I recently attended and had the chance to speak at WordCamp US 2018 in Nashville. I had a great time. I love conferences that bring people together around a tight theme because it’s very likely you’ll have something to talk about with every person there. Plus, I rather like WordPress and its community. The vibe was very centered around Gutenberg, as it was released in WordPress 5.0 just as the conference started.
Matt’s State of the Word gets into all that:
I took the opportunity to give a brand new talk I’ve been working on I’ve called, “Thinking Like a Front-End Developer”:
There were loads of wonderful people there and loads of wonderful talks. Here’s a playlist!
I really enjoyed this post by Dan Abramov. He defines his work as a UI engineer and I especially like what he writes about his learning experience:
My biggest learning breakthroughs weren’t about a particular technology. Rather, I learned the most when I struggled to solve a particular UI problem. Sometimes, I would later discover libraries or patterns that helped me. In other cases, I’d come up with my own solutions (both good and bad ones).
It’s this combination of understanding the problems, experimenting with the solutions, and applying different strategies that led to the most rewarding learning experiences in my life. This post focuses on just the problems.
He then breaks those problems down into a dozen different areas: consistency, responsiveness, latency, navigation, staleness, entropy, priority, accessibility, internationalization, delivery, resilience, and abstraction. This is a pretty good list of what a front-end developer has to be concerned about on a day-to-day basis, but I also feel like this is perhaps the best description of what I believe my own skills are besides being “the person who cares about component design and CSS.”
I also love what Dan has to say about accessibility:
Inaccessible websites are not a niche problem. For example, in UK disability affects 1 in 5 people. (Here’s a nice infographic.) I’ve felt this personally too. Though I’m only 26, I struggle to read websites with thin fonts and low contrast. I try to use the trackpad less often, and I dread the day I’ll have to navigate poorly implemented websites by keyboard. We need to make our apps not horrible to people with difficulties — and the good news is that there’s a lot of low-hanging fruit. It starts with education and tooling. But we also need to make it easy for product developers to do the right thing. What can we do to make accessibility a default rather than an afterthought?
Anywho, we all want accessible interfaces so that every browser can access our work making use of beautiful and consistent mobile interactions, instantaneous performance, and a design system teams can utilize to click-clack components together with little-to-no effort. But these things are only possible if others recognize that UI and front-end development are a worthy fields.
SVG stands for Scalable Vector Graphics and it is a standard XML-based markup language for vector graphics. It allows you to draw paths, curves, and shapes by determining a set of points in the 2D plane. Moreover, you can add twitch properties on those paths (such as stroke, color, thickness, fill, and more) in order to produce animations.
Since April 2017, CSS Level 3 Fill and Stroke Module allow SVG colors and fill patterns to be set from an external stylesheet, instead of setting attributes on each element. In this tutorial, we will use a simple plain hex color, but both fill and stroke properties also accept patterns, gradients and images as values.
Note: When visiting the Awwwards website, the animated note display can only be viewed with browser width set to 1024px or more.
Each note element consists of a list item: li that holds the circle, the note value, and its label.
List item element and its direct children: .circle, .percent and .label. (Large preview)
The .circle_svg is an SVG element, that wraps two elements. The first is the path to be filled while the second is the fill that will be animated.
SVG elements. SVG wrapper and circle tags. (Large preview)
The note is separated into integer and decimals so different font sizes can be applied to them. The label is a simple . So, putting all of this together looks like this:
The cx and cy attributes define the circle’s x-axis and y-axis center point. The r attribute defines its radius.
You have probably noticed the underscore/dash pattern in classes names. That’s BEM, which stands for block, element and modifier. It is a methodology that makes your element naming more structured, organized and semantic.
You must be asking yourself what the labels Transparent, Reasonable, Usable and Exemplary mean. The more acquainted you get with programming, you will realize that writing code is not only about making the application functional, but also assuring that it will be long-term maintainable and scalable. That is only achieved if your code is easy to change.
“The acronym TRUE should help decide if the code you write will be able to accommodate change in the future or not.”
So, next time, ask yourself:
Transparent: Are code changes consequences clear?
Reasonable: Is cost benefit worth it?
Usable: Will I be able to reuse it in unexpected scenarios?
Exemplary: Does it present high quality as an example for future code?
Note: “Practical Object-Oriented Design in Ruby” by Sandi Metz explains TRUE along with other principles and how to achieve those through design patterns. If you haven’t taken some time to study design patterns yet, consider adding this book to your bedtime reading.
Let’s import the fonts and apply a reset to all items:
The box-sizing: border-box property includes padding and border values into an element’s total width and height, so it’s easier to calculate its dimensions.
By combining the rules display: flex in the body and margin-auto in the .display-container, it’s possible to center the child element both vertically and horizontally. The .display-container element will also be a flex-container; that way, its children will be placed in the same row along the main axis.
The .note-display list item will also be a flex-container. Since there are many children for centering, let’s do it through the justify-content and align-items properties. All flex-items will be centered along the cross and main axis. If you’re not sure what those are, check out the alignment section at “CSS Flexbox Fundamentals Visual Guide.”
Let’s apply a stroke to the circles by setting the rules stroke-width, stroke-opacity and stroke-linecap that altogether style the stroke live ends. Next, let’s add a color to each circle:
In order to position the percent element absolutely, it’s necessary to know absolutely to what. The .circle element should be the reference, so let’s add position: relative to it.
Another way of centering elements is to combine top: 50%, left: 50% and transform: translate(-50%, -50%); which position the element’s center at its parent’s center.
The image to the left shows the property stroke-dasharray being set from 0 to 238px, which is the circle circumference length.
The second image represents the stroke-dashoffset property that offsets the beginning of the dash array. It is also set from 0 to the circle circumference length.
stroke-dasharray and stroke-dashoffset properties (Large preview)
To produce the filling effect, we will set the stroke-dasharray to the circumference length, so that all of its length gets filled with a big dash and no gap. We’ll also offset it by the same value, so it gets “hidden”. Then the stroke-dashoffset will be updated to the corresponding note value, filling the stroke accordingly to the transition duration.
The properties updating will be done in the scripts through CSS Variables. Let’s declare the variables and set the properties:
In order to set the initial value and update the variables, let’s start by selecting all .note-display elements with document.querySelectorAll. The transitionDuration will be set to 900 milliseconds.
Then, we iterate through the displays array, select its .circle__progress.circle__progress--fill and extract the r attribute set in the HTML to calculate the circumference length. With that, we can set the initial --dasharray and --dashoffset values.
The animation will occur when the --dashoffset variable gets updated by a 100ms setTimeout:
Now, let’s calculate the dashoffset value — relative to the note. The note value will be inserted to each li item through the data-* attribute. The * can be switched for any name that suits your needs and it can then, be retrieved in JavaScript through the element’s dataset: element.dataset.*.
Note: You can read more about the data-* attribute on MDN Web Docs.
The parseFloat method will convert the string returned by display.dataset.note into a floating point number. The offset represents the percentage missing to reach the maximum score. So, for a 7.50 note, we would have (10 - 7.50) / 10 = 0.25, which means the circumference length should be offset by 25% of its value:
let note = parseFloat(display.dataset.note);
let offset = circumference * (10 - note) / 10;
There is still the note transition from 0.00 to the note value to be built. The first thing to do is to separate the integer and decimal values. We will use the string method split() (it takes an argument that determines where the string will be broken and returns an array containing both broken strings). Those will be converted to numbers and passed as arguments to the increaseNumber() function, along with the display element and a flag indicating if its an integer or a decimal.
In the increaseNumber() function, we select either the .percent__int or .percent__dec element, depending on the className, and also in case the output should contain a decimal point or not. We’ve set our transitionDuration to 900ms. Now, to animate a number from 0 to 7, for example, the duration has to be divided by the note 900 / 7 = 128.57ms. The result represents how long each increase iteration will take. This means our setInterval will fire every 128.57ms.
With those variables set, let’s define the setInterval. The counter variable will be appended to the element as text and increased on each iteration:
function increaseNumber(display, number, className) {
let element = display.querySelector(`.percent__${className}`),
decPoint = className === 'int' ? '.' : '',
interval = transitionDuration / number,
counter = 0;
let increaseInterval = setInterval(() => {
element.textContent = counter + decPoint;
}, interval);
Cool! It does increase the values, but it kind of does it forever. We need to clear the setInterval when the notes achieve the value we want. That is done with clearInterval function:
function increaseNumber(display, number, className) {
let element = display.querySelector(`.percent__${className}`),
decPoint = className === 'int' ? '.' : '',
interval = transitionDuration / number,
counter = 0;
let increaseInterval = setInterval(() => {
+ if (counter === number) { window.clearInterval(increaseInterval); }
element.textContent = counter + decPoint;
}, interval);
Now the number is updated up to the note value and cleared with clearInterval() function.
That’s pretty much it for this tutorial. I hope you enjoyed it!
If you feel like building something a bit more interactive, check out my Memory Game Tutorial created with Vanilla JavaScript. It covers basic HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript concepts such as positioning, perspective, transitions, Flexbox, event handling, timeouts and ternaries.
Web designers have typically always been big-picture people, in that they like having really big screens in front of them. It’s convenient, and it makes you feel very professional. At this point in my life, I don’t think I could go back to having just one monitor, either. And yet, I find that many websites don’t live up to the potential promised by big darned screens, or even that presented by phones with HD resolutions.
This is because we live in a mobile-first world, with mobile-first people. They go to far off and exotic places like “outside”, so they have to carry their screens around with them. Outside people pretty much pay our bills—whether directly or indirectly—and we have to make websites they can actually use on those small screens.
That is all well and good, and it’s not going to change any time soon. But big screens aren’t going anywhere, either. People still work in offices, at home, and in coffee shops with laptops and desktops. People still have “the family computer” at home. PC gamers exist, and they’re buying some of the biggest screens, right alongside photographers and videographers.
These people are often left with experiences designed for mid-range to small screens. This likely doesn’t break the experience for them, but why shouldn’t they have an experience tailored to their needs? Besides, what is all that extra screen space there for, if not to play with it? Here are a few ways to take advantage of the bigger screens, along with some examples:
1. Literal Big Pictures
One of the most common ways people try to use up the empty space is to put pictures in it. We’ve all seen the ten-trillion websites (I may be exaggerating) that use some stock photo as a background, particularly in the “hero” section on the home page. This is everywhere. You’ve done it, most likely, and God knows I’ve done it.
It is not altogether the worst way to go about it, and it’s not the best. While image compression is getting better and better, those images will still hit you in the bandwidth, caching or no caching. If you want to save you and your CDN some trouble, go with SVG. I know, I keep saying this, but it really works, and it works wonders. See bebold for a picture-perfect (heh) example of how to use simple SVG imagery to fill up some space while keeping the bandwidth and rendering costs light.
2. Scaling the Layout
So we all know how responsive design works, right? Well, it’s gotten a lot easier with CSS Grid. I’ve been experimenting with it for personal projects, and goddamn but it truly changes everything. Those Magazine-type layouts that front-end developers have been trying to make work for decades? They’re easy now. Easy. Go read a tutorial already.
With all that time you have left over, why not see what you can do when you let the central wrapping div go wider than 1,200 pixels? It could be fun. For an absolutely gorgeous (if somewhat bandwidth-heavy) example, see Seedlip.
3. Responsive Type
But hey, sometimes you don’t want to bother so much with pictures. Maybe you just want big darned text. We’ve had various iterations on the responsive layout for years, though. What has been harder is scaling our typography up and down by screen resolution in a way that seems natural and fluid. Sure, you can do it with a few dozen media queries (or like two, if you’re lazy like me), but the CSS calc function has us covered if we want to do it the easy way.
Sure, Chris Coyier has been writing about this since 2012, but the browser support hasn’t always been up to par. I quite like the technique used by Mike Foskett’s Fluid-responsive font-size calculator, which allows you to specify a maximum font-size, and can calculate everything in rems and ems, if that’s the way you want to go.
For an example of the technique in action see any article on CSS-Tricks.
4. Just put More Stuff on the Screen
As an avowed minimalist, I’m not a huge fan of just bombarding the user with information in general. However, there are times when this is exactly what they want and need. The clearest use cases for this approach are in dashboard-style user interfaces, and plain old e-commerce. In either of these cases, if you’re not using the maximum potential space for functionality and/or products, you’re actually slowing the user down when they may not want to be slowed down.
Most dashboard designers are already, well…on board. However, I’m seeing more and more ecommerce site templates trying to cram products into small areas on big screens, and that makes little sense to me.
Example: I dunno… Amazon? I’m not going to link that. They’re going to get our traffic eventually in any case. Actually, the aforementioned Seedlip works very well for this section, too.
Now where I object to this approach is on news sites, and generally they seem to agree with me. Although some are still using up the full screen, they make the content big enough that there’s not too much in the viewport at any one time, encouraging you to scroll down and really pick and choose your articles. Sure, they do it to display more ads, but this might be one of the few times ads have actually helped to improve an experience. Kind of.
5. Video
And lastly, a real no-brainer. I’m not actually sure anyone’s doing this one wrong. Still… if you’re going to use video extensively on your site anyway, and you’re not too fussed about bandwidth, go big. It’s video, that’s what it’s for. If nothing else, at least give people the option to watch your videos in full-screen mode. For examples of this tip in action, see just about any filmmaker’s site. Here’s one: +Ring.
The trick there is to set up the padded multi-line background just how you want it with pure white text and a black background. Then, a pseudo-element is set over the whole area with the gradient in the black area. Throw in mix-blend-mode: lighten; to make the gradient only appear on the black area. Nice one.
We’re in the future now so, of course, we’re working on ways to speed up the web with fancy new tactics above and beyond the typical make-pages-slimmer-and-cached-like-crazy techniques.
Before visitors click on a link, they hover over that link. Between these two events, 200 ms to 300 ms usually pass by (test yourself here). InstantClick makes use of that time to preload the page, so that the page is already there when you click.
Clever, but not as advanced as what can be done in these modern times. For instance, InstantClick doesn’t take into account the fact that someone might not want to preload stuff they didn’t explicitly ask for, especially if they are on a slow network.
… given an arbitrary entry-page, a solution could calculate the likelihood a user will visit a given next page or set of pages and prefetch resources for them while the user is still viewing their current page. This has the possibility of improving page-load performance for subsequent page visits as there’s a strong chance a page will already be in the user’s cache.
Just think: we could feed analytics data into the mix and let machine learning chew away at it. Addy also points to other prior attempts, like Gatsby’s Link and a WordPress plugin.
Checks if the user isn’t on a slow connection (using navigator.connection.effectiveType) or has data-saver enabled (using navigator.connection.saveData)
Prefetches URLs to the links (using or XHR). Provides some control over the request priority (can switch to fetch() if supported).
No machine learning or analytics usage there, but perhaps the most clever yet. I really like the spirit of prefetching only when there is a high enough likelihood of usage; the browser is idle anyway, and the network can handle it.
(This is a sponsored post.) When a business owner is in need of a new website, one of the first answers they’re going to go in search of is: “How much should I pay for a website?”
Most of the articles they’ll find tell business owners that there are a few contributing factors when it comes to pricing:
Type of website (e.g. personal blog, small business website, booming e-commerce shop)
Size of website
Complexity of website
And some say that pricing should differ based on who builds your website (i.e. web designer vs. design agency).
The problem with this answer is that it teaches business owners to think about a website in terms of hours and manpower put into it. As you already know, this leaves many website clients focused on:
“How much work are you gonna do for me?”
Instead of:
“What will be the outcome of this investment?”
As you go out into the world, trying to reverse this faulty logic and convince customers to pay a fair wage for your web design services, you should do some calculations of your own. I’m going to provide you with a number of ways to set your prices and get paid well to create a website in 2019.
Different Ways To Get Paid To Build Websites
There are a few different ways you can get paid to build websites:
There are pros and cons to each option. Let’s review what they are before we take a look at how to come up with a numerical value.
1. Charge An Hourly Rate
In this scenario, you set a value to each hour of work you put in. Then, when the project is done, you bill the client for total hours worked. Sources like Upwork put average hourly freelance rates between $15 and $75 an hour.
Here’s what you need to know about setting an hourly rate that works in both your favor and the client’s:
Client-Friendly (Pro)
As I explained above, many clients expect this form of payment. You put X amount of hours into designing their website and, in exchange, they’ll pay you for every hour worked.
Just remember to employ a time tracker, so you can later provide evidence of how much time was spent on the project (in case they ask for it).
An example of the in-app time tracker from AND CO.
AND CO has a great in-app time tracker that you can also add as a browser extension. What’s especially nice about this is that it integrates with your contract and invoicing software, so you can manage most of your financial relationship with clients in the same place.
Easy to Calculate (Pro)
For many new web designers, charging an hourly rate is an attractive prospect. Since you might not know how long a project will take — especially if it’s a kind you’ve never designed before — you still have an idea of what sort of hourly rate you want to charge.
If you don’t, I’d suggest using this web design calculator from BeeWits:
BeeWits provides a simple design calculator tool to help you determine an hourly
Input the estimated hours for each part of the website you’re contracted to do. Then apply what you think your hourly rate should be.
Take a look at the total. If it looks like a worthy value, commit to it and provide that to your clients.
You can adjust your hourly rate as you take on more projects and get a better sense for how long it actually takes. This is what Nela Dunato did:
“I charged per-project rates and logged my working hours so I knew what my hourly rate was on each project. At the end of the project I’d compare my actual hourly rate with my desired hourly rate and if it ended up lower I knew that I’d need to charge more on the next project of similar scope.”
Secure Your Income (Pro)
Web designers have the unfortunate luck of running into clients that want to squeeze as much free work out of them as possible. However, when you agree to an hourly rate with a client, it’s very difficult for them to work their way around it.
“I’ve worked with too many entrepreneurs who keep adding changes that affect the entire design. This can result in hours of extra work that wouldn’t have been anticipated if you charged them per project.”
So, in a sense, an hourly rate does seem like a smart choice if you have clients trying to get the biggest bang for their buck — all at your expense. (I’ll talk a bit more about this below.)
Micro-Managing Clients (Con)
Although there are clear benefits to charging an hourly rate, there is a tradeoff which I hinted at earlier. In other words:
When clients associate a website with the hourly work put into it, they fail to see the value of it.
In turn, this puts a lot of pressure on you in the wrong way.
For instance, you’ll find that clients become super cognizant of the time you’re spending on something. When they see that beautiful mockup you’ve created for them, one of the first things they’ll ask is:
“How much time did you spend on this?”
This detracts from having more meaningful conversations that they’d otherwise initiate if they weren’t so focused on what you’re billing them.
Then, there are the inevitable interruptions that arise when you have to stop working to respond to clients who want to know what their total bill is to date. Worse, they might go the route of doubting how truthful you’re being:
“My nephew built a website for his team and he said it only took 8 hours. Why am I paying you for 50 hours if he can do it in a fifth of the time?”
You also might encounter clients who decide to cherry-pick what’s included in their website. Rather than allow you to develop a website from start to finish, you’ll end up committing to fractions of the website work which will lead to a disjointed experience on the frontend when the design conflicts with the copy and the SEO was dropped from the scope completely. (You get the idea.)
Earning Potential Cap (Con)
You have to be very careful about the hourly rate you charge for a website. While you might be okay with profit margins that come from a $30/hour rate… is it sustainable?
Think about it like this: You’re trying to be mindful of your clients. You know they need websites. You know they’re probably strapped for cash. And you don’t want to scare anyone away with high rates. So you compromise. $30 an hour will still net you a good chunk of change.
That said, when your business model is contingent on how much work you put into a website, that limits your earning potential. Let’s say you’re willing to work 50 hours a week and are able to bill clients for about 40 of it (the rest of the time is spent on business management).
40 hours × $30/hour = $1,200/week
That’s it. That is all the money you will ever be able to make.
If you choose to automate your workflows with software to free up time to work on more projects simultaneously, that reduces the number of billable hours you can charge. Automation just doesn’t work with this business model.
That said, I do think this is a viable option for new web designers. Until you have made a name for yourself, have an impressive portfolio to show off as well as clients who’ve given you rave reviews, it’ll be difficult to charge clients any other way. Just be careful with how much you set that hourly rate for.
2. Charge A Flat Rate
In this scenario, you charge a single flat rate for web design. You can also create a tier of web design packages that allow you to charge varying flat fees based on website type.
Between $10,000 and $15,000 for full-scale design agencies.
Here’s what you need to know to find your perfect flat rate:
Focus On Value (Pro)
The clear differentiator between charging website clients per hour and charging a flat rate is the mindset — both for you and the client. Instead of obsessing over how many hours went into the building of a website, both of you remain focused on the ultimate value of the product.
Because the client has a clearer understanding that they’re paying for the outcome, you can charge more as well.
“[I]f the business sells an average of ten 3D printers at an average of $2,000 each per month… and after calculating that I could potentially increase sales by 30% month after month, it then equals an extra three sales per month (or $6,000).”
In other words, your rate must reflect the true value of the website to the client.
That’s not to say you would charge $6,000 (in this specific case) and call it a day. You should think about what sort of ROI they’re going to get. Decide on a flat rate that reflects that and commit to it.
Faster Sales Process (Pro)
You’re not just a web designer. You’re also in charge of finding prospects and convincing them to become clients.
When you charge clients an hourly rate, you could certainly publish it to your website. But it leaves the matter open-ended, right? You might be able to say your web design services go for $100/hour… but they’re still going to want an idea of the invoice they can expect at the end.
Drawing up custom quotes for prospective clients takes time — time away from makes sales and designing websites. Rather than get wrapped up in the quoting process where prospects take their time looking over the numbers and question why certain parts of it would take so long (and whether they’re needed), a flat rate simplifies all of this.
Connective Web Design simplifies pricing with flat rates
As you can see here, website types are explained in the most basic of terms (the ones that matter most to clients) and then a clear value is assigned to them. Clients also have the option to add more to the website, if they feel it’s necessary.
For those of you who are nervous about publishing your rates online, that’s okay. You don’t have to.
You can still charge flat rates — and the same ones for certain website types — even if it’s not publicly available. Just create a pricing sheet that you can send to prospects that inquire about your services.
Efficiency (Pro)
Because you’re not tied to the expectation that you’ll put in a certain number of hours in exchange for X amount of dollars, you can utilize more efficient ways of designing websites.
To start, you can templatize your workflow. You can do this with everything from communications you send to clients (e.g. contracts and emails) to the baseline frameworks you build websites from (like sitemaps and wireframes).
Smashing Magazine is an example of a source that provides templates and design kits that ease the amount of work designers have to do from-scratch:
Basically, anything that doesn’t require creativity and is repetitive in nature can be turned into a template.
You should also look for ways to offload menial and ill-fitting tasks. Anything that would be better handled by software should be automated. Anything else that doesn’t belong on your plate (maybe copywriting, QA and so on) should be outsourced to a team member or a third-party provider.
There are a number of benefits to this:
You’ll maximize your efforts and be able to boost profit margins as you spend less money but accomplish more.
You’ll enjoy the work you do because you won’t be tied down to tasks that don’t belong on your plate. Your happiness will have a direct impact on the quality of work you produce.
As you delegate tasks to others and automate with software, you can multiply your efforts and take on more website projects simultaneously. Which means more money for you!
It Takes Time (Con)
Charging a flat rate to build websites is the best way to run and scale a design business. That said, it will be difficult to convince clients to pay that much if you don’t have enough experience behind you and proof to back it up.
Unlike hourly rates that are great for newer designers, this approach is one you probably can’t jump into right away.
That said, if you’re bringing extensive experience with you from a well-known design agency or another business and can demonstrate that you have the skills to meet client expectations, go for it. Just be aware that you’re more likely to face pushback if your business isn’t ready for it.
Scope Creep (Con)
Inevitably, you’re going to encounter clients that want you to do more without them having to pay for it. Some of them will be more blatant than others, asking how much you’re willing to give away in order to earn or retain their business.
Then, there are others who try a subtler approach.
“I really love Version 3 [of the design], but was wondering if you could add a live chat button to the bottom corner real quick. I saw another website that had it and I thought it looked great. Our customers would love it!”
That request, in and of itself, is not a problem. What is a problem is how you handle it.
If you have no contract in place, seemingly small changes like these can add up and eat away at your profit margins. Without a contract that limits how many revision requests are allowed or what exactly you’re to build, clients can technically ask for whatever they want and you’d have no recourse for charging more.
Now, let’s say you do have a contract in place. The terms of that agreement lay out what you are obligated to do. However, it’s an issue when you agree to make “small” changes that exceed those terms that it becomes an issue.
Even though the client has made it seem easy enough to add a button to the design, that button actually has to function on the website… which means they’re asking for much more than a design tweak. You now have to find a live chat platform, pay for it, integrate it with the site and make sure the button works properly.
Give a client an inch and they’ll run a mile with it. So, always make sure you have a strict contract in place and be willing to enforce those terms when clients try to push the limits of it.
3. Charge A Monthly Rate
In this scenario, you charge a flat rate, but it’s for a recurring web design service; not just a one-off build. The pros and cons of this are essentially the same as charging a flat, one-time fee.
The key difference is that this allows you to retain clients over the long-term — which is fantastic for creating a steady stream of predictable revenue for your business.
In terms of why you would do this, consider the following:
There are DIY website solutions like Wix and Weebly that appear to make the process of building one’s own site easy and cheap.
Then, there are traditional content management systems like WordPress that are more and more going the way of the user-friendly page builder, hoping to appeal to a larger set of users.
WordPress has recently implemented a more user-friendly page builder.
It’s already hard enough trying to convince clients that they need to hire a professional designer and to pay them a fair wage to build a website. Now, page builder tools are telling them that they really don’t need you.
That said, if you become an end-to-end website provider, you can not only charge a flat rate for your design services, you can do so month after month. It would simply require a shift in mindset from you, an adjustment to your branding and advertising, as well as some additional services.
In terms of how you would do this, consider offering a total solution so they don’t have to go anywhere else. The added convenience of entrusting all website-related matters to one professional could be the tipping point between you and the other options.
Think about rounding out your offering with:
Domain and web hosting management
SSL installation
CDN implementation
Premium theme licensing
Premium plugins licensing
Third-party storage services
Website maintenance
Marketing and SEO
You would also want ongoing web design edits and annual design audits to be a part of your ongoing service
Just as you would do with flat-rate design services, you could outsource items above that aren’t in your wheelhouse to others. Then, add a markup to the price when you sell the website package to the client. You’re still making money without having to increase your workload.
As you might imagine, this option for getting paid is for the experienced designer who has everything else in order and is in a position to comfortably shift their offering to one of greater value.
How To Decide How Much To Charge For Websites
Finally, we come to the valuation of your web design services.
Ask yourself the following in order to determine your best rate:
What kinds of websites are you capable of building?
Put them into buckets:
Small blogs,
Small- to medium-sized company websites,
Small- to medium-sized digital e-commerce stores,
Large e-commerce stores with physical and digital products,
Large e-commerce stores with brick-and-mortar presences,
Membership sites,
And so on.
Choose no more than three types to build. Then, break down how many pages as well as the key features you will need to build. This should tell you how much work is involved in creating a website of this nature. You can determine basic timelines and “manpower” based on this.
Who is your target client?
This is a slightly different question as it forces you to ask yourself who exactly you want to work for. This might mean defining a business by its size or it might mean choosing a niche industry to work in.
Either way, figure out who you want to build sites for and make sure they can afford your rates. (Check the competition’s rates to get an idea for what price range they’re willing to pay in.) If they can’t afford what you want to charge, they might be better off with the DIY approach and you should look for a new pool to play in.
How will these websites convert?
This is where the value question comes into play. In other words, what will your clients expect these websites to do for them:
Subscribe readers?
Schedule demos with prospective customers?
Sell goods?
Gain members?
Make money through advertising?
Something else?
You might not know exactly how much of a boost in conversions a new website will lead to, but you can estimate how much each new conversion is worth to them.
These three questions help you determine how much you should get paid to build websites. But there’s one more thing to think about:
“What do you have to spend to make this happen?”
You’re providing a valuable service here, but you’re not doing it all on your own, from a 10-year-old computer and in a rent-free apartment.
You have bills to pay that enable you to run your business in a way that leads to the top results you bring to clients. As such, you have to factor in your costs when determining the cost of your services.
The Bottom Line
Ultimately, it’s up to you to decide what monetary value you want to sign to your web design rates. However, if you want to remain competitive within the space, make sure to charge within one of the estimated ranges mentioned earlier — at least, to start. Then, as your business grows, you can steadily raise your prices in line with the increasing value of the websites you build.
It’s going to happen at some point this year; you will face designer burnout.
One of the reasons that burnout is so common for creatives is that it’s a never-ending process. (You can’t just stop having ideas because you are off the clock.) But there are things you can do to help make the burnout less bad and stay energized and focused more of the time.
Here’s your checklist for the new year. (Seems like a great resolution, right?)
1. Get Away from Your Desk
Schedule time to step away from your work every single day. There’s a reason that “lunch hour” is a thing. It gives you time to take a break from what you are working on, refresh and come back to it with new energy.
You don’t have to take this break during the traditional lunch hour – or even get lunch for that matter – but you do need to take that time to recharge during the day.
Get in the habit of blocking off that time each day and do something that will make the second part of the work day less of a drag:
Take a walk;
Go to the gym;
Meet a friend for lunch;
Read or listen to a book.
2. Work in Spurts
Social media is filled with “hacks” to keep you from wasting time online. But what if you should work for a bit, browse the Insta and then get back to it?
Working in spurts can help you be more productive. Looking at images and videos can be particularly invigorating if you need to jumpstart that little creative part of your brain.
But here’s the trick to working in starts and stops. You can’t let the stops kill your productivity. This isn’t a tip that works for everyone, but some designers get a lot of value out of tiny, “planned” distractions.
3. Participate in Design Challenges
Get ready to design outside of your comfort zone. Tackle a design challenge.
These little events often consist of a theme, where you are prompted to design a certain thing each day or week for a certain time period. Others are often doing the same thing (and same challenges) at the same time with a place to showcase the work.
What’s great about a design challenge is that it can be a fun diversion from the everyday. There’s really nothing at stake and you get to be creative on your own terms.
If you aren’t quite ready to jump into a challenge, take a look at Project 365, one designer’s showcase of a new design project every day in 2018.
4. Schedule “Slow Downs”
Are you really looking forward to a vacation? Put it in your calendar.
Then schedule some time to just take a minute or day or week to yourself. Just because you have time off from work, doesn’t mean you are slowing down. Sometimes vacations and times away from work can be just as hectic, making it even more important to plan some serious down time.
Everybody needs this break in a different way. Some people can take a day and feel totally recharged. Others need a week to let the brain rest.
Just don’t cram your slow down time with projects. You must step away from the computer. Plan to ditch technology during your slowdown (or only allow check-ins at certain times) to get the most benefit from the break.
5. Mix Up Tasks
Don’t get caught in a monotonous work routine. Even though design projects can solve different problems, there are parts of the process that can get mundane.
Mix up tasks, invite other members of the team for a brainstorming session and mix up the way you’ve always done things.
Just like exercising a different muscle group, replanning your day stretches brain (and creative) muscles.
6. Find a Network or Peer Group
If you don’t have a solid group of design peers, now is the time to find that group. Whether you join a professional networking organization, go to a conference, engage in social media conversations or just ask your mentor to lunch, one of the key ingredients to avoiding burnout is to stay fresh. (Sometimes you just need to vent. Other times you need a new perspective to get on track.)
Develop your network. Spend a few hours each month listening to others as well as talking about your design challenges. Don’t let all of these meetings turn into gripe sessions, but do talk about work challenges and solutions.
Sometimes the best way to work through issues is sharing with someone who comes at it from another perspective.
7. Work Remotely If You Can
The grind of traffic and getting to work and dealing with all the other personalities in the workplace can be a challenge for some designers. You might need a quiet space to work. You might need plenty of white noise to do your best. Or maybe your highest productivity hours don’t fall into a 9 to 5 routine.
Ask your employer if you can work remotely. Even if only for a day a week or a few days a month, working in a space that fits your natural patterns and without distractions can help you feel more organized and put together. And that will keep you from feeling so burned out.
8. Create Something That Isn’t Work
Try something design-related that isn’t part of your job.
Interested in virtual reality? Find someone who can show off their VR equipment. Wish you could draw? Take an art class.
The goal is to engage your creative spirit in a way that doesn’t have pressure or strings (or income) attached. Not only will this make you better at your job – and less likely to burn out – but it will also help you explore options that might expand your career one day. (You never know where opportunities live.)
9. Pay Attention to Your Health
This might be the little anti-burnout lesson that we should all know … but somehow ignore.
Designers are stereotypically (and sometimes not so stereotypically) fueled by coffee and sleepless nights. There might also be a nightcap or two.
And eventually your body just says, “No”. Pay attention to your health (and sanity).
Eat vegetables. Get some exercise. Don’t stay glued to a computer screen in a dark corner. Laugh, Smile. Be social offline.
It can do wonders. (Plus, getting sick just contributes to that overwhelming feeling of not being able to get everything done.)
10. Just Say, “No”
It’s 100 percent OK to not do something. Don’t make that t-shirt for your family reunion this year. Don’t create a website for your cousin’s wedding. Say no. Turn down projects when you don’t have time.
And then use that time to do something just for you. Even if it is to take a nap.
There are situations where keeping a reference to the last route a user visited can come in handy. For example, let’s say we’re working with a multi-step form and the user proceeds from one step to the next. It would be ideal to have the route of that previous step in hand so we know where the user left off, in the event that they navigate away and come back later to complete the form later.
We’re going to cover how to store the last known route and then fetch it when we need it. We’ll be working in Vue in this example and put vue-router to use for routing and localStorage to keep the information about last visited route.
Here’s an example of what we’ll be working with:
First, let’s outline the route structure
Our example has a grand total of three routes:
Each route needs to be assigned a name property, so let’s add that to our router.js file:
We know the first requirement is to store the last visited route in localStorage. And, secondly, we need to be able to retrieve it. But what conditions should the route be fetched and applied? That gives us two additional requirements.
the user enters the main route (/home), navigates away from it, then wants to return to it.
the user has been inactive for a specific time period, the session expires, and we want to return the user to the last screen they were on after restarting the session.
These four requirements are what we need to meet in order to proceed with the redirection.
Now let’s jump into the code.
Requirement 1: Save the last route name in localStorage
We want to keep the reference to our last visited route in localStorage. For example, if a user is at /checkout and then leaves the site, we want to save that so the purchase can be completed later.
To do that, we want to save the route name when the user enters any new route. We’ll use a navigation guard called afterEach that’s fired each time the route transition is finished. It provides a to object which is the target Route Object. In that hook, we can extract the name of that route and save it in localStorage using a setItem method.
Requirement 2: Fetch the last route name from localStorage and redirect
Now that the name of the last route is saved, we need to be able to fetch it and trigger a redirect to it when it’s needed. We want to check if we should redirect before we enter a new route, so we will use another navigation guard called beforeEach. This guard receives three arguments:
to: the target route object
from: the current route navigated from
next: the function that must be called in the guard to resolve the hook
In that guard, we read the name of the last visited route by using a localStorage.getItem() method. Then, we determine if the user should be redirected. At this point, we check that the target route (to) is our main route (/home) and if we do indeed have a last route in localStorage.
If those conditions are met, we fire the next method that contains the name of the last visited route. That, in turn, will trigger a redirect to that route.
If any condition fails, then we’ll fire next without any arguments. That will move the user on to the next hook in the pipeline and proceed with ordinary routing without redirection.
That covers two out of four requirements! Let’s proceed with requirement number three.
Requirement 3: The first visit condition
Now, we need to check if the user is visiting the main route for the first time (coming from a different source) or is navigating there from another route within the application. We can do that by adding a flag that is set to true when the Router is created and set it to false after first transition is finished.
OK, there is one more requirement we need to meet: we want to redirect the user to the last known route if the user has been inactive for longer that a specific period of time.
Requirement 4: The activity time condition
Again, we will use localStorage to keep the information about user’s last visited route.
In the beforeEach guard, we will get the route from localStorage and check if the time passed from that moment is within our threshold (defined by hasBeenActiveRecently). Then, in our shouldRedirect, we’ll determine whether a route redirect should happen or not.
We also need to save that information, which we will do in the afterEach guard.
That’s it! We covered all four of requirements, namely:
We store the last visited route in localStorage
We have a method to retrieve the last visited route from localStorage
We redirect a user back to the main route if they’re coming into the application on an initial visit
We provide the user with a redirect to the last known route within a certain time period
Of course, we can extend this further by adding more complexity to the app and new conditions to the shouldRedirect variable, but this gives us more than we need to have an understanding of how to keep the last visited route persistent and retrieve it when it’s needed.
I get a lot of people asking me to recommend to them tutorials on various parts of CSS, or asking how to learn CSS. I also see a lot of people who are confused about bits of CSS, in part because of outdated ideas about the language. Given that CSS has changed quite substantially in the last few years, this is a really good time to refresh your knowledge. Even if CSS is a small part of what you do (because you work elsewhere in the stack), CSS is how things end up looking as you want them on screen, so it is worth being reasonably up to date.
Therefore, this article aims to outline the key fundamentals of CSS and resources for further reading on key areas of modern CSS development. Many of those are things right here on Smashing Magazine, but I’ve also selected some other resources and also people to follow in key areas of CSS. It’s not a complete beginner guide or intended to cover absolutely everything. My aim is to cover the breadth of modern CSS with a focus on a few key areas, that will help to unlock the rest of the language for you.
Language Fundamentals
For much of CSS, you don’t need to worry about learning properties and values by heart. You can look them up when you need them. However, there are some key underpinnings of the language, without which you will struggle to make sense of it. It really is worth dedicating some time to making sure you understand these things, as it will save you a lot of time and frustration in the long run.
Selectors, More Than Just Class
A selector does what it says on the tin, it selects some part of your document in order that you can apply CSS rules to it. While most people are familiar with using a class, or styling an HTML element such as body directly, there are a large number of more advanced selectors which can select elements based on their location in the document, perhaps because they come directly after an element, or are the odd rows in a table.
The selectors that are part of the Level 3 specification (you may have heard them referred to as Level 3 selectors) have excellent browser support. For a detailed look at the various selectors you can use, see the MDN Reference.
Some selectors act as if you had applied a class to something in the document. For example p:first-child behaves as if you added a class to the first p element, these are known as pseudo-class selectors. The pseudo-element selectors act as if an element was dynamically inserted, for example ::first-line acts in a similar way to you wrapping a span around the first line of text. However it will reapply if the length of that line changes, which wouldn’t be the case if you inserted the element. You can get fairly complex with these selectors. In the below CodePen is an example of a pseudo-element chained with a pseudo-class. We target the first p element with a :first-child psuedo-class, then the ::first-line selector selects the first line of that element, acting as if a span was added around that first line in order to make it bold and change the color.
The cascade defines which rule wins when a number of rules could apply to one element. If you have ever been in a situation where you can’t understand why some CSS doesn’t seem to be applying, it’s likely the cascade is tripping you up. The cascade is closely linked to inheritance, which defines which properties are inherited by the child elements of the element they are applied to. It is also linked to specificity, different selectors have different specificity which controls which wins when there are several selectors which could apply to one element.
Note: To get an understanding of all of these things, I would suggest reading The Cascade and Inheritance, in the MDN Introduction to CSS.
If you are struggling with getting some CSS to apply to an element then your browser DevTools are the best place to start, take a look at the example below in which I have an h1 element targeted by the element selector h1 and making the heading orange. I am also using a class, which sets the h1 to rebeccapurple. The class is more specific and so the h1 is purple. In DevTools, you can see that the element selector is crossed out as it does not apply. Once you can see that the browser is getting your CSS (but something else has overruled it), then you can start to work out why.
DevTools can help you see why some CSS is not applying to an element (Large preview)
The Box Model
CSS is all about boxes. Everything that is displayed on the screen has a box, and the Box Model describes how the size of that box is worked out — taking into account margins, padding, and borders. The standard CSS Box Model takes the width that you have given an element, then adds onto that width the padding and border — meaning that the space taken up by the element is larger than the width you gave it.
More recently, we have been able to choose to use an alternate box model which uses the given width on the element as the width of the visible element on screen. Any padding or border will inset the content of the box from the edges. This makes a lot more sense for many layouts.
In the demo below, I have two boxes. Both have a width of 200 pixels, with a border of 5 pixels and padding of 20 pixels. The first box uses the standard box model and so takes up a total width of 250 pixels, the second the alternate Box Model and so is actually 200 pixels wide.
Browser DevTools can once again help you with understanding the box model in use. In the below image, I use Firefox DevTools to inspect a box using the default content-box box model. The tools tell me this is the Box Model in use, and I can see the sizing and how the border and padding is added to the width I assigned.
DevTools help you see why a box is a certain size, and the box model in use (Large preview)
Note: Prior to IE6, Internet Explorer used the alternate Box Model, with padding and borders insetting content away from the given width. So for a while browsers used different Box Models! When frustrated by interoperability issues today, be glad that things have improved so we aren’t dealing with browsers calculating the width of things differently.
If you have a document with some HTML marking up the content and view it in a browser, it will hopefully be readable. Headings and paragraphs will start on a new line, words display as a sentence with a single white space between them. Links for formatting such as em does not break up the sentence flow. This content is being displayed in Normal Flow, or Block Flow Layout. Each part of the content is described as “in flow”; it knows about the rest of the content and so doesn’t overlap.
If you work with rather than against this behavior, your life is made much easier. It is one of the reasons why starting with a correctly marked up HTML document makes a lot of sense, as due to normal flow and the inbuilt stylesheets that browsers have which respect it, your content starts from a readable place.
Formatting Contexts
Once you have a document with content in normal flow, you may want to change how some of that content looks. You do this by changing the formatting context of the element. As a very simple example, if you wanted all of your paragraphs to run together and not start on a new line, you could change the p element to display: inline changing in from a block to an inline formatting context.
Formatting contexts essentially define an outer and an inner type. The outer controls how the element behaves alongside other elements on the page, the inner controls how the children should look. So, for example, when you say display: flex you are setting the outer to be a block formatting context, and the children to have a flex formatting context.
Note : The latest version of the Display Specification changes the values of display to explicitly declare the inner and outer value. Therefore, in the future you might say display: block flex; (block being the outer and flex being the inner).
Elements in CSS are described as being ‘in flow’ or ‘out of flow.’ Elements in flow are given space and that space is respected by the other elements in flow. If you take an element out of flow, by floating or positioning it, then the space for that element will no longer be respected by other in flow items.
This is most noticeable with absolutely positioned items. If you give an item position: absolute it is removed from flow, then you will need to ensure that you do not have a situation in which the out of flow element overlaps and makes unreadable some other part of your layout.
However, floated items also are removed from flow, and while following content will wrap around the shortened line boxes of a floated element, you can see by placing a background color on the box of the following elements that they have risen up and are ignoring the space used by the floated item.
You can read more about in flow and out of flow elements on MDN. The important thing to remember is that if you take an element out of flow, you need to manage overlap yourself as the regular rules of block flow layout no longer apply.
For over fifteen years we have been doing layout in CSS without a designed for the job layout system. This has changed. We now have a perfectly capable layout system which includes Grid and Flexbox, but also Multiple-column Layout and the older layout methods used for their real purpose. If CSS Layout is a mystery to you, head on over to the MDN Learn Layout tutorial, or read my article Getting Started With CSS Layout here on Smashing Magazine.
Do not imagine that methods such as grid and flexbox are somehow competing. In order to use Layout well, you will sometimes find a component is best as a flex component and sometimes as Grid. On occasion, you will want the column flowing behavior of multicol. All of these are valid choices. If you feel you are fighting against the way something behaves, that is, in general, a very good sign that it might be worth taking a step back and trying a different approach. We are so used to hacking at CSS to make it do what we want, and so we are likely to forget that we have a number of other options to try.
Layout is my main area of expertise and I’ve written a number of articles here on Smashing Magazine and elsewhere to try and help tame the new Layout landscape. In addition to the Layout article mentioned above, I have a whole series on Flexbox — start with What Happens When You Create a Flexbox Flex Container. On Grid By Example, I have a whole bunch of small examples of CSS Grid — plus a video screencast tutorial.
I’ve separated Alignment out from Layout in general because while most of us were introduced to Alignment as part of Flexbox, these properties apply to all layout methods, and it is worth understanding them in that context rather than thinking about “Flexbox Alignment” or “CSS Grid alignment.” We have a set of Alignment properties which work in a common way where possible; they then have some differences due to the way different layout methods behave.
I spent much of 2018 speaking about the Intrinsic and Extrinsic Sizing specification, and how it relates to Grid and Flexbox in particular. On the web, we are used to setting sizing in lengths or percentages, as this is how we have been able to make Grid-type layouts using floats. However, modern layout methods can do a lot of the space distribution for us — if we let them. Understanding how Flexbox assigns space (or the Grid fr unit works), is worth your time.
Our new layout methods of Grid and Flexbox often mean that we can get away with fewer media queries than we needed with our older methods, due to the fact that they are flexible and respond to changes in viewport or component size without us needing to change the widths of elements. However, there will be places where you will want to add in some breakpoints to further enhance your designs.
Here are some simple guides to Responsive Design, and for media queries, in general, check out my article Using Media Queries for Responsive Design in 2018. I take a look at what Media Queries are useful for, and also show the new features coming to Media Queries in Level 4 of the spec.
To explore Variable Fonts and their capabilities, there is a fun demo from Microsoft plus a number of playgrounds to try out Variable Fonts — Axis Praxis being the most well known (I also like the Font Playground).
CSS Transforms and Animation are definitely something I look upon a need-to-know basis. I don’t often need to use them, and the syntax seems to hop right out of my head between uses. Thankfully, the reference on MDN helps me out and I would suggest starting with the guides on Using CSS Transforms and Using CSS Animations. Zell Liew also has a nice article that provides a great explanation to CSS transitions.
To discover some of the things that are possible, take a look at the Animista site.
One of the things that can be confusing about animations, is which approach to take. In addition to what is supported in CSS, you might need to involve JavaScript, SVG, or the Web Animation API, and these things all tend to get lumped together. In her talk, Choose Your Animation Adventure recorded at An Event Apart, Val Head explains the options.
Use Cheatsheets As A Reminder, Not A Learning Tool
When I mention Grid or Flexbox resources, I often see replies saying that they can’t do Flexbox without a certain cheatsheet. I have no problem with cheatsheets as a memory helper to look up syntax, and I’ve published some of my own. The problem with entirely relying on those is that you can miss why things work as you copy syntax. Then, when you hit a case where that property seems to behave differently, that apparent inconsistency seems baffling, or a fault of the language.
If you find yourself in a situation where CSS seems to be doing something very strange, ask why. Create a reduced test case that highlights the issue, ask someone who is more familiar with the spec. Many of the CSS problems I am asked about are because that person believes a property works in a different way to the way it works in reality. It’s why I talk a lot about things like alignment and sizing, as these are places where this confusion often lives.
Yes, there are strange things in CSS. It is a language that has evolved over the years, and there are things about it that we can’t change — until we invent a timemachine. However, once you have some basics down, and understand why things behave as they do, you will have a much easier time with the trickier places.