
Archive for May, 2023

How To Use AI Tools To Skyrocket Your Programming Productivity

May 9th, 2023 No comments

Programming is fun. At least, that’s the relationship I would love to have with programming. However, we all know that with the thrills and joys of programming, there comes a multitude of struggles, unforeseen problems, and long hours of coding. Not to mention — too much coffee.

If only there were a way to cut out all of the menial struggles programmers face daily and bring them straight to the things they should be spending their energy on thinking and doing, such as critical problem-solving, creating better designs, and testing their creations.

Well, in recent times, we’ve been introduced to exactly that.

The start of this year marked the dawn of a huge shift towards Artificial Intelligence (AI) as a means of completing tasks, saving time, and improving our systems. There is a whole new realm of use cases with the rise of AI and its potential to seriously impact our lives in a positive manner.

While many have concerns swirling about AI taking over jobs (and yes, programmers have been raised up), I take an entirely different perspective. I believe that AI has the ability to skyrocket your productivity in programming like nothing before, and over the last couple of months, I have been able to reap the benefits of this growing wave.

Today, I want to share this knowledge with you and the ways that I have been using AI to supersize my programming output and productivity so that you’ll be able to do the same.

Case Study: ChatGPT

If you have missed much of the recent news, let me get you up to speed and share with you the main inspiration for this guide. In late November 2022, OpenAI announced its latest chatbot — ChatGPT, which took the world by storm with over a million sign-ups in its first week.

It was an extremely powerful tool that had never been seen before, blowing people away with its capabilities and responses. Want a 30-word summary of a 1000-word article? Throw it in, and in a few seconds, you’ve just saved yourself a long read. Need an email sales copy for a programming book that teaches you how to code in O(1) speed, written in the style of Kent Beck? Again, it will be back to you in a few seconds. The list of ChatGPT use cases goes on.

However, as a programmer, what really got me excited was ChatGPT’s ability to understand and write code. GPT-3, the model that ChatGPT runs on, has been trained on a wide range of text, including programming languages and code excerpts. As a result, it can generate code snippets and explanations within a matter of seconds.

While there are many AI tools other than ChatGPT that can help programmers boost their productivity, such as Youchat and Cogram, I will be looking at ChatGPT as the main tool for this guide, due to the fact that it is publicly available for free at OpenAI’s website and that it has a very gentle learning curve for a wide range of applications.

And again, before we continue, I would like to re-emphasize that

AI tools such as ChatGPT are meant to streamline your workflow, not take over and replace your thinking and problem-solving.

That being said, let’s see how I used ChatGPT to skyrocket my programming productivity.

Common Problems And How ChatGPT Can Help

To help shine a light on this topic, I have compiled five of the most common ways that I have used ChatGPT to overcome problems that any programmer would experience daily. Those five problems are the following:

  1. Programmer’s block,
  2. Long hours of debugging,
  3. Understanding long documentation,
  4. Developer testing,
  5. Code optimization.

It’s a lot to cover, but I’ll give you real-life examples so that you will be able to take the knowledge from this guide and use it to your own advantage. Let’s jump straight in.

Programmer’s Block

Programmer’s block is the programmer’s equivalent of writer’s block and is one of the most common problems that many programmers, myself included, face regularly. When tasked with a significant programming job, such as getting started with building a multiple-page website in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, it’s easy to get caught in the weeds of not knowing where to start.

Or you could be knee-deep in a coding project and hit a roadblock in finding a solution for a problem. It’s often a frustrating scenario to be in.

ChatGPT has been an excellent solution for that. Let’s look at the example above in having programmer’s block before embarking on a large programming task. Suppose I’m looking to start a new project. After surfing for software company ideas, I decided to develop a sleek and modern online store in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to sell my latest programming book.

While ChatGPT won’t be able to hit the mark in producing the entire project, a great way to use it is to generate the skeleton for you to begin. Throwing in a detailed prompt for the task, this is what you get:

Prompt: Can you provide a basic structure for a sleek and modern single online store landing page, with red as the main color, for my new programming book in HTML and CSS?


<!DOCTYPE html>
  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
  <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge">
  <title>Your Book Title</title>
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
        <li><a href="#">Home</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">About</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">Contact</a></li>
      <h1>Programming book title</h1>
      <p>A comprehensive guide to becoming a proficient programmer</p>
      <button>Learn More</button>
      <h2>Features of the Book:</h2>
        <li>Step-by-step tutorials for learning core programming concepts</li>
        <li>In-depth explanations of commonly used programming languages</li>
        <li>Hands-on exercises and real-world projects to reinforce learning</li>
        <li>Case studies to illustrate the application of programming in various industries</li>
        <li>Tips and tricks for efficient and effective programming practices</li>
    <p>Copyright 2023</p>


body {
  font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: column;
  align-items: center;
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;

header, footer {
  background-color: red;
  color: white;
  display: flex;
  justify-content: center;
  align-items: center;
  width: 100%;
  height: 50px;
  box-shadow: 0px 4px 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25);

nav ul {
  display: flex;
  list-style: none;
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;

nav a {
  color: white;
  display: block;
  padding: 10px 20px;
  text-decoration: none;

main {
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: column;
  align-items: center;
  width: 100%;
  height: calc(100vh - 100px);

section {
  max-width: 800px;
  padding: 40px;
  margin-top: 100px;
  text-align: center;
  background-color: white;
  box-shadow: 0px 4px 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25);
  border-radius: 10px;
  margin-bottom: 20px;
  margin-left: auto;
  margin-right: auto;

h2 {
  margin-top: 40px;

ul {
  list-style: none;
  margin-top: 20px;
  padding-left: 0;

li {
  margin-bottom: 10px;

That gives us the following template to start our work with:

Nothing impressive, but it does provide a great starting point as opposed to a blank HTML file.

Now, of course, I would highly recommend that the most you create with this is the barebones structure. We are using these tools to abstract away menial tasks like creating the HTML structure so that you can focus on more important things like implementing your own CSS styles and HTML features.

HTML and CSS templates are already widely-used concepts. However, with AI, we can now create more personalized templates and basic code structures, getting us from staring at a blank HTML file to a workable skeleton in a matter of minutes.

Use it to create a starting platform for you to get over your programmer’s block, but for the fine details and exact features, your programming knowledge will still be irreplaceable.

Nevertheless, I have been using it to get numerous programming projects up and running. I had this sentence-length counter made from scratch easily within an hour by creating the base template and adding on what I wanted after. I find that being able to jump-start that process makes my programming workflow much more streamlined and enjoyable.

Long Hours Of Debugging

Another common frustration every programmer knows is debugging. Debugging is an extremely time-intensive aspect of programming that can often be very draining and leave programmers at roadblocks, which is detrimental to a productive programming session.

Fortunately, AI is able to cut out a lot of the frustration of debugging, while at the same time, it does not replace the job of programmers in having strong fundamentals in knowing how to debug. At the current time, most AI tools are not able to spot every single flaw in your code and suggest the correct changes to make; hence, it is still essential that you are capable of debugging code.

However, AI is a great supplementary tool to your debugging skills in two main ways:

  1. Understanding runtime errors;
  2. Providing context-aware suggestions.

Understanding Runtime Errors

When faced with errors that you have never seen before in your code, a common reaction would be to hit Google and spend the next chunk of your time surfing through forums and guides to try and find a specific answer for something like the following:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'value' of undefined.

Rather than spending your time frantically searching the web, a simple prompt can provide everything you would need for the most part.

Providing Context-Aware Suggestions

The other way in which I’ve been able to get help from ChatGPT for debugging is through its context-aware suggestions for errors. Traditionally, even though we may find the answers for what our program’s bugs are online, it is oftentimes difficult to put the errors and solutions into context.

Here is how ChatGPT handles both of these scenarios with a simple prompt.

Prompt: I found the error “Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property value of undefined.” in my Python code. How do I resolve it?

With this, I have been able to cut out a lot of time that I would have been spending surfing for answers and turn that time into producing error-free code. While you still have to have good knowledge in knowing how to implement these fixes, using AI as a supplementary tool in your debugging arsenal can provide a huge boost in your programming productivity.

Understanding Long Documentation

Another fantastic way to use AI tools to your advantage is by streamlining long documentation into digestible information that comes when having to use APIs or libraries. As a Natural Language Processing model, this is where ChatGPT excels.

Imagine you’re working on a new web development project, but want to use Flask for the first time. Traditionally, you might spend hours scrolling through pages of dense documentation from Flask, trying to find the precise information you need.

With a tool like ChatGPT, you’ll be able to streamline this problem and save an immense amount of time in the following ways:

  • Generate concise summaries
    You’ll be able to automatically summarize long code documentation, making it easier to quickly understand the key points without having to read through the entire document.
  • Answer specific questions
    ChatGPT can answer specific questions about the code documentation, allowing you to quickly find the information you need without having to search through the entire document.
  • Explain technical terms
    If you are having trouble understanding some terms in the documentation, rather than navigating back to extensive forum threads, ChatGPT can explain technical terms in simple language, making it easier for non-technical team members to understand the code documentation.
  • Provide examples
    Similarly to debugging, you can get relatable examples for each code concept in the documentation, making it easier for you to understand how the code works and how you can apply it to your own projects.
  • Generate code snippets
    ChatGPT can generate code snippets based on the code documentation, allowing you to experiment with use cases and tailor the examples to your specific needs.

It’s like having a search engine that can understand the context of your query and provide the most relevant information. You’ll no longer be bogged down by pages of text, and you can focus on writing and testing your code. Personally, I have been able to blast through numerous libraries, understand and apply them for my own needs in a fraction of the time I normally would.

Developer Testing

Developer testing is one of the cornerstone skills that a programmer or developer must have in order to create bulletproof programs and applications. However, even for experienced programmers, a common problem in developer testing is that you won’t know what you don’t know.

What that means is that in your created test cases, you might miss certain aspects of your program or application that could go unnoticed until it reaches a larger audience. Oftentimes, to avoid that scenario, we could spend hours on end trying to bulletproof our code to ensure that it covers all its bases.

However, this is a great way that I’ve been able to incorporate AI into my workflow as well.

Having AI suggest tests that cover all edge cases is a great way to provide an objective and well-rounded testing phase for your projects.

It also does so in a fraction of the time you would spend.

For example, you are working on the same product landing page for your programming book from earlier. Now, I’ve created a proper product page that involves a form with the following fields for you to process:


// Get references to the form elements.
const form = document.getElementById("payment-form");
const cardNumber = document.getElementById("card-number");
const expiryDate = document.getElementById("expiry-date");
const cvv = document.getElementById("cvv");
const submitButton = document.getElementById("submit-button");

// Handle form submission.
form.addEventListener("submit", (event) => {

  // Disable the submit button to prevent multiple submissions.
  submitButton.disabled = true;

  // Create an object to hold the form data.
  const formData = {
    cardNumber: cardNumber.value,
    expiryDate: expiryDate.value,
    cvv: cvv.value,

  // Perform client-side validation on the form data
  if (!validateFormData(formData)) {
    // If the data is invalid, re-enable the submit button and return
    submitButton.disabled = false;

  // Send the form data to the server.
  // The following is just an example and should not be used in a real-world scenario
  // as it lacks security measures and proper payment gateway integration.
  fetch("/charge", {
    method: "POST",
    body: JSON.stringify(formData),
    headers: {
      "Content-Type": "application/json",
    .then((response) => response.json())
    .then((data) => {
      // Handle the server response.
      if (data.success) {
        // Payment was successful.
        alert("Payment successful!");
      } else {
        // Payment failed.
        alert("Payment failed. Please try again.");
        submitButton.disabled = false;
    .catch((error) => {
      alert("An error occurred. Please try again.");
      submitButton.disabled = false;

// Perform client-side validation on the form data.
function validateFormData(data) {
  // Example validation checks.
  if (!data.cardNumber || data.cardNumber.length !== 16) {
    alert("Please enter a valid card number.");
    return false;
  if (!data.expiryDate || data.expiryDate.length !== 5) {
    alert("Please enter a valid expiry date in the format MM/YY.");
    return false;
  if (!data.cvv || data.cvv.length !== 3) {
    alert("Please enter a valid CVV.");
    return false;
  return true;

Knowing that there are many invalid inputs that customers might use, you want to create some test cases to validate your form’s functionalities. Rather than spending copious amounts of time coming up with numerous test cases, let’s let AI identify any edge cases we missed to bulletproof our tests.

Prompt: Can you help to come up with some edge cases to ensure that the form does not accept any invalid inputs in collecting payment details?


// Test Case 1: Check if form doesn't submit when fields are empty.
document.querySelector("form").addEventListener("submit", function(e) {
  var name = document.querySelector("input[name='name']").value;
  var address = document.querySelector("input[name='address']").value;
  var cardNumber = document.querySelector("input[name='card-number']").value;
  var expiryDate = document.querySelector("input[name='expiry-date']").value;
  var cvv = document.querySelector("input[name='cvv']").value;

  if (!name || !address || !cardNumber || !expiryDate || !cvv) {
    alert("All fields are required");

  // Check if all the fields contain valid inputs.
  if (!validateName(name) || !validateAddress(address) || !validateCardNumber(cardNumber) || !validateExpiryDate(expiryDate) || !validateCVV(cvv)) {

  // Continue with payment processing.

// Test Case 2: Check if name input is valid.
function validateName(name) {
  var nameRegEx = /^[a-zA-Z ]+$/;
  if (!nameRegEx.test(name)) {
    alert("Invalid name. Please enter a valid name");
    return false;
  return true;

// Test Case 3: Check if address input is valid.
function validateAddress(address) {
  var addressRegEx = /^[a-zA-Z0-9s,'-]*$/;
  if (!addressRegEx.test(address)) {
    alert("Invalid address. Please enter a valid address");
    return false;
  return true;

// Test Case 4: Check if card number input is valid.
function validateCardNumber(cardNumber) {
  var cardNumberRegEx = /^d{16}$/;
  if (!cardNumberRegEx.test(cardNumber)) {
    alert("Invalid card number. Please enter a valid card number");
    return false;
  return true;

The need to create all sorts of test cases, which is usually a daunting and repetitive task, after a while of working on the same project, can make programming feel very menial. However, with the assistance of AI, this process can be streamlined and, at the same time, improved to cover more bases in your developer testing.

Code Optimization

As it stands, AI still has a long way to go in helping to optimize code and can’t actually do the optimization itself. However, it can still help to provide some useful insights and give some pointers to improving your programming. Here are the most common ways that I have used ChatGPT in optimizing my code for performance:

  • Code Suggestions
    Most simply, it can suggest code snippets or alternative solutions to improve the performance of your existing code.
  • Best Practices
    Having been trained on a wide range of code patterns, ChatGPT can help you follow best practices for coding and software design, leading to more efficient and optimized code.
  • Refactoring
    It helps to reorganize existing code to improve its efficiency and maintainability without affecting its functionality.
  • Knowledge Sharing
    There are many scenarios where your code can be implemented simply through a single import or with other programming languages, libraries, and frameworks. ChatGPT’s suggestions help ensure you are making informed decisions on the best implementations for your needs.

Of course, the bulk of these still requires you to optimize your code manually. However, using AI to gain insights and suggestions for this can be a great way to improve your productivity and produce higher-quality code.

AI Is Amazing, But It Does Have Its Limitations

Now that we have seen what AI can do for you and your programming productivity, I would imagine you are bubbling with ideas on how you are going to start implementing these in your programming workflows.

However, it is essential to keep in mind that these models are fairly new and still have a long way to go regarding reliability and accuracy. These are just some of the limitations that AI, specifically, ChatGPT, has:

  • Limited Understanding
    AI algorithms like ChatGPT have a limited understanding of code and may not fully understand the implications and trade-offs of certain programming decisions.
  • Training Data Limitations
    The quality and relevance of AI algorithms’ output depend on the quality and scope of the training data. For example, ChatGPT was only trained on data dating to 2021. Any updates in programming languages since then may not be reflected.
  • Bias
    AI algorithms can be biased towards specific patterns or solutions based on the data they were trained on, leading to suboptimal or incorrect code suggestions.
  • Lack of Context
    AI algorithms may struggle to understand the context and the desired outcome of a specific coding task, leading to generic or irrelevant advice. While this can be minimized with specific prompts, it is still difficult to generate solutions to more complicated problems.

Nevertheless, these limitations are a small price for the multitude of benefits that AI tools provide. While I am an advocate of using AI to boost your programming productivity, keeping in mind these limitations are crucial when using AI in your workflows as it is important to ensure that the information or code you are producing is reliable, especially if you are using it in a professional setting.

With the current limitations, AI should only be used as a means to assist your current skills, not to replace them. Hence, with that in mind, use it tactfully and sparingly to achieve a good balance in boosting your productivity but not detracting from your skills as a programmer.

How Else Will AI Improve Programmers’ Lives?

While I have mainly talked about the technical aspects of programming that AI can help in, there are many other areas where AI can help to make your life as a programmer much easier.

We are just at the tip of the iceberg in this incoming wave of AI. Many new use cases for AI appear every day with the potential to improve programmers’ lives even further. In the future, we are likely to see many new integrations of AI in many of our daily software uses as programmers.

There already exists general writing software, which could be useful for programmers in creating code and API documentation. These have been around for a while and have become widely accepted as a tool that helps, not replaces.

General productivity and notetaking tools that use AI have also been a big hit, especially for programming students who have to plow through large amounts of information every day. All in all, where there is a labor-intensive task that can be resolved, AI will likely be making headway in those areas.

Wrapping Up

To wrap things up, I will end with a reminder from the opening of this guide. I believe that there is massive potential in becoming well-versed with AI, not as a means to replace our work, but as a means to improve it.

With the right knowledge of what you can and, more importantly, cannot do, AI can be an extremely valuable skill to have in your programming arsenal and will undoubtedly save you copious amounts of time if used correctly.

Hence, rather than fearing the incoming wave of new AI technology, I encourage you to embrace it. Take the knowledge you have learned from the guide and tailor it to your own needs and uses. Every programmer’s workflows are different, but with the right principles and a good knowledge of the limitations of AI, the benefits are equally available to everyone.

So all that’s left for you to do is to reap the supersized benefits that come with integrating AI into your current workflows and see your programming productivity skyrocket as it has for me. And if there’s one thing to remember, it’s to use AI as your assistant, not your replacement.

Categories: Others Tags:

10 Ways to Improve Your Data Visualization Design

May 8th, 2023 No comments

Tons of data are exchanged every second, so- What is your opinion that businesses can have deeper insights into their vast data?

The best solution is- Data Visualization Design. It helps recognize patterns, errors, and red flags, identify weak points, and extract valuable insights. Data visualization’s sole objective is to help businesses make informed decisions to take business a step ahead. 

Here visualization refers to the pictorial representation of the data that gives a clear view. For a business, data is everything. The visualization is beneficial for:

  • Data analysis 
  • Faster decision making 
  • Simplifying complex data and more. 

A business can leverage the data visualization design by improving it. If you want to know how to improve your data visualization design, then continue with this blog. 

Let’s start with some basic information!

What Is Data Visualization Design?

Data visualization stands for graphical representation of data, where the process turns raw data into forms of maps, graphs, and infographics. The design that represents it is called data visualization design. Visualization’s sole advantage is offering a seamless way to visualize the trends and data patterns via extraction from the data chunks. 

The prime objective of data visualization techniques is to represent the data to end users in an easy format. You will be surprised to know that the human brain responds to visuals instead of text. Some tools are available that help with better data visualization, such as Power BI, Tableau, Zoho Reports etc.  

These tools can help derive insights to take customer experience to the next level. Additionally, data visualization is considered a key part of the strategy to unleash the hidden qualities of data. 

The Process of Data Visualization

A question might arise in the reader’s mind: what is the data visualization process? So, the process works like this: 

  • Goal of research

Here you need to identify the research goal, what kind of data is needed and what kind of visualization you need to communicate your research. 

  • Fetch the data 

Get access to the large data set. Manually it will be a daunting task, so you can take the help of APIs, scrape data from the internet, or use tools to collect the data, such as Power BI Dashboard. 

  • Data Cleaning

It helps in the easy visualization of data because clean data remains free from error and makes the process easy. It saves time instead of fixing the issue while visualizing the data. 

  • Choose A Chart

Data charts are the best options for data visualization and effectively convey the message. Here you need to pick the chart that matches your needs carefully. 

  • The Tools

Multiple tools are available for processing the data, and some of the legendary tools available are Tableau and Power BI. Suppose you have less budget. You can start with free tools like Power BI Desktop.  

  • Prepare Your Data

Data preparation includes multiple steps such as formatting columns, value conversion, filtering, grouping, and combining variables. 

  • Create Chart

The final step is chart creation which also holds key steps such as data import into the software, selecting chart type, and more. 

Until this section of the blog, we have gone through crucial information about data visualization design. So, it’s time to look at the top ways or tips to improve data visualization design. 

Top-10 Tips to Improve Your Data Visualization Design?

The tips mentioned in this section also represent the data visualization best practices that can help you a lot. So, let’s start. 

#1. Choose A Suitable Chart

The first best practice for storytelling via visualizing the data is choosing a suitable chart as per needs, as a universal size can fit all. You can also combine the related charts for the best effects. Some popular formats are bullet charts, bar charts, line graphs, maps, and pie charts. 

#2. Colors for Data Representation

Colors play a crucial role in making data visualization design more appealing, so choose it with some intention. If you want to show data growth, then using warm colors is the best, or you can use light colors to represent the less growth to represent less growth. The only condition is that colors must match the intended message you want to deliver. 

#3. Data Labels & Annotations

Using data labels and annotations to improve the data visualization designs is crucial. It helps in creating an easy understanding among the end users. The labels help in recognizing the data points, and on the other side, annotations provide additional information. 

#4. Predictable Patterns  

Unpredictable patterns can destroy the whole visualization. The reason is if patterns are complex or random, then users will find it difficult to understand and fail to get what they want from the data. So, one of the data visualization techniques is to use a predictable pattern. 

#5. Alignment

Align data elements in an appropriate format to create the best effect of data visualization design. The correct alignment will help the users navigate from one section to another easily. Here you can use the basic technique, such as aligning the data on X and Y axis, but all must be relevant to each other. 

#6. Use of Appropriate White Space   

The appropriate white space will assist you in making visualization smooth. It helps in balancing the information showcasing, including the other colors. You can show the crucial data in colors and put other data in whitespace for clear visibility. 

#7. Reduced Chart Junks

If you plan to create a data visualization design for the best experience, limiting chart junk is one of the best ways. It works by removing the unnecessary or distracting elements that do not relate to the message you want to convey. 

#8. Visual Hierarchy 

The only objective of data visualization design is to represent the data in an understandable format and to engage the customers. One of the best ways to do it is to represent the data in a visual hierarchy so readers can move from top to bottom or vice versa effortlessly to view the desired data. Here BI tools work fantastic for example, one of the best benefits of Power BI is to represent the data in a visual hierarchy. 

#9. Highlight Patterns 

Using shapes is the best method to highlight the data patterns and relationships. The shapes can be anything such as a circle, square, triangle, cube or any shape else. With the help of shapes, you can showcase data overlapping or increasing or decreasing. 

#10. Consistent Size 

Whatever charts, graphs, or shapes you are using for data visualization design, its size must be consistent. It will create clarity instead of confusing the readers’ eyes. For better visualization, clarity is a must. 

The Final Thoughts

There is tough competition in the market where multiple brands are competing. Here data visualization can help a lot to identify the weak points you can work on to have a strong presence. By improving the data visualization design, you can create a better effect. The tips mentioned above can help you with it. For better effect, you can consult with the experts or take the help of professionals from top Power BI development companies or companies with vast experience. So, without any delay, take the right decision at the right time to add value to your business with the help of data processing and visualization.  

Featured image by on Freepik

The post 10 Ways to Improve Your Data Visualization Design appeared first on noupe.

Categories: Others Tags:

The Safest Way To Hide Your API Keys When Using React

May 8th, 2023 No comments

Back in the day, developers had to write all sorts of custom code to get different applications to communicate with each other. But, these days, Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) make it so much easier. APIs provide you with everything you need to interact with different applications smoothly and efficiently, most commonly where one application requests data from the other application.

While APIs offer numerous benefits, they also present a significant risk to your application security. That is why it is essential to learn about their vulnerabilities and how to protect them. In this article, we’ll delve into the wonderful world of API keys, discuss why you should protect your API keys, and look at the best ways to do so when using React.

What Are API Keys?

If you recently signed up for an API, you will get an API key. Think of API keys as secret passwords that prove to the provider that it is you or your app that’s attempting to access the API. While some APIs are free, others charge a cost for access, and because most API keys have zero expiration date, it is frightening not to be concerned about the safety of your keys.

Why Do API Keys Need To Be Protected?

Protecting your API keys is crucial for guaranteeing the security and integrity of your application. Here are some reasons why you ought to guard your API keys:

  • To prevent unauthorized API requests.
    If someone obtains your API key, they can use it to make unauthorized requests, which could have serious ramifications, especially if your API contains sensitive data.
  • Financial insecurity.
    Some APIs come with a financial cost. And if someone gains access to your API key and exceeds your budget requests, you may be stuck with a hefty bill which could cost you a ton and jeopardize your financial stability.
  • Data theft, manipulation, or deletion.
    If a malicious person obtains access to your API key, they may steal, manipulate, delete, or use your data for their purposes.

Best Practices For Hiding API Keys In A React Application

Now that you understand why API keys must be protected, let’s take a look at some methods for hiding API keys and how to integrate them into your React application.

Environment Variables

Environment variables (env) are used to store information about the environment in which a program is running. It enables you to hide sensitive data from your application code, such as API keys, tokens, passwords, and just any other data you’d like to keep hidden from the public.

One of the most popular env packages you can use in your React application to hide sensitive data is the dotenv package. To get started:

  1. Navigate to your react application directory and run the command below.
    npm install dotenv --save
  2. Outside of the src folder in your project root directory, create a new file called .env.
  3. In your .env file, add the API key and its corresponding value in the following format:
    // for CRA applications
    REACT_APP_API_KEY = A1234567890B0987654321C ------ correct
    // for Vite applications
    VITE_SOME_KEY = 12345GATGAT34562CDRSCEEG3T  ------ correct
  4. Save the .env file and avoid sharing it publicly or committing it to version control.
  5. You can now use the env object to access your environment variables in your React application.
    // for CRA applications
    // for Vite  applications
  6. Restart your application for the changes to take effect.

However, running your project on your local computer is only the beginning. At some point, you may need to upload your code to GitHub, which could potentially expose your .env file. So what to do then? You can consider using the .gitignore file to hide it.

The .gitignore File

The .gitignore file is a text file that instructs Git to ignore files that have not yet been added to the repository when it’s pushed to the repo. To do this, add the .env to the .gitignore file before moving forward to staging your commits and pushing your code to GitHub.

// .gitignore
# dependencies

# api keys

Keep in mind that at any time you decide to host your projects using any hosting platforms, like Vercel or Netlify, you are to provide your environment variables in your project settings and, soon after, redeploy your app to view the changes.

Back-end Proxy Server

While environment variables can be an excellent way to protect your API keys, remember that they can still be compromised. Your keys can still be stolen if an attacker inspects your bundled code in the browser. So, what then can you do? Use a back-end proxy server.

A back-end proxy server acts as an intermediary between your client application and your server application. Instead of directly accessing the API from the front end, the front end sends a request to the back-end proxy server; the proxy server then retrieves the API key and makes the request to the API. Once the response is received, it removes the API key before returning the response to the front end. This way, your API key will never appear in your front-end code, and no one will be able to steal your API key by inspecting your code. Great! Now let’s take a look at how we can go about this:

  1. Install necessary packages.
    To get started, you need to install some packages such as Express, CORS, Axios, and Nodemon. To do this, navigate to the directory containing your React project and execute the following command:

    npm install express cors axios nodemon
  2. Create a back-end server file.
    In your project root directory, outside your src folder, create a JavaScript file that will contain all of your requests to the API.

  3. Initialize dependencies and set up an endpoint.
    In your backend server file, initialize the installed dependencies and set up an endpoint that will make a GET request to the third-party API and return the response data on the listened port. Here is an example code snippet:

    // defining the server port
    const port = 5000
    // initializing installed dependencies
    const express = require('express')
    const axios = require('axios')
    const app = express()
    const cors = require('cors')
    // listening for port 5000
    app.listen(5000, ()=> console.log(Server is running on ${port} ))
    // API request
    app.get('/', (req,res)=>{
    const options = { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: { 'X-RapidAPI-Key':process.env.REACT_APP_API_KEY, 'X-RapidAPI-Host': '' } }; axios.request(options).then(function (response) { res.json(; }).catch(function (error) { console.error(error); }); }
  4. Add a script tag in your package.json file that will run the back-end proxy server.

  5. Kickstart the back-end server by running the command below and then, in this case, navigate to localhost:5000.
    npm run start:backend
  6. Make a request to the backend server (http://localhost:5000/) from the front end instead of directly to the API endpoint. Here’s an illustration:
    import axios from "axios";
    import {useState, useEffect} from "react"
    function App() {
      const [data, setData] = useState(null)
        const options = {
          method: 'GET',
          url: "http://localhost:5000",
        .then(function (response) {
        .catch(function (error) {
    }, []) console.log(data) return ( <main className="App"> <h1>How to Create a Backend Proxy Server for Your API Keys</h1> {data &&>( <section key ={}> <h4>Name:{}</h4> <p>Population:{result.population}</p> <p>Region:{result.region}</p> <p>Latitude:{result.latitude}</p> <p>Longitude:{result.longitude}</p> </section> ))} </main> ) } export default App;

Okay, there you have it! By following these steps, you’ll be able to hide your API keys using a back-end proxy server in your React application.

Key Management Service

Even though environment variables and the back-end proxy server allow you to safely hide your API keys online, you are still not completely safe. You may have friends or foes around you who can access your computer and steal your API key. That is why data encryption is essential.

With a key management service provider, you can encrypt, use, and manage your API keys. There are tons of key management services that you can integrate into your React application, but to keep things simple, I will only mention a few:

  • AWS Secrets Manager
    The AWS Secrets Manager is a secret management service provided by Amazon Web Services. It enables you to store and retrieve secrets such as database credentials, API keys, and other sensitive information programmatically via API calls to the AWS Secret Manager service. There are a ton of resources that can get you started in no time.
  • Google Cloud Secret Manager
    The Google Cloud Secret Manager is a key management service provided and fully managed by the Google Cloud Platform. It is capable of storing, managing, and accessing sensitive data such as API keys, passwords, and certificates. The best part is that it seamlessly integrates with Google’s back-end-as-a-service features, making it an excellent choice for any developer looking for an easy solution.
  • Azure Key Vault
    The Azure Key Vault is a cloud-based service provided by Microsoft Azure that allows you to seamlessly store and manage a variety of secrets, including passwords, API keys, database connection strings, and other sensitive data that you don’t want to expose directly in your application code.

There are more key management services available, and you can choose to go with any of the ones mentioned above. But if you want to go with a service that wasn’t mentioned, that’s perfectly fine as well.

Tips For Ensuring Security For Your API Keys

You have everything you need to keep your API keys and data secure. So, if you have existing projects in which you have accidentally exposed your API keys, don’t worry; I’ve put together some handy tips to help you identify and fix flaws in your React application codebase:

  1. Review your existing codebase and identify any hardcoded API key that needs to be hidden.
  2. Use environment variables with .gitignore to securely store your API keys. This will help to prevent accidental exposure of your keys and enable easier management across different environments.
  3. To add an extra layer of security, consider using a back-end proxy server to protect your API keys, and, for advanced security needs, a key management tool would do the job.


Awesome! You can now protect your API keys in React like a pro and be confident that your application data is safe and secure. Whether you use environment variables, a back-end proxy server, or a key management tool, they will keep your API keys safe from prying eyes.

Further Reading On SmashingMag

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Exciting New Tools For Designers, May 2023

May 8th, 2023 No comments
Exciting New Tools For Designers, May 2023

There are hundreds of new tools for designers and developers released each month. We sift through them all to bring you the best.

In this month’s edition, productivity and AI combine to help you do more faster for more reward. Sounds great, right? Enjoy!


Privacy laws change every few months as more and more states add their regulations to the already hefty set of obligations. It’s almost impossible to keep up. Termageddon is an excellent service that keeps up for you, updating your policies when required.


Pangea is a new way to find work on the top product design teams. Register your profile and make yourself available to 1,000+ startups ready to hire through the service. It’s free to join, create your page, and pitch to top startups. Once you’ve been hired, set your own rate and terms, and bill through the platform.


Designing emails is a headache — who wants to layout pages with tables or stick to system fonts? Mailmaker is an excellent app that solves the problem by letting you design emails in a simple drag-and-drop interface.

Digital Brain

If you’re one of those people that sees their work and life as a holistic whole, then you need to check out Digital Brain, a productivity system built on Notion that allows you to track, manage, and improve the performance of every aspect of your life from personal goals to product launches.


WunderUI is an excellent UI kit for designing dashboards in Figma, Sketch, and Xd. It features 200+ templates, more UI components than most designers will ever need, and a consistent set of styles. Flexible layouts, smart assets, and a dark mode variation make it fully responsive.


AppSpector is a remote debugging tool for iOS and Android apps. You can use it to conduct real-time monitoring, review historical bugs, and track down problems from anywhere in the world without needing direct access to the device.


There are many AI image generators, but Mage is one of the best. It uses multiple AI models to return the most inventive, realistic, and original AI-generated imagery possible.


If you lose too much time obsessing over the crypto market or doom-scrolling social media, then you need Hyperfocused. It’s a neat little menubar app for macOS that restricts the files, apps, and websites you can open (until you toggle it off).


InsightBase is an exceptionally helpful AI-powered app that lets you ask natural language questions of your database and get answers back fast. You don’t need SQL or any knowledge of database structure. Just ask anything you need to know.


Breveto is a beautiful writing app for macOS that lets you write long and short-form text, from essays to shopping lists. It’s super-easy to organize your content, which makes it ideal for writing web copy. Plus, it has AI built-in to help you polish your text.


There isn’t much as important as getting paid for freelancers, so a good invoicing app is a must. If you’re looking for a no-nonsense solution to keep your professional finances in good order, then check out Bookipi, an invoicing and document solution ideal for freelancers and small businesses.


Rangeen is an excellent color palette generator that can help you find the perfect colors for your next project. You can generate colors from ColorGPT, pull them from album art, or grab them randomly. You can save and export palettes and even check them for accessibility.


Fixel is a free font from MacPaw. It uses variable font technology to make it flexible and useful in various scenarios. It is designed to work well with large volumes of text but also has some interesting details to make it visually interesting at larger sizes.


Oppflow is an all-in-one content marketing app that uses AI to deliver the best content for your target audience, just set once and generate over and over. It remembers everything you’ve approved to boost its performance next time and uses innovative tasks to streamline workflows for different team members.


Dart is a project management solution that uses AI to schedule the work needed so that you can focus on building. It saves time and avoids the endless grind of product dev by efficiently getting you over the line. It works across all departments, from design to development, sales, and management.

Categories: Designing, Others Tags:

How to Develop a Google Ads Strategy that Sells: 10 Tips & Tactics

May 8th, 2023 No comments

Follow this guide to learn how to create a powerful Google Ads strategy. This is a fast and easy way to increase your sales.

Google Ads are one of the most cost-effective ways to advertise your business online. Whether you’re a small business owner or a marketer working for a larger organization, Google Ads allows you to target customers precisely. 

The best part of running Google Ads? They let you achieve instant results. Instead of relying on SEO and organic traffic, you can get your brand in front of the right people straight away. 

The only problem is you have to pay for ads, which means you need to run a Google Ads campaign that works. Otherwise, your ROI won’t benefit your business.

And when you start exploring paid ads, there are various types of Google Ads campaigns you can use. 

With options for Google search ads, display, video, and text ads; new features for mobile apps and voice search; and access to real-time data about your ad performance, there’s a lot to consider when launching a paid search campaign.

In this guide, we’ll explore the Google Ads platform a bit deeper and reveal some of the best Google Ads tips and tactics you can use.

What is Google Ads?

Google Ads is a digital advertising platform developed by Google. It allows businesses to display ads to people who are searching for specific products or services on Google Search and other Google-affiliated websites. 

Advertisers bid on keywords that they think people searching for their products or services will use, and their ads are displayed alongside search results. When someone clicks on an ad, the advertiser is charged a fee called a “cost-per-click.”

The Google Ads platform allows businesses to create an account, set up their campaigns and ad groups, and choose from different targeting options and bidding strategies.

The platform is very powerful, but it can also be a bit overwhelming for those who aren’t familiar with PPC. We’ll share some tactics to help you get started. 

Using Google Ads to Grow Your Business

Google Ads is an excellent way to grow your business. It’s one of the most powerful marketing tools available that lets you get results fast.

When you run search ads on Google, you can reach new customers searching for products or services like yours and help increase sales by showing them exactly what they want to see. You can also use Google Ads as a way of increasing brand awareness and reaching potential customers, and driving traffic to their websites.

The great thing about Google Ads is that you can be extremely specific about who you target. This means only the right people see your ads – which helps you achieve a better ROI.

It’s important that your business creates ads that are highly targeted and relevant. The more specific your ad is to its target audience, the better it will perform. 

Here are some tips and tricks to help you use Google Ads to your advantage.

1. Use Google Sheet’s Built-in Ad Planner to Find High-Value Sites and Audiences

Google’s Ad Planner is a valuable tool for discovering high-value sites and audiences. Use it to optimize your Google Ads campaigns by finding new opportunities for audience targeting, including sites with high site traffic and/or profitable audiences.

  • Open Google Ads and click “Start Now”
  • Click “Find Audiences”
  • Select “Places” under “Location,” then type in the location you want to target (e.g., “Los Angeles”). Click “Search”
  • Now you’ll see a list of all places within Los Angeles – you can filter these results by category if necessary.

The built-in planner tool can help you with audience targeting. It’s a free tool that lets you view and compare audience data for your existing ads, keywords, and placements. You can also use it to find new audiences based on demographics like age, gender, parental status, or interests.

2. Keyword Tools

Use the latest keyword tools to build a well-researched list of keywords for your bid requests. 

The first step in optimizing your Google Ads campaigns is creating a well-researched keyword list for each ad group. You can do this by using the following keyword tools:

  • Google Keyword Planner – The GKP allows advertisers to enter multiple keywords alongside each other into a single column to compare them side by side—and then choose which ones they want their ads displayed next to! This makes it easy for anyone who doesn’t know enough about SEO strategies yet still wants quick results without much hassle involved.
  • Google Trends – This tool will show you trending queries so you know what people are most interested in at any time. It’s also helpful for finding related terms that aren’t necessarily synonyms but might be useful for targeting.

Keyword tools can help your business achieve its goals by providing the data necessary to make informed decisions about your marketing campaigns. By using these tools, you can better understand how people search online and what they’re looking for—making it easier for you to reach them with relevant marketing content.

3. Negative Keywords

Negative keywords are words or phrases you can add to your pay-per-click advertising campaigns to exclude certain search terms from triggering your ads. For example, if you sell red shoes but not blue shoes, you might add “blue” as a negative keyword. 

This will prevent your ad from appearing when someone searches for “blue shoes” but will still allow your ad to show up when someone searches for “red shoes.” 

By using negative keywords, you can help to ensure that your ads are more relevant to the people who see them and that you are only paying for clicks from people who are more likely to be interested in your products or services.

4. Remarketing

Remarketing is a way to reconnect with people who have previously visited your website. It involves adding a snippet of code to your website, called a remarketing tag, which adds visitors to a list. 

You can then create a campaign that targets this list with personalized ads as they visit other websites within the Google Display Network. Remarketing aims to bring these previous visitors back to your website and potentially convert them into customers.

You can create a remarketing list in Google Ads by using the “Audiences” section. When you create an audience, it will appear in the left navigation of your account. You can then use that audience when creating a campaign or ad group.

5. Conversion Optimizer

Check Conversion Optimizer to get a better CPA. This feature automatically optimizes your campaigns to help you get the best return on investment from your ads. If you don’t have Conversion Optimizer enabled, we recommend doing so when setting up your campaigns.

Conversion Optimizer can help you get more conversions for your budget by using machine learning to optimize your bids instead of relying on historical data. 

You’ll see an estimated cost per click (CPC) for every keyword in Google Ads, and it will also show CPC estimates next to each keyword when viewed through Google Ads or Search Partners Manager interfaces. The system will automatically optimize for conversions over time and learn how much each keyword bid increases or decreases the conversion rate.

6. Use Google’s Free Tools

To get the most out of your ad campaigns, it’s essential to have a good understanding of how they perform. Google provides free tools that can help you do this.

For example, Campaign Experiments allows you to run A/B tests on your ads to determine which ones perform better and why. You can also try different ad images or copy variations with A/B Testing to see what works best for your audience.

Google Optimize allows advertisers to test landing pages and conversion rates of specific site pages. This tool allows businesses with limited resources to perform large-scale multivariate tests without access to expensive software or human resources needed for manual testing.

7. Start Simple

Several approaches work when creating ads. If you’re starting, try basic text ads because they give you more flexibility, are easier to track, and take less time to make than image ads. They also tend to be cheaper than image ads.

Image ads are more engaging but require more effort to create and manage. You’ll need to upload images that are high quality and use keywords in the right way. Images can also be expensive since they take up more space on Google’s ad network, which means a higher cost per click (CPC) for your business.

8. Google Adwords Express

Get started with Google Ads by using AdWords Express or Smart Campaigns. They require little management, but that also means you have less control over your account settings and performance than you would with other types of campaigns. For example, AdWords Express lets Google automatically set your budget by choosing a daily budget range for your campaign.

Google Ads Express is a simple way to get started with Google Ads. With AdWords Express, you can create a campaign with just one click and then set the budget for your ads (or let Google automatically do it). You don’t have to worry about setting up your ads or budgets, making this option perfect for those new to online advertising.

9. Split Testing

Split-test your landing pages to find the best-converting pages for each campaign. Split testing is a powerful way to increase your conversion rates. It can test landing pages, ads, and even keywords.

The best way to use split testing is by starting with one of your existing campaigns—you don’t want to waste time creating new campaigns for each experimental campaign. Then pick a few variations of the same ad or landing page and split them evenly across your target audience.

It’s okay if you only have enough traffic for two tests; make sure there’s a significant difference between the variations to tell which works best! The more people you have in each test group (the “sample size”), the more accurate results will be.

10. Keep Up to Date

Stay informed about all the changes happening in the PPC landscape! Google is constantly changing the way it displays search results. They’ve been doing this for years and have made hundreds of changes to their algorithm since 2000. 

In addition to changing how they display search results and ads, they also change their landing pages—the pages that appear when you click an ad on Google. These changes can have a significant impact on your PPC strategy!


There’s a lot that goes into developing an effective Google Ads strategy. It’s important that you’re open to trying new things, experimenting, and monitoring the results. The more you test and optimize, the more effective your Google Ad campaigns will be. This means delivering a better ROI from each ad campaign you run and driving more revenue for your business.

Photo by Myriam Jessier on Unsplash

The post How to Develop a Google Ads Strategy that Sells: 10 Tips & Tactics appeared first on noupe.

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The Benefits of Shopping in an E-commerce Marketplace

May 8th, 2023 No comments

In recent years, online shopping websites like Temu have become a popular way for consumers to buy goods and services. One of the most significant trends in online shopping is the rise of e-commerce marketplaces. These are online platforms that allow multiple vendors to sell their products to consumers. E-commerce marketplaces offer many benefits to consumers, including convenience, variety, and competitive pricing. In this article, we will explore the benefits of shopping in an e-commerce marketplace in more detail.


One of the most significant benefits of shopping in an e-commerce marketplace is convenience. Consumers can shop from the comfort of their homes or even on the go, using their smartphones or tablets. This eliminates the need to travel to a physical store, wait in line, and carry items back home. With e-commerce marketplaces, consumers can easily browse, compare, and purchase products with just a few clicks.


E-commerce marketplaces offer a vast selection of products from multiple vendors. Consumers can find a wide range of products, from fashion and beauty to electronics and home appliances. This variety allows consumers to choose from different brands, styles, and prices, making it easier to find products that meet their preferences and budget.

Competitive Pricing

E-commerce marketplaces often offer competitive pricing because of the high level of competition between vendors. With multiple sellers offering similar products, consumers can compare prices and choose the best deal. Moreover, many e-commerce marketplaces offer discounts, coupons, and promotions to attract and retain customers.

User Reviews

Another advantage of shopping in an e-commerce marketplace is the availability of user reviews. Consumers can read reviews from other buyers, providing valuable insights into the quality, performance, and satisfaction of the product. This helps consumers make informed decisions and avoid purchasing products with negative feedback.

Payment Options

E-commerce marketplaces offer multiple payment options, making it easier for consumers to pay for their purchases. They can use credit or debit cards, e-wallets, bank transfers, or cash on delivery. Moreover, some e-commerce marketplaces offer installment plans or financing options for more expensive items, allowing consumers to pay in installments over time.


E-commerce marketplaces prioritize security and privacy to protect consumers’ personal and financial information. They use encryption technology, secure payment gateways, and other security measures to prevent fraud, hacking, or data breaches. Additionally, they provide customer support and dispute resolution services in case of any issues or concerns.

Product Information

E-commerce marketplaces provide detailed product information, including specifications, features, images, and videos. Consumers can read product descriptions, compare specifications, and view product images and videos to make informed decisions. This information helps consumers understand the product’s quality, functionality, and suitability for their needs.


Shopping in an e-commerce marketplace saves time for consumers. They can easily search for products, filter by category, brand, price, and other criteria, and sort by popularity, rating, or relevance. This eliminates the need to visit multiple physical stores or spend hours searching for products online.


E-commerce marketplaces are accessible to everyone, regardless of their location, time zone, or physical ability. Consumers can shop at any time of the day or night, and from anywhere with an internet connection.

Loyalty Programs

Many e-commerce marketplaces offer loyalty programs or reward systems for their regular customers. These programs can include points, cashback, discounts, or exclusive offers. By participating in these programs, consumers can save money and get more value from their purchases. Moreover, loyalty programs can increase customer engagement and retention, leading to a long-term relationship between consumers and the marketplace.

Customer Service

E-commerce marketplaces provide customer service to support consumers before, during, and after their purchases. They offer various channels such as live chat, email, phone, or social media to help consumers with their inquiries, issues, or complaints. Additionally, they provide tracking and delivery information to keep consumers updated on the status of their orders.


E-commerce marketplaces use personalization algorithms and data analysis to offer personalized recommendations and suggestions to consumers. They can analyze consumers’ browsing and purchasing history, search queries, and social media activity to provide relevant and customized products. This personalization can enhance the shopping experience and increase customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Return Policies

E-commerce marketplaces provide return policies to allow consumers to return or exchange products that do not meet their expectations. These policies can include a certain timeframe, condition, and mode of return. By having a clear and flexible return policy, e-commerce marketplaces can build trust and confidence with consumers and reduce the risk of negative feedback or disputes.


E-commerce marketplaces are increasingly adopting sustainable practices and promoting environmentally friendly products. They can encourage vendors to reduce their carbon footprint, use recyclable materials, or donate a portion of their profits to charitable causes. By promoting sustainability, e-commerce marketplaces can attract socially responsible consumers and contribute to a better world.


In summary, shopping in an e-commerce marketplace offers many benefits to consumers, including convenience, variety, competitive pricing, user reviews, payment options, security, product information, time-saving, accessibility, loyalty programs, customer service, personalization, return policies, and sustainability. By leveraging these benefits, e-commerce marketplaces can provide a seamless and enjoyable shopping experience for consumers and build a strong reputation and brand loyalty.


Is it safe to shop in an e-commerce marketplace?

Yes, e-commerce marketplaces prioritize security and privacy to protect consumers’ personal and financial information. They use encryption technology, secure payment gateways, and other security measures to prevent fraud, hacking, or data breaches.

Can I return or exchange products in an e-commerce marketplace?

Yes, most e-commerce marketplaces provide return policies to allow consumers to return or exchange products that do not meet their expectations. These policies can include a certain timeframe, condition, and mode of return.

How can I find the best deals in an e-commerce marketplace?

You can find the best deals in an e-commerce marketplace by comparing prices, using coupons or promotions, and participating in loyalty programs. Moreover, you can subscribe to newsletters or follow social media pages to stay updated on the latest deals.

How can I ensure the quality of products in an e-commerce marketplace?

You can ensure the quality of products in an e-commerce marketplace by reading user reviews, checking product information, and choosing reputable vendors. Moreover, you can contact customer service if you have any questions or concerns.

How can e-commerce marketplaces promote sustainability?

E-commerce marketplaces can promote sustainability by adopting sustainable practices, encouraging vendors to use environmentally friendly materials, or donating a portion of their profits to charitable causes.

Featured image by Lucrezia Carnelos on Unsplash

The post The Benefits of Shopping in an E-commerce Marketplace appeared first on noupe.

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Best Practices for Securing Remote Work Environments in Small and Medium Businesses

May 5th, 2023 No comments

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, many small and medium businesses have transitioned to remote work environments. While remote work has its benefits, but also new challenges come along with it when it comes to protection against cyber threats and securing sensitive data.  

Small and medium businesses often forget to take care of their security and issues arise. 

This is usually due to the lack of human and physical resources. Small businesses often neglect to budget for security, so they often fall victim to hackers more than medium and large businesses. 

For ensuring that your security measures are up to date, outsourcing your IT security processes to a reputable IT company can be a smart strategy especially if you go for a local IT provider. 

In this article, we will outline some best practices for securing remote work environments in small and medium businesses.

 Using a PC or laptop from work

The first step is ensuring that your employees use a PC or laptop from work because many people use their personal PC or laptop for work. It is the same device on which they are using for personal things – online shopping, downloading some media, etc. This can raise a potential risk of compromising company data. Having a separate PC or laptop for work for employees is something that your company should consider. 

 Implement Strong Password Policies

Passwords are the first line of defense when it comes to securing remote work environments. We use them in everyday life, not just on our phones and computer but as well on PINs and credit cards. Businesses should require employees to use strong, unique passwords and change them regularly. Passwords should also be kept confidential and not shared with anyone, including colleagues. For a password, it is recommended to contain at least 12 characters combined with numbers, letters, and symbols.

 Use Multi-factor authentication

Multi-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security to the login process by requiring users to provide two forms of identification. This can be a password and a security token or biometric verification. Multi-factor authentication helps prevent unauthorized access to company systems and data.

 Secure Remote Access

The connection between the home and the office can be made via the VPN (Virtual Private Network). It is a service that gives an employee access to corporate data in a secure way. Businesses should also ensure that remote access is only granted to authorized employees and that access is monitored and audited.

Keep Software and Systems Up to Date

 Outdated software and systems can contain vulnerabilities that can be exploited by cyber attackers. To minimize this risk, businesses should keep all software and systems up to date with the latest security patches and updates.

Server security patching is a tool that makes sure that the server gets the latest updates and that the update is checked and running. All applications (software) stored on a server can be vulnerable to malicious attacks. The objective of server security patching is to fix software vulnerabilities by ensuring that everything is installed on the computer systems.

Desktop security patching – Although patches are provided by software developers, users typically postpone updates on their computers. Companies put their trust in IT partners that can check these updates on a regular basis so that the user does not have to do anything. Their only “job” is to restart the machine so that the patches are applied. Even if they are asked to install updates, in some cases they postpone it. They do not understand the importance of it and how that can affect the company.

Educate Employees

Employees are often the weakest link when it comes to cybersecurity. Businesses should educate their employees on best practices for securing remote work environments, including the importance of strong passwords, two-factor authentication, and secure remote access. Since some malicious attempts go through your employees, they should also be trained to recognize and report potential cyber threats, such as phishing emails and suspicious activity. This is why training is so important. 

Security awareness training can make sure that employees understand and be aware of cyber threats. Onboarding programs and annual training can make a big difference in a company’s remote working cybersecurity. 

After security awareness training employees should be able to protect themselves and others around them. 

The importance of educating employees about IT security is not something that needs to be neglected. To prevent these threats companies should work closely with IT consultancy partners which can provide security awareness training.

 Implement Access Controls

Access controls can help limit the risk of unauthorized access to sensitive data. Businesses should implement access controls that limit access to sensitive data to only those employees who need it to perform their jobs.

 Have a Data Backup Plan

Data loss can be catastrophic for businesses, especially if it includes sensitive data. Businesses should have a data backup plan in place to ensure that important data is backed up regularly and can be restored in the event of a data loss incident.

 Monitor and Audit Activity

Businesses should monitor and audit activity on their systems and networks to detect potential security incidents. This can include monitoring for unusual activities, such as failed login attempts, and auditing access logs to identify potential unauthorized access.

In conclusion, securing remote work environments in small and medium businesses is a critical component of cybersecurity. By implementing these best practices, businesses can help protect their sensitive data and reduce the risk of cyber threats. With the right policies and tools in place, remote work can be a safe and productive way to operate for businesses of all sizes. 

Whether you are a small or medium-sized business, taking proactive steps toward IT security is crucial to a remote work environment. To ensure that their systems remain secure, companies can partner with IT security experts who can provide a safe working environment, and monitor and prevent potential breaches from occurring.

Featured image by Surface on Unsplash

The post Best Practices for Securing Remote Work Environments in Small and Medium Businesses appeared first on noupe.

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Metaverse in Edtech – a New Era of Learning and Development

May 5th, 2023 No comments

The education industry is consistently focusing on incorporating immersive technologies into academic courses to make learning entertaining and engaging ever since the wake of the pandemic. One such area of study for educators around the world is the metaverse. 

It seeks to immerse students in a fun environment where they can take part in educational activities that make learning more enjoyable. The days of students imagining textbook scenarios through teachers giving classroom explanations are long gone. We live in a digitally interconnected world today where ideas like metaverse are used in actual applications. It is simple to envision that metaverse as a service has transformational effects on the world’s educational system in such a situation. 

Metaverse’s Importance in Edtech

A metaverse is a virtual environment that functions as a parallel universe to the real world and allows users to interact realistically with virtual people and items. The usage of virtual and augmented reality technology in education has significantly increased in recent years, sparking the development of the metaverse edtech. 

As per Statista’s report, the metaverse in edtech market is expected to earn a revenue of $1.90 bn in 2023 with the growing demand for virtual learning. The use of augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) in education and learning is referred to as the “metaverse” in edtech. With the use of the Metaverse, educators can engage students in learning activities by simulating real-world events and situations in virtual settings.

The term “Edtech Metaverse” refers to online learning environments where teachers and students can work together in real-time on digital content and with each other. Students can explore, experiment, and learn in these virtual environments in a fun and interesting way. The metaverse is poised to have a big impact on the future of education and has a lot of possibilities for the field. 

Applications of Metaverse in Edtech 

Here are some of the top applications of metaverse in the education sector:

3D Virtual Classes

With the rise of online institutions and universities, students are starting to notice a difference between immersive real-world classrooms and those that are virtual. The metaverse can close this gap by building 3D virtual classrooms where students can digitally interact with their classmates and teachers. 

Digital Education

With the addition of smart classrooms to school education curricula, pupils’ learning was increased via video projection on a variety of academic themes. By enabling students to become fully immersed in these movies, the metaverse aims to upgrade these classrooms by enhancing student learning. Additionally, it gives them a place to experiment, fail, and learn from their mistakes in areas that call for real-world experiments. Such 3D virtual learning can also be used in physical schools to meet learning objectives.

Virtual Tours

Imagine reading about a nation or location in class and then flying there immediately. Wouldn’t that be a wonderful experience? Although it is not practical in the real world, the metaverse makes it possible by providing virtual trips around the globe. The metaverse helps students widen their minds and perspectives on the world by enabling them to visit any location of their choice in a virtual environment in a matter of minutes.

Events Starring Well-Known People

It can be quite advantageous to invite notable individuals, such as scientists, doctors, and athletes, and to have the students engage with them and benefit from their expertise and experiences. In the metaverse, spaces can be created for online symposiums, conferences, and lectures.

Interdisciplinarity in Education

The metaverse has the power to lower subject barriers and encourage interdisciplinary study. It allows teachers to combine courses that were once considered distinct, such as science and mathematics, and to provide students with a comprehensive learning experience that illustrates how diverse ideas are used in the actual world.

Simulating Circumstances from Real Life

Learning in the metaverse is beneficial, especially because it may give an immersive experience to students by simulating real-world scenarios in which they can conduct experiments, display prototypes, and even participate in documentaries, like one on World War I. Topic-specific 3D settings may be developed in the future to support students’ learning and improve teachers’ explanations of the topic material.

Benefits of Incorporating the Metaverse into Education

A virtual world or collective place comprising several virtual worlds is known as the Metaverse, and it is accessible online. It’s intended to give consumers a really engaging, immersive experience that may be utilized for various things, including education. Additionally, the metaverse offers a secure and controlled environment where students can experiment, explore, and make mistakes without worrying about the repercussions. 

As a result, students may gain confidence and learner motivation while also developing their critical thinking and problem-solving skills. EdTech has the potential to benefit significantly from the metaverse.

The following are some advantages of the Metaverse in educational technology:

Gamification in Learning 

People stay alert when they are competitive. The usage of a metaverse in teaching helps improve concentration. The learners are motivated and encouraged to maintain their focus on finishing the tasks set when given badges and other types of acknowledgment.

Flexible Educational Strategies

Understanding is significantly facilitated if a concept is presented interactively in a virtual setting. For instance, it will be much easier to comprehend a fundamental idea of the solar ecosystem if one can practically travel through the galaxy and experience the positions and orbits of the planets. 

Accelerated Learning

Gamification, engaging hands-on exercises, 3D features, and entertaining activities in the metaverse can keep learners one step ahead. Additionally, because 3D simulations completely captivate a person’s vision and attention, metaverse learners experience less distraction as they are better able to understand the subject material.

Finding Information Quickly and Simply

Internet-enabled tools make it simple to disseminate knowledge to a larger audience. Once established, numerous students can use courses, saving both time and money. Individualized learning routes will be offered in a way that is simple to understand, thanks to personalized search results and improved socially collaborative capabilities. 

Metaverse in Edtech is Here to Stay 

Ever since Facebook changed its name to Meta, the phrase “metaverse” has garnered a lot of attention. Leading metaverse development companies and brands have already begun investing in several metaverse projects as a result. Although the idea of the metaverse is making its way into academia, its full potential in the field of education has not yet been realized. If you look forward to optimizing or building a metaverse e-learning app, connect with a metaverse application development company today.

Featured image by Susan Q Yin on Unsplash

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Questions to Ask Before You Hire a Video Promotion Company

May 5th, 2023 No comments

If you are opting for video marketing for your brand through popular video streaming websites like YouTube, or Dailymotion, you must be facing difficulty in ranking your videos and getting more views and likes. Therefore it is of utmost necessity to opt for a professional video promotion company to get the job done. 

In this era of competition, it becomes quite difficult to choose the best suitable promotional company. So how to choose the best video promotion company? What criteria should you follow while selecting it? 

So, in this article, we will guide you on video promotion questions you should ask the video marketing company to evaluate its expertise.

Why You Need a Video Promotion Company

Your business really needs a video promotion these days due to the high competition. And if you are into promotional video production, you must find a way to promote your videos online to get the desired results. 

That is why you need a professional video promotion company to get your business in the limelight in no time. And before you make your decision of selecting a video promotion company, you must prepare questions to ask promoters so that you select the best.

A video promotion company will benefit you in:

  • Reaching your target audience efficiently.
  • Promoting your business online through videos effectively.
  • Creating brand awareness on an extensive level.
  • Increase your following on social media platforms.

What Video Promotion Questions To Ask From A Video Marketing Or Promotion Company

Well, there are lots of Video promotion questions for clients to ask promoters before handing them over your project. A few of the most important Video promotion interview questions are listed below:

1. For how long you have been working in this field? 

The first of the most important video promotion questions to ask any company is about their experience. Remember, you will come across so many claiming to be excellent in their work and driving results for promoting your videos, but does it make them trustable? Of course NOT. 

So, your first question to them should be about their experience with proof. Remember, it is the company’s proven experience that speaks a lot about their work and efficiency! You need an expert and not an inexperienced company. So, make your decision wisely before you choose.

2. Can I get to know about your former or existing clients? Do you have a portfolio?

A portfolio overview is mandatory when choosing a video promotion company. You can ask video promotion questions related to previous or existing work of a company. It is a right of a client to ask for a portfolio to evaluate if the company is best for the role or not. Although an experienced video promotion service can charge a bit higher, it will deliver the work as per your desire. 

Also, you can find medium to big-size firms that offer their services at an affordable cost. All you have to do is to go through the portfolio and evaluate the company’s expertise. Also, it will help you analyze if: 

  • The video promotion company really values its clients’ opinions
  • The company has acquired the target results efficiently and effectively. 
  • The company has maintained good terms with the existing and former clients

Knowing what clients these companies have served will help you make your decision promptly. 

3. What strategies do you have to promote the videos?

So, if you are thinking that Which is a question that must be answered before promotion takes place? Well, it is about promotional strategies. It is utmost necessary to know about all the strategies a video promotion company will use to put your brand into the limelight. Google updates its algorithm quite often with new SEO techniques and only an efficient and knowledgeable company can keep track of it. That’s the reason you should always have strategy-related questions to ask promoters to evaluate their promotional techniques. 

Not only it will let you take your decision to hire them, but also will help you keep your content related to videos and clips ranking well on the search engines. Do cross-check their strategies to the latest trends going on and see if the promoted knows about the latest updates or not.

4. How much do you charge for the promotion of videos?

Obviously, your budget has the utmost importance when it comes to video promotion. And asking questions related to charges for the video promotion should be asked keeping in mind the services you want to avail. There are a lot of things involved in video promotion. Some basic areas are: 

  • SEO for Videos
  • Analytics
  • Regional promotion 
  • Measuring return on investment

Video promotion companies charge according to the services they offer. These charges may fluctuate as well as the service quality. Therefore, if someone charging you minimal, do not get yourself lured. Instead, focus on outstanding results while paying a moderate amount.

5. What success meant to you? 

Well, every video promotion company claims to be successful, but you should know what success really meant to them. The top-rated video promotion company will always prioritize the client’s success as theirs. Once you have shortlisted the top video promotion company, checkout 

What success means to it? 

How do they measure their success if they are handed over a video promotion project?

How successful the company has been in its previous projects?

Well, most companies will tell you that the sales generated through video promotion campaigns is their success ratio. Others will tell you that the views, engagements, and likes of the video is their scale to measure the success. 

Now, it’s your call what actually want from your video promotion. Either it will be to grow subscriptions. Or it will be to increase sales. Based on your objectives, you can choose your company. 

Wrap up

We have listed all the essential video promotion questions to ask from a company you are going to hire for your video marketing. So, before you are thinking to invest in any services related to video promotions, make sure to prepare a Video promotion questionnaire incorporating the important questions we have listed and achieve the success you always wanted.

Featured image by TheRegisti on Unsplash

The post Questions to Ask Before You Hire a Video Promotion Company appeared first on noupe.

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Learning JavaScript With Imagination

May 5th, 2023 No comments

Many years ago, I set my sights on becoming a senior developer. I achieved that goal! I wish I could say it was a matter of hard work and perseverance, but no, that wasn’t enough. JavaScript stood in my way, and it was while grappling with it that I came across one silly sentence in Marijn Habernecker’s classic book, Eloquent JavaScript. On the topic of variables, it says:

“You should imagine bindings as tentacles rather than boxes. They do not contain values; they grasp them — two bindings can refer to the same value.”

— Marijn Habernecker

An analogy like this falls into the category of childish comparisons meant mostly for raw beginners to understand basic concepts. They are fun and entertaining but not something that will turn you into a senior developer.

But it struck me. Even in a small way, this childish metaphor made me a better developer. It fixed a fundamental misunderstanding: we don’t put values in variables. If variables did behave like buckets or containers, how could this be true?

const count1 = 10;
const count2 = count1;

How is it possible to have the same 10 value in two different buckets? The same thing can’t be in two places at the same time, right?!

But the octopus metaphor solved this dilemma for me. Two tentacles can certainly grab the same value! It’s a visualization that reveals the underlying nature of values! Give me all of the world’s computer science literature on variables at my fingertips, and it would not be as useful to me as this imaginary octopus.

Why can’t all of JavaScript be like this?

My Search For More Visual Learning Material

I noticed a frustrating gap between doing the simple loop and function exercises you find in most beginner courses and actually building programs.

The problem? I still wasn’t at the level where I could decipher reams of dry technical text. I wanted more octopuses!

So, I looked everywhere for them. I scanned the internet for visual and abstract learning resources: Google, YouTube, Medium, TikTok, and every book I could possibly find. I discovered most “visual learning” material fits into one of three groups.

First is a gamified learning experience, like the learn-while-playing platforms CodeCombat and ElevatorSaga. While wonderfully creative and full of stories and characters that help you build real programs with real-world patterns, this type of learning is procedural. The focus is on using concepts rather than diving into what they are.

The second group is the graphically represented syntax or technical explanation. Ever seen an array of apple and orange emojis? Or diagrams of the event loop? These can break down scary concepts into an easier-to-digest visual medium. They can be powerful visual aids that transform dense technical jargon. Examples include Lydia Hallie’s brilliant “JavaScript Visualized” series as well as cheat sheets like this one from Ram Maheshwari.

The third group is closer to what I sought: the analogy-driven learning experience. Developers love a good analogy. We use them all the time in blog posts and video tutorials. They help explain very technical concepts. One resource I found, CodeAnalogies, is particularly impressive, with analogies for everything from content distribution networks to MVC frameworks.

But analogy-driven learning has limitations for me. All of the analogies were disconnected! They had no relation to one another. They were great for wrapping my head around an isolated topic but not for seeing the big picture. The thing with JavaScript is that everything is connected. How can a newspaper analogy for objects be extended to describe prototypal inheritance?

Finally, I came to realize the thing I wanted most was something memorable. I wanted to consolidate everything I was learning into a visual format that was easy to recall when I needed it — whether in an interview or while writing code. Unfortunately, most analogies are entirely forgettable. How many dog, cat, and banana arrays can one take?

Building My Own Visual Representations

There was only one solution to this: create my own visual representations for my JavaScript knowledge tree. But first, I needed to figure out how to make something stick in my memory.

I’ve always had an interest in mnemonic memory methods. These are memory “hacks,” such as the “memory palace”. They help visually encode large amounts of information for easier recall. World memory competitors use it to remember the order of multiple decks of cards and random number sequences.

The basic principle is this: You can take any idea and turn it into an image. For example, an array could be an ocean stingray. That’s good, but still not enough. The trick is to make the mental image as weird, funny, and ridiculous as possible. Images that are out of the ordinary are what stick to memory.

My First Big Lesson

So, here is one of my very first mnemonic representations of JavaScript arrays:

I was so proud of this. We have a stingray street vendor selling fruit, reminding me that arrays hold data. He has a special square device for picking up individual items that represent the square bracket syntax for selecting items. He has a monocle to remind me that arrays have methods for searching. He has a cowboy lasso that refers to loops, and so on.

It’s a fun depiction. But I was trying to learn JavaScript to land a job! If this ridiculous monocled stingray didn’t make me a better developer, it defeated the purpose. The ultimate test: would I use this image of an array streetseller as a point of reference while coding? Nope. It turned out to be entirely, utterly useless.

I didn’t need a way to remember the term array. Knowing they have methods to search does not tell me how I can perform searches. Even a Swiss Army knife tail with all the main array methods like .sort(), .push(), and .unshift() proved pointless with a two-second Google search.

This was trickier than I thought. I learned my first big lesson:

We can’t learn a programming language using pure mnemonic methods because memorizing the lists of things does not help you understand the underlying concepts.

My Second Big Lesson

After much reflection and many, many more failed attempts, I tried to represent something I had always struggled with: functions. What would the makeup of a function look like? I came up with this pretty poor representation:

At the top, we have silly paratroopers that represent parameters. We send parameters through the entrance, ( ), and they end up in a contained pool (i.e., the function body). They start arguing, and that’s how we can remember arguments.

Unfortunately, this went into the failure bucket, too. Representing syntax isn’t helpful. It’s better to gain familiarity through lots of practice writing it. There were also dangerous flaws in the analogy. It suggested parameters and arguments are the same; the only difference is their place.

An abstraction like this with flawed theory baked into it would actually make me a worse developer! I needed to dig deeper into what things really are.

The Breakthrough

The solution was to go atomic. Focusing on the smallest concept would give me the first layer I could use to paint a picture of JavaScript. I circled back to our friendly octopus, where this all began.

What were the tentacles grasping? Values!

Values are often glossed over and don’t seem like the key to unlocking the mysteries of JavaScript. But this simple idea was a breakthrough for me: if the code flows, we can imagine the flowing as an ocean or river. What do we find in this flow? Islands!

Values are the islands, and each island has a set location and size. That was it! It was exactly what I was looking for. It still didn’t improve my skills as a developer. But I knew it had potential.

From Analogies To Models

Layer upon layer, I began to build up a vision of JavaScript by focusing on what things are and how they are related to other things. First came islands. Then came genies, evil sorcerers, flying ships, and turtle pilots. My excitement grew as the smaller layers, the fundamentals, could be combined to produce a big-picture understanding of more complex topics like closures.

Each image was not a simple analogy. It was a mental model — a way of thinking. It provided a lens to interpret each concept but required imagination. I call them imagimodels.

I knew from my past attempts that focusing on lists is ineffective. The secret lies in what things are rather than what they do. When I think about it, that was my problem with learning JavaScript all along. I had no issue eventually getting something to work. The problem was I mostly didn’t have the faintest idea why.

Growing A Memorable, Multi-Layered Universe

With this approach, an abstracted world of JavaScript was erected:

This image helps me identify fundamental JavaScript concepts for assignment, local scope, and primitive values. Of course, it is not a standalone image, and you won’t be able to identify these concepts without context. It requires a story to weave JavaScript and analogy together.

A narrative is what drove the other concepts into the picture, quite literally. Here, we can see a closure:

The next image uses mnemonic methods for remembering useful terminology. Unlike arrays and parameters, “execution context” felt like something I would read in an IBM manual from the 1970s. It was a scary term that deserved a scary representation.

I found a connection between “execution context” and the phrase “executor got hex,” which inspired an illustration of a medieval-style executioner holding an axe in one hand and a hex, or sorcerer’s spell, in the other.

Why the spell? It’s not random. It builds on previous existing layers representing other sub-concepts. The spell is tied to our understanding of a function invocation and makes you think of wizards and sorcerers, right? And it is the parenthesis in every function call.

This begs the question, what is a function? Is it the result of the hex or the execution? Is it the invocation itself? Only a firm understanding of objects would help me identify what really is going on here.

As you can see, the visual layers build upon one another, like a tree with a central trunk branching out in different directions. It’s the knowledge tree I wanted — not one containing every detail about JavaScript, but a central, unified mnemonic resource that could be compared and evaluated against, added to, argued over, and above all, retrieved when I needed it.

I call my illustrations of JavaScript concepts “The Great Sync”, and I use them to continue to grow my understanding. It is also something I now use to teach others.

A Celebration Of Alternative Learning Approaches

Was it all sunshine and daisies for my JavaScript learning journey from this point on? Did building this world make me ace every JavaScript quiz I needed to pass to get that senior-level job?

Nope! I wish the best of luck to anyone who thinks they can learn JavaScript simply by looking at a few pictures.

My biggest takeaway from all my learning efforts is this: Despite The Great Sync solving so many of my personal struggles with the language, is it any better than any single one of the resources I mentioned? Does it have any use without actual coding — the tireless, painful process of trying to get your code to work? Certainly not.

It is one tool, among many, to “see” JavaScript differently and escape the confinement of a code editor or YouTube tutorial.

All of these approaches celebrate the variety and infinite creative potential of the learning experience. And the more we have, the more learners who are stuck on JavaScript can discover new routes to understanding.

Further Reading on Smashing Magazine

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