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5 Popular UI Design Trends Everyone Must Know

The user interface is not a new term for any of us, rather we should declare it as an integral part of our daily lives. Knowingly or unknowingly we are continuously being bombarded with the beauty of UI designs. When we break down the term User Interface, we discover the way through which users can interact with any sort of digital platform like apps, websites, etc.

For the people who stick to the Internet to accomplish their day to day operations, the importance of effective interaction is unmatchable. The entire world values the importance of design and usability. It is very difficult to be sure of something in this fast-paced era, but one thing we can guarantee is that the Internet is here to stay. So if your business is dependent on it, it’s recommended to provide a platform that aims towards convenient interaction. One must always remember that any device will allow the user to interact, but the success lies in providing excellence.

A misplaced button or poor navigation, the cause of losing your audience can vary; it all depends on User Interface Design. We know that the competition in the market is cutting edge, and if the audience is unable to grasp the services you are offering, they will switch to your closest competitor. Hence, for all the designers it is a must to know what the audience is craving for. The path to attaining unmatchable value for your users is through implementing the best-suited UI design that is trending globally.

So here in this blog, we will learn about the top trending UI Designs that can help designers to improve the platform they are working on. So shall we begin?

Here are the most inspiring, creative, and progressive user interface designs one must know. Take a good look to develop a clear perspective of what you want.

1. Pastel Backgrounds

In a short time span of a few years, this trend started drawing worldwide attention. From websites to social media, everyone is catching up to stand out. Pastels are the colors created when any normal color is mixed with white. This softens the look of the color and makes it pale while maintaining the personality. They are inspiring the designers to bring more and more elegance in the user interface.

This scheme is allowing the applications and websites to oomph up their sophistication game. They play a huge role in uncluttering the UI. Here are the few qualities of pastel backgrounds that everyone loves.

  • Non-intrusive
  • Sophisticated
  • Delightful
  • Light-weight
  • Fresh
  • Modern

For any designer using this scheme will bring a lot of joy. But have you ever used it in your visual creations? Let us know!

2. Neumorphism or Neo-skeuomorphism

It is a new technique that provides a minimal way to design with a soft plastic look. This trend is challenging the UI designers and front-end developers all over the world. It brings us a new iteration of a style of designing frames, elements, screens, and much more. This is way different from conventional designs. For example, by following the traditional pattern of design, the buttons have a way to stand out. With clear borders, they have the potential to get noticed very easily. But in metamorphism, the border smoothly blends in with the background, making it difficult to use.

Although the world stands divided on this trend, it carries the ability to bring out the most elegant solutions. It provides a treat to the fun-loving and extraordinary set of designers. Let us know, in the comment section, if you have ever had a chance to explore it!

3. Geometric & Abstract shapes

Just when you think that there is nothing more left to explore in digital designing, something new starts turning heads. Valuable and effective ideas go on to become trends. For example abstract shapes. Web designers like to explore geometric design elements for enhancing the look and feel of the platform. They allow designers to organize content by producing clarity. They are mostly used for UI elements and backgrounds. With the use of abstract shapes, the UI becomes more playful.

Designers can showcase their skills by trying a variety of colors and gradients, experiment with boundaries and shapes, etc. To make it shine, make sure to add an element of simplicity and let your imagination flow. There are a variety of types in abstract shapes, some of them include-

  • Geometric style
  • Free-form shapes
  • Organic
  • Natural

They allow the creators to develop a functional style and keep a close eye on it to grab attention.

4. Soft gradients

Gradients have the potential to catch your eye. Cards, buttons, graphs, or any other UI elements are living proof that gradients are not vanishing any time soon. With the use of gradients, designers can access their creative freedom, as it paves the way for infinite opportunities. With this trend, designers can create memorable visual designs. The atrocities face during flat design can be easily solved by soft gradients as it provides depth and dimension in the user interface. This trend’s versatility allows the creators to make bold statements and helps them to make the designs more intense.

5. Dark mode

This trend is a blessing for all the night howlers, as it makes the digital platforms more accessible in the night. It is basically a color-inverted form of the UI. It is a must that the creators keep a check on typography and color contrast while developing the dark mode.

This trend became popular with the expansion of the internet and digital platforms. As the users started utilizing their time at the night for swiping through their favorite websites and apps, it created a need to switch to dark mode.

These are the five most popular UI design trends that everyone must know. But that is not all, because the pandora of creativity keeps on exploring. If you liked this blog then do let us know in the comment section, but until then stay tuned to this platform for more information.

Photo by eberhard grossgasteiger on Unsplash

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