own lives is the possibility to see a huge TypeScript project in action. For that alone, I would recommend all users to definitely give it a go and share your extensions in the comments.
My extension is live on the VS Code marketplace and I would love to get your feedback on that as well. ?
Forms are one of the most basic primary interactions users will have with your websites (and mobile apps). They link people together and let them communicate. They let them comment on articles and explain to the author how they strongly disagree with what they’ve written. They let people chat directly on a dating app to meet “the one”. Whether for forums, product orders, online communities, account creation or online payment, forms are a big part of users’ online life.
It’s 2018, and we have more mobile than desktop users around the globe. Yet, we still treat those users as second-class citizens of the web. Everybody writes and speaks about user experience all the time. So, why, why, why are so many websites and products still doing it wrong. Why is their mobile user experience damaged for half of the world? Why is it still a pain, why is it still super-hard to book a flight and register an account in a mobile form today? Users expect better!
This is the first part of a series of two articles. In this one, I will sum up some essential best practices to improve your mobile forms, including scannability and readability. I will guide you through label and input placement, size and optimization. We will see how to choose the right form element to reduce interaction costs. Finally, you will learn how to prevent and deal with errors on mobile forms.
In the second part, I will take a closer look at specific mobile capabilities and HTML5 form elements, and we will go beyond classic form elements to make unique and enjoyable web applications and websites.
Note: While most of the code enhancement in this article are web-related (because I don’t know Swift or Java), the usability best practices hold true for mobile applications.
Form Design 101: Prioritizing Scannability And Readability
“A form is the name, value, pairs, in a structure for storing data on a computer barfed out as labels and input fields to human being.” This is a direct quote from Luke Wroblewski at a conference. Like him, I believe that most form usability issues come from this tendency to serve the structure of the database to users.
Strong Information Architecture
To build better forms, you first need to take a few steps away from your database’s structure. Try to understand how users want to fill in forms. This is where doing some usability testing and user research on your forms becomes handy. User mental models is a UX concept that can help you with that. Nielsen Norman Group describes it as “what the user believes about the system at hand”. Ask your tester to think aloud and tell you how they would fill the form. Which steps do they expect? What come first? What comes next? This will give you a better idea of how to structure your form in a more user-friendly way.
Visually grouping fields that belong together will also help users fill a form. In the code, use the fieldset tag to group them programmatically. It will also help screen readers understand the hierarchy.
Chunking information and grouping related pieces of information helps the human brain process this information in an easy, more readable way (Large preview)
If the form is long, don’t expose everything by default. Be smart about what you display. Use branching wisely to display only the fields that people need. In a checkout form, for example, don’t display all of the detailed fields for all of the shipment options. This will overwhelm the user. Display enough information to help them choose the right shipment option. Then, display only the details and fields related to that choice.
User attention spans get shorter with time: Ask for optional things at the end of the form. For instance, if your form is a customer-satisfaction survey, ask for demographic information at the end. Better yet, auto-fill them, if possible. Ask users only for what’s necessary.
Finally, plan ahead for localization: What will happen when your form gets translated? What will happen, say, for German? Will your design still work?
Label Placement And Input Optimization
Single-Column Layout Works Best
Due to the lack of space, you don’t get endless options for placing labels and fields on mobile screens:
Present fields in a single-column layout. There’s no room on mobile for multiple columns. Multi-columns forms are not a great idea on desktop either anyway.
In portrait mode, it’s better to place the label on top of the field so that users can see what’s in the field when they type.
In portrait mode, it’s better to put the label on top of the field. (Large preview)
In landscape mode, the screen’s height is reduced. You might want to put labels on the left and inputs on the right. But test it to make sure it works.
In landscape mode, you want to put labels on the left and inputs on the right. (Large preview)
Labels Should Be Clear And Visible And Work Without Context
Remember that as soon as a field gets focus, the keyboard opens and will take at least one third of the screen’s area. On small mobile screens, users will also have to scroll to fill the form. This means that they will lose part of the context while filling the form. Plan accordingly:
Your labels should be clear, visible text that can be read and understood without context. User should be able to complete each label and field pair as a separate task, even if they lose context.
Just “Address” without context is more complicated to process that “Shipping Address”. (Large preview)
Avoid jargon, abbreviations and industry-specific language whenever you can.
Be consistent. If you use “customer” in a label once, stick with that word. Avoid using “clients” later because it might confuse users.
The font size should be big enough. Test your form on real devices as soon as possible, and adjust the size accordingly.
All-caps text can be hard to read for some users. You might want to avoid using all-caps text on labels.
The label copy should be short and scannable. If a field needs clarification, don’t put it in the label. Use a field description instead.
Avoid full caps, jargon and very long labels. (Large preview)
Input Size Best Practice
If possible, the size of the input element should match the size of the expected content. This will help users quickly fill in the form and understand what’s expected.
Properly sized inputs help the user scan the form and understand what is expected in the fields. (Large preview)
Using Masks To Avoid Splitting Inputs On Mobile
Don’t split inputs just for the sake of formatting. It’s especially annoying on mobile, where users can’t use the keyboard to navigate between fields. It requires extra taps just to go to the next field to fill in the form. You might be thinking, “But I’ll automagically put the focus on the next field when I get the required number of characters in that field”. That could work. But you will have taken control of the UI, which becomes unpredictable for the user. Also, it would be a pain if you automagically sent them to the next field and they needed to correct something in the last field. Finally, it’s more complicated to guess what’s mandatory with split inputs. So, let’s stop playing the “But what if” game and simply not split inputs.
Don’t split the phone number into many little inputs. (Large preview)
I get it: You still want to be able to format your user’s data in small pieces to help them fill in your fields. And you are perfectly right about that. To do so, you could use masks. Instead of splitting an input, just put a mask on top of it, to visually help the user fill it. Here is a video example of what a mask would look like to help users fill in a credit-card field:
Masks help to prevent errors by guiding users to the correct format. Avoid gradually revealing them — show the format directly. Also, avoid putting fake values in the mask. Users might think it’s already filled. That’s why I’ve replaced the numbers with a little “X” in my demo. Find what works best for your type of input.
Finally, remember that some data can vary between countries, and sometimes the format changes, too (phone numbers, for example). Plan accordingly.
Efficient Fields Descriptions
Displaying efficient field descriptions can make the difference between a seamless and a painful form experience.
What Can Descriptions Be Used For?
Descriptions can help users in so many ways. Here are a few examples.
What Exactly Are You Asking For?
For whatever database-related reason, some shipment companies ask for “Address 1” and “Address 2” fields. This is highly confusing for users, but you might not have a choice here. Add description fields to help users understand what they need to put in each field.
Inline descriptions help users understand why you need this information. (Large preview)
The same goes for acronyms and abbreviations. I know I said that you should avoid them, but sometimes you can’t. If you work on complex forms for a particular industry, for instance, they might have their own set of abbreviations. Any new user who needs to fill in the form might not be familiar (yet) with those abbreviations. Having a description available somewhere will help them.
Why Do You This Information? Users might be reluctant to give you personal information if they don’t understand why you need it and what you will do with it. But sometimes you still need to ask for such information for legal reasons (like date of birth for a website that sells alcohol). Using field descriptions here will help users understand why this kind of information is needed.
On e-commerce websites, you might want to ask for the user’s phone number in case the delivery person needs to contact them. This is a legitimate reason. So, again, use descriptions to explain to e-commerce users why you need their phone number.
Sometimes you need information for legal or practical reasons. Again, tell the user why. (Large preview)
“Where Do I Find the Information?” If your users need to find certain information somewhere else in order to fill a form, tell them where to find it. I worked on a mobile app that lets user track their house. Users needed to pair the app to the monitoring device using a serial number. It’s not very easy to find this serial number on the device; it requires some instruction. We added a little ? button next to the serial number field. The button opens a modal that shows a picture and some indication to help the user understand where to find the serial number on the monitoring device.
E-commerce websites do the same with promo codes: They give indicators that tell users where to find the codes.
Users can tap on the link (left) or the question mark (right) to open a popup where they can find extra information to help them fill in the field. (Large preview)
“How Should I Format The Information?” Some fields need a particular format. In this case, use descriptions to let users know the formatting rules up front. Here are a few examples:
Phone number: do I need to put the international dialing code (+xx) in front of the field?
Is there a maximum length? Twitter on mobile does a good job with that one.
When dealing with monetary amounts, is the format with comma (like 10,000) or a space (like 10 000)?
What format do you expect for dates? I’ll let you check on Wikipedia what a nightmare that is. The difference between DD MM YY and MM DD YY can cause a *lot* of trouble to users when booking online.
Note that a lot of those formatting issues can be solved by input masks. We will come to that later in the article (or you can jump right in if you are impatient).
In the old 180-character days, Twitter used to tell you exactly how many characters you had left. Also, the date format varies from one country to another, so you might want to explain what to expect. (Large preview)
How To Display Descriptions
In the examples, above, we saw a few ways to display field descriptions. Here is a summary of what to do:
Inline descriptions should be directly visible and displayed next to the field.
If you need more in-depth descriptions with heavy content, you can use tooltips or modals. Tooltips are generally triggered on hover on desktop and on tap on mobile. The same goes for the modals: Open it when the user taps the help icon or “see more” link, for instance.
The placeholder disappears when the user starts typing. The user must then rely on short-term memory to remember what they are supposed to put in the field. If they can’t, they will need to empty the field to see the indication.
It’s hard for users to double-check fields before submitting because the fields no longer have any label indications.
It’s hard to recover from errors once a field has been submitted because, again, there’s no label to help the user.
Placeholders rely on short-term memory. They make forms hard to check before submission. And recovering from errors is hard, especially when error messages don’t help much. (Large preview)
Even if you use placeholders with labels, you might still have some issues. It’s hard to tell the difference between a filled field and a field with a placeholder. I’m a UX designer who writes about mobile form design and even I got tricked last week by one of those. If it happens to me, it will happen to your users — trust me on that one. Finally, most placeholders have light-gray text, so you might have some contrast issues as well.
It’s easy to mistake some of these fields for being filled in. The right screenshot is something I’ve seen online. I’ll let you guess what is filled in and what is not. (Large preview)
Placeholders are not mandatory in HTML5. From a usability point of view, you most certainly don’t need a placeholder in every field of your form. But with the massive adoption of Bootstrap and other frameworks, it looks like a lot of people just copy and paste components. Those components have placeholders, so I guess people feel kind of obligated to add something to the placeholder in the code? If your form’s placeholders look like “Please fill your — label — here”, you’re doing it wrong.
I’m not joking: I’ve actually seen forms with 12 fields, with each placeholder less useful than the last. (Large preview)
Labels inside fields could, nevertheless, work well for short forms in which fields are predictable. Login forms are a good candidate for this. But please don’t use the HTML5 placeholder to code this. Use a real label in the code and move it around with CSS and JavaScript.
Labels inside fields can work on really short forms, like login forms, where users don’t have a lot of information to remember. (Large preview)
Since the success of Android’s material design, a pattern has started to emerge: the floating label. This label is inside the field when the field is not filled in, so it takes a bit less vertical space on mobile. When users start interacting with the field, the label moves above the field.
This looks like an interesting way to gain some space, without running into the “placeholders in place of labels” issues cited above. Nevertheless, it does not solve the problem of users possibly mistaking a placeholder for filled-in content.
The floating label, even if not perfect, is an interesting alternative to gaining vertical space on the screen. (Large preview)
Interaction Cost Reduction For Successful Forms
Reducing the interaction cost (i.e. the number of taps, swipes, etc.) of users achieving their task will help you build a seamless form experience. There are different techniques to achieve that. Let’s look at a few of them in detail.
A Magic Study On The Internet Told Me To Reduce The Number Of Fields
More fields mean fewer conversions, right? You might have encountered the “we reduced our subscription form from 11 to 4 fields, and it drove up conversions by 160%” study. It’s a classic. And if you look at their contact form, it kind of makes sense. Why would users want to fill in 11 fields just to contact the company? You can’t ask such a big commitment of people who barely know you, right?
Start by asking only for useful information. Why do you need a person’s gender to create an account for them? Why do you have two lines for the address if your subscription form is for an online service?
Ask only for the information you need. And then ask for the information in context. If you have an e-commerce website, users might be more inclined to give you their address in the shipping section of the checkout process than when they register. It will make your e-commerce registration form so much easier to fill on mobile!
Ask for the user’s address in the shipping section of the checkout, not when they register. (Large preview)
Also, don’t blindly trust every statistic and study you find on the Internet. Remember the 11-fields-to-4 study? Well another more recent study showed that by reducing fields from 9 to 6, conversions dropped by 14%. Shocking, isn’t it? Why? Well, they removed the most engaging fields. Long story short, they then went back to 9 fields, put the most important on the top, and voilà, conversions increased by 19.21%.
The bottom line is that while these studies are interesting, those websites are not your website. Don’t blindly trust the first study you find on the Internet.
So, what can you do? Test. Test. And test!
Do some user testing to see the time to completion of your mobile form.
Measure drop outs.
Measure problems with certain fields.
Measure the frustration associated with certain fields. How willing are users to give that information? How personal is that information?
Optimizing Touch Interactions
Making Controls Touch-Friendly
If your fields are too small or hard to reach, users will make errors and will need extra interactions to achieve their goals. Remember Fitt’s law? You could apply it to mobile design as well: Make your labels, fields and form controls easy to tap by increasing the touch target size. For labels on the web, a little more padding can increase the touchable area. Sometimes you will also need to add some margins between elements to avoid missed taps.
Also, don’t forget to link labels with their components by pairing for and ID values. That way, if the user misses a tap on the label, the corresponding field will still get focus.
On mobile, respect mobile touch-optimized best practices, and make sure inputs are big enough to be easily tappable. (Large preview)
Steven Hoober conducted some user research on touch areas. You’ll find a summary in “Designing for Touch”. Based on what he discovered, he built a little plastic ruler tool: the mobile touch template. The tool could help you make sure your touch areas are big enough for mobile forms and more generally for mobile design.
Mobile users don’t have a mouse (no kidding), so they don’t get the “click” feedback that desktop users get when hitting a button. Mobile form users need clear feedback when interacting with elements:
Provide a focus state for the form field that the user is interacting with.
Provide visual feedback when the user interacts with a button.
I’m not a big fan of material design’s ripple effect on buttons. But I must admit that the animations on Android provide clear feedback when the user interacts with a button.
Honor The Next And Previous Button Order
Finally, honor the next and previous buttons on mobile keyboards. Users can use them to quickly navigate fields. The tabindex order should match the visual order of fields and components.
iOS has small arrows on the keyboard to go from one field to another. (Large preview)
Avoid Dropdowns On Mobile If Possible
Dropdowns (the HTML select element) on the web require a lot of tabs and interactions. Therefore, as Luke Wroblewski said, they should be the UI of last resort. Many other UI components work better than dropdowns in many situations.
Segment controls and radio buttons are good alternatives to dropdowns if you have between two and four options. Why hide the options under a dropdown when you can show them all directly on one screen? Note that, like radio buttons, segment controls are mutually exclusive.
Example of segment controls in the iOnic library. (Large preview)
A country list is a good candidate for a component. A dropdown of over a hundred countries is an interaction nightmare on mobile. It’s OK if you are looking for Afghanistan (at the beginning of the list) or Zimbabwe (the end of the list). If you’re looking for Luxembourg, you will end up in a game of scrolling to reach the middle of the list, going too far to the letter M, trying to come back to L, and so on.
Long dropdowns can be replaced by predictive text input fields. When the user starts typing L, the interface would propose nine countries. If they add a U — voilà! — Luxembourg it is. Four interactions instead of two, versus as many as six or seven scrolling interactions with the dropdown.
Long dropdowns are a nightmare when you’re searching for France. Predictive fields work better. (Large preview)
If you need users to pick a date, forget about splitting it into a day, month and year dropdown like people are used to doing on paper forms. Replace multiple date dropdowns with a date picker. The HTML5 input type=date works in most cases. But you might have some special needs and end up building your own date picker in JavaScript, especially if you are in the booking business (hotels, cars, flights).
A double date-picker built in JavaScript makes it easy to pick arrival and departure dates with a minimum of interaction (Large preview)
In his article “Mobile DropDowns Revisited”, Klaus Schaefers explains how using a date-picker for arrival and departure dates made interactions 60% faster.
Let’s stick with the booking business. Suppose the user needs to add multiple travellers to their itinerary. You can **replace the dropdown *with a* stepper** to select the number of passengers. A stepper is a control that allows the user to increase and decrease values simply by tapping on + and - buttons. That tends to be faster when fewer than six persons have to be added. It’s also more intuitive. Below is an example of a stepper used in the Android-native Airbnb app to select guests, and on the mobile-optimized website of Kayak to add passengers.
A stepper is used in the Android-native Airbnb app to select guests and on the mobile-optimized website of Kayak to add passengers. (Large preview)
A final alternative to dropdowns is the list view. The options would be listed in a specific subview, as radio buttons, for instance. This is mostly how Android settings work.
In our monitoring app, when the user clicks on “notification type 1”, it opens a list view with the options. (Large preview)
Getting Smart With Auto-Completion
If you want to decrease the interaction cost of your form, be smart. Don’t ask for information that you can auto-detect or guess based on other information users have given you. Autocomplete and prefill as much as you can.
Places and Addresses
If the user searches for a place or needs to enter an address, you can offer auto-completion to help them. As they type, an API would fill in the rest of the address for them. This also reduces errors.
In the Algolia Place demo, as the user types, it offers suggestions and can autocomplete the field.
In France and many other countries, you can guess the city based on the area code. So, if a French user enters an area code, you could automatically auto-complete or at least propose the city. My country, Luxembourg, is small (don’t make fun of me). My area code is linked to my street. So, if I enter my area code, the form should even be able to suggest my street.
Credit Cards
Another area where auto-detection is easy is credit cards. You don’t need to ask the user what type of credit card they have. You can auto-detect this based on the initial numbers they enter. There’s even a library that can do the job for you.
A demo of the payment script that detects credit card type.
In short, when you must choose between different systems, count the number of interactions each is going to require.
Mistakes Happen: Handling Errors In Mobile Forms
The last step on our journey towards better mobile forms is handling errors and mistakes. We can try to reduce mistakes to ease the user’s cognitive load. We can also help them recover from errors, because no matter how great your form design is, mistakes happen.
Avoiding Errors While Filling The Forms
“Prevention is better than a cure,” my mother used to say. That’s also true of form design: Preventing errors will improve your mobile form’s experience.
Explicit Format Limitation
“Be conservative in what you do. Be liberal in what you accept from others.” This robustness principle can be applied to form fields as well. If possible, let the user enter data in any format.
If you think you need to limit what a user can enter in the field, start by asking yourself “why”. In the user experience field, we have a technique called “the three whys”. If the answer is “because blah blah database”, maybe it’s time to change things. For instance, why do you refuse special characters like é, à and ö in the user name field? I wrote an article explaining how rude forms are to me when I try to enter “Stéphanie” as a user name. I’m still trying to figure out a good reason for that (apart from database reasons).
If you have a good reason to require a specific format from users, state this up front. You can use HTML5 placeholders to give users a hint about what the data should look like, but again, be careful with those. You could also use all of the field description techniques explained at the beginning of this article. Finally, input masks can guide users towards the right format.
Marking Mandatory Fields (And Optional Ones)
Don’t wait for users to submit a half-completed form to tell them about required fields. If a field is mandatory, users should know about it. Marking mandatory fields with an asterix (*) and a legend has become a standard pattern for forms. The good part is that it does not take much space. The problem is that it has no semantic value, so it can cause accessibility issues if poorly coded and if you rely on people’s habits with form interaction.
You could instead explicitly mark both mandatory and optional fields with the words “required” (or “mandatory”) and “optional”. Both Baymard Institute and Luke Wroblewski agree on that. This avoids ambiguity with long forms on mobile, such as when using a scroller, proceeding with something else, then coming back and not remembering if mandatory fields were marked with an asterisk or something else.
A form with both mandatory and optional fields marked. (Large preview)
Eventually, the decision on how to mark those fields will depend on the design and length of the field and on the context. The best way to know whether you’ve made the right decision is, again, to test the form.
Sensible Defaults
Be careful about default selected options in forms. When I applied for my previous job, there was an information form. The marital status was optional. They made the first element in the dropdown, “divorced”, the default field. So, I could either not answer (because it was an optional field) and let the system believe that I was divorced, or correct this and disclose my actual marital status even if I did not want to.
Also, be careful about gender. Again, have an option for people who don’t want to disclose it; make clear why you’re asking for their gender; better yet, ask for pronouns, or don’t ask if you don’t really need to. If you are interested in this topic, I recommend “Designing Forms for Gender Diversity and Inclusion.” And if the gender is optional, again, don’t auto-check the first choice, otherwise people won’t be able to uncheck that radio button and choose not to answer.
Should I leave the default and lie, or put the right information even I don’t want to? (Large preview)
Smart defaults, on the other hand, can help users avoid mistakes when filling a form. Unless you’re in a Dr. Who episode, you’re not supposed to book a hotel in the past. Booking.com understands that. When you open the date-picker on the website, the default date is set to the current date and you can’t select a date in the past. When you select a return date, the default is the day after the departure date.
Booking.com’s smart defaults help users avoid mistakes. You can’t search in the past or before your arrival date. (Large preview)
Less Painful Password Experience
I’ve written about password-less authentication, but you can’t always use those techniques. Users will eventually have to create a password and enter it in a mobile form. And most of the time, that experience sucks. Here are a few ideas on how to make it better and help users avoid mistakes.
When Creating An Account I won’t get into the details of what kind of passwords you should require and how many characters they should be composed of — plenty of articles on that topic are on the web — just make up your mind about your password criteria. When users create an account, be proactive, not reactive. For the love of Cthulhu, don’t let people guess. Tell users your password criteria up front.
A lot of websites now show you a gauge for password strength telling you in real time what is missing. This is an interesting and excellent pattern. KLM uses it in its sign-in form:
But there are still some big problems with this design.
They don’t tell users their password criteria up front. Users who want to generate a password (using a password manager, for instance) must first guess that they need to first interact with the field in other to see the password criteria.
They limit the password’s length to 12 characters, but they never tell users how many characters are left. Sure, let’s add “counting the dots” to the cognitive load of building a password with so many criteria. After 12 characters, you can keep on typing on the keyboard, and nothing will happen.
What happens if, like me, you reached the 12-character limit but haven’t met all of the criteria? Well, you would just have to delete the entire password and start over again.
Finally, you must enter the password twice. How is a user supposed to remember and retype the password that they just created based on those criteria while counting the dots?
Back to 1, generating a password with a password manager.
If KLM wanted to make this form better, it could provide a mask/unmask option for the password. Doing so, it would not need to ask for the same password twice. Users could visually check that the password they typed is the one they want.
TransferWise doesn’t solve my first problem in the list, but at least I can unmask while typing.
When Logging In In a login form, a mask/unmask password option would tremendously improve the user experience. A button to show and hide the password in a form.
Amazon has an interesting history of iterating on passwords in its login form. It used to have a version in which you could not see the password. The next iteration allowed users to reveal it. Then, the password was revealed by default, and you could hide it. This is what is looked like in 2015:
Amazon tested the last version, and 60% people got suspicious. So, they replaced the “hide password” unchecked checkbox with a “show password” checked box. This would show the password in smaller characters, under the field, while the user typed. This is what it looks like at the time of writing this article:
Amazon’s show and hide password functionality (Large preview)
As you can see, there’s always room for improvement.
Inline Validation
If you are familiar with usability principles, you might know the Gestalt law of proximity. On mobile, avoid the summary of errors at the top of the page, with no contextual information, after the user has tapped the submit button.
Instead, error messages should be located close to the errors themselves.
You also don’t need to wait until users hit the submit button. You can validate fields and display feedback while the user is filling them in.
A few tips:
As mentioned earlier, password fields would benefit from real-time validation and feedback on each keystroke.
You might also want to validate user names in real time when accounts are being created, to make sure they’re available. Twitter does a good job of that.
Don’t validate every keystroke. Wait until the user has finished typing. (Use JavaScript blur for web forms, or just wait a few seconds to detect inactivity.)
I’m not saying that color matters just because of my current ginger, pink and purple hair color. Color really matters in form design.
There are some conventions on the web that you don’t want to break. Non-colorblind users know that red is for errors, yellow is for warnings, and green is almost always for confirmation or success. It’s best to stick with these three colors. Red can make people anxious, though. The user might think they’ve made a really serious mistake. Using orange or yellow for error messages could cause less panic. The problem with yellow and orange is that it’s hard to find colorblind-friendly hues of them.
Colors have different connotations across countries and cultures. Be careful with them. (Large preview)
Speaking of colorblindness: Color should not be the only way to convey an error message. This is an accessibility criterion.
In the example below on the left, the field with an error is in orange, and the field that has been corrected has turned green. I used a colorblind testing tool to take the screenshot in the middle: You can’t distinguish between the default gray border and the green one anymore. Adding some icons in the last screenshot ensures that the error messages are conveyed to colorblind people.
Color should not be the only way to convey error messages. The colorblind simulation in the middle shows that the green border cannot be seen by a colorblind person. (Large preview)
Recovering From Errors: Writing User-Friendly Error Messages
At this point, we’ve done everything we can to help users fill our forms and avoid errors. But sometimes, despite our best effort, mistakes happen. It’s time to figure out how to help users recover from those mistakes.
First, remember: Don’t hijack control of the system. If a problem isn’t critical, the user should be able to continue interacting with as much of the rest of the interface as possible. Avoid those JavaScript alert error message and modals that blocks users whenever possible. Also, if your form needs some permission, request it in the flow of use. If permission is not granted, do not consider this an error because it is not. Be careful about the copy you use here.
You’re Not A Robot, And Neither Are Your Users
Robots are cool, I know. But you’re not a robot, and neither are your users. Yet so many error messages are still so poorly written. Here are a few tips when it comes to human-friendly error messages:
Never show a raw error message, like “An error of type 2393 has occurred. Server could not complete the operation.” Instead, explain what happened in human language and why it happened.
Never show a dead-end error message, like “An error has occurred.” Instead suggest ways to recover from the error. Write actionable copy.
Never show a vague error message, like “A server with the specified hostname could not be found”, with a “Try again” button. Instead, make error messages informative and consistent. Please don’t sound like a robot.
Don’t assume that people know the context of a message. Your users are not tech-savvy geeks. Instead, explain to them in plain language, without technical jargon, how to recover from this error.
Examples of non-human-friendly error messages. Eek! (Large preview)
Beware The Language You Use In Messages
Whatever you write, avoid making people feel stupid about a mistake. If possible, leave out negative words; they tend to scare people and make them even more anxious. Use a courteous, positive, affirming tone instead.
Don’t blame users for mistakes; blame the system instead. The system won’t hold a grudge, I promise. Shift the user’s attention to how the system could not process the action, and explain to them how to find a solution.
A little trick is to read your own message out loud. It will help you hear whether it works or is too harsh or too casual, etc.
You could also get creative with error messages and incorporate imagery and humour to make them less threatening. This will really depend on your brand’s identity and tone, though.
To help you write better error message, I suggest you read the following:
The user has filled in the form, there are no more errors, and everything looks good. Finally, it’s time to submit the form!
The first rule is, don’t mask the submit button. Seriously! I wonder what twisted mind came up with this idea, but I’ve seen it in some forms. The submit button would be displayed only once all required fields were filled in without any errors. It’s disturbing for the user to wonder whether something is wrong or the form’s button has not loaded or the website is broken and so on.
If you don’t want users to be able to hit the submit button if there’s missing mandatory fields or there are validation errors, use the disabled HTML attribute on the submit input. You will need to re-enable the button using JavaScript once the form is valid and ready for submission.
Do not hide the submit button. Instead, deactivate it until users have filled in the required information. (Large preview)
If you have a primary and secondary call to action, use color, size and styling to show the hierarchy.
Example of primary and secondary actions (Large preview)
If are wondering whether the confirmation button should come before or after the cancellation button, so am I (and a lot of other people). If you are building a native app, stick to the OS guidelines. It’s become particularly fun since Android changed the button positions in its fourth version. On the web, it’s more complicated because there are no real guidelines. Regardless of the OS, here are some general guidelines for mobile-optimized submit buttons:
Give the call to action descriptive, actionable verbs.
Provide visual feedback when the user taps it.
If you have two buttons, make the primary action stand out.
Unless you’re working on a very specific back-office enterprise form (in which case, you’ll have a lot of challenges optimizing for mobile), avoid a reset button. Users might confuse it with the submit button and will lose all of their data by accident.
In this first part, I’ve discussed a lot of little techniques to take your form to the next level and help users fill it in. Some of these general guidelines and mobile best practices might not work 100% of the time — that’s the catch with best practices. So, always test your forms on real users and real devices, and adapt the guidelines to your users’ specific needs and experience.
Also, do some regression and automated functional testing — again, on real devices. Chrome’s mobile emulator won’t be enough to test touch-optimized forms. I say this because I had launched an e-commerce website with a search form that didn’t work on mobile. We only did automated testing using an emulator. Here is what happened. The search form was hidden under a search icon. You could tap on the button, which opened a box with the search field. It worked by emulating a mouse hover as a touch event. We tested tapping on the button, and it opened the box. Nobody tried to launch a search. So, nobody (not even the client) saw that the search field disappeared as soon as users tried to interact with it. What happened? When the input element got focus, the button lost the hover state, so it closed the box with the field. Automated testing was not able to catch this because the input was not losing focus. So, we launched an e-commerce website without search functionality on mobile. Not a super experience.
In the second part of this series, we will see more advanced mobile-specific techniques. We will see how to use cool HTML5 features to format fields and how to use mobile capabilities to take the mobile user experience to the next level.
Welcome to our roundup of the best websites launched (or relaunched with significant updates) this August. The Summer’s almost over, vacations are less frequent, and we’re starting to see businesses gearing up for the Fall. This month we’ve included some great e-commerce, some design agencies with a difference, and some products with marketing challenges.
There’s a huge trend for bold color, subtle animations, and scrolling effects this month. And not before time, big type is making a comeback. Enjoy!
The creative conference for creatives that don’t do conferences, Epicurrence 2018 takes place in Yosemite later this month. The accompanying site uses stunning illustrations and subtle parallax to draw the user into the spirit of the event.
Angelo Sanvito
Angelo Sanvito is an illustrator, UI and UX designer, and motion graphics designer from Milan, Italy. His simple site shows off the very best of these skills with a series of portraits of famous artists. When it comes to personal sites, it’s the epitome of “Don’t tell, show”.
Atomize Design System
The Site for the Atomize Design System is beautifully minimal. It of course follows its own best practices, but there are also some excellent details. Take a look at the custom icons for the different features all based on the branding. Detail like that takes time.
Lisa & Ryan
Picking a design agency to take your brand forward is a difficult task. Lisa & Ryan do a great job of explaining who they are, why they’re a great team, and why you should pick them.
If you’re looking for a wee dram, then the Scottish Highlands is probably your first port of call. But if you’re looking for something a little different, then you might consider meandering south to France, thanks to this exquisite website for Bellvoye.
Swiss Typefaces
Swiss Typefaces is a type foundry with an audacious attitude to color. With so many type designs presented in black and white, it’s refreshing to see hot pinks, acid greens, and lots of magenta all thrown into a single design.
Eleven Plants for Dum Dums
Part design exercise, part typography sampler, part horticultural guide, Eleven Plants for Dum Dums is a beautifully designed single page site with awesome illustrations galore. You’ve rarely seen green so lovingly applied.
Do you remember the video arcade classic Paperboy? No, me neither (ahem). For those too young to have wasted hours on Atari’s worldwide smash, MailChimp have released this fun game. Steer Freddie through the streets delivering as much mail as you can.
Boy Smells
Purveyor of scented candles for men and women, Boy Smells have gone super bold with their type, and super committed with their restricted color palette. The result is a site that feels very modern, and very confident.
End Family Fire
Family fire is the unhappy occurrence of an accidental shooting as a result of an improperly stored firearm. The End Family Fire website leverages art direction and interaction to educate on the potential risks, so you can keep your family safe.
Great work is helped by a great workspace, and of course by great design tools. Appointed‘s site perfectly captures the spirit of the workspaces it is trying to create by exuding pure calm.
Goat are selling something difficult: second hand shoes. Professionally cleaned, and graded, they offer everything from rare sneakers to everyday kicks. To grab your attention, Goat uses intrigue right from the get-go, this is a great high-impact design.
Coralie Reiter
Coralie Reiter makes exquisite jewellery out of natural materials like shells. The delicate nature of the items being displayed is perfectly balanced by the use of pastels throughout the site to add life, and energy to the collection.
Art & History Museum
We’re used to hero images featuring smiling models peering out at us. Art & History Museum brilliantly subverts the cliché with a comical look from a stone figure. The rest of the site for the Brussels museum is just as carefully curated.
Renegade Craft
Renegade Craft is another site using bold typography, subtle (and not so subtle) animation, and bold color blocks. Promoting craft practices across the USA, the site’s a positive use of parallax.
Hawkins New York
Selling interior design products is difficult in a competitive market, but sites like Hawkins New York are finding a new design direction by merging classic minimalism and a new-found love of color to ply their wares.
The color blocking and dynamic typography of Arche68 is almost an assault on the senses. It takes some clicking to discover the purpose of the site (they sell accessories) but the bold approach to design is right on-brand.
Curate Labs
There are lots of design ideas on the web, but rarely does a design agency lay its cards on the table to the extent that Curate Labs have. They tell you what they believe, because that’s at the heart of what they do.
Moving Brands
Moving Brands present their portfolio split across the screen using the unique geometry of their logo. With clients ranging from Apple to Sony, you’d be right to expect a creative approach, and they deliver.
Stack offers subscriptions to a diverse range of magazines for those who like their print media a little more random. As a source of design inspiration, not least thanks to its bold color palette, it’s fantastic to browse through.
Every week users submit a lot of interesting stuff on our sister site Webdesigner News, highlighting great content from around the web that can be of interest to web designers.
The best way to keep track of all the great stories and news being posted is simply to check out the Webdesigner News site, however, in case you missed some here’s a quick and useful compilation of the most popular designer news that we curated from the past week.
Note that this is only a very small selection of the links that were posted, so don’t miss out and subscribe to our newsletter and follow the site daily for all the news.
Scroll Bouncing on your Websites
Site Design: Kommigraphics
How Ikea Quietly Tweaks its Design Around the World
Screenlife App – A UI/UX Case Study
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Fairtrade Website Redesign – A UX Case Study
Why Designers Don’t Want to Think When They Read
A Small Tool to Help You Generate Color Scales in an Instant
Font Flipper — Tinder for Google Fonts
How to Choose a Name for a New Product (with Minimal Stress)
Neede – An Online Design Resource Library
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The Design is the Implementation
CanSnippet CE – A CMS for Sharing Code
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HoverSignal – Increase your Website’s Conversions with Notifications
100 Days of Motion Design
Being a Great Designer is About More than Being Great at Design
A Beginner’s Guide to Aspect Ratio
Are Gutenberg’s Bad Reviews a Sign of Failure?
Using Micro-interactions to Enhance Search
How to Launch a Side Project in 10 Days
Want more? No problem! Keep track of top design news from around the web with Webdesigner News.
Each Container stores cookies separately, so you can log into the same site with different accounts and online trackers can’t easily connect the browsing.
A great idea for a feature if you ask me. For example, I have two Buffer accounts and my solution is to use different browsers entirely to stay logged into both of them. I know plenty of folks that prefer the browser version of apps like Notion, Front, and Twitter, and it’s cool to have a way to log into the same site with multiple accounts if you need to — and without weird trickery.
This is browsers competing on UI/UX features rather than web platform features, which is a good thing. Relevant: Opera Neon and Refresh.
Have you ever wondered what do a bitten apple and technology have in common? The Apple logo has become one of the most iconic and world-wide known logo, but not many people know the history and the meaning of the bitten apple.
The first logo of the company doesn’t look at all like the actual one that represents the Apple brand. The first image of the company has only survived for one year, before Steve Jobs asked the talented artist Rob Janoff to create something more modern and representative for Apple. The finial logo, designed by Ronald Wayne and Steve Jobs, illustrated Sir Isaac Newton under an apple tree, and as background it had a poem written on the side of the drawing. The quotation by Wordsworth that was also inscribed into the logo said: “Newton… a mind forever voyaging through strange seas of thought.”
The Apple Logo: How did it become an iconic image of the company?
The iconic Apple logo, the bitten apple that we can now find it on all the company’s products, was created by Rob Janoff in the 70’s. According to him, the reason Steve Jobs wanted a bitten apple was that people would be able to tell apart the apple from a tomato. You can also look at the bite as a clever play on word. Instead of spelling it B-I-T-E, you can spell it B-Y-T-E as in the measurement for digital storage. It is, of course, a strong reference for a tech company.
The rainbow Apple Logo
The first version the bitten logo was a rainbow stripped apple. This Apple logo represented the company between 1976 and 1998. Rob Janoff explains why Jobs opted for the rainbow in one of his interviews. Once the personal computer Apple II was launched, it was the first computer ever that could display colors on the screen. The representatives of the company wanted to make this fact known by all. Also, the colors were also an attempt to make the logo more accessible, and to attract the young generation.
In 1998, things started to change again, as well as the Apple company’s logo. Steve jobs decided to change it into a monochromatic apple. The rainbow colors of the apple were going to go out of fashion. The new monochromatic logo matched the image of the newest products on the market better than anything else.
Regarding the name of the company, there are many speculations. Unfortunately, there isn’t one most plausible theory among all the existent ones. Some believe that the founders Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak wanted their start up to appear on the first pages of the phone books. Others believe that they wanted to stand out of the crowd with a simple name, easy to be remembered by. They wanted to create a contrast between their company and all the other hard to remember names of tech companies such as TRS-80, IBM, or Cincom. Also, the idea that the founders wanted to bring a tribute to The Beatles’ record label.
The WordPress design team set out to build the ultimate website-building platform. That time, they had several things in mind. Among them, they wanted to make building websites as easy as possible. Also, they planned to allow web designers to build exactly what they want down to the finest detail. Users can do so without having to work around restrictions.
It’s an obvious fact that not only did they succeed, they also empowered a lot of web designers. With each new tool or service, web designers are able to build advanced websites.
Take a few minutes to go down this list of 10 top WordPress tools and services. Chances are, you’ll come across a product or service you’ll wish you had to work with a long time ago.
If you are looking for a powerful web design solution that is also open source and based on WordPress, Elementor is your best choice. With Elementor, you can reach the most astounding results that professional web designers charge a fortune for. It solves most of the limitations imposed on users by the various WordPress themes.
Elementor, with its visual frontend page builder, is the genuine article if you’re looking for a product that enables you to build anything you want down to the minutest of details, without having to write a single line of code. Better yet, this open source page builder is super-fast, it works with any template. Did we mention it costs you nothing to get started?
With Elementor, you can start a page from scratch, use any of its 130+ templates, use your own, or download one from another source.
Elementor’s ranking as the #1 WordPress page builder is entirely justifiable in terms of performance, capabilities, and popularity. With respect to the latter, its user base has grown from a mere handful a little less than 2 years ago to over 1 million users today.
Two of Brizy’s top assets are its ease of use and the UX it provides. An additional top asset would have to be that it is free to download and use by anyone having a WordPress website.
Brizy has managed the seemingly impossible in that it provides users with an impressive number of website-building features and options while at the same time presenting them with a user interface that is remarkably free of clutter and distractions. If you need a particular function, setting, or option it’s there when you need it. You don’t have to conduct a search among a host of sidebar items for each and every action you take.
The best way to introduce yourself to Brizy is to test it on their website. The HTML you generate is free and yours to keep and to use however you wish.
The Posts Table Pro plugin is one you’ll wish you had long ago if your website efforts have included building tabular listings of posts and pages, document libraries, member directories, and the like. This dynamic plugin would have saved you many hours of data entry, which like most manual processes can often be somewhat error-prone.
Now, you can perform the same tasks quickly, error-free, and with the flexibility you need to create tables that exactly meet your requirements. With Posts Table Pro, you can select the pages, posts, custom post types or multimedia items you want to tabulate, order and sort them as you wish, and adjust column parameters, load times, and other characteristics as you deem necessary. Maybe it’s time to start using a tool that lets you build tables your way and do so with relative ease.
Posts Table Pro works with any WordPress theme and comes with expert support from the plugin developers.
Unless you have a very small and simple website to maintain, you might be unaware of the time you spend performing edits and updates, eliminating malware, optimizing plugins, and performing backups. How much is your time worth? Would it be better spent building your business?
The WordXpress team of WordPress maintenance experts will do all of these for you. They will save you time and effort and relieve you of a ton of unnecessary stress, just as they’ve been doing for other website owners for the past decade.
Personalized marketing makes websites much more effective, and Logic Hop is the personalized marketing solution that can help you acquire more leads and generate more sales and conversions than generic marketing solutions are generally capable of. Personalized call-to-actions, for example, convert twice as well as the generic alternatives.
Logic Hop integrates with the tools you’re already using – like Google Analytics – or can collect its own data. All this opens up your WordPress site for personalized marketing and a more effective website.
Goodie appeals to small businesses who wish to have their design ideas directly converted into working code without having to go through a middleman. Goodie’s team of experienced developers can completely code your website design for $999. Whether you submit your design in digital file format or sketched out on paper, they’ll work with you to give you precisely the website you want.
Starfish Reviews is a plugin that works with any of the common online reviews platforms to enable you to encourage customer and follower reviews of your business. Having more 5-star reviews on Facebook, iTunes, Google, TripAdvisor, etc. can significantly increase sales since consumers look at and trust online reviews when buying. Ratings also has a positive effect on SEO.
Starfish Reviews sees that positive reviews get published and routes negative reviews back to you as feedback.
Here’s your opportunity to make Fixmysite.com your trusted neighborhood website garage. The Fixmysite.com web mechanics will fix on demand whatever is ailing your website to your complete satisfaction or give you your money back.
The Fixmysite.com team can also help you with web migration, speed optimization, malware removal issues, and provide installation services and perform site audits.
Some review styles work better for a given type of product or service than others. WP Review Pro gives you the options
of summarizing reviews as approval percentages, stars ratings, ratios, and thumbs up and down depending upon what has been reviewed. This WooCommerce compatible best review plugin also enables you to generate product and service comparison tables.
WordLift is an open source software tool for bloggers, journalists, content marketers, SEO specialists, and web designers. It allows artificial intelligence work for you by translating your website’s articles and pages into machine-friendly content that search crawlers and personal digital assistants use to serve users the right information and help them take action.
This results in a richer and more engaging website UX and a growth of organic traffic.
Have you been looking for ways to build a better website? Or, maybe you’d like to improve a website’s performance, or extend its capabilities? Anyway, there’s something here for you.
More than a few of these tools enable you to add functionality to your websites. It would cost you an arm and a leg to have someone do it for you. Each of these top WordPress products and services is worth is worth its weight in gold.
Amberley Romo read a ton about PWAs in order to form her own solid understanding.
“Progressive web app” (PWA) is both a general term for a new philosophy toward building websites and a specific term with an established set of three explicit, testable, baseline requirements.
As a general term, the PWA approach is characterized by striving to satisfy the following set of attributes:
.filter is a built-in array iteration method that accepts a predicate which is called against each of its values, and returns a subset of all values that return a truthy value.
That is a lot to unpack in one statement! Let’s take a look at that statement piece-by-piece.
“Built-in” simply means that it is part of the language—you don’t need to add any libraries to get access to this functionality.
“Iteration methods” accept a function that are run against each item of the array. Both .map and .reduce are other examples of iteration methods.
A “predicate” is a function that returns a boolean.
A “truthy value” is any value that evaluates to true when coerced to a boolean. Almost all values are truthy, with the exceptions of: undefined, null, false, 0, NaN, or "" (empty string).
To see .filter in action, let’s take a look at this array of restaurants.
isBurger is the predicate, and burgerJoints is a new array which is a subset of restaurants. It is important to note that restaurants remained unchanged from the .filter.
Here is a simple example of two lists being rendered—one of the original restaurants array, and one of the filtered burgerJoints array.
For every predicate there is an equal and opposite negated predicate.
A predicate is a function that returns a boolean. Since there are only two possible boolean values, that means it is easy to “flip” the value of a predicate.
A few hours have passed since I’ve eaten my burger, and now I’m hungry again. This time, I want to filter out burgers to try something new. One option is to write a new isNotBurger predicate from scratch.
However, look at the amount of similarities between the two predicates. This is not very DRY code. Another option is to call the isBurger predicate and flip the result.
This is better! If the definition of a burger changes, you will only need to change the logic in one place. However, what if we have a number of predicates that we’d like to negate? Since this is something that we’d likely want to do often, it may be a good idea to write a negate function.
The arguments object is a local variable available within all (non-arrow) functions. You can refer to a function’s arguments within the function by using the arguments object.
Why return an old-school function instead of a newer, cooler arrow function?
In this case, returning a traditional function is necessary because the arguments object is only available on traditional functions.
Returning Predicates
As we saw with our negate function, it is easy for a function to return a new function in JavaScript. This can be useful for writing “predicate creators.” For example, let’s look back at our isBurger and isPizza predicates.
Now the isCheap and isExpensive are DRY, and isPizza and isBurger are DRY—but isPrice and isCuisine share their logic! Luckily, there are no rules for how many functions deep you can return.
const isKeyEqualToValue = key => value => object => object[key] === value;
// these can be rewritten
const isCuisine = isKeyEqualToValue('cuisine');
const isPrice = isKeyEqualToValue('price');
// these don't need to change
const isBurger = isCuisine('burger');
const isPizza = isCuisine('pizza');
const isCheap = isPrice('cheap');
const isExpensive = isPrice('expensive');
This, to me, is the beauty of arrow functions. In a single line, you can elegantly create a third-order function. isKeyEqualToValue is a function that returns the function isPrice which returns the function isCheap.
See how easy it is to create multiple filtered lists from the original restaurants array?
What if you are fine with either pizza or burgers?
const either = (predicate1, predicate2) => value =>
predicate1(value) || predicate2(value);
const isDelicious = either(isBurger, isPizza);
const deliciousFood = restaurants.filter(isDelicious);
This is a step in the right direction, but what if you have more than two foods you’d like to include? This isn’t a very scalable approach. There are two built-in array methods that come in handy here. .every and .some are both predicate methods that also accept predicates. .every checks if each member of an array passes a predicate, while .some checks to see if any member of an array passes a predicate.
isEvery and isAny both accept an array of predicates and return a single predicate.
Since all of these predicates are easily created by higher order functions, it isn’t too difficult to create and apply these predicates based on a user’s interaction. Taking all of the lessons we have learned, here is an example of an app that searches restaurants by applying filters based on button clicks.
Filters are an essential part of JavaScript development. Whether you’re sorting out bad data from an API response or responding to user interactions, there are countless times when you would want a subset of an array’s values. I hope this overview helped with ways that you can manipulate predicates to write more readable and maintainable code.
A couple of years ago, Google announced a new mobile-first initiative it wanted web designers and marketers to pick up on. This was our introduction to micro-moments.
These are not to be confused with micro-interactions, which are miniscule engagements websites have with visitors when they “touch” key points of the interface. A mouse changes its appearance when a user hovers over a clickable element. A display error appears after a field is incorrectly populated. A checkbox briefly enlarges and changes color after it’s been ticked off. These are micro-interactions.
Basically, these are four key moments in every consumer’s life when they decide to pick up their mobile device for a specific purpose. As such, it’s your job to know how to specifically design for these micro-moments.
When a visitor arrives at a mobile website (or app), they’ve come with a clear motivation:
“I want to know.”
“I want to go.”
“I want to do.”
“I want to buy.”
Seems pretty simple, right? However, as Google launched this initiative a couple of years ago, its had time to quietly observe users in these micro-moments as well as the websites that have most aptly responded to them. As you will soon see, consumers have incredibly high expectations for what the mobile web can do for them. Basically, they want you to be a mind reader and anticipate their every need (and even their location) without them having to say a word.
Is that intimidating? It shouldn’t be. You already have all the information you’d ever need to answer that question.
Here is how you should be designing your mobile website to respond to and draw in consumers as they experience these micro-moments:
1. Start With The Data
Google Analytics will help you decipher where they’re spending the most time productively on your website.
Once you know where exactly visitors see the greatest value in your product, you can then turn to third-party tools like Answer the Public to give you some insights into what relevant questions your users may be asking about you.
Ultimately, this data needs to tell you all about your customers’ journey before they ever reach you. What exactly was the question that triggered them to pick up their smartphone and do that search? If you can identify those micro-moments, you can start using various design elements to respond to these questions.
People are searching at the exact moment they need something and are looking for places that can meet their immediate need. In other words, when making these on-the-spot decisions, they are more loyal to their need than to any particular place.
Although we’ve heard a lot about customer loyalty to brands in the past, it’s interesting to get Google’s take on this matter.
While consumers may indeed still remain loyal to brands that take very good care of them and produce a high-quality product nearly 100% of the time, this opportunity to steal attention from those customers in one of their micro-moments is real. Do that enough times and your brand and website could realistically win that customer over so long as you are there every time they go searching to fill that need.
One of the ways you can do this is by providing users with instant solutions. Is your business open now? Can you mail out that new product same-day? Will there be an open table at your restaurant tonight? Answer that immediately and you could find conversions increase dramatically.
The top of the Delaware State Fair home page gives users easy access to everything they want to know and do. (Source: Delaware State Fair) (Large preview)
Look at the top of the homepage. There are the dates of the fair, which probably answer one of the most commonly searched questions. There is a link to the concert lineup as well as calendar, which answers anything people would want to know about special events they might want to go to. And then there’s a button to buy tickets right away. It’s all right there.
Office Depot is a company that also explicitly addresses immediate needs:
The Office Depot mobile site uses a variety of time-driven design elements to satisfy visitors’ needs. (Source: Office Depot) (Large preview)
As you can see in the example above, Office Depot uses a number of design tactics and elements to play into this need for immediacy.
There is a search bar at the very top. Consumers don’t have to even bother with navigation or scrolling through pages if they don’t want to/have the time to.
You’ll also see that the closest store’s hours are posted and boldly tell me how quickly I can have any products available in store.
Finally, you have the promotional categories for upcoming needs for parents that are about to send kids back to school.
Another website is Universal Studios Orlando; it does a great job sparing mobile users the trouble of sifting through irrelevant information and instead gets them to exactly what they need:
Universal Studios includes immediate options for research and booking on the home page and navigation. (Source: Universal Studios) (Large preview)
Aside from a single banner at the top of the home page, the Universal Studios website design gives visitors exactly what they want right away. The navigation includes only the most pertinent links to information and booking as does this succinct section on the home page. There’s really no time to waste when the options are so clear.
And here is one final example of a website that deals in immediacy, albeit with a more subtle design technique: Nordstrom:
Nordstrom appeals to immediacy with this one subtle trick. (Source: Nordstrom) (Large preview)
As you can see, this is a pretty typical e-commerce product page. However, there’s one key difference: Nordstrom is subtly calling attention to its Anniversary Sale and the main reason why there is a significant price drop for this purchase. Rather than use an obtrusive pop-up to announce the sale and pester users to shop, it’s made the price change directly on the page and drawn attention to it with the highlighted text.
Not only have mobile searches for ‘best’ grown over 80% in the past two years, but searches for ‘best’ have shown higher growth among ‘low-consideration’ products than ‘high-consideration’ products. In other words, we’re all becoming research-obsessed, even about the small stuff.
We understand that the opinions of family, friends, and colleagues matter greatly in the minds of consumers. But as more and more of them to turn the web to make their purchases, it means being open to trusting other opinions online as well — ones that may be more conveniently expressed from a company’s website, from an influencer’s blog, or from social media.
Wherever those words of wisdom happen to come from, it’s important to take Google’s research to heart. With so many consumers now obsessed with this idea of having the best of everything and being able to get it in a pinch, your website needs to be the answer to that question.
But that’s the tricky part. According to Google, it’s not as simple as being a dog food manufacturer and configuring your site to be the answer to:
“Best Dog Food”
Consumers experience these micro-moments at a granular level. Sure, there may be some who think, “What is the best dog food?” But isn’t it more likely that question would be more specific in nature? For instance:
Best puppy food?
Best grain-free dog food?
Best vegan dog food?
Let’s take a look at Google, for example. Here’s a variety of searches for a singular “best of” concept:
Example of the variety in “Best” searches in Google. (Source: Google) (Large preview)
As you can see, it goes beyond the basic questions. Through your design and your content, you must be ready to answer the most relevant questions your users have about your product or service.
With content, you’ll be able to answer many of the “I want to know” questions that are related to the brand with things like:
Informational pages regarding services and products.
Whitepapers, ebooks, case studies, reports, and other long-form content that provide heavily researched answers on related matters.
Blog posts, vlogs, podcasts, and other shorter content that can dabble more in appealing to the emotions of consumers.
Tutorials and guides that directly answer questions that consumers are asking.
As far as the design piece is concerned, it’s your responsibility to highlight these pages, so visitors don’t have to dig through various parts or layers of the site (like the footer or secondary navigation) to find their answers.
Google told them it was here, so it’s your job to get them right to it.
The navigation will play a big part in this, as evidenced by Globus Journeys:
As you can see in this example, Globus Journeys answers many of those micro-moments right within the navigation: tips on touring (Touring 101), tips on travel best practices (Travel Tips), deals available for travel (Deals & Offers), etc.
Another way to use navigational design to inform visitors on what they’ll learn/know from this experience can take place on the blog. Salesforce has an interesting example of this:
There is the standard navigation for the Salesforce website, and then there is the navigation that’s specific to the Salesforce blog. This gives you — as the designer and planner of the site’s layout — a chance to better and more clearly organize content found within it. So, when visitors show up and want to know tips specific to one of those categories, it doesn’t require random searches or (even worse) endless scrolling through a full blog feed.
Another way you can more quickly and thoroughly inform visitors on topics of interest to them is by using strategically placed sections within blog posts.
While you likely won’t have anything to do with the writing of a website’s blog content, you will have control over its layout and formatting. The first thing you can do to expedite the knowledge acquisition process is by using callouts to detail and link to the various sections covered on the page as Be Brain Fit does:
Be Brain Fit calls out a linkable index of topics from the blog post. (Source: Be Brain Fit) (Large preview)
Of course, the post itself is easy to scan, so readers could guide themselves to the most relevant parts. However, by placing this towards the top of the piece, you’re enabling them to get right to the information they seek.
I’m also going to suggest that pop-ups would be helpful in this matter.
Fit Small Business not only provides all the information needed, but also offers an alternative solution to what they seek. (Source: Fit Small Business) (Large preview)
I encountered this blog post after doing a search for the best way to create a Facebook page. This was one of the links on the first SERP. I was actually quite pleased with the post as a whole. It broke it up into easy-to-follow steps, attractive and informative visuals, and got me the answer I needed.
However, I was especially pleased to see the bottom banner pop-up after I finished getting through the post. Not only has Fit Small Business attempted to reach its audience by providing helpful content, but it’s also providing an alternative solution to anyone who got here and realized, “Eh, I really don’t want to bother with this on my own.”
Looking for something nearby — a coffee shop, noodle restaurant, shoe store — is one of the most common searches we do. In fact, nearly one-third of all mobile searches are related to location.
Here’s the thing though: users aren’t using “near me” qualifiers as much anymore.
Google demonstrates how location qualifiers are decreasing in use. (Source: Google) (Large preview)
According to Google, this is because many consumers now assume that search engines, websites, and mobile apps are tracking this sort of information already. They expect that if they search for something like “dog food,” Google will automatically serve them the most relevant results — and that includes taking into account location proximity.
In Google’s research, it found that about two-thirds of mobile consumers are more likely to buy something from a website or app if information is geographically personalized. There are a plethora of ways to communicate this local-friendliness to visitors — through the copy, through various design elements, and even photos.
Google is a pioneer in this space and so I want to give it a special shout-out in this section for what it does with search results:
Google’s auto-populated search results aren’t just for Google. (Source: Google) (Large preview)
The biggest thing to take away from here is the fact that Google provides its users with auto-populated search recommendations. These are based on the users’ geography, behavior, history, as well as what Google knows about the query itself. As you can see here, it expands on Baltimore to provide more specific results based on the area of the city in which the user wants to drink.
With AI-assisted search functionality, any website can offer this same level of smart search for its users.
Of course, you first need to get access to visitors’ geographic data before you can provide them with these kinds of smart and geographically relevant results. One way to do this is to require them to sign in and fill out a profile with these details. Another way, however, is by serving them with this geotargeting request as Best Buy has done:
Best Buy requests for access to users’ geographic location. (Source: Best Buy) (Large preview)
Once you have access to a visitors’ current location, however, you can start providing them with information that helps them with the “I want to go”, “I want to do”, and the “I want to buy” micro-moments that caused them to reach for the phone in the first place.
Here is what the Best Buy website shows me after I granted it permission:
Best Buy uses its visitors’ location to provide helpful in-store visit details. (Source: Best Buy) (Large preview)
The top of the page now displays the nearest location to me as well as opening hours. As I peruse the rest of the site, I will receive relevant information regarding in-store product availability, buy-online-pick-up-in-store options, and so on. This is a really great option for businesses with a sales website and brick-and-mortar location that want to merge the two experiences.
You could also benefit from using this on websites that offer services, appointments, and reservations. Here is an example of what The Palm Restaurant does with my information:
To start, it uses my information to let me know right away if there even is a location close to me. Philadelphia isn’t too far, but it’s still nice to have the address fully displayed so I can make up my mind about whether I want to dine there. And, if I do, I can choose the “Reservations” button above it.
What’s especially nice about this is that the reservation form is pre-populated:
As you can see, it’s used a mixture of my geographic location along with the most popular reservation types (i.e. two people at 7 p.m.) to pre-populate the form. This saves me, as the user, time in filling it out and making my reservation.
Every day, people are becoming more reliant on their smartphones to help make last-minute purchases or spur-of-the-moment decisions. In fact, smartphone users are 50% more likely to expect to purchase something immediately while using their smartphone compared to a year ago.
Recently, I wrote a post about what you need to know to increase mobile checkout conversions. The underlying message was that mobile consumers have certain expectations that need to be met if you intend on converting them there (as opposed to switching back to desktop).
Convenience in getting the information they want is one of them.
Speed in getting to and through checkout is another.
Handling their contact and payment information securely is the final piece.
Clearly, web designers are doing something right as over half of smartphone users reach for their phone to buy something and subsequently do. But it can’t stop with the 10 tips offered in that article. You need to be able to predict what they’re going to purchase and what exactly they want to do when you catch them in those exact micro-moments.
UPack includes a price quote form at the very top of the website. (Source: UPack) (Large preview)
At the very top of every page is a short price quote form that asks only the most pertinent details they need in order to provide a quote to interested customers. By anticipating that’s what they’re looking to do when they visit a moving company’s website, UPack likely experiences very high conversion rates.
However, if someone should arrive at this form and wonder, “Should I even bother with a quote from UPack?”, they’ve provided an answer to that on the next step down on the home page:
UPack uses an explainer graphic to sell the value of its service right away. (Source: UPack) (Large preview)
This explainer graphic is simple. It includes four points and shows how exactly someone uses the UPack service to move their home from one destination to another. When someone arrives there with the intention of getting help with their move, UPack has already made it all the more simple in just one scroll and two panels of the home page.
Then, you have a company like HostGator that doesn’t waste any time at all:
HostGator’s home page includes smart design callouts that sum up its services. (Source: HostGator) (Large preview)
If someone shows up on a web hosting company’s website — especially one that is well known as they are — of course they know what they want to do. Now, they could hop into the navigation and dig deeper into the various hosting plans (which some may do). However, HostGator is probably hoping to appeal to two specific audiences with these “Buy Now!” callouts on the home page:
The web developer who knows exactly which plan he or she needs, and doesn’t need a full page to explain the benefits to him.
The small business owner who doesn’t know a thing about web hosting, but trusts HostGator’s good name and just wants to get their web hosting purchases ASAP.
This is a really good choice of design techniques if you know that a good portion of your audience will be immediately ready to buy upon entering the site. If they don’t have to click through to another site, don’t make them do it.
And, of course, CTAs, in general, are an important element to use when designing for micro-moments. When they’re designed well — colorful, large, well-labeled — you’re essentially giving your users a shortcut to conversion.
BarkBox uses a number of these right on its home page:
BarkBox has a number of CTA shortcuts available on its website. (Source: BarkBox) (Large preview)
Since the brand is particularly well-known among dog owners, this is a good move. While there are some people who enjoy scrolling through the site to see the funny dog pictures and find out more about what’s in this month’s BarkBox, if they’ve arrived here on mobile, they shouldn’t have to wait to subscribe. BarkBox provides those shortcuts in a number of locations, ensuring there’s no friction between its customers and their goals.
Wrapping Up
It’s pretty amazing to watch the web change so quickly as consumers become more trusting of their mobile devices. Now, nearly two years after Google first began recommending that we design with micro-moments in mind, it appears that these suggestions have really paid off.
Designing for micro-moments gives us the opportunity to more effectively reach consumers in their moment of need. This, consequently, means reaching consumers who are in a more purchase-intent mindset as opposed to ones casually browsing the web. If you can use your data and design to actively reach consumers in their micro-moments, you can effectively increase your mobile site’s conversion rate in the years to come.