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5 Essential Inbound Marketing Tools You Should Be Using Already!

December 1st, 2020 Leave a comment Go to comments

Most of the time, the only thing standing between a curious user and a successful purchase is the right piece of marketing.

Once a prospective buyer identifies a problem they want to solve, they enter what we know as the awareness stage of their purchase journey – as they look for potential ways to address their need. As a brand, you should always strive to generate awareness by offering valuable educational content to capture potential customers at this crucial stage.

But how can you achieve that goal consistently and effectively? Well, I’m glad I asked πŸ˜‰

In this article, I’m going to guide you through some of the best picks of the marketing toolbox that help you nurture leads and drive them straight to your business.

Simple but powerful content-marketing strategies such as running contests, using animated videos, and social media promotions can reshape the way audiences think about your company and the products or services you offer. Use them right, and you’ll build a long-lasting relationship with your customers.

So, let’s get started!

Showcase Expertise with Helpful Reading Material

Remember the days when you had to go to a library to find information about a subject? The Internet has become the first place most people turn to when they need help solving a problem or when they want to learn a new skill.

Long-form articles and eBooks are a goldmine for dedicated shoppers who want to read everything they can get their hands on before making an informed decision. Offering valuable information about a topic related to your area will transform you into an industry expert in their eyes.

Accessibility is key, so make sure your material is easy to find and free to download. That way, you’ll show users that you’re not solely interested in selling or making a profit: helping other people will help your business along the way.

Create Engaging Explainer Videos

Reading material is a great addition to your inbound marketing strategy, but there’s no better method than video marketing in terms of engagement.

A professionally crafted explainer video has the potential to captivate audiences from the moment they press β€œplay”, and cram tons of information into just a few seconds of animation.

In order to get your explainer video right, you need to address your audience’s main pain points by using a compelling narrative with a relatable character. Guide your audience through the what, the how, and the why of your solution, and finish with a strong call to action.

The example below is an explainer video from Blume Beverages, a super-food drinks manufacturer. Notice the piece’s educational tone, teaching the viewer about where the main ingredient of their product, and where it comes from. Unlike a traditional ad, you know that the goal of the piece is to educate and inform because the brand’s name and logo don’t appear until the 30-second mark.

Organize Fun Contests and Sweepstakes

Everybody loves the feeling of winning a contest, regardless of the prize. Online contests and sweepstakes offer brands an entertaining way of interacting with their clients and attract new leads.

It shouldn’t come as a surprise then the recent popularity of giveaway contests on social media (more on that in just a bit!). Plus, if there’s a good prize at stake, chances are people are going to share it with their friends and make it go viral.

To maximize effectiveness, your prize should be related to the products or services that your brand offers, like a generous discount or a gift shop for your store. This will help you attract valuable leads that are actually interested in your product.

Gain Visibility with Social Media Promotions

In the current digital landscape, brands that don’t invest time in building a social media presence are missing out on new leads.

But you don’t have to be an influencer to make your profile stand out. One of the easiest routes to gaining new followers is to offer exclusive promotions on your social media. Active users are drawn to limited-time discounts, for example, that you can announce through a post or a story.

And while social media algorithms can feel sort of a mystery for many brands, there are tons of ways to reach new audiences, like using relevant hashtags or paid for advertised posts.

Optimize Your Landing Page for New Visitors

Optimizing your landing to attract traffic to your site involves a mixture of user-friendly design and careful keywording. It would take an entirely separate piece to discuss this topic deeper, but there are a couple of helpful insights you can start applying to your landing page today.

For starters, do research on the trending keywords of your target audience. What specific words are they using to look for products or services online? Use them in your landing in a natural way, especially in the headings and your website’s title tag.

Another popular feature in landing pages is the contact form. Not everybody loves filling out forms, so make sure you only ask for the basics, like name and e-mail. Your sales team can later use these contacts and send them valuable content or attractive promotions.

Parting Thoughts

Inbound marketing is all about starting a conversation with your audience. Once they find about your brand through an article, a video, or a promotion, then it’s your job to gain their trust.

That being said, the digital world can sometimes feel like a fiercely competitive arena full of companies fighting to get your target’s attention.

But as I’ve shown you in this article, the best opportunity you have is to offer curious visitors valuable content they can’t find anywhere else. Reach the hearts and minds of your audience, and they will stay loyal to your brand.

Photo by Riccardo Annandale on Unsplash

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