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Free Design Library: Humaaans

Everything is going digital. Every industry, every line of business. In a post-pandemic world, the transformation will only speed up. As businesses adapt and join the world-wide-web, the already crowded place becomes increasingly competitive. The web is a free place where even small businesses or even ordinary people can find success. The problem is that smaller businesses and entrepreneurs usually don’t have the resources to hire a lot of people.

That’s why there’s a lot of free solutions that help such businesses to have a shot at competing. No-coding platforms, free design tools, royalty-free images all serve the purpose of making the normally don’t have the chance to access such services normally.

One recent website, was one of the most exciting ones for us as it’s specifically about design. Humaaans, made by Pablo Stanley, is a free design directory but it comes with a twist.

Humaaans is a design directory of illustrations of people. You can mix & match hair types, postures, clothes, and many more to create your own unique illustrations. It’s an extremely clever project and it’s free! The style of the illustrations are geometric, lively, and matches the current design trends.

You can download the directory for free on its website but its creator accepts donation and considering the quality of the illustrations if you can afford to, you should definitely leave a tip.

We gathered a couple of images that summarize how the illustrations work and look like.

We’re All Humaaans: A Few Illustrations

As we’ve mentioned before, you can create your own unique illustrations by mixing and matching various parts of humans. So, let”s have a look at how they would look.

humaaans gif with changing characters
humaaans description about illustrations
humaaans gif showing different clothings
humaaans use case of illustrations
humaaans showcasing illustrations
choosing hairdos for humaaans illustrations
humaaans picking postures
humaaans illustration example for landing site
completed custom humaaans illustration
we're humaaans

We toyed around with the illustrations and the possibilities seem endless. This project is truly unique in how it might change the design processes of many online businesses, blogs, and websites.

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