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Fading in a Page on Load with CSS & JavaScript

January 13th, 2021 Leave a comment Go to comments

Louis Lazaris demonstrates a very simple way of doing this.

  1. Hide the body (with JavaScript) right away with opacity: 0
  2. Wait for all the JavaScript to execute
  3. Unhide the body by transitioning it back to opacity: 1

Like this:

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Louis demonstrates a callback method, as well as mentioning you could wait for window.load or a DOM Ready event. I suppose you could also just have the line that sets the className to visible as the very last line of script that runs like I did above.

Louis knows it’s not particularly en vogue:

I know nowadays we’re obsessed in this industry with gaining every millisecond in page performance. But in a couple of projects that I recently overhauled, I added a subtle and clean loading mechanism that I think makes the experience nicer, even if it does ultimately slightly delay the time that the user is able to start interacting with my page.

I think of stuff like font-display: swap; which is dedicated to rendering your text as absolutely fast as possible, FOUT be damned, rather than chiller options.

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