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Unwritten Rules of Travel: Don’t Mix Business and Pleasure

November 15th, 2019 Leave a comment Go to comments

Every travel fanatic fantasizes about having a job that they love that also allows them to travel.

The company pays for your flight and your hotel, leaving you to discover somewhere new. How could that possibly have any negative consequences?

The thing is when traveling for business the necessity to be on your A-game is imperative. Often business travelers are on a mission to represent their company or pitch a new idea to a potential client. It’s not time to relax. It’s time to work. Airport, car-rentals, hotel check-ins, meetings, organized dinner meetings and more consume business traveler’s schedules.

Maybe they can slip in a visit to a National Monument or grab a bite of a local dish. The reality, though, is that they return home more exhausted than before. This can take a toll on health and well-being including long term chronic problems.

On the contrary, when you consider traveling for pleasure, the benefits abound. These moments are a time for enjoying some dedicated time for yourself. That can mean different things for each individual, but the results are the same. Hiking across a mountain, taking a week in the Caribbean, or finding a buzzing city to explore is a depart from the ordinary. Plus, it’s an opportunity to recharge. Leaving work behind is the key to the innumerable benefits reaped from vacation travel.

To illustrate the impact of business and leisure travel on your health and well-being, the team at Reservations.com put together an infographic to encourage you to make sure to draw a line between the two.

The Surprising Effects of Business vs Leisure Travel on Your Health and Well-Being

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