Home > Others > Making Sense Of WAI-ARIA: A Comprehensive Guide

Making Sense Of WAI-ARIA: A Comprehensive Guide

September 13th, 2022 Leave a comment Go to comments

This article is a sponsored by Fable

The Web Accessibility Initiative — Accessible Rich Internet Applications (WAI-ARIA) is a technical specification that provides direction on how to improve the accessibility of web applications. Where the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) focus more on static web content, WAI-ARIA focuses on making interactions more accessible.

Interactions on the web are notorious for being inaccessible and are often part of the most critical functions such as:

  • submitting a job application,
  • purchasing from an online store, or
  • booking a healthcare appointment.

I’m currently the Head of Accessibility Innovation at Fable, a company that connects organizations to people with disabilities for user research and accessibility testing and provides custom training for digital teams to gain the skills to build inclusive products.

As an instructor for accessible web development, I spend a lot of time examining the source code of websites and web apps and ARIA is one of the things I see developers misusing the most.


When you use HTML elements like input, select, and button, there are two things you’ll get for accessibility: information about the element is passed to the DOM (Document Object Model) and into an Accessibility Tree. Assistive technologies can access the nodes of the accessibility tree to understand:

  • what kind of element it is by checking its role, e.g., checkbox;
  • what state the element is in, e.g., checked/not checked;
  • the name of the element, e.g., “Sign up for our newsletter.”

The other thing you get when using HTML elements is keyboard interactivity. For example, a checkbox can be focused using the tab key and selected using the spacebar (specific interactions can vary by browser and operating system, but the point is they are available and standardized across all websites when you use HTML elements).

When you don’t use HTML, for example, if you build your own custom select using

s and s or you use a component library, you need to do extra work to provide information about the element and build keyboard interactivity for assistive technology users. This is where ARIA comes into play.


Accessible Rich Internet Applications (ARIA) include a set of roles and attributes that define ways to make web content and web applications more accessible to people with disabilities.

You can use ARIA to pass information to the accessibility tree. ARIA roles and attributes don’t include any keyboard interactivity. Adding role="button” to a

doesn’t make it respond when you press the Enter key — that you have to build using JavaScript or another language. However, the ARIA Authoring Practices Guide does include a list of what keyboard interactivity should be added to various components such as accordions, buttons, carousels, etc.


Let’s start with roles. What the heck is this thing in the code below?

<div className="dd-wrapper">
  <div className="dd-header">
    <div className="dd-header-title"></div>
  <div className="dd-list">
    <button className="dd-list-item"></button>
    <button className="dd-list-item"></button>
    <button className="dd-list-item"></button>

This is actually a snippet of code I found online from a select element for React. The fact that the element is completely unrecognizable from the code is exactly the issue that any assistive technology would have — it can’t tell the user what it is or how to interact with it because there’s no ARIA role.

Watch what we can do here:

<div className="dd-wrapper" role="listbox">

You might not be familiar with a listbox, but it’s a type of select that a screen reader user could recognize and know how to interact with. Now you could just use , and you wouldn’t have to give it a role because it’s already got one that the DOM and accessibility tree will recognize, but I know that’s not always a feasible option.

A role tells an assistive technology user what the thing is, so make sure you use the correct role. A button is very different from a banner. Choose a role that matches the function of the component you’re building.

Another thing you should know about ARIA roles is that they override an HTML element’s inherent role.

<img role="button">

This is no longer an image but a button. There are very few reasons to do this, and unless you exactly knew what you’re doing and why, I’d stay away from overriding existing HTML roles. There are many other ways to achieve this that make more sense from accessibility and a code robustness perspective:

<button><img src="image.png" alt="Print" /></button> 
<input type="image" src="image.png" alt="Print" />
<button style="background: url(image.png)" />Print</button>

If you’re building a component, you can look up the pattern for that component in the ARIA Authoring Practices Guide which includes information on which role(s) to use. You can also look up all available roles in the mdn web docs.

In summary, if you’re building something that doesn’t have a semantic HTML tag that describes it (i.e., anything interactive built using

or ), it needs to have an ARIA role so that assistive technology can recognize what it is.

States And Properties (Aka ARIA Attributes)

In addition to knowing what an element is, if it has a state (e.g., hidden, disabled, invalid, readonly, selected, and so on) or changes state (e.g., checked/not checked, open/closed, and so on), you need to tell assistive technology users what its current state is and its new state whenever it changes. You can also share certain properties of an element. The difference between states and properties isn’t really clear or important, so let’s just call them attributes.

Here are some of the most common ARIA attributes you might need to use:

  • aria-checked
    It’s used with ="true" or ="false" to indicate if checkboxes and radio buttons are currently checked or not.
  • aria-current
    It’s used with ="true" or ="false" to indicate the current page within breadcrumbs or pagination.
  • aria-describedby
    It’s used with the id of an element to add more information to a form field in addition to its label. aria-describedby can be used to give examples of the required format for a field, for example, a date, or to add an error message to a form field.
<label for="birthday">Birthday</label>
<input type="text" id="birthday" aria-describedby="date-format">
<span id="date-format">MM-DD-YYYY</span>
  • aria-expanded
    It’s used with ="true" or ="false" to indicate if pressing a button will show more content. Examples include accordions and navigation items with submenus.
<button aria-expanded="false">Products</button>

This indicates that the Products menu will open a submenu (for example, of different product categories). If you were to code it like this:

<a href="/products/">Products</a>

You’re setting the expectation that it’s a link, and clicking it will go to a new page. If it’s not going to go to a new page, but it actually stays on the same page but opens a submenu, that’s what button plus aria-expanded says to an assistive technology user. That simple difference between

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