Home > Others > 5 Reasons Why the Digital Platform Is an Entrepreneurs’ Best Bet to Staying Productive During COVID-19

5 Reasons Why the Digital Platform Is an Entrepreneurs’ Best Bet to Staying Productive During COVID-19

As the coronavirus outbreak continues to affect thousands of people and businesses in the world, there is no telling what will happen to the economy if the crisis continues. Due to this, many entrepreneurs are concerned of the negative impact it can have on their business.

With the government’s decree to close down non-essential businesses, more and more companies are seeing a decline in their sales.

With the future looking rather dismal, many are questioning what they can do to stay productive and profitable. Since it’s prohibited to come in close contact with another person as long as the “stay at home” order is in place, businesses can only do so much when it comes to marketing their services during this time. Because of this, more and more are turning to digital marketing in order to survive.

According to Forbes, digital marketing is an important factor that can help businesses get through the tough times the coronavirus has brought.

Though it was just a concept in the past, the idea of taking your marketing into the digital world has become a necessity for many companies, especially in light of what’s happening the world over.

Here are 10 additional reasons why you too should consider going digital:

1. It’s a Great Alternative to Print Media

It’s a well-known fact that until the threat of the pandemic ends, everyone is discouraged to go outside unless it’s necessary. With that in mind, it’s clear any marketing strategy that involves walking around to advertise your business or meet with investors is strictly prohibited.

Digital marketing, on the other hand, can provide you with a worthwhile alternative. The internet has become a very useful tool for business owners today because of the simple fact that it brings people together, no matter the distance.

In fact, compared to print media, digital marketing allows you to advertise your business within the four walls of your home. This means you can stay home without being concerned about contracting the disease and still be able to market your business to your target audience.

2. Cancelled Events and Business Conferences

Business-to-business companies often rely on trade shows and conferences to widen their customer base. Through these shows, they can let their audience know about their products and maybe even introduce a new one onto the market.

But with the implementation of the “stay at home” order, organizers are now being forced to cancel the events in order to ensure the safety of the participants and visitors.

Because of this, a good number of businesses are facing the loss of what could have been long-term relationships with customers and suppliers. However, despite the canceled events, business owners still have the opportunity to sell their products or services via digital marketing.

With the time spent at home, they can focus more on how to improve their reach, and compel their audience to avail of their product or services.

3. Social Media Use is Increasing during Lockdowns

Even with the strict “stay at home” rules, an entrepreneur should still remind their clients that they’re still active and ready to serve them. They can do this through their social media platforms.

Since folks have been advised to stay at home for their safety, more and more people are turning to social media to keep themselves entertained. According to the survey conducted by Statista, 43.1 percent of social media users have said that they would use Instagram during the entire duration of the “stay at home” order.

Armed with that information, business owners can change their marketing approach and use their efforts to build their digital presence. Not only will this make it be easier for them to reach their target audience, but it will also assure their clients that the business is still very much viable and active.

4. People Are More Likely to Buy Online During the Outbreak

With the strict social distancing rules implemented to avoid the spread of the virus, people are turning to e-commerce in order to avoid catching the disease. Since people still can’t access brick and mortar establishments freely, they’re more likely to order their necessities online.

For eCommerce companies, it’s important you set-up a communication system that still allows you to stay connected with your clients. As the disease continues to spread, it’s even more important to avoid human interaction.

Through active chat platforms, however, eCommerce businesses can still address their customer’s inquiries and needs around their products and services.

5. It Helps Entrepreneurs Stay Connected with Their Employees

With non-essential offices and businesses closed and employees advised to work from home during the pandemic, the digital platform has never proven to be more useful than it is now.

The improvement in technology has made it easier than ever before for people to communicate with each other. More importantly, during the home quarantine period, it’s one tool that can help businesses stay productive.

Even with people being advised to work from home, business owners can still stay in touch with their employees using online chat platforms. Apps like Zoom, Skype, Slack, and other productivity software are now being utilized by remote workers everywhere. Through these WFH tools, workers can still give their employers and supervisors updates regarding their tasks and responsibilities.

The Bottom Line

Just because you’re advised to work from home doesn’t mean you can’t get things done. As an entrepreneur, there’s nothing you want more than to see your business succeed. If you own a business, it’s important you are able to find ways to stay productive. It’s the only way you can keep your operation above water during the tough times.

Being at home can be challenging for many entrepreneurs but it does have its perks. For one, you can focus your efforts on improving your digital marketing strategies.

On top of that, it can also be an excellent opportunity to learn something new. Even during this challenging time, it’s important you look and see the bright side. For your business, it means getting a hold of the process of online marketing, and continue to establish your brand.

Photo by Carl Heyerdahl on Unsplash

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