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How Different Generations Interact With Your Business – [Infographic]

Web design has always been a staple of effective digital communication. In a 2019 survey, 48% of people said a website’s design is their number one factor in determining the credibility of a business. And since good design highlights great content, the question is: what kind of content should we be emphasizing?

Online reviews are a particularly powerful source of content for any business, which is why we’ve delved into them here.

When customers review your business online, that content becomes a social proof for other potential customers considering your products. Good reviews can give you a massive leg up in terms of sales, but it’s important to remember that different age groups engage with reviews differently. We’ve created a visual guide to how different generations – from tech-savvy Gen Zers all the way up to traditional Boomers – interact with online reviews:

Infographic – WebsiteBuilderExpert

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