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How to Own Your Audience by Creating an Email List

Working in the field of email marketing means you’re always trying out new techniques to get your audience to click, right? It’s quite a fun task when you’re testing out new material, trying to get to that sweet point of content and selling. Email marketing gives you many scopes to play with, which is super engaging and rewarding too!

One of the most exciting parts of writing emails is creating an email list. You need to work around little intricate details, and by the end of it all, if you’re able to capture your audience’s imagination, it means you’re ready to sell effectively!

Having an email list of your audience is like owning them because it means you know precisely the kind of content they prefer. You can vary the frequency of the content you put out, and with time, you’ll be able to get them to interact with your brand and content!

Importance of Building a Good List in Email Marketing?

Email marketing is an excellent practice if you’re looking to build a brand on digital. More than 81% of SMBs depend on emails as their primary source of customer acquisition online. You can use it to get to know your customers’ personal preferences and then smartly weave your content accordingly to sell better to them.

Building a list for customers means they have entered their details on their own accord. It allows you to smartly segregate them based on how frequently they interact with your brand’s website and also gives them information on the new products and services you are offering.

Email list building gets up to 10x higher conversions than social media. The whole process of creating an email list is purposeful, personal, and rewarding for the customer. You can customize the content in such a way that it goes to them within a few hours or days of them browsing your site. If they’re a customer with a high frequency, then you can also use emails to give them special discounts.

Why Shouldn’t You Buy an Email List?

It’s crucial that you don’t ever purchase an email list. When you send an email to a customer, you are doing it out of consent, and they must give you their emails out of choice. The age-old adage of “the customer is king” applies here as well, and they need to feel validated when they sign-up to your content.

Also, it gives you the chance to nurture them from scratch and personalize offers, which can contribute to more sales. 74% of marketers say that targeted emails increase customer engagement rates, so they know what they’re talking about.

Buying an email list almost feels like you’re cheating and taking a shot in the dark. Put in the effort, and you’ll begin to see the awesome benefits it brings to your revenue. Created email lists can result in better ROIs for your company as well, so you’ll be well placed if you start nurturing your email list from scratch.

What are the Best Ways to Build Robust Email Lists?

There are many ways in which you can start the process of building a good email list. However, the most fundamental assets to building a great email list include –

  1. A blog – If you’re looking to engage your customers with some great content regularly, then build that blog! It’s a great way to showcase that you’re an expert when it comes to specific topics around your domain, and you can create your niche to stand out from the rest.

    For an excellent example of a blog owning a sphere, you can look at Neil Patel’s blogs. He knows his niche lies in the field of email marketing, and his tone and language are approachable. They are also driven by his experience and give that essential personal touch that resonates with his core audience of small to medium businesses.

    You can use this as a benchmark for finding your niche.

  2. The email marketing service – Your email marketing service is like the engine that ensures all of the fuel (content) is evenly distributed and keeps the machine going. You need to know precisely how to segregate your content and use the different features available to your benefit.

    Opting for a professional service allows you to free a lot of time as most of these services are automated. All you have to do is top them up by ensuring the email IDs are getting segregated in time, and they’ll take care of the rest.

    Mailchimp is one such service that provides great benefits and tools, but there are others available in the market as well. These sites, of course, come with a fee, and it’s important that you think of them as a long-term investment. If you want to look for other providers, you can give these alternatives to Mailchimp a try.

    We’ve used SendX and ActiveCampaign, and their smartly-enabled features stand out from the other competitors in the market.

  3. Opt-in and out – Allowing your customers to opt-in or out of an email list means you’re giving them the power, and they will undoubtedly appreciate the same. On any email you send them, you need to provide them with a button that says “Opt-out” so they have a feeling of the upper hand.

    There are many more factors to building a good email list, including testimonials, subscription confirmation, and more.

    We’ve worked with emails where the option to opt-in or out has worked in our favor. Consumers have gone and clicked on the opt-in button, which shows us that our content is working well.

Success Stories of Businesses with a Small But Highly Targeted Email List

1. The Hell Yeah Group – The Hell Yeah Group shares its weekly newsletter that summarizes the entire financial news. The best part is that they share the content that they’ve made themselves, and this makes it simpler for readers to directly consume it instead of going to different sites. The highly targeted email list is pointed towards workers in the financial industry and is a great example –

2. Away – They began as a small start-up, but Away is now valued at over $1.4 billion! Their beautiful emails are one of the reasons why their customers love them, and you can see for yourself. By including a type of “wanderlust” feel, they’ve been able to capture the imagination and get people to subscribe and buy from their newsletters.

Thus, with these techniques, you’ll be able to create valuable emails that convert for you. Remember to work with a multitude of options for content, style, and, most importantly, nurturing your emails. This makes it simpler to create reliable lists and generate consistent revenue.

To Conclude

Thus, the power of the email list is real and all-encompassing. Not only does it help you identify the best customers and segregate them, but it also enables you to trigger emails based on their behavior.

Using a strong email list, having targeted social media advertising and writing the right content can go a long way in acquiring customers. Don’t forget to delight existing customers as well, as returning customers can go a long way in giving you regular revenue. Work right, keep experimenting, and you’ll see the results soon enough! Good luck!

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