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The Best Custom Merchandise Ideas For Software And Creative Companies

One way of getting an influential audience as a company is to create awareness for your brand using customized merchandise. Your merchandise should be personalized, usable, and of high quality to last long. It should also be unique to make it identifiable.

Ideas on how to customize your merchandise varies. You may use branded caps, pens, books, hoodies, which is an excellent marketing strategy as it reaches a greater audience.

Importance And Benefits Of Custom Merchandise

Increased brand awareness is one of the obvious benefits of using custom merchandise. According to statistics, 89% of marketers have increased brand awareness as their top goal. Giving away customized merchandise also helps to build a strong relationship with your customers, and they are likely to recommend their friends to your services.

Custom merchandise also leads to an increase in the sales of your brand. Nonstop branding increases your company’s revenue by up to 23%.

Regular customers are just as valuable as new customers, and according to a study by PPAI, 20% of customers are likely to revisit your company after receiving custom merchandise. Giving regular customers merchandise is a sure way of retaining them.

As a consumer, however, you have to be cautious as some custom branded merchandise can be deceiving. An excellent custom branded merchandise does not always mean that the product will is of high-quality. This is one of the things you should keep in mind when searching for products.

Custom Merchandise Ideas That Will Help Your Marketing Strategy

Top 5 Custom Branded Company Merchandise Ideas

Here are a few ideas for custom branded company merchandise that covers all of this spectrum, specific to Software and Creative companies, as they take into account their target market, and look at how the products could be useful for this market especially.

The ideas below and the related sites all specialize in their product niche, so they are a good start when looking for any of these items, as they are likely to know more and have more options than others.

1. Custom Laptop Sleeves

Laptops have become essential products in the cooperate world as they are portable and stylish, unlike desktops. The laptop sleeves are light in weight; thus, do not add any extra weight to the laptop.

Laptop sleeves come in different shapes and sizes, and this is essential as it ensures that you will get a sleeve for your laptop no matter its size. The availability of a wide variety of laptop sleeves also makes it easy for you to choose the most attractive as per your preference.

The cost of a laptop sleeve depends on the type and quality of material used. Most laptop sleeves have zips to secure your item from falling out accidentally. The zips further make the accessibility of the device easy when needed. Sleeves with built-in handles make it easy for you to carry laptops.

Source: https://www.customlogocases.com/laptop-sleeves/


  • Look amazing
  • Most people use a laptop
  • Can also add cool designs, not just a logo
  • Protect your laptops


  • Can be expensive
  • Can be difficult to choose the right size

2. Sticky Screen Cleaners

In 2019, research showed that an average person in the United States spends 70% of the time on smartphones. The phone’s screen automatically gets filled with fingerprints, oily smudges, makeup, and dirt. Sticky screen cleaners help to clean all the dirt from your screen conveniently. They are small in size, thus convenient for use on the screen. The cleaners are washable, which makes them usable for a long time.

Additionally, their sticky nature makes it hard to lose. The microfiber cloth ensures that your screen remains unscratched. Each time your customer gets to use the sticky screen cleaner, it reminds them about your brand. This is convenient and useful customized merchandise for your valued customers.

Source: https://www.pristinescreens.com/


  • Reusable
  • Washable
  • Microfiber material convenient for screens
  • Small in size


  • The cleaner may be gross if not properly cleaned.

3. Stress Balls

These are plastic toys that you squeeze with your hand to reduce anxiety, stress, and tension. Stress balls can be so therapeutic, especially when you are anxious. They are small in size and easily rest on car dashboards, tables, and key holders.

When these stress balls are customized, customers can relieve stress as the stress balls continually remind them of your services. They are attractive and have high quality, which makes them long-lasting. Your company’s logo can fit perfectly. There are different varieties of stress balls that you can choose over the different seasons relatable to your customer’s preference.

Source: https://www.1001stressballs.com/


  • They are inexpensive
  • Available in different varieties
  • Attractive in design
  • Very effective in stress relieve


  • Easy to misplace

4. Drink Bottles

Drink bottles are some of the most thoughtful gifts you can give your customers. Most of these bottles are easy to carry along.

Drink bottles are ideal for most office workers as it helps them remain hydrated while they promote your brand. Customize these bottles for your office customers. Additionally, drink bottles come in a variety of sizes, making it convenient for your customer’s preference. The longevity of these bottles is unbeatable; therefore, it can be used over a long period. Let your customers remain hydrated as they push your brand with customized drink bottles.

Source: https://waterbottles.com/blog/


  • Convenient for all
  • Long-lasting
  • Work efficient


  • Some drink bottles are not rustproof
  • May be expensive

5. Tote Bags

The use of tote bags has become popular, and people are using them daily. Use that as an opportunity, customize your tote bags and sell them to customers for shopping. Tote bags are a way of reaching a greater audience, even at the local setups. The affordability can make everyone own one as they popularize your brand.

You can get plain Tote bags and transform them attractively. People love beautiful products. Tote bags are easy to clean even with the stubborn stains. They are also reusable for their high-quality material. Be sure to use bold, strong colors on your customized tote bags for easy visibility from a distance.

Source: https://totebagfactory.com/blogs/news


  • Recyclable
  • Long-lasting material
  • Easy to clean


  • They are non-biodegradable.
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