Home > Designing, Others > When do you use inline-block?

When do you use inline-block?

The inline-block value for display is a classic! It’s not new and browser support is certainly not something you need to worry about. I’m sure many of us reach for it intuitively. But let’s put a point on it. What is it actually useful for? When do you pick it over other, perhaps similar, options?

(I bet this makes for interesting replies.)

What is the last thing you used `display: inline-block` for?

— Chris Coyier (@chriscoyier) June 19, 2020


The most common answer I heard was: I always use it on buttons.

Ultimately, I think that makes sense, but it contributes to a what I see as a slight misunderstanding. The idea is that you want elements that look like buttons (which might be crafted with ,

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