There is always a pause here. The client knows what they’re asking, and I know what they’re asking, but putting it into words—saying it out loud—turns unexpectedly difficult.
In the moments before the asking, it was a purely technical question—no different from “can we do this when a user is on their phone.” But there’s always a pause, because this question doesn’t come easy; not like all the other questions about browsers and connection speeds did. A phrase like “in an assisted browsing context” doesn’t spring to mind as readily as “on a phone,” “in Internet Explorer,” or “on a slow connection.” The former, well, that’s something I would say—a phrase squarely in the realm of accessibility consultants. The latter the client can relate to. They have a phone, they’ve used other browsers, they’ve been stuck with slow internet connections.
“There isn’t some way to know when—… a user is… using something like a screen reader…?”
An easy question that begets a complicated answer is standard fare for almost any exchange with a web developer. This answer has, for a long time, been a refreshing deviation from that norm: “no, we can’t.”
The matter is, I’ll offer, technically impossible; computers, you see, can’t talk to each other that way. Often, there’s a palpable relief here: “no” to the technical part; “no” to the the computers part. That is, of course, all they had meant to ask. I truly believe that.
Even if we could, I’ll explain, we wouldn’t really want to. Forking our codebase that way would put more burden on us maintainers, not less. There’s an easy parallel to the “when they’re on a phone” conversation, here; one we’ve surely had already. We can never know a user’s browsing context for certain, and making assumptions will only get us and our users into trouble. Whenever a feature, component, or new design treatment was added or changed, we’d be left having all the same conversations around how to translate it over to the “accessible” experience. If those features aren’t essential in the first place, well, are they worth having at all? If those features are essential—well, we’ll still need to find a way to make them work in both contexts.
It could seem like an enticing option for our users, at first glance: an enhanced, fully-featured website, on the one hand, a fully accessible alternative experience on the other. That unravels with even the slightest examination, though: if the fully-featured website isn’t accessible, the accessible website won’t be fully featured. By choosing to have the “accessible experience” deviate from the “real website,” we end up drawing a sharper line between those two definitions, and we nudge the “accessible experience” closer to an afterthought—limited and frustratingly out-of-sync with the “real” website, like so many dedicated mobile sites quickly became.
There’s never any disagreement, here. Again: this is all relatable. We’ve all found ourselves inescapably opted into using the “mobile” version of a website at some point. We’ve been here before as users; we’ve made these mistakes before as developers. We know better now.
But this isn’t a strictly technical question. This isn’t as simple as browser features and screen sizes—a question of one privileged browsing context or another. Technical questions come easy. Partway through the asking—in the hesitation, in the pause, in the word stumbled over—what was meant to be a mundane development question became something much more fraught. Because there was a word that fit.
“Is there a way we can know when a user has a disability?”
The easy “no” felt empowering; a cop-out. “It doesn’t matter; it can’t be done” in response to a deeply fraught question was an unexpected balm for both the asked and the answered. There was, again, that palpable relief—”no” to the technical part; “no” to the the computers part. That was, of course, all they had meant to ask.
We no longer have that easy answer. In iOS 12.2 and MacOS 10.14.4, a toggle switch has appeared in Apple’s VoiceOver preferences, innocuously labeled “accessibility events.” It was rolled out to no fanfare—short of a brief mention in Apple’s iPhone User Guide—and we’re still not sure how it’s meant to be used. The most generous interpretation of the intention behind this feature is that it was developed with the same intention as a “UA string”-style identifier for users browsing via VoiceOver.
We do know this much: when this setting is enabled—and it is, by default—your browser will identify you as using VoiceOver to help you browse the web. If you’re using Apple’s VoiceOver, both your phone and your computer will broadcast your assumed disability to the entire internet, unless and until you specifically tell it to stop.
If you’re not furious at this change, you should be—not just for what it means for users, but what it foists upon you. Apple has burdened you with the knowledge that, now, yes, you can know whether a user has a disability. We can use this information to serve up a limited alternative version of a website, into which we can very easily opt people of a protected class. And once we choose to start listening for “accessibility events,” well, we can capture that information, as anything else broadcast to the web. A user’s disability can and will be reduced to a single data point—a cold, impersonal true, inexorably bound to their name, stored in a database, perhaps destined to be sold, leaked, passed along to insurance providers, reduced to a targeted marketing opportunity. All under the auspice of inclusivity.
At some point, the developers responsible for the “accessibility events” feature were, I’m certain, asked whether such a feature were possible. Their answer was “yes.” I don’t doubt that they meant well. I’m just as certain that, in the moment, it felt like the right answer; a technical solution to a technical problem, and a simple matter of browsing context.
Someday—not far in the future, I trust—I’ll be asked a similar question. It will be asked hesitantly, haltingly. The pauses will ring all too familiar. I will no longer have the easy, familiar comfort of technical impossibility—no easy “no” to insulate me from the uncomfortable conversations I should have been having with clients all along. Now, there’s no technical reason that I can’t know whether a user is using “something like a screen reader.” I—my clients, their databases, their organizations, their parent companies, their partners, their VC funders, their advertisers, and so on unto infinity—can absolutely know when a user is disabled.
But I won’t play a part in helping to propagate the mistake Apple’s developers made. I’ll let my answer hang heavy and uncomfortable in the air: no. Not because we can’t—we can. Not because we shouldn’t, though, no, we still shouldn’t. No—now, I will allow the word to become as coarse as I had always wanted it to be, because I no longer have the cold comfort of “well, technically” to hide behind.
In December 2018, Microsoft announced that Edge would adopt Chromium, the open source project that powers Google Chrome. Many within the industry reacted with sadness at the loss of browser diversity. Personally, I was jubilant. An official release date has yet to be announced, but it will be at some point this year. With its release, a whole host of HTML, JavaScript and CSS features will have achieved full cross-browser support.
The preview build is now available for Windows, and coming soon for Mac.
Not so long ago, I penned an article titled “The Long Slow Death of Internet Explorer.” Some of us are lucky enough have abandoned that browser already. But it wasn’t the only thing holding us back. Internet Explorer was the browser we all hated and Edge was meant to be its much-improved replacement. Unfortunately, Edge itself was quite the laggard. EdgeHTML is a fork of Trident, the engine that powered Internet Explorer. Microsoft significantly under-invested in Edge. The apple didn’t fall far from the tree. Edge’s User Voice website was a nice idea, allowing developers to vote for which features they wanted to be implemented. Unfortunately, as Dave Rupert put it, voting on the site was “like throwing coins in a wishing well.” The most requested features were left unimplemented for years.
There are a lot of features that pre-Chromium Edge doesn’t currently support but are available in other modern browsers and, once they’ve made the switch, we’ll be able to use them. Many of them can’t be polyfilled or worked around, so this release is a big deal. comparing the final non-Chromium version of Edge to the other popular modern browser
Features we can look forward to using
So just what are those features, exactly? Let’s outline them right here and start to get excited about all the new things we’ll be able to do.
Custom Elements and Shadow DOM
Together, custom elements and shadow DOM allow developers to define custom, reusable and encapsulated components. A lot of people were asking for this one. People have been voting for its implementation since 2014, and we’re finally getting it.
HTML details and summary elements
and elements are part of HTML5 and have been supported since 2011 in Chrome. Used together, the elements generate a simple widget to show and hide content. While it is trivial to implement something similar using JavaScript, the and elements work even when JavaScript is disabled or has failed to load.
This one means a lot to some people. All modern browsers now support the CSS font-display property. However, you still might want to load your fonts with JavaScript. Font-loading monomaniac Zach Leatherman has an explainer of why you might want to load fonts with JavaScript even though we now have broad support for font-display. Ditching polyfills for this API is important because this JavaScript is, according to Zach:
[…] usually inlined in the critical path. The time spent parsing and executing polyfill JavaScript is essentially wasted on browsers that support the native CSS Font Loading API.”
[…] browser-provided CSS Font Loading API has pretty broad support and has been around for a long time but is confoundedly still missing from all available versions of Microsoft Edge.”
No longer!
JavaScript flat and flatMap
Most easily explained with a code snippet, flat() is useful when you have an array nested inside another array.
I can’t help feeling that not making people feel sick should be the default of a website, particularly as not all users will be aware that this setting exists. As animation on the web becomes more common, it’s important to recognize that animation can cause causes dizziness, nausea and headaches for some users.
CSS font-display property
font-display has been well-covered on CSS-Tricks before. It’s a way to control the perceived performance of font loading.
CSS caret-color property
Admittedly a rather trivial feature, and one that could have safely and easily been used as progressive enhancement. It lets you style the blinking cursor in text input fields.
8-digit hex color notation
It’s nice to have consistency in a codebase. This includes sticking to either the RGB, hexadecimal or HSL color format. If your preferred format is hex, then you had a problem because it required a switch to rgba() any time you needed to define transparency. Hex can now include an alpha (transparency) value. For example, #ffffff80 is equivalent to rgba(255, 255, 255, .5). Arguably, it’s not the most intuitive color format and has no actual benefit over rgba().
Intrinsic sizing
I’ve not seen as much hype or excitement for intrinsic sizing as some other new CSS features, but it’s the one I’m personally hankering for the most. Intrinsic sizing determines sizes based on the content of an element and introduces three new keywords into CSS: min-content, max-content and fit-content(). These keywords can be used most places that you would usually use a length, like height, width, min-width, max-width, min-height, max-height, grid-template-rows, grid-template-columns, and flex-basis.
CSS text-orientation property
Used in conjunction with the writing-mode property, text-orientation, specifies the orientation of text, as you might expect.
placeholder-shown was even available in Internet Explorer, yet somehow never made it into Edge… until now. UX research shows that placeholder text should generally be avoided. However, if you are using placeholder text, this is a handy way to apply styles conditionally based on whether the user has entered any text into the input.
CSS place-content property
place-content is shorthand for setting both both the align-content and justify-content.
The will-change property can be used as a performance optimization, informing the browser ahead of time that an element will change. Pre-Chromium Edge was actually good at handling animations performantly without the need for this property, but it will now have full cross-browser support.
CSS all property
all is a shorthand for setting all CSS properties at once.
For example, setting button { all: unset; } is equivalent to:
Sadly, though, the revert keyword still hasn’t been implemented anywhere other than Safari, which somewhat limits the mileage we can get out of the all property.
CSS Shapes and Clip Path
Traditionally, the web has been rectangle-centric. It has a box model, after all. While we no longer need floats for layout, we can use them creatively for wrapping text around images and shapes with the shape-outside property. This can be combined with the clip-path property, which brings the ability to display an image inside a shape.
If you want to apply special styles to an entire form when any one of its inputs are in focus, then :focus-within is the selector for you.
CSS contents keyword
This is pretty much essential if you’re working with CSS grid. This had been marked as “not planned” by Edge, despite 3,920 votes from developers.
For both flexbox and grid, only direct children become flex items or grid items, respectively. Anything that is nested deeper cannot be placed using flex or grid-positioning. In the words of the spec, when display: contents is applied to a parent element, “the element must be treated as if it had been replaced in the element tree by its contents,” allowing them to be laid out with a grid or with flexbox. Chris goes into a more thorough explanation that’s worth checking out.
There are, unfortunately, still some bugs with other browser implementations that affect accessibility.
The future holds so much more promise
We’ve only looked at features that will be supported by all modern browsers when Edge makes the move to Chromium. That said, the death of legacy Edge also makes a lot of other features feel a lot closer. Edge was the only browser dragging its feet on the Web Animation API and that showed no interest in any part of the Houdini specs, for example.
Testing in BrowserStack (left) and various browser apps on my iPhone (right)
Of course, the other huge plus for web developers is less testing. A lot of neglected Edge during cross-browser testing, so Edge users were more likely to have a broken experience. This was the main reason Microsoft decided to switch to Chromium. If your site is bug-free in one Chromium browser, then it’s probably fine in all of them. In the words of the Edge team, Chromium will provide “better web compatibility for our customers and less-fragmentation of the web for all web developers.” The large variety of devices and browsers makes browser testing one of the least enjoyable tasks that we’re responsible for as front-end developers. Edge will now be available for macOS users which is great for the many of us who work on a Mac. A subscription to BrowserStack will now be slightly less necessary.
Do we lose anything?
To my knowledge, the only feature that was supported everywhere except Chrome is SVG color fonts, which will no longer work in the Edge browser. Other color font formats (COLR, SBIX, CBDT/CBLC) will continue to work though.
Admittedly, Edge wasn’t the last subpar browser. All the features in this article are unsupported in Internet Explorer, and always will be. If you have users in Russia, you’ll need to support Yandex. If you have users in Africa, you’ll need to support Opera Mini. If you have users in China, then UC and QQ will be important to test against. If you don’t have these regional considerations, there’s never been a better time to ditch support for Internet Explorer and embrace the features the modern web has to offer. Plenty of PC users have stuck with Internet Explorer purely out of habit. Hopefully, a revamped Edge will be enough to tempt them away. An official Microsoft blog entry titled “The perils of using Internet Explorer as your default browser” concluded that, “Internet Explorer is a compatibility solution…developers by and large just aren’t testing for Internet Explorer these days.” For its remaining users, the majority of the web must look increasingly broken. It’s time to let it die.
Is Google a megalomaniac?
Life is about to get easier for web developers, yet the response to the Microsoft’s announcement was far from positive. Mozilla, for one, had a stridently pessimistic response, which accused Microsoft of “officially giving up on an independent shared platform for the internet.” The statement described Google as having “almost complete control of the infrastructure of our online lives” and a “monopolistic hold on unique assets.” It concluded that “ceding control of fundamental online infrastructure to a single company is terrible.”
Many have harked back to the days of IE6, the last time a browser achieved such an overwhelming market share. Internet Explorer, having won the browser war, gave in to total stagnation. Chrome, by contrast, ceaselessly pushes new features. Google participates actively with the web standards bodies the W3C and the WHATWG. Arguably though, it has an oversized influence in these bodies and the power to dictate the future shape of the web. Google Developer Relations does have a tendency to hype features that have shipped only in Chrome.
From competition to collaboration
Rather than being the new IE, Edge can help innovate the web forward. While it fell behind in many areas, it did lead the way for CSS grid, CSS exclusions, CSS regions and the new HTML imports spec. In a radical departure from historical behavior, Microsoft have become one of the world’s largest supporters of open source projects. That means all major browsers are now open source. Microsoft have stated that they intend to become a significant contributor to Chromium — in fact, they’ve already racked up over 300 merges. This will help Edge users, but will also benefit users of Chrome, Opera, Brave, and other Chromium-based browsers.
Here’s a neat trick from Andy Bell where he uses CSS Custom Properties to check if a particular CSS feature is supported by using JavaScript.
Basically, he’s using the ability CSS has to check for browser support on a particular property, setting a custom property that returns a value of either 0 or 1 (Boolean!) and then informing the JavaScript to execute based on that value.
As Andy mentions, another common way to do this is to use pseudo elements on the body element and then access them with JavaScript, but this approach with @supports seems a whole lot cleaner and less hacky to me, personally. I wonder how many more intuitive things we’ll find we can do with CSS Custom Properties because this is an interesting case where CSS instructs JavaScript, instead of the other way around.
Flock is a messaging and collaboration tool built for both designers and developers. With close-to-zero setup, it brings together all your team’s conversations, appointments, and files in one place, helping you spend more time on what you are best at — building awesome stuff!
Building software is hard. Building software that is a delight to use every day is even harder, given the exacting standards most of us in the design and development community have for our tools. So, when we set out to change how people communicate in the modern workplace, we had but one goal – build something that we would objectively love!
Today, thousands of design and development teams use Flock every day, validating our UX-led approach to building a team collaboration tool for all kinds of teams. But how did we get here? Here’s our story.
At Flock, our designers frequently share creatives and design assets with the rest of the organization and using email to share links to files gets real old, real fast. So we started by looking at one of the biggest challenges to efficient collaboration at work — the “app-juggling” one had to master even for something as simple as sharing a file.
“Emails on one platform, files on another, real-time conversations on yet another one, and we would often need to shuffle between these apps to find and share relevant files with team members. That was an invisible time-sink!” —Aaron Durham, Designer at Flock
We realized that bringing together our files and the conversations around them in one place would save us a lot of time and effort, and built integrations for Flock with Google Drive, OneDrive, Box, and Dropbox. Now, it is incredibly easy to find and share relevant files from the sidebar and discuss them with the team immediately, with dynamic previews and permission controls.
The next challenge we tackled was the time spent in getting feedback on designs and prototypes from colleagues in our geographically distributed design and development team. We knew that it was difficult to convey visual feedback on creatives through plain text/emails because our designers often struggled to understand what part of an illustration the feedback was aimed at.
And then, we thought, “Wouldn’t it be so much easier if we could hop on a call and show colleagues exactly what we see?” So, we built a seamless video and audio conferencing experience into Flock that allows us to start a video call with one or more team members and walk them through the feedback by sharing screens.
Like most startups, we have a few irons in the fire at any given time. So, one group of designers and developers might be working on a prototype of our newest product while another group works on landing pages for a marketing campaign. Conversations around these projects need to happen simultaneously and seamlessly. But with a team of over a hundred rock-stars, it’s difficult to keep track of conversations on various projects and keep those conversations on track. We had to create a system that accomplished both.
So, for every project, the Project Lead creates a Channel on Flock (a group conversation) where everyone involved can discuss the project. We create other channels for shared interests and water-cooler chats, so conversations in project channels are focused and more efficient.
Another reason for the dreaded “app-juggling” act? Our designers and developers use a lot of apps and services that they have to check for updates at various times of the day. So we built integrations for third-party services right into Flock. Now, team members receive notifications from all their favorite apps in one place — Flock — and can choose to take action when required.
Our App Store has over 60 integrations with popular third-party business apps and services, so we can work with all our favorite tools in one place. And we can connect hundreds of applications and web services to Flock using Zapier and IFTTT. From Dribble and Asana to Jira and GitHub, we connect almost every service we use to Flock. Last but not least, developers can build custom apps and integrations using our open API.
Many early adopters of Flock were teams with designers and developers who were happy to share feedback. We found that a lot of these teams worked with external consultants or clients, particularly at creative agencies. And these conversations were, again, on email, on the phone or, sometimes, verbal instructions with no record for later reference.
To ensure all these conversations could be brought into one window, we created Guests in Flock, an incredibly simple way of adding external collaborators to team workflows while maintaining a firewall of access between conversations within the team and conversations with guest users. This makes it easier to collaborate with clients and consultants, feedback can be shared and acted upon in real-time, and the built-in image annotation feature allows designers to share visual feedback on creatives.
Our thinking from the get-go has been that effective communication is a basic utility in every workplace, and it should add to productivity way more than it does to expenses. Which is why we priced Flock starting from free, with an option to unlock all functionality for $4.50 a user per month on the Pro plan — a third as much as our competitors.
Our designers and developers have found incredible success in building Flock and becoming its first power users, and the business case for adopting a team collaboration platform has never been clearer. Whether one wants to discuss ideas, share collateral’s, collect feedback from teammates and clients, or get code-push notifications from Gitlab, Flock just works.
Last year, Rachel Andrew wrote an article that took a new look at CSS Shapes in which she reintroduced readers to the basics of using CSS Shapes. For anyone keen to understand how to use properties like shape-outside, shape-margin, and shape-image-threshold, Rachel’s is the ideal primer.
I’ve seen many examples of using the properties, but very few go beyond Basic Shapes, including circle(), ellipse(), inset(). Even examples using polygon() shapes rarely go far beyond them. Considering the creative opportunities CSS Shapes offer, this is disappointing. But, I’m sure that with a little inspiration and imagination, we can make more distinctive and engaging designs. So, I’m going to show you how to use CSS Shapes to create the following five different types of layout:
Sadly, you won’t find many inspiring examples of websites which use CSS Shapes. That doesn’t mean that inspiration isn’t out there — you just have to look a little further afield at advertising, magazine, and poster design. However, it would be foolish for us to merely mimic work from a previous era and medium.
You can find inspiration in surprising places, such as these vintage advertisements.
For the past few years, I’ve filled Dropbox folders with inspiration and I really ought to move those examples to Pinterest. Fortunately, Kristopher Van Sant has been more diligent than me in compiling a Pinterest board full of inspiring ‘Shapes Of Text’ examples.
Shapes add energy to design, and this movement draws people in. They help to connect an audience with your story and make tighter connections between your visual and written content.
When you need content to flow around a shape, use the shape-outside property. You must float an element left or right for shape-outside to have any effect.
img {
float: <values>;
shape-outside: <values>;
NB:When you flow content around shapes, be careful not to allow any lines of text to become too narrow and fit only one or two words.
It often needs surprisingly little markup to develop dynamic and original layouts. My HTML for this series of five designs consists only of a header and main elements, figures, and images, and is often no more complicated than this:
For me, one of the most incredible aspects of modern-day CSS is that I can create a shape from the alpha channel of a partially transparent image with no need to draw a polygon path. I only need to create an image, and then a browser will take care of the rest.
I think this is one of the most exciting additions to CSS and it makes developing art direction for the web more straightforward, especially if you work with a content management system and dynamically generated content.
Left: Without CSS Shapes, this design feels dull and lifeless. Right: Creating v-shapes makes this design more distinctive and engaging.
To develop shapes from images, they must have an alpha channel which is either entirely or partially transparent. I needn’t draw a polygon to enable content to flow between the triangular shapes either side of my content in this first design; instead, I need only specify the URL of an image file as the shape-outside value:
Watch out for CORS (cross-origin resource sharing) when using images to develop your shapes. You must host images on the same domain as your product or website. If you use a CDN, make sure it sends the correct headers to enable shapes. It’s also worth noting that the only way to test shapes locally is to use a web server. The file:// protocol simply won’t work.
Generated Content
As Rachel explained in her article:
“You could also use an image as the path for the shape to create a curved text effect without also including the image on the page. You still need something to float, however, and so for this, we can use Generated Content.”
As an alternative to alpha channel, I can use Generated Content — applied to two pseudo-elements — one for a polygon triangle on the left, the other for the right. My running text will now flow between the two generated shapes:
NB:Bennett Feely’s CSS clip-path maker is a fabulous tool for working out coordinate values for use with CSS Shapes.
Adjusting the width of alpha images at several breakpoints allows the shape of this running text to best suit its viewport.
2. Z-Patterns
A Z-pattern is a familiar path our eyes follow when reading content from left–right, top–bottom. By placing content along the hidden lines which form a Z, these patterns help guide a reader along this path, from where we’d like them to start reading towards a destination such as a call-to-action. Z-patterns can be either discreet — implied by focal points or elements with higher visual weight — or made obvious using CSS Shapes.
The z-pattern created by driving a narrow column of running text between two shapes suggests speed and the fun people will have when driving this iconic little car.
In this next design, a discreet z-pattern is formed as:
The large image spans the full page width, the end-point emphasised with a right aligned headline.
A block of running text is formed by two CSS Shapes.
The thick top border on a figure acting as a footer completes the Z.
There’s no need for complicated markup to implement this design and my simple HTML includes just three elements:
My page-width spanning header and figure needs no explanation, but flowing text between two triangular shapes is a little more complicated. To implement this z-pattern design, I choose to include two tiny 1×1px placeholder images onto which I apply two larger, shape-forming images using shape-outside. By attaching an aria-hidden attribute to these images, a screen reader won’t describe them.
After giving the two shape images the same dimensions,
I float one image left and the other to the right, which allows my running text to run between them:
Left: A presentable but predictable design which lacks energy. Right: CSS Shapes suggest fun and speed.
The iconic Mini Cooper was fast and fun to drive. While my design would be perfectly presentable without a z-pattern formed by CSS Shapes, this layout looks predictable and lacks energy. The z-pattern created by driving a narrow column of running text between two shapes suggests speed and the fun people will have when driving this iconic little car.
3. Curved Shapes
One of the most fascinating aspects of CSS Shapes is how I can create elegant shapes using the alpha channel from a partially transparent image. This shape can be anything I imagine. I only need to create the image, and a browser will flow content around it.
While confining content to within a shape has been proposed in the CSS Shapes Module Level 2 specification, there’s currently no way to know if and when this might be implemented in browsers. But while shape-inside isn’t available (yet!), that doesn’t mean I can’t create similar results using shape-outside.
Left: Another presentable, but predictable design. Right: A more distinctive look created by using CSS Shapes.
By confining my content within a curved image floated right, I can easily add a distinctive look to this next design. To create the shape, I again use the shape-outside property, this time with the value being the same URL as my visible image:
To put some distance between my shape and the content flowing around it, the shape-margin property draws a further shape outside the contours of the first one. I can use any CSS absolute length unit — millimeters, centimeters, inches, picas, pixels, and points — or relative units (ch, em, ex, rem, vh, and vw):
[src*="curve"] {
shape-margin: 3rem;
More Margins
Adding movement to this curved design relies on more than CSS Shapes. Using viewport width units, I give my headline, image, and running text a different left margin, each one proportional to the width of the viewport. This creates a diagonal from the back of my headline to the front of the car:
Angles can help make layouts look less structured and feel more organic. The absence of clear structure encourages the eye to roam freely around a composition. This movement also causes an arrangement to feel energetic.
I see designs set around horizontal and vertical axes every day, but rarely anything based on a diagonal. Every once in a while, I spot an angled element — perhaps a banner graphic with its bottom sloping — but it’s rarely essential to a design.
It’s common to see content flowing around shapes in print design, but this was impossible to achieve on the web before CSS Shapes.
Even though CSS Grid involves setting columns and rows, there’s no reason why it can’t be used to create dynamic diagonals. This next design needs just a header and main element:
To create the diagonal detail in this design, I again flow content around a shape image which itself is floated left. Again I use the shape-outside property with the same URL value as my visible image and a shape-margin to put distance between my shape and the content flowing around it:
Given that responsiveness is one of the web’s intrinsic properties, we can rarely predict how content will flow, but we avoid designs like this one. When there’s too little space for all my running text to fit above the shape, the fact that each shape is floated means that content will flow into space below the shape.
5. Rotated Shapes
Why settle for just using CSS Grid and Shapes when adding Transforms to the mix can enable layouts which were unimaginable only a few years ago? In this final example, flowing text around the cars in this image, while at the same time rotating the entire composition needed a combination of all those properties.
Why settle for using only CSS Grid and Shapes?
As the image of these cars has no transparent alpha channel, flowing text around the shapes, it contains needs a second image which includes only alpha channel information.
Implementing this design requires two images; one visible, the other proving alpha channel information.
This time, I float the visible image right and apply the shape-outside property with a URL value which matches my alpha channel image:
You may have noticed that both my images contain elements which I rotated clockwise by ten degrees. With those images in place, I can rotate the entire layout ten degrees in the opposite direction to give the illusion that my images are upright:
body {
transform: rotate(-10deg);
I rotate this layout just enough to make the design more appealing, without sacrificing readability.
Bonus Example: Polygon Shapes Sculpt Columns
An extract from ‘Art Direction for the Web’ available from 26th March 2019.
You can create strong, structural shapes with nothing more than type. Combining polygon() shapes and pseudo-elements, you can sculpt shapes from solid blocks of running text, in the style of Alexey Brodovitch and his influential work for Harper’s Bazaar.
Left: These beautiful numerals are almost too lovely to hide. They’re also perfect for carving into those columns. Right: When I use invisible pseudo-elements with no background or borders to develop polygon shapes, the result is two unusually shaped columns.
I formed these columns from two article elements, i.e. with a gutter between them and a maximum width, which help maintain a comfortable measure:
Because there are two article elements and I also specified
two columns for my grid, there’s no need to be specific about the position of those articles. I can let a browser place them for me, and all that remains for me is to apply shape-outside to a generated pseudo-element in each column:
Now that Firefox has released a version which supports CSS Shapes, and has launched a Shape Path Editor inside its Developer Tools, there’s now only Edge without support for Shapes. This situation will soon change now that Microsoft has announced a change from their own EdgeHTML rendering engine to Chromium’s Blink, the same engine as Chrome and Opera.
Tools like CSS Shapes now give us countless opportunities to use art direction to capture readers’ attention and keep them engaged. I hope by now you’re as excited about them as I am!
Editorial’s Note: Andy’s new book, Art Direction for the Web (pre-order your copy today), explores 100 years of art direction and how we can use this knowledge and the newest web technologies to create better digital products. Read an excerpt chapter to get a taste of what the book has to offer.
It’s becoming easier to design websites, what with Wix, Squarespace, and even now WordPress providing DIY site builder tools. On the flipside of that, it’s becoming increasingly more difficult to convince even the least technically-savvy business owner that they shouldn’t try to build their own website.
Sadly, the rise of the site builder isn’t the only excuse prospects have for not wanting to work with web designers.
In this post, I’m going to explain the most common reasons why prospects say “no”, or “not now”, or “not you” and what to do about it.
“I don’t have time to talk about this. Can you just send me an email with the information?”
You’re being given a brush off before you’ve ever had a chance to make your pitch. That’s because they view a website as a burden.
When you hear this objection, gently explain that it’s okay, what you have to tell them won’t take too long. This isn’t about stealing their time; this is about giving more of it back to them.
Just make sure you come prepared with a clear explanation of what you’re going to do for them (focus on the benefits, not the features) and be able to explain it quickly.
“I don’t need a website. I have a Facebook / LinkedIn / Google page”
Explain that, while social media is indeed a necessity in this day and age, nothing can substitute for a website.
With a website, the business controls the narrative of their story. Plus, the business doesn’t have to compete with surrounding links and ads and other company mentions. The website is their dedicated space to proclaim to the world wide web: “This is what we do!”
In addition, websites can do things that social media and a Google My Business page cannot; like accept reservations and appointments; or sell memberships, digital downloads, and physical products; or actively target specific keywords for ranking in search results.
A website is a powerful tool they can’t afford to be without.
“I already have a website [or web designer]”
If you hear this excuse, then you’re in trouble. It’s either because:
a) You didn’t do your research to see if they had a website or one in the works by another designer. Which shows a lack of planning on your part.
b) You knew they had a website, but failed to get right to the point and explain: “I happened upon your website recently and realized it had serious issues with X, Y, and Z.”
These decision-makers don’t have time to waste. If you’re not prepared to cut to the chase and explain why you’ve approached them with the idea for a new and improved website, they’ll happily make any excuse to get you to go away.
“I don’t need a designer, I’m going to build it myself”
This goes back to the earlier idea of the site builder replacing the web designer.
When faced with this objection, simply explain that cheap site builder platforms are all well and good for small personal sites and businesses that don’t plan to scale.
For anything more than that, though, they need a robust content management system and professional designer to build out a website that does everything they need it to, while also ensuring it’s future-proof.
Neither of these things can be accomplished by someone without an expert-level knowledge of the web design landscape.
“I’m nervous that your team is too small / You’re not experienced enough”
This is a tough one to argue if your business is new and you don’t have a healthy portfolio to show off.
That said, what gave you the confidence to approach the prospect in the first place? If you have a process, documentation, and professional project management system in place, walk them through it over a live screen-sharing session.
If you show them how buttoned-up of a business you run (even if it’s just you), you may be able to cast aside all doubts with that level of transparency.
“I don’t think you understand my business”
By now, you have a clear niche that you design for and you know the space well. If that’s the case, then this objection should never come up.
If it does, send over some examples of the kind of work you’ve done for clients in a related industry or locale (whatever your niche happens to be). Demonstrate that you have the skills and know-how to design the perfect website for them.
Then, revisit your pitch and rewrite it. If you’re not clearly explaining your niche during these early exchanges with prospects (or even on your website), redefine it to ensure you never hear this objection again.
“We can’t afford that”
If you’ve named your price and get this objection, there are a number of things going on here.
The prospect either:
a) Really doesn’t have any budget at the moment.
(If that’s the case, thank them for their time and plan to follow up in a few months’ time.)
b) Doesn’t see the value in what you’ve proposed.
(If you’re not able to clearly reiterate the value of a website built by you, don’t waste your breath arguing — and don’t drop your price. Simply walk away. Then, revamp your pitch and proposal to ensure you properly explain the value of a website in a language they understand (i.e. you get more leads/sales/etc.))
c) Is a bargain-hunter.
(All this prospect wants is a website done for cheap. They don’t care about quality, so you should leave them be.)
“This other designer says she can get our site on the first page of Google in 30 days”
One of the problems with encountering prospects like this is that it always puts you on the defense. No matter how illogical their argument may be, or what sort of insane promises the competition may make, don’t try to fight them if they’re adamant that you can’t build the site they need.
Another thing to remember: don’t make a promise you cannot deliver on.
Instead, try to counter this argument by depicting a reality you can deliver on: “While your site might not be at the #1 spot on Day 30, we can increase your leads by 15% over that same timeframe.”
“I don’t have time to sign the contract. Can you just get started and I’ll sign it later?”
If they’re putting off signing the contract, that’s a huge red flag.
This is the kind of client that would be abusive, drive you into scope creep, or disappear for months on end without making a single payment. If they’re unwilling to sign on the dotted line, take that as a clear objection. Or, better yet, you be the one to object and move on.
Prepare Yourself to Answer the Most Common Objections
There are many articles that advise business owners not to hire a web designer to build their website. In all fairness, those articles are right — but only when they argue that they shouldn’t hire a certain kind of web designer. Namely, one that’s unwilling to learn about their business, that won’t design a website that aligns with their goals, or that’s uncommunicative and unprofessional. In that case, those articles are absolutely right.
However, if you are a top-notch designer (which you are), you can’t let this kind of harmful journalism get inside prospects’ heads and hurt your business in the process. By preparing yourself to answer the most common objections, you can address prospects’ concerns before they ever have a chance to open their mouths.
Let’s do a little step-by-step of a situation where you can’t quite do what seems to make sense, but you can still get it done with CSS trickery. In this case, it’ll be applying a shadow to a shape.
But it doesn’t work. Nothing shows up. You think you’re going crazy. You assume you have the syntax wrong. You don’t. The problem is that clip-path is cutting it off.
You can drop-shadow a parent element instead
There is a filter that does shadows as well: drop-shadow(). But you can’t use it directly on the element because the clip-path will cut it off as well. So you make a parent:
<span class="tag-wrap">
<span class="tag">
You can’t use box-shadow on that parent either, because the parent is still a rectangle and the shadow will look wrong. But you can use filter, and the shadow will follow the shape.
Toggles. Switches. Whatever you want to call them, they’ve been with us for some time and have been a dominant a staple for many form interfaces. They’re even baked right into many CSS frameworks, including Bootstrap and Foundation.
It’s easy to think of them in binary terms: on and off. Off and on. Click to change the state and call it a day, right? I mean, it’s just a checkbox with a styled visual representation.
Well, Adrian Roselli shows us that there’s a lot more to think about. And, not only that, but he shows how we can under-engineer them:
I am only going to provide styles to visually convert a standard checkbox into a visual toggle. No ARIA, no script, no special features. A progressively enhanced checkbox that will continue to work if the CSS file does not load
There’s a lot to digest here. His approaches to accessibility run the gamut, from hover, active, focus and disabled states to contrast in both light and dark modes, and many things in between. What’s particularly key is the progressive enhancement he mentions in that quote above.
I think the most interesting thing about Adrian’s post is just how flexible his approach is to handle any situation, including color schemes and writing modes. He also takes note of the indeterminate checkbox, that state that’s nether on or off, but something perhaps in between. We have a CSS pseudo-selector for that and it could warrant a post its own, given that it’s a purely visual state that cannot be set in the HTML and needs to be registered via JavaScript. It’s interesting to think of an “in between” state for a switch and Adrian’s use case for the default state Airplane Mode is pretty compelling.
It’s an awful lot of work that we have to do to ensure that the front-end is designed well and I think this post is the best example I’ve seen in a while as to why our work is not a problem to be solved and more of a challenge to better understand the tools of our craft.
Some months ago I was on Hacker News (as one does) and I ran across a (now deleted) article about not using if statements. If you’re new to this idea (like I was), you’re in a for a real treat. Just search for “if statements” on Hacker News. You’ll get articles proposing that you might not need them, articles that refer to them as a code smell and even the quintessential “considered harmful.” Listen, you know a programming concept is legit when people start suggesting that using it is actually gonna hurt somebody.
And if that’s not enough for you, there is always the “Anti-If Campaign.” If you join, you get a nifty banner and your name on the website. IF you join. Oh the sweet, sweet irony.
The first time that I ran across this bizarre “if anathema” phenomenon, I thought it was interesting, but probably just more people mad on the internet. You are always one Google search away from finding someone who is mad about anything. Like this person who hates kittens. KITTENS.
Some time later, I was watching Linus Torvald’s TED interview. In that interview, he shows two slides. The first slide contains code that he deems is “bad taste.”
And the second is that same code, but in what Linus would consider, “good taste.”
I realize that Linus is a bit of a polarizing figure, and you might not agree with the “good taste” vs. “bad taste” phrasing. But I think we can universally agree that the second slide is just easier on the old eye balls. It’s concise, has fewer logical paths to follow, and contains no if statement. I want my code to look like that. It doesn’t have to be some genius algorithm (it never will be), but I think it can be clean, and remember what Billy Corgan of Smashing Pumpkins said about cleanliness…
Cleanliness is godliness. And god is empty. Just like me.
Aside from making your code look cluttered, if statements, or “branching logic,” requires your brain to hold and evaluate two separate paths at one time along with all of the things that might occur on those paths. If you nest if statements, the problem intensifies because you are creating and tracking a decision tree and your brain has to bounce around all over that tree like a drunk monkey. This kind of thing is what makes code hard to read. And remember, you should write your code thinking of the moron who comes after you that is going to have to maintain it. And that moron is probably you.
As my own favorite moron, I’ve been making a conscious effort lately to avoid writing if statements in my JavaScript. I don’t always succeed, but what I’ve noticed is that at the very least, it forces me to think about solving the problem from an entirely different angle. It makes me a better developer because it compels me to engage a part of my brain that is otherwise sitting on a beanbag eating peanut M&M’s while the if statement does all the work.
In the process of not writing if statements, I’ve discovered my love for the way JavaScript lets you compose conditional logic with ternary statements and logical operators. What I would like to propose to you now is that ternary has gotten a bad rap, and you can use it along with the && and || operators to write some pretty concise and readable code.
The much maligned ternary
When I first started as a programmer, people used to say, “Never use a ternary. They are too complex.” So I didn’t use them. Ever. I never used a ternary. I never even bothered to question whether or not those people were right.
I don’t think they were.
Ternaries are just one-line if statements. Suggesting that they are implicitly too complicated in any form is just… not true. I mean, I’m not the frostiest donut in the box, but I have no problems at all understanding a simple ternary. Is it possible that we are infantilizing ourselves here just a tad when we say to always avoid them. I think that a well-structured ternary beats an if statement every time.
Let’s take a simple example. Say we have an application where we want to test and see if the user is logged in. If they are, we send them to their profile page. Otherwise, we send them to the home page. Here is the standard if statement to do that…
if (isLogggedIn) {
else {
That’s a damn simple operation to split out over six lines. SIX LINES. Remember that every time you move through a line of code, you have to remember the code that came above it and how it affects the code below it.
Your brain only has to evaluate one line here, not six. You don’t have to move between lines, remembering what was on the line before.
One of the drawbacks to the ternary, though, is that you cannot evaluate for only one condition. Working from the previous example, if you wanted to navigate to the profile page if the user was logged in, but take no action at all if they weren’t, this won’t work…
You would have to write out an actual if statement here. Or would you?
There is a trick that you can use in JavaScript when you only want to evaluate one side of the condition and you don’t want to use an if statement. You do this by leveraging the way JavaScript works with the || (or) and && (and) operators.
loggedIn && navigateTo('profile');
How does that work!?
What we’re doing here is asking JavaScript, “Are both of these things true?” If the first item is false, there is no reason for the JavaScript virtual machine to execute the second. We already know that both of them aren’t true because one of them is false. We’re exploiting the fact that JavaScript won’t bother to evaluate the second item if the first one is false. This is the equivalent of saying, “If the first condition is true, execute the second.”
Now what if we wanted to flip this around? What if we wanted to navigate to the profile page only if the user is not logged in? You could just slap a ! in front of the loggedIn variable, but there is another way.
loggedIn || navigateTo('profile');
What this says is, “Are either of these things true?” If the first one is false, it has to evaluate the second to know for sure. If the first one is true though, it will never execute the second because it already knows that one of them is true; therefore the whole statement is true.
Now, is that better than just doing this?
if (!loggedIn) navigateTo('profile');
No. In that form, it is not. But here’s the thing: once you know that you can use the && and || operators to evaluate equality outside of if statements, you can use them to vastly simplify your code.
Here is a more complex example. Say we have a login function where we pass a user object. That object may be null, so we need to check local storage to see if the user has a saved session there. If they do, and they are an admin user, then we direct them to a dashboard. Otherwise, we send them to a page that tells them they are unauthorized. Here is what that looks like as a straight-up if statement.
function login(user) {
if (!user) {
user = getFromLocalStorage('user');
if (user) {
if (user.loggedIn && user.isAdmin) {
else {
else {
Ouch. This is complicated because we’re doing a lot of null condition checking on the user object. I don’t want this post to be too strawman-y, so let’s simplify this down since there is a lot of redundant code here that we would likely refactor into other functions.
function checkUser(user) {
if (!user) {
user = getFromLocalStorage('user');
return user;
function checkAdmin(user) {
if (user.isLoggedIn && user.isAdmin) {
else {
function login(user) {
if (checkUser(user)) {
else {
The main login function is simpler, but that’s actually more code and not necessarily “cleaner” when you consider the whole and not just the login function.
I would like to propose that we can do all of this in two lines if we forgo the if statements, embrace the ternary, and use logical operators to determine equality.
function login(user) {
user = user || getFromLocalStorage('user');
user && (user.loggedIn && user.isAdmin) ? navigateTo('dashboard') : navigateTo('unauthorized')
That’s it. All of that noise generated by if statements collapses down into two lines. If the second line feels a bit long and unreadable to you, wrap it so that the conditions are on their own line.
function login(user) {
user = user || getFromLocalStorage("user");
user && (user.loggedIn && user.isAdmin)
? navigateTo("dashboard")
: navigateTo("unauthorized");
If you are worried that maybe the next person won’t know about how the && and || operators work in JavaScript, add some comments, a little white space and a happy tree. Unleash your inner Bob Ross.
function login(user) {
// if the user is null, check local storage to
// see if there is a saved user object there
user = user || getFromLocalStorage("user");
// Make sure the user is not null, and is also
// both logged in and an admin. Otherwise, DENIED. 🌲
user && (user.loggedIn && user.isAdmin)
? navigateTo("dashboard")
: navigateTo("unauthorized");
Other things you can do
While we’re at it, here are some other tricks you can play with JavaScript conditionals.
One of my favorite tricks (which I used above), is a one-liner to check if an item is null and then reassign it if it is. You do this with an || operator.
user = user || getFromLocalStorage('user');
And you can go on forever like this…
user = user || getFromLocalStorage('user') || await getFromDatabase('user') || new User();
This also works with the ternary…
user = user ? getFromLocalStorage('user') : new User();
Multiple conditions
You can provide multiple conditions to a ternary. For instance, if we want to log that the user has logged in and then navigate, we can do that without needing to abstract all of that into another function. Wrap it in some parentheses and provide a comma.
The most interesting thing Eric is doing there is negating the first condition so that you don’t end up with the question marks and colons together, which makes it harder to read. I would take this a step further and add a little indentation. I also added the curly braces and an explicit return because seeing one parenthesis and then immediately another makes my brain start to anticipate a function invocation that is never coming.
As a general rule, I think that you should consider not nesting ternaries or if statements. Any of the above articles on Hacker News will shame you into the same conclusion. Although I’m not here to shame you, only to suggest that perhaps (and just maybe) you will thank yourself later if you don’t.
That’s my pitch on the misunderstood ternary and logical operators. I think that they help you write clean, readable code and avoid if statements entirely. Now if only we could get Linus Torvalds to sign off on all this as being “good taste.” I could retire early and and live the rest of my life in peace.
With the advent of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in May 2018, the web has turned into a vast exhibition of consent pop-ups, notifications, toolbars, and modals. While the intent of most cookie-related prompts is the same — to get a user’s consent to keep collecting and evaluating their behavior the same ol’ way they’ve been doing for years — implementations differ significantly, often making it ridiculously difficult or simply impossible for customers to opt out from tracking.
On top of that, many implementations don’t even respect users’ decisions anyway and set cookies despite their choices, assuming that most people will grant consent regardless.
Admittedly, they aren’t entirely wrong. In our research, the vast majority of users willingly provide consent without reading the cookie notice at all. The reason is obvious and understandable: many customers expect that a website “probably wouldn’t work, or the content wouldn’t be accessible otherwise.” Of course, that’s not necessarily true, but users can’t know for sure unless they try it out. In reality, though, nobody wants to play ping-pong with the cookie consent prompt, and so they click the consent away by choosing the most obvious option: “OK.”
Note: It’s important to understand that cookies and consent mechanisms discussed in this article go beyond GDPR. In Europe, they are addressed by a separate piece of legislation, the ePrivacy Directive, which is currently in draft for a revamp (as of April 2019). It may be finalized by summer 2019. We do not know what its final form will take, but it will determine the future of cookie consent prompts.
Now, with this common behavior online, what might come across is that cookie prompts aren’t particularly useful, and that’s partly true. But they certainly helped raise awareness about privacy and data collection on the web. In fact, users now know that websites track their data, which they weren’t aware of a few years ago. But they often see it as a necessary evil in exchange for accessing the content “for free.”
It’s not that users always happily share their personal data, but they don’t really feel that revoking consent is a viable alternative. To many of them, the only reasonable option is to provide consent while opting in for an ad-blocker extension or any other tracking blocker in their browser.
Cookie consent pop-ups don’t have to be tiny and unreadable. We could try to integrate them into our overall experience too. Case in point: Oreo, with an Oreo’s cookie displayed as a cookie consent prompt. (Large preview)
Since cookie consent prompts always stand in the way of the content, they are often dismissed almost instinctively, not unlike carousels during onboarding. Hence, from the designer’s perspective, spending weeks refining that one-of-a-kind prompt might be a waste of time. (Sorry for crushing your dreams at this point.) allows visitors to adjust cookie settings and explains the different types of cookies, with an option to easily opt out from certain ones. (Large preview)
Since many websites heavily rely on collecting data, running A/B tests, and serving users with targeted advertising, often the design of the cookie consent notice is heavily influenced by business requirements and business goals. Is it acceptable for the business to allow users to quickly dismiss all tracking? Which cookies are (apparently) required for the site to work, and which ones are optional? Which cookies should be selected for approval by default, and which ones would require a manual opt-in? Should the customer be able to easily revoke the consent once it’s provided, and if so, how exactly would it be done if they don’t have an account on the site?
These business decisions have a major impact on design decisions, although from the user’s side, the optimal design would be quite obvious: no cookie consent at all. That would mean, for example, that users could define privacy settings in their browsers, and choose what cookies they’d like to provide consent to. The browser would then send a hint to each website a user chooses to visit and automatically opt-in or opt-out cookie settings, depending on the provided preferences.
In fact, a Do Not Track (DNT) header is already implemented and widely supported by browsers (although it was removed from Safari to prevent potential use for fingerprinting), yet there is no established mechanism for transforming this preference into a granular selection of accepted cookie groups. It shouldn’t be very surprising that most advertisers wouldn’t be particularly happy about this pattern gaining traction either, but perhaps it could be a slightly better way forward, as preferred by users, to no cookie consent at all.
Admittedly, users sometimes find a way around anyway. Some users who already use an ad-blocker are using a cookie prompt blocker as well. The latter, however, usually grants full consent on user’s behalf by default. Obviously, it goes against the very purpose of the cookie prompt in the first place, and ideally such extensions would automatically opt in only for essential cookies while opting out for everything else (if it’s possible at all).
As designers, though, we have a legal obligation to explain what happens to a user’s data and how it will be stored within the mandate of provided business requirements. As Geoffrey Keating mentioned in his article, “The Cookie Law and UX,” focusing specifically on legislation in Ireland, according to the Office of the Data Protection Commissioner, “the minimum requirement is clear communication to the user as to what he/she is being asked to consent to in terms of cookies usage and a means of giving or refusing consent.”
It’s worth noting that consent has to be “unambiguous” and “freely given,” as it must “leave no doubt as to the data subject’s intention, should be an active indication of the user’s wishes and can only be valid if the data subject is able to exercise a real choice.” Hence, silent, pre-ticked checkboxes or inactivity shouldn’t constitute consent.
This might sound obvious, but some solutions explore the uncharted legal territory that’s left for interpretation. For instance, sometimes the website visitor “automatically submits a cookie consent by clicking a link on the website”, and sometimes you can choose which actions are “obvious enough” for you to perceive them as a silent consent. Obviously, this isn’t an informed decision and such technique rightly belongs to the realm of mischievous culprits that should be avoided at all costs.
With this in mind, there are a couple of options we could consider:
Avoid Optional Cookies And Keep Only Functional Ones: No Prompt Required
It might appear that every single website needs to display a cookie consent notice to their European visitors, but if your website doesn’t collect, track, and evaluate any personal data from users, or it collects only anonymous data, you may not need one. In fact, one of the fundamental principles of the Privacy by Design framework is that non-essential cookies should be off by default and the user needs to actively opt in.
Now, cookies might be required for maintaining the logged-in state or user preferences, for example, and according to EU regulations you don’t need explicit consent for that. That’s also why many prompts have functional cookies enabled by default, without an option to disable them. And some sites, like GOV.UK, merely inform users about cookies, not requiring any input at all, but also not providing a choice to opt out from the optional Google Analytics cookie.
GOV.UK stores at least 18 cookies, and many of them are required for better experience; e.g. to track progress when applying for a licence, multivariate testing, making secure connections to websites, YouTube videos, email subscription updates. However, only one cookie is optional: Google Analytics (anonymized). (Large preview)
Nudging Users Towards Implicit Consent
Not every website can get away without ad-related third-party cookies, though. One seemingly light way out would be to add a plain notification such as “By using our website, you are consenting to our use of cookies.” But this alone isn’t enough. As we need an active indication of the user’s consent, we have to require some sort of unambiguous action. For that reason, some sites add a “close” icon, making the consent box appear as a notification that can be dismissed. To ensure a more obvious acknowledgement, it’s a good idea to replace the “close” icon with a button. In many implementations, the button would simply say “Close” or “Save” or “Continue,” although “Accept and continue” is more clear.
In most cases, the notification doesn’t disappear until it is acted upon, hence being the very first thing that users see when visiting any page on the website. Do you need user consent on every page, though? You could be more selective and ask for the cookie consent only when it’s actually required; for example, when the user is setting up an account or wants to save their settings.
Twitter informs its visitors about the cookies used, but there is no option to adjust cookie preferences. The prompt will be clicked away by clicking on the ‘×’ in the top-right corner. Beware, however: some people see it as consent, while others see it as postponing the decision for a later time, similar to snoozing notifications. (Large preview) JetBrains chose to display a plain text-only prompt as if it were in a terminal window. There are balanced options to opt in or opt out of cookie consent. (Large preview)
Allowing Users To Adjust Privacy Settings
While the previous option dictates complete obedience or complete lock-out, you could be more empathetic to the user’s intent. The user might have strong feelings about the exposure of their personal data, so providing a way out — not dissimilar to the personal questions we mentioned earlier — could keep them on the site. To achieve that, we could add an option to change settings, followed by an overview of different groups of cookies, with some of them being required for the site to function flawlessly, and others being optional.
The grouping could relate to the purpose of cookies such as advertising, analytics and statistics, or testing. It could also be much broader, allowing users to choose between “I am OK with personalized ads” or “I do not want to see personalized ads”. It’s also a good idea to explain to the user which features on the site will be unavailable once a certain group of cookies is blocked. TrustArc does that with a slider, allowing for a number of privacy levels, from allowing only required cookies to functional cookies to advertising cookies, while also showing its impact on the overall functionality of the site.
On Nielsen Norman group, all cookies are grouped. Necessary cookies can’t be opted out of, but all other groups can be dismissed with a few taps. Ideally, there’d be a way to opt out from all optional ones at once. (Large preview)
Tabbed groups for cookies on MailChimp. (Large preview)
(Large preview) The Guardian provides clear options which have equal weight on the ‘Your privacy’ page (not in the initial prompt, though). The modal on the front page is large but it provides clear options. (Large preview) The Daily Mash provides an option to adjust privacy settings (albeit de-emphasized), and in the settings panel visitors can easily reject or accept all cookies. Also, ‘Save & Exit’ is a very clear label for a button at the bottom. The experience might not be delightful, but it’s pretty clear. (Large preview) MyFitnessPal, powered by TrustArc, displays a slider which explains which functionality is allowed or disallowed with every group of cookies. (Large preview)
A fantastic pattern on how a cookie settings dashboard could be designed to improve transparency. A mock-up by Matthias Ott and Joschi Kuphal built at the last @indiewebcamp in Dusseldorf. You can also download the Adobe XD source file, kindly provided by the authors. (Large preview)
A Subtle Or Prominent Display Of The Request For Consent
In terms of layout, the prompt could be subtle and hardly noticeable, or obvious and difficult to ignore. We could place it in the header of the page, or at the bottom of the viewport, or we could also position it in the center of the page as a modal. All of these options could be floating and persistent as the user scrolls the page, thereby blocking access to a portion of the content (or entire content) until consent is granted.
De Telegraaf, for example, places a verbose cookie consent in the middle of the page, blurring out the content underneath, literally hijacking the page and standing in the way. It shouldn’t be a big revelation that from all the options we’ve tested, this one seems to be the most annoying one to users. In general, subtle prompts should be preferred, and the less space they need to be displayed, the better the overall user’s reaction has been.
It’s becoming common to blur out the content while displaying a cookie consent prompt. This technique brings focus to the prompt, but it also makes visitors more likely to click it away, often trading privacy for access to content. A slightly more subtle prompt would be more effective and helpful as users might browse around and leave without committing. Example: (Large preview)
Blurring out the content is rarely a good idea. Also, there’s a very clear primary action and secondary action in play here. It doesn’t look like a fair choice between the two options. Example: (Large preview)
Can you spot the cookie? A little notification in the bottom-right corner asks for the user’s consent on (Large preview)
On HoistGroup, there is no way to dismiss cookies — they are required, and there is no way out. (Large preview)
On Zeit Online, there is no way to dismiss cookies — they are required, and there is no way out. (Large preview) displays a cookie prompt at the bottom, but also a chat widget. Only one interviewed person expected that the chat was here to provide help with the cookie settings. It’s probably a good idea to not display the widget alongside the cookie display prompt, though. (Large preview)
Appearance And Wording On Buttons
We also need to give some thought to the appearance of the consent form, especially to the design of buttons and the wording on those buttons. Wording such as “Just proceed” or “Save and Exit” or “Continue using the site” nudges users to move on with a default option, and in fact, many users are likely to do just that. It’s more respectful to have two buttons, a primary one for granting consent, and a secondary one for adjusting settings, with both buttons having neutral microcopy such as “Accept” and “Reject,” or “Okay” and “No, thanks.” That’s the path we’ve chosen with Smashing Magazine.
Accept or dismiss. It shouldn’t be harder than that. (Large preview) NHS provides very clear options to accept cookies or ‘Turn cookies off’. (Large preview)
Large radio buttons to select what kind of cookies the visitor accepts. A fantastic example of privacy settings designed in an honest and transparent way. The only missing bit is to opt out from all optional cookies by default. Example: NHS. (Large preview)
Accept or reject with a single tap, although both options don’t have the same weight. Example: (Large preview)
It shouldn’t be surprising that of all the options, users feel surprisingly pleased and appreciative of the option to reject all cookies with a single click on a button. Some users were surprised that this option was even provided, and while a majority chose to grant consent, every fifth user refused consent. By doing so, they assumed the website would be fully functional without cookies, and rightfully so.
Adjusting Cookie Preferences
Not many users would consider revoking or adjusting cookie settings after granting consent, but when asked to do so, they expected to find the options in the header or the footer of the website, either in the privacy policy or in the cookie policy. It’s not very surprising, and of course that’s where we need to place the options to adjust settings should the user wish to do so.
(Large preview)
By default, all options on the Jamie Oliver website are off, with an option to turn them on. However, the main call-to-action button is ‘Accept recommended settings’, which turns all toggles to on. The option to proceed without cookies is positioned at the very bottom of the page, with a subtle ‘Close’. It’s probably not obvious enough, and another button on the top would be more helpful. (Large preview)
Users Understand When They Are Being Tricked
So far, the entire experience should be quite straightforward, right? Well, if a business model heavily relies on collecting and tracking data, you might be forced into shady areas when selecting anything but the easiest option is confusing and generates a lot of work. In our interviews, users could easily see through the companies’ agendas, even saying something along the lines of “Ah, I see what you did there.” Some things were less obvious than others, though.
Whenever the cookie consent suggested an option to review cookies or adjust cookie settings, users expected to see an overview of all cookies and be able to adjust which cookies should be allowed to be set and which not. In terms of interface design, usually it’s done with tabbed sections within a cookie consent widget, with some groups selected by default. It’s common to see functional cookies, analytics cookies, advertising cookies, and website settings cookies. This level of granular control isn’t often expected but it’s considered to be helpful and friendly, and as such preferred — however, only if the entire category of cookies could be unselected at once, with a single tap on a single checkbox.
Oddly enough, some implementations go to extremes, providing users with an overwhelming overview of every single cookie set by third parties. It’s not uncommon for all of them to be opted in by default, and opting out requires a tap on every single one of them, one by one. It might not seem like a big deal with five cookies, but it’s a monstrosity with over 250 cookies generously provided by dozens of trackers on the site. In such cases, many users gave up after a few opt-outs, providing full access to their data and moving on.
What would you expect to happen when clicking on the ‘close’ icon? How is a click on a button different from a click on the cross? Is there a difference? On Kayak, users were confused during the test. (Large preview)
Unfortunately, that’s just scratching the surface. Imagine a cookie settings prompt with a “Close ×” button. What behavior would you expect from clicking “Close”? Would you expect the prompt to be dismissed and then eventually reappear? Or would you expect all tracking scripts to be opted out by default? Opted in? Unsurprisingly, most users weren’t even thinking that far — they just wanted the pop-up to disappear. Nobody expected the trackers to be opted out by default, yet many users felt that it was a “temporary thing” that would show up again “at some point.” In practice, almost all of the time, closing the prompt was perceived by website owners as user consent and, in fact, all cookies were stored to their full extent. That’s not necessarily what the user was expecting.
A slightly confusing experience on, with an option to accept or ‘deselect all’ options in the top-left corner, in the same color, with a delimiter > in between. Also, the wording ‘Agree and Proceed’ or ‘Learn more’ isn’t obvious. (Large preview)
The wording on buttons and links caused major confusion for users. On, you can either “Agree and Proceed” (primary, large green button) or “Learn more” (subtle grey link, not even underlined). What would you expect to appear after clicking “Learn More”? While many users expect a privacy policy to appear, the action actually prompts the management of cookies, with 405 ad selection, delivery, and reporting partners, 446 information storage and access partners, 274 content selection, delivery, and reporting partners, 372 measurement partners and 355 personalization partners. “Agree and Proceed” grants access to the storage and evaluation of customers’ personal data for 1,852 partners. That’s not too shabby, isn’t it?
It’s not obvious that the listing area for all those partners is scrollable at all, and there is no obvious way to unselect all of them. Would you find it enjoyable to manually opt out 1,852 toggles, one by one? Probably not. As it turns out, you can “deselect all” partners in the top-left corner of the window — however, this option is conveniently presented in a way that resembles breadcrumb navigation rather than a button. And, of course, all partners are opted in by default. That’s deceptive, dishonest, and disrespectful.
Once you get into the habit of rejecting cookies by default, you can find a number of shady and questionable practices that seem to be widespread. Sometimes companies place Facebook and Twitter tracking cookies in the “Necessary” category. Sometimes the option to reject cookies is conveniently hidden behind an extra “Manage” option. And sometimes there is an option to opt out from analytics, but a user is automatically opted in for “Anonymous analytics.”
Some companies go beyond that, inventing new ways of making business should the user wish to avoid tracking. Sometimes it shows up with a “Premium EU Subscription” without on-site advertising and tracking scripts, and sometimes with a website being unavailable, or an “EU experience” (which, frankly, is much faster and lightweight than its non-EU counterpart). Not a single person accessing the site appreciated either of these options. That shouldn’t be a big revelation, but there is a significant amount of users who, being confronted with such treatment, have nothing left but to leave the site in search for alternatives.
USA Today provides an EU experience which happens to be much cleaner and faster than the original one. For EU visitors, the ‘site does not collect personally identifiable information or persistent identifiers from, deliver a personalized experience to, or otherwise track or monitor persons reasonably identified as visiting our Site from the European Union.’ (Large preview) The Washington Post has introduced a ‘Premium EU Subscription’ that doesn’t contain any on-site advertising or third-party ad tracking. (Large preview)
For a while, Los Angeles Times displayed a message stating that the website was unavailable in most European countries. (Large preview)
Guidelines And Strategies For Better Design
According to the EU regulation, each cookie, its provider, purpose, expiry date, and type should be explained and elaborated in detail in a privacy policy, and many services such as TrustArc, IAB Consent Framework, Cookiebot, OneTrust, Cookie Consent, and many others provide this feature out of the box. They also provide an option to customize which groups of cookies should be presented as choices to the user, and while the default experience is decent, often it can be used to make it unnecessarily difficult for the customer to adjust their settings.
At the end of the day, we need to provide good experiences while also achieving our business goals. We can do that with a series of steps:
We need to audit and group all cookies required on the site;
We need to decide how each of these groups would be labelled, which ones would be required, and which would be optional;
We need to understand what impact disabling a group of cookies would have on the functionality of the site, and communicate each choice to the user;
Last but not least, we need to decide what settings should be selected by default, and what customization options we want to present to the user.
The simplest design pattern seems to be obvious. If you need user consent, display a narrow notification notice in the header or at the bottom of the viewport. No need to blur out or darken the content to make the notification noticeable; just make sure it doesn’t blend in with the rest of the site. If possible, allow users to accept or reject cookies with two obvious buttons: “Okay” and “No, thanks.” Otherwise, provide an option to adjust settings, following an overview of cookie categories. There, you have to make obvious the consequences each choice has on the website functionality, and enable users to “Approve all” or “Reject all” cookies at once &mdahs; for the entire site, and for each category.
Where to place the notification notice? The position doesn’t seem to really matter — it didn’t make any difference in decision-making. The overlay covering half of the page, however, was perceived as the most annoying option — and it shouldn’t be too surprising as it literally blocks a large portion of the content on the page. Most users almost instinctively know what they are presented with, and they also know what action they’d prefer to take to get on with the site, so lengthy explanations are ignored or dismissed as swiftly as push notifications or permission requests.
In the next article of the series, we’ll look into notifications UX and permission requests, and how we can design the experience around them better — and with user’s privacy in mind.