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How to Create a PPC Landing Page Copy That Converts

Running PPC campaigns can be incredibly lucrative. In fact, many businesses have taken off solely with the power of a well-targeted paid advertising campaign.

However, at the same time, PPC can be very costly, especially when you’re getting clicks but no one’s taking the action that you want them to take.

When that happens, there’s usually one primary reason:

Poor landing page copy.

If there’s a disconnect between your ads and your landing page, people will not only fail to convert but will leave your site in a matter of seconds.

Therefore, ensuring that your copy is in line with your audience’s expectations and your campaign goals is absolutely vital. It might even be the single most crucial thing that you should focus on.

If you look at some of the best PPC landing page examples, you’ll quickly notice how focused and well-crafted the copy is, with every element and word carefully chosen to match the brand voice and audience expectations.

These companies have perfected the art of landing page copy, but even though the bar is set quite high, that doesn’t mean that you can’t create copy that works just as well, even if you don’t have a lot of experience.

To help you get started, let’s explore some of the most important aspects of PPC landing page copy that you should consider.

Understand Your Audience

Countless components go into successful landing page copy. But few are as important as your ability to get through to the very core of the problems that your audience is facing.

Most marketers think that they understand who they’re trying to reach, but few actually take the time to dive deep into who their audience is, their pain points, what solutions they are seeking, or even how they formulate their problems in a search query.

Having answers to these questions will dictate every decision in your PPC campaign and will provide you with all of the knowledge necessary to craft compelling copy that captures attention and fills the reader with a sense of urgency that forces them to take action.

If you know and understand the problem that your audience is facing, you will have a much easier time emphasizing that problem in your copy, relating with your audience, and showing how your solution can alleviate their pain in the easiest and most convenient way possible.

Use Stories to Break Through Barriers

Stories have been the driving force of human communication since the dawn of humanity. They are so ingrained into our minds that we can’t help but relate to stories that capture our imaginations and address problems that we are familiar with.

That’s why it’s not surprising that stories have become one of the most powerful ways to communicate sales messages as well, with savvy marketers using them to showcase how a product can help solve a pressing issue.

With the help of stories, you can bring your product to life, putting it in a real-life scenario where you or your customers use the solution that you’re selling to overcome obstacles and reach the goals that seemed unattainable.

Having some of your best customers tell your story for you is especially powerful, as it not only paints a compelling picture of how your product can help but also allows the reader to associate with the story’s protagonists and envision themselves going through the same journey.

Instead of listing your product’s features and benefits, which alone is sure to be met with skepticism, you can use stories to form a genuine connection with your audience and make them trust you in as little as a few minutes it takes to read through your landing page.

Create an Irresistible Headline

No matter how well-crafted the body of your copy might be, it won’t make much of a difference if the reader doesn’t get past the headline.

Once a prospect clicks through to your website, they are intuitively looking for a reason to click away, as they are in unfamiliar territory and aren’t sure if they can trust you or if what you have to offer is even relevant to them.

If you don’t want to lose the vast majority of your site’s visitors, you must make sure that your headline and subhead are irresistible and almost force the reader to go through the rest of your page in order to satisfy their curiosity.

Most good headlines masterfully combine an element of curiosity with a laser-focused identification of the most pressing problem that the reader is facing.

This way, the prospect is left with no choice than to read further because if they don’t, they will feel like they’re missing out on a solution that could potentially help solve their problem forever.

When working with PPC campaigns, it’s also essential to connect the headline of your ad with the headline and subhead on your landing page, as they must build on one another and naturally guide the sequence of information towards the resolution that the reader is seeking.

One rule of thumb to follow when designing great headlines is making them all about the reader instead of your company. Many brands tend to focus on who they are and what they’ve achieved, but those that manage to flip the conversation to focus on the customer’s needs and how the solution can help them usually see the best results.

Make Your Landing Page Look Professional

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With so many aspects of the landing page to consider, it’s not surprising that some elements are neglected, even if they play a vital role in how many visitors end up converting into customers.

And one of these aspects is the presentation of your brand and your company on the landing page, which might seem like an afterthought, but can actually determine whether a visitor trusts you enough to buy from you.

For one thing, you should make sure that your site looks secure, and has an SSL certificate, a user-friendly design, and social proof elements that showcase your success stories.

Another vital part of presenting yourself is using clear wording, including the correct grammar. Making grammar and style mistakes throughout your page can be an instant turnoff for readers. By using online grammar and punctuation checker tools it will be easier for you to just focus on creating amazing content.

When writing the copy, try to make the language easy to understand and avoid complex sentences or less-common words. After all, your primary goal when creating a landing page is not to impress the reader but to make sure that they understand your message and are persuaded to buy.

You should also make the page easy to skim through in order to ensure that your readers understand the core message. To achieve that, use plenty of bolding and colored elements to make important sentences pop out.

Use bullet lists for features and benefits, as well as clearly distinguishable testimonials that ideally have the person’s full name and a picture.

Final Words

Even though PPC campaigns can be incredibly effective, making them profitable does take time and effort. If you want the clicks to turn into customers, you must have a solid understanding of your audience, connect with your readers through stories, and come up with a headline that immediately captures attention.

Finally, your landing page must look professional and convenient to browse on any device because getting prospects to trust you is essential if you want them to buy from you.

Photo by Launchpresso on Unsplash

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