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6 Awesome B2B eCommerce Website Examples You Need To Know

January 14th, 2021 Leave a comment Go to comments

Offering an enthralling eCommerce experience to B2B customers requires a lot of hard work. In 2020, B2B eCommerce businesses generated 6.7 trillion dollars in sales worldwide.

All those B2B companies who made billions must have something unique to offer to their B2B buyers.

Being a B2B marketer if you’re struggling with your eCommerce store, it won’t hurt to learn from experts to do it in the right way.

In this article, we’ll reveal some of the great examples of B2B eCommerce sites from which you should take inspiration from.

By looking at these examples, you’ll get a clearer picture of what actions you need to take to stay relevant and be ahead of your competitors to win B2B online sales.

Amazon Business

Amazon Business is one of the most popular players in the B2B eCommerce world. It’s been around for decades and all of us are pretty familiar with its online presence.

Amazon Business – the B2B business side of Amazon hits $10 billion sales only in 4 years. It’s certainly too high to believe but it’s real.

It incorporates all those tools and features that any B2B eCommerce business needs.

What makes Amazon Business so successful?

Easy to use. Amazon Business offers features including approval workflows, paying by invoice, Multi-user accounts, etc. There are plenty of benefits offered to buyers. They always try to bring innovation on the surface to improve the existing customer experience.


The superstar of home decor, Noritex is a distributor, importer, and re-exporter who deals in all types of home decors, schools, religious, festivals, and textile items.

Nessim Btesh, the digital project manager of Noritex explained in a podcast throws light on his journey of taking his family business on a digital platform.

Nessiam stated his family, in the beginning, was skeptical about taking their family business on a digital platform because of security issues. He faced resistance from his family’s side and didn’t support him.

However, last year when pandemic broke out and businesses started to collapse, Nessim took the opportunity and took his business venture on the digital market.

They began their eCommerce journey with Shopify and later on they shifted to ShopifyPlus. However, this vendor-based eCommerce platform wasn’t working for them so they started looking for other options that can fulfill their business requirements.

Unfortunately, they couldn’t find any so decided to build one from scratch. Nortiex built a custom eCommerce platform. They grab all the necessary information from various resources to deliver a quality customer experience.

Their custom-built platform is another successful example that every B2B eCommerce website must follow.


The Chinese overwhelming force, Alibaba is not only one of the biggest B2C eCommerce companies but it’s one of the largest B2B companies across the globe. Currently, it is selling products in more than 40 different industries in 240 countries worldwide.

The key to its success is innovation. The process started from building a business ecosystem with not only Chinese manufacturers but with the global marketplace too.

Alibaba jumped on the eCommerce bandwagon in 1999 when the internet was barely used in China.

They build a system that can be scaled with business success. All the focuses on to fulfill customers’ needs.

Alibaba connects sellers and buyers on their platform and they earn from commissions and ads. Its success is not because of its website but how they treat their customers.


3DXTech is a well-known 3D printing company. They have designed their B2B eCommerce website in a unique invasive way. Generally, eCommerce sites prefer to use banners and popups to grab the attention of customers to increase sales conversion rates.

What they often overlook is these pop-ups and banners can be counterproductive and annoying. Well, that’s not the case with 3DXTech.

Their pop-ups are well-designed. They also provide free products to those visitors who provide them their email addresses. Moreover, the top banner on the website highlights products that are restocked.

They also offer rewards to customers on like and share on social media platforms or on giving reviews.

All they focus on is to clench the attention of customers and provide them what they’re looking for along with additional rewards and offers.


Chocomize is one of the most famous B2B companies that delivers customizable chocolate gifts to business owners who wish to promote their brand among their customers in a unique way.

The SEO experts working Chocomize are clever enough to increase their site’s Google rankings via on-page SEO tactics.

On visiting their awe-striking site, you’ll be amazed to see keywords like “custom chocolate square”, “custom chocolate coins”, or “custom corporate chocolate”. They customize and personalize their eCommerce Products and discount offers to enlighten their valuable customers.

They also focus on making the customer’s shopping journey better by offering discounts to those customers who place bulk orders. The “search by occasions” and “search by budget” options located on the menu bar are added to assist customers to find the right products within their budget.

Werner Electric

Werner Electric Supply has been doing business in this industry for decades. They do business in wholesale electrical products in the United States. They deal in hundreds of best quality electrical products which thousands of customers purchase every day.

Previously, Werner Electric customers used an online portal to place their orders. Placing orders via the online portal is pretty hectic since it was linked to their ERP. If customers want to place orders through their online portal they need to have some understanding of ERP.

To make this buying process easier, they have now completely digitized their customer’s operations. They took this step because they finally realized it was a difficult and time-consuming process.

With the help of a project partner, they worked together day and night to launch their B2B business on an eCommerce platform. They did an in-depth analysis of their customers, employers, business objectives and goals.

All they aimed to deliver a seamless ordering placing process to improve the customer experience.

By taking this aggressive approach, today Werner Electric is making billions and trillions by delivering quality customer experience.


We understand some of you might be skeptical about this idea of learning from other eCommerce websites. But we believe learning from these B2B giants will help you in finding flaws in your B2B eCommerce site so you can make it better to improve the conversion rate of your eCommerce website.

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