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Top 7 Fullstack Development Trends To Follow In 2021

January 20th, 2021 Leave a comment Go to comments

Welcome the new year 2021 with emerging full-stack development trends so that your business stays at the forefront of markets with the latest technologies. Though the pandemic disturbed the market in 2019-2020, now, it is time you take the steering in your control.

Full-stack development has helped you grow and expand your business. You do not have to hire separate front-end and back-end developers. With this said, you get to save your project funds and add enhanced coordination to your project.

In the last 5 years, the graph showing the full-stack development trends is steep uphill. Entrepreneurs are keen on hiring full-stack developers, and these skilled personas have the potent to transcend your business and take it to destined heights.

For those of you who aren’t much aware of what is full-stack development? This is for you:

“Fullstack development is the union of frontend and backend development- the two branches of web development. The experts who are equipped with both the frontend and backend development skills are the fullstack developers.”

The Evolution of Modern Fullstack

It all began with the historical combinations of frontend and backend technologies that worked well for complete web development. Some of the renowned and famous Fullstack Technologies of the past are:

  • LAMP stack- Linux OS, Apache HTTP server, MySQL database, and PHP.
  • MERN stack- Mongo DB, Express.js, React, and Node.js.
  • WAMP stack- Windows OS, Apache2, MySQL, and PHP.
  • MAMP stack- macOS, Apache/Nginx, MySQL/Maria DB, and PHP/Perl/Python.
  • XAMPP stack- cross-platform, Apache, MariaDB, PHP, and Perl
  • LAMP stack- Linux OS, Nginx, MySQL/MongoDB, and PHP.
  • MEAN stack- MongoDB, ExpressJS, AngularJS,and Node.js.
  • JAMStack- Javascript, APIs, and Markup

Entrepreneurs have been using fullstack, which is suitable for their business app requirements. Some web technologies went old school and extinct over time, such as photoshop, AJAX, SASS/SCSS, Georgia, Illustrato, BEM naming, and more. The technologies that prevailed for complete web development are HTML, CSS, Javascript, and some basic database knowledge. More recently, fullstack developers have adopted javascript modules and object-oriented javascript.

7 Full-stack Development Trends

1. Language Trends

Fullstack developers should use the widely available, used, and trending languages to be adaptive for developing hybrid applications. Choose a language that has vast community support, like Javascript. In the case of fall-ups, you will be backed-up by any kind of help.

Node.js and Angular are the most popular frameworks, libraries, and programming languages on the StackOverflow survey. Next on the trending list are React, .NET core, spring, and so on. If you are a fullstack developer, then staying updated with the latest programming language trends is beneficial. It will help you stay in demand.

If you are an entrepreneur, then keep looking for such fullstack developers and be assured that your project development will be nothing but the best.

2. Low-code Development

There can be nothing as pleasing as web development with minimal coding. Developers enable web development by dragging and dropping features over the model logic. The low-code development benefits the entrepreneurs as they can explain their projects to the clients easily.

However, complex web development is not quite possible with low-code development, but fullstack developers are learning to integrate IoT, AI, and blockchain technologies with low-code development.

Fullstack developers should enrich their skill-set with this highly enticing fullstack development trend.

3. Artificial Intelligene

Modern-day businesses are incomplete without artificial intelligence. Today, AI has put the power of automation in machines- machines can do every task that a human can accomplish. Along with AI, you should also learn big data, software engineering, and UI design.

As a fullstack developer has this knowledge, they will understand your AI project needs and come up with sage solutions. Domains such as healthcare, manufacturing, eCommerce, logistics, transportation, etc., are now using AI for its inexplicable benefits.

For an AI fullstack developer, here is the tech-stack to learn:

  • Programming skills- Python, Go, PHP, Java, and Scala
  • Database- MySQL, Postgres, MongoDB, Oracle, Cassandra, or HBase
  • Framework knowledge- Django, Flask, Laravel, Hibernate, Hadoop, or Spark
  • Other- Microservices, RESTful APIs, multithreading, ORM

4. Mixed Reality

Mixed reality is a combination of augmented reality and virtual reality. Everything that you can perceive with your imagination and eyes will be possible in 3D augmentation. Future beholds an immense scope for mixed reality and multimedia apps.

Entrepreneurs can invest in talented AR/VR full-stack developers if they want to bring an outstanding app.

Fullstack development stack for AR/VR is:

  • iOS- ARKit
  • Android- ARCore

5. IoT

Internet of things has diminished the globe size by interconnecting digital devices and making your life easy and automated. Experts call IoT the Industrial Revolution 4.0, and hence, to excel your business forefront in the upcoming generation, IoT is the ultimate choice.

When incorporating IoT into your business app, you must ensure that your IoT developers can synchronize their devices with the application. A fullstack developer will be the ideal fit for your IoT project because they will have the hardware and software knowledge that your IoT app demands.

For an IoT fullstack developer, the tech-stack needs to learn:

  • Programming languages- Java/ J2EE, Angular framework
  • Containers- Docker/ Kubernetes, Maven, Gradle, JUnit, Sonar, MVC, and Rest APIs
  • Design- Typescript, HTML, D3/React, nodeJS, CSS
  • Database- NoSQL, SQL Queries, Data Modeling, JDBC, and Cloud
  • Other- Rest API, Microservices Architecture

6. Blockchain

Finance, banking, ERP, and more such industries are drifted towards blockchain technology for its commendable aspects of security, distribution, transparency, speed, and immutability.

In the commencing 5 years, the blockchain technology market will grow upto 39 billion US dollars. If you have thought of a finance app or any project on the blockchain, hiring fullstack developers will be the best decision. Fullstack developers will have all-round knowledge and experience with cryptocurrencies, Etherium, and Bitcoin.

Your blockchain-oriented application will demand keen expertise on decentralized apps, web3 architecture, developer tools, and more, provided by fullstack developers efficiently.

Take a look at the blockchain fullstack developer tech-stack:

  • Web technologies- HTML, CSS, Javascript, and Java
  • Framework- AngularJS or BackboneJS, and Rest API
  • Database- MySQL and RDBMS knowledge
  • Other- Single page apps, MVC framework, test-driven development

7. IT Outsourcing

The pandemic has made remote work familiarized, and industries, especially IT entrepreneurs, are getting used to the outsourcing culture. The merits of cost-saving, better performance, full control, dedicated developers, and fast development have pinned entrepreneurs to hire talented offshore staff over in-house hiring.

Full-stack developers are much in demand because they have a wholesome knowledge and experience to look after a web project’s complete development. Entrepreneurs get the benefit of two separate frontend developers and backend developers in a fullstack developer.

With these Full-stack development trends of 2021, get set ready with the aim of hiking your business by hiring a Full-stack development company and avail leveraging benefits.

Photo by Charles Deluvio on Unsplash

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