
Archive for August, 2024

Pricing Projects As A Freelancer Or Agency Owner

August 16th, 2024 No comments

Pricing projects can be one of the most challenging aspects of running a digital agency or working as a freelance web designer. It’s a topic that comes up frequently in discussions with fellow professionals in my Agency Academy.

Three Approaches to Pricing

Over my years in the industry, I’ve found that there are essentially three main approaches to pricing:

  • Fixed price,
  • Time and materials,
  • And value-based pricing.

Each has its merits and drawbacks, and understanding these can help you make better decisions for your business. Let’s explore each of these in detail and then dive into what I believe is the most effective strategy.

Fixed Price

Fixed pricing is often favored by clients because it reduces their risk and allows for easier comparison between competing proposals. On the surface, it seems straightforward: you quote a price, the client agrees, and you deliver the project for that amount. However, this approach comes with significant drawbacks for agencies and freelancers:

  • Estimating accurately is incredibly challenging.
    In the early stages of a project, we often don’t have enough information to provide a precise quote. Clients may not have a clear idea of their requirements, or there might be technical complexities that only become apparent once work begins. This lack of clarity can lead to underquoting, which eats into your profits, or overquoting, which might cost you the job.
  • There’s no room for adaptation based on testing or insights gained during the project.
    Web design and development is an iterative process. As we build and test, we often discover better ways to implement features or uncover user needs that weren’t initially apparent. With a fixed price model, these improvements are often seen as “scope creep” and can lead to difficult conversations with clients about additional costs.
  • The focus shifts from delivering the best possible product to sticking within the agreed-upon scope.
    This can result in missed opportunities for innovation and improvement, ultimately leading to a less satisfactory end product for the client.

While fixed pricing might seem straightforward, it’s not without its complications. The rigidity of this model can stifle creativity and adaptability, two crucial elements in successful web projects. So, let’s look at an alternative approach that offers more flexibility.

Time and Materials

Time and materials (T&M) pricing offers a fairer system where the client only pays for the hours actually worked. This approach has several advantages:

  • Allows for greater adaptability as the project progresses. If new requirements emerge or if certain tasks take longer than expected, you can simply bill for the additional time. This flexibility can lead to better outcomes as you’re not constrained by an initial estimate.
  • Encourages transparency and open communication. Clients can see exactly what they’re paying for, which can foster trust and understanding of the work involved.
  • Reduces the risk of underquoting. You don’t have to worry about eating into your profits if a task takes longer than expected.

However, T&M pricing isn’t without its drawbacks:

  • It carries a higher perceived risk for the client, as the final cost isn’t determined upfront. This can make budgeting difficult for clients and may cause anxiety about runaway costs.
  • It requires careful tracking and regular communication about hours spent. Without this, clients may be surprised by the final bill, leading to disputes.
  • Some clients may feel it incentivizes inefficiency, as taking longer on tasks results in higher bills.

T&M pricing can work well in many scenarios, especially for long-term or complex projects where requirements may evolve. However, it’s not always the perfect solution, particularly for clients with strict budgets or those who prefer more certainty. There’s one more pricing model that’s often discussed in the industry, which attempts to tie pricing directly to results.

Value-Based Pricing

Value-based pricing is often touted as the holy grail of pricing strategies. The idea is to base your price on the value your work will generate for the client rather than on the time it takes or a fixed estimate. While this sounds great in theory, it’s rarely a realistic approach in our industry. Here’s why:

  • It’s only suitable for projects where you can tie your efforts directly to ROI (Return on Investment). For example, if you’re redesigning an e-commerce site, you might be able to link your work to increased sales. However, for many web projects, the value is more intangible or indirect.
  • Accurately calculating ROI is often difficult or impossible in web design and development. Many factors contribute to a website’s success, and isolating the impact of design or development work can be challenging.
  • It requires a deep understanding of the client’s business and industry. Without this, it’s hard to accurately assess the potential value of your work.
  • Clients may be reluctant to share the financial information necessary to make value-based pricing work. They might see it as sensitive data or simply may not have accurate projections.
  • It can lead to difficult conversations if the projected value isn’t realized. Was it due to your work or other factors beyond your control?

While these three approaches form the foundation of most pricing strategies, the reality of pricing projects is often more nuanced and complex. In fact, as I point out in my article “How To Work Out What To Charge Clients: The Honest Version”, pricing often involves a mix of educated guesswork, personal interest in the project, and an assessment of what the market will bear.

Given the challenges with each of these pricing models, you might be wondering if there’s a better way. In fact, there is, and it starts with a different approach to the initial client conversation.

Start by Discussing Appetite

Instead of jumping straight into deliverables or hourly rates, I’ve found it more effective to start by discussing what 37signals calls “appetite” in their book Shaping Up. Appetite is how much the product owner is willing to invest based on the expected return for their business. This concept shifts the conversation from “What will this cost?” to “What is this worth to you?”

This approach is beneficial for several reasons:

  • Focuses on the budget rather than trying to nail down every deliverable upfront. This allows for more flexibility in how that budget is allocated as the project progresses.
  • Allows you to tailor your proposal to what the client can actually afford. There’s no point in proposing a $100,000 solution if the client only has $20,000 to spend.
  • Helps set realistic expectations from the start. If a client’s appetite doesn’t align with what’s required to meet their goals, you can have that conversation early before investing time in detailed proposals.
  • Shifts the conversation from price comparison to value delivery. Instead of competing solely on price, you’re discussing how to maximize the value of the client’s investment.
  • Mirrors how real estate agents work — they ask for your budget to determine what kind of properties to show you. This analogy can help clients understand why discussing budgets early is crucial.

To introduce this concept to clients, I often use the real estate analogy. I explain that even if you describe your ideal house (e.g., 3 bedrooms, specific location), a real estate agent still cannot give you a price because it depends on many other factors, including the state of repair and nearby facilities that may impact value. Similarly, in web design and development, many factors beyond the basic requirements affect the final cost and value of a project.

Once you’ve established the client’s appetite, you’re in a much better position to structure your pricing. But how exactly should you do that? Let me share a strategy that’s worked well for me and many others in my Agency Academy.

Improve Your Estimates With Sub-Projects

Here’s an approach I’ve found highly effective:

  1. Take approximately 10% of the total budget for a discovery phase. This can be a separate contract with a fixed price. During this phase, you dig deep into the client’s needs, goals, and constraints. You might conduct user research, analyze competitors, and start mapping out the project’s architecture.
  2. Use the discovery phase to define what needs to be prototyped, allowing you to produce a fixed price for the prototyping sub-project. This phase might involve creating wireframes, mockups, or even a basic working prototype of key features.
  3. Test and evolve the prototype, using it as a functional specification for the build. This detailed specification allows you to quote the build accurately. By this point, you have a much clearer picture of what needs to be built, reducing the risk of unexpected complications.

This approach combines elements of fixed pricing (for each sub-project) with the flexibility to adapt between phases. It allows you to provide more accurate estimates while still maintaining the ability to pivot based on what you learn along the way.

Advantages of the Sub-Project Approach

This method offers several key benefits:

  • Clients appreciate the sense of control over the budget. They can decide after each phase whether to continue, giving them clear exit points if needed.
  • It reduces the perceived risk for clients, as they could theoretically change suppliers between sub-projects. This makes you a less risky option compared to agencies asking for a commitment to the entire project upfront.
  • Each sub-project is easier to price accurately. As you progress, you gain more information, allowing for increasingly precise estimates.
  • It allows for adaptability between sub-projects, eliminating the problem of scope creep. If new requirements emerge during one phase, they can be incorporated into the planning and pricing of the next phase.
  • It encourages ongoing communication and collaboration with the client. Regular check-ins and approvals are built into the process.
  • It aligns with agile methodologies, allowing for iterative development and continuous improvement.

This sub-project approach not only helps with more accurate pricing but also addresses one of the most common challenges in project management: scope creep. By breaking the project into phases, you create natural points for reassessment and adjustment. For a more detailed look at how this approach can help manage scope creep, check out my article “How To Price Projects And Manage Scope Creep.”

This approach sounds great in theory, but you might be wondering how clients typically react to it. Let’s address some common objections and how to handle them.

Dealing with Client Objections

You may encounter resistance to this approach, especially in formal bid processes where clients are used to receiving comprehensive fixed-price quotes. Here’s how to handle common objections:

“We need a fixed price for the entire project.”

Provide an overall estimate based on their initial scope, but emphasize that this is a rough figure. Use your sub-project process as a selling point, explaining how it actually provides more accurate pricing and better results. Highlight how inaccurate other agency quotes are likely to be and warn about potential scope discussions later.

“This seems more complicated than other proposals we’ve received.”

Acknowledge that it may seem more complex initially, but explain how this approach actually simplifies the process in the long run. Emphasize that it reduces risk and increases the likelihood of a successful outcome.

“We don’t have time for all these phases.”

Explain that while it may seem like more steps, this approach often leads to faster overall delivery because it reduces rework and ensures everyone is aligned at each stage.

“How do we compare your proposal to others if you’re not giving us a fixed price?”

Emphasize that the quality and implementation of what agencies quote for can vary wildly. Your approach ensures they get exactly what they need, not just what they think they want at the outset. Encourage them to consider the long-term value and reduced risk, not just the initial price tag.

“We’re not comfortable discussing our budget upfront.”

Use the real estate analogy to explain why discussing the budget upfront is crucial. Just as a real estate agent needs to know your budget to show you appropriate properties, you need to understand their investment appetite to propose suitable solutions.

By adopting this approach to pricing, you can create a more collaborative relationship with your clients, reduce the risk for both parties, and ultimately deliver better results.


Pricing isn’t just about numbers — it’s about setting the foundation for a successful project and a positive client relationship.

By being transparent about your process and focusing on delivering value within the client’s budget, you’ll set yourself apart in a crowded market.

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How are the `colspan` and `rowspan` attributes different?

August 15th, 2024 No comments

Yes, yes. Functionally, they are different. But heck if I didn’t know about the wacky thresholds until Jens Oliver Meiert tooted a pair of quick polls.

According to the HTML Standard:

  1. If the current cell has a colspan attribute, then parse that attribute’s value, and let colspan be the result.
    If parsing that value failed, or returned zero, or if the attribute is absent, then let colspan be 1, instead.
    If colspan is greater than 1000, let it be 1000 instead.
  2. If the current cell has a rowspan attribute, then parse that attribute’s value, and let rowspan be the result.
    If parsing that value failed or if the attribute is absent, then let rowspan be 1, instead.
    If rowspan is greater than 65534, let it be 65534 instead.

I saw the answers in advance and know I’d have flubbed rowspan. Apparently, 1000 table columns are plenty of columns to span at once, while 65534 is the magic number for clamping how many rows we can span at a time. Why is the sweet spot for rowspan 6,4543 spans greater than colspan? There are usually good reasons for these things.

What that reason is, darned if I know, but now I have a little nugget for cocktail chatter in my back pocket.

How are the `colspan` and `rowspan` attributes different? originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

Categories: Designing, Others Tags:

Turning Rejection into Fuel: Your Guide to Creative Resilience

August 15th, 2024 No comments

Rejection sucks. And for some reason, it’s always unexpected, which makes it feel like an ambush. Being creative is about making yourself vulnerable, and that’s why rejection hurts so much.

Categories: Designing, Others Tags:

Edge Computing for E-Commerce: Improving Speed and Performance 

August 15th, 2024 No comments

There’s more to streamlining e-commerce stores than web hosting and smart marketing. If you aren’t already using edge computing in your e-commerce business, you might be behind! Here’s why you should consider it for boosting your business website’s speed and performance. 

What is Edge Computing? 

Edge computing is a distributed computing framework that brings computation and data storage closer to the location where it’s generated rather than relying on a central data center or cloud. This means processing data on or near the device itself, like a smartphone, local server, or IoT device. 

Benefits of Edge Computing for E-commerce 

Edge computing plays an important role in modern technology. It boosts the speed, performance, and efficiency across various applications. Here’s how: 

1. Real-Time Processing 

Edge computing allows for immediate data processing at the source. In today’s tech world, this is a big help for applications that use real-time analytics. Everything from email marketing to choosing appropriate specials can benefit from real-time data, as you can make more informed decisions about what to offer and how to offer it to your buyers. 

2. Reduced Latency 

By minimizing the distance data has to travel, edge computing cuts down on latency by quite a lot. Your users can enjoy faster response times and improved experiences, especially if your e-commerce store contains how-to-use videos or other data-heavy applications. 

3. Bandwidth Optimization 

Processing data locally reduces the volume of data sent to central servers or the cloud. This ultimately leads to more efficient use of network resources and lowers operational costs, which means you can save money in the long run or put it towards other important parts of your business. 

4. Enhanced Security and Privacy 

Edge computing can improve data security by processing sensitive information locally rather than transmitting it over long distances. The shorter distance data has to travel, the less chance there is for hackers to intercept it and use it. 

5. Scalability and Flexibility 

Edge computing supports scalable and flexible infrastructure, as it distributes computing power across multiple devices. This setup is ideal for e-commerce businesses looking to expand their operations without investing heavily in centralized data centers. 

6. Improved Reliability

Local data processing makes sure that applications continue to function even when there’s intermittent connectivity to the central server. This means your store won’t be down for long even if the central server is having issues, keeping you up and running for your customers. 

How is Edge Computing Transforming the E-commerce Industry? 

Edge computing makes both online and in-store shopping faster and more efficient. And what customer doesn’t want a speedy, seamless experience? Here are some ways it’s transforming the industry: 

High-Speed, Low-Latency Internet 

Edge computing reduces delays and speeds up processing times. For e-commerce platforms, faster load times lead to better user experiences and in the end, higher conversion rates. Customers are more likely to stay on your website and make purchases when the pages load quickly?. Edge computing takes this a step further than just choosing a fast web host. 

Virtual Try-On Experiences 

Edge computing more easily enables interactive features like virtual try-ons for clothing, accessories, and cosmetics, or real-time viewing of other products. By processing data locally, these features become more responsive and realistic. Customers can see how products will look on them in real time, which could be a catalyst for conversions! 

Enhanced Personalization

With edge computing, e-commerce sites can deliver personalized recommendations and offers in real-time by processing customer data faster locally. This helps e-commerce businesses analyze browsing habits, past purchases, and preferences instantly, tailoring the shopping experience to each individual customer, which can boost sales and customer loyalty?. 

Reliable and Secure Connectivity

Data transmission is more reliable and secure with edge computing. There’s much less chance of data breaches and it can boost your customers’ trust in you as their sensitive info is well-protected. 

Storage and Bandwidth Savings

By processing data locally, edge computing reduces the amount of data that needs to be sent to centralized cloud servers. This translates to lower bandwidth requirements and, in turn, lower transmission costs, especially for apps or platforms generating large amounts of data. 

Dynamic Content 

Edge computing enables e-commerce platforms to deliver dynamic content that adapts to user behavior in real time. This includes things like personalized product listings, targeted advertisements, and special promotions, making the shopping experience even more relevant and engaging. 

Image Optimization and Deployment 

High-quality product images are important for e-commerce, but they can slow down website performance. Edge computing allows on-the-fly image optimization, making sure they load quickly without sacrificing quality. 

Service Automation to Reduce Wait Times and Developer Workload

Edge computing can automate various e-commerce services, like chatbots for customer support or inventory management systems. This reduces wait times for customers and frees developers up to focus on more strategic tasks. 

Best Practices for Efficient Data Management in E-commerce

Efficient data management in e-commerce businesses helps to optimize operations, improve customer experiences, and keep data safe. And it’s not as hard as you might think. 

By effectively collecting, storing, analyzing, and using data, e-commerce businesses can gain valuable insights into customer behavior, ultimately leading to serving your customers better (and making more sales). Here’s how: 

Data Categorization and Organization 

  • Product Information: Maintain accurate and detailed product data, including descriptions, images, prices, and specifications. This makes sure customers have all the information they need to make informed purchasing decisions?. 
  • Customer Data: Securely store and manage customer information like names, addresses, purchase history, and preferences. This data can be used to personalize customer interactions and make your shoppers feel heard and understood. 
  • Sales Data: Track and analyze sales transactions, revenue, and trends. Use this data to make informed decisions about inventory management, marketing strategies, and overall business operations?. 

Invest in Data Analytics Tools 

  • Use powerful analytics tools to pull actionable insights from your e-commerce data about customer behavior, buying patterns, popular products, and peak shopping times. 
  • Leverage this knowledge to personalize product recommendations, marketing campaigns, and promotions, improving the overall customer experience and increasing sales?. 

Use Edge Computing for Real-time Personalization

  • Implement machine learning models to analyze customer interactions in real time to deliver smartly-timed personalized product suggestions, tailored offers, and dynamic content based on user preferences and browsing history?. 
  • Enhancing the shopping experience in real-time can make a big difference to engagement, and increase conversion rates and customer satisfaction?. 

Prioritize Data Security and Compliance

  • Implement robust security measures to protect sensitive customer data. This includes encryption, authentication, and regular security audits?. 
  • Make sure you’re compliant with data protection regulations like GDPR or CCPA. Regularly update security protocols to stay ahead of evolving threats?. 

Optimize Website Performance 

  • Use edge caching to store frequently accessed content closer to your users, reducing page load times and improving responsiveness?. This is a big pro and will keep users on your page longer and make them more likely to buy. 
  • Implement a Content Delivery Network (CDN) to distribute content across multiple servers, increasing both the speed and reliability of your e-commerce platform?. 

Monitor and Optimize Inventory

  • Use edge computing to track inventory levels in real time. This helps avoid stockouts, keeping your customers happy all the time. 
  • Automatically update product availability information on your website to manage customer expectations and improve the shopping experience?. 

Gather and Use Customer Feedback

  • Collect customer feedback through surveys, user reviews, and social media. Use this real-person feedback to identify pain points, improve the user experience, and refine your product offerings? to suit your audience. 
  • Analyze feedback at the edge to quickly identify trends and make data-driven decisions?. Real-time information streamlines the process when used correctly. 

Stay Updated with Industry Trends

  • Keep up with the latest e-commerce and edge computing technologies. Explore emerging trends like augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and voice commerce, seeing how they could fit into your e-commerce experience. 

Implementing Edge Computing in E-Commerce 

1. Define Objectives and Use Cases 

  • Identify Pain Points: What are the current challenges your e-commerce platform faces? Are there issues with website speed, personalization, inventory management, or data analysis? 
  • Prioritize Goals: Figure out which areas would benefit most from edge computing. Do you want to focus on improving website performance, enhancing personalization, or optimizing inventory management? 
  • Choose Use Cases: Select specific use cases that align with your goals. For example:

    • Real-time product recommendations 
    • Personalized content delivery 
    • Dynamic pricing based on demand 
    • Inventory updates across multiple locations 
    • A/B testing of website features 

2. Assess Your Infrastructure 

  • Evaluate Current Setup: Analyze your existing e-commerce platform, hosting infrastructure, and data management systems to look for weak spots. 
  • Identify Bottlenecks: Find out where latency, data processing, or storage limitations are reducing your store’s performance. 
  • Compatibility: Make sure your e-commerce platform and other systems can integrate with edge computing solutions before deciding to go for it. 

3. Choose the Right Edge Computing Platform

  • Research Providers: Explore different edge computing providers and compare their offerings. Don’t just choose the first one you come across! 
  • Consider Your Needs: Look for a platform that aligns with your use cases, scalability requirements, and budget. 
  • Key Features: Prioritize features like:

    • Global Network: A widespread network of edge servers to keep latency low for users worldwide.
    • Developer Tools: SDKs and APIs for easy integration with your e-commerce platform. 
    • Security: Robust security measures to protect sensitive data.
    • Analytics: Tools to monitor performance and gain insights from edge data.

4. Deploy Edge Nodes

  • Strategic Placement: Determine the best locations for edge nodes based on user demographics and traffic patterns. 
  • Configuration: Configure your edge nodes to cache frequently accessed content, process data locally, and execute relevant applications. 
  • Scalability: Make sure your edge infrastructure can scale with your business. If you want to expand at any point, this is a must. 

5. Develop Edge Applications

  • Tailor to Use Cases: Develop or adapt applications specifically for the edge environment if you’re in the position to. 
  • Lightweight and Efficient: Optimize applications for low latency and minimal resource consumption. This will save you money in the long run. 

6. Integrate with E-Commerce Platform

  • Seamless Integration: Make sure there’s smooth communication between your e-commerce platform and edge applications. 
  • Data Synchronization: Establish mechanisms to synchronize data between edge nodes and central databases. 
  • API Integration: Use APIs to connect edge apps with your e-commerce platform’s functionalities. 

7. Test and Monitor 

  • Thorough Testing: Rigorously test your edge applications in a staging environment before deploying them to production. It’s worth the extra time to make sure they work as they should. 
  • Performance Monitoring: Monitor the performance of edge nodes, applications, and your overall e-commerce platform over time. 
  • Data Analysis: Use analytics tools to gain insights from edge data. Figure out what you could improve based on the data. 

8. Iterate and Optimize

  • Continuous Improvement: Regularly review and refine your edge computing based on performance data and user feedback.
  • Experimentation: Test new use cases and features whenever possible to further enhance the customer experience. 
  • Stay Updated: Keep up with the latest advancements in edge computing technology to maintain a competitive edge in the e-commerce industry. 


Edge computing for e-commerce will one day be the norm. Those who get in on it now should be able to use its features to boost their customer experience and ultimately, make more sales. If you’re an e-commerce company, consider it—it could make a the difference between surviving and thriving in the industry!

Featured Image by on Freepik

The post Edge Computing for E-Commerce: Improving Speed and Performance  appeared first on noupe.

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Quick Hit #11

August 14th, 2024 No comments

Free e-book from Jens Oliver Meiert that’ll bore you to death in the best way: Rote Learning HTML & CSS

Quick Hit #11 originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

Categories: Designing, Others Tags:

Quick Hit #10

August 14th, 2024 No comments

Killed by Google is called a “graveyard” but I also see it as a resume in experimentation.

Quick Hit #10 originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

Categories: Designing, Others Tags:

A Complete Guide to Build a Video Conferencing App Like Zoom

August 14th, 2024 No comments

The last 3-4 years have seen a remarkable surge in the number of people working in a remote setting. This has made online video conferencing apps such as Zoom very popular. In 2023, Zoom has locked in 300 million daily users. It also generated a revenue of $4.5 billion.

So, entrepreneurs and business owners of all sizes are using video chat apps. This is because it lets them save cash and get opportunities. However, building one can be tough. In this blog, let us look at the process of building a video-conferencing application. We will also take a look at the features and steps along with the back-end technology. Let us begin.

How Do Video Conferencing Apps Work?

First, let us understand, in short, what video chat apps –

Imagine meeting face-to-face without leaving your seat! Apps for video conferencing make this possible. It allows people in different locations to connect virtually using a computer, internet, microphone, and webcam. It captures video and audio. It then shrinks the data size for efficient transmission over the internet. After this, it expands it back to the other end for smooth viewing and listening.

Let us look at some of the essential features that video communication apps like Zoom offer-

  1. Screen Sharing

Screen sharing is an essential feature in a video meeting app like Zoom. It allows the participant to show their computer screen to other members in the meeting. This can help the speaker convey their ideas better.

  1. Chat

Zoom wouldn’t be complete without the built-in chat and video calling API function. This seemingly simple feature is very important. It enhances communication during virtual meetings. Participants can use the chat to send messages or have private conversations without interrupting the flow of the video call. It can be mainly beneficial for people who can’t use their microphones.

  1. Virtual Hand-Raising                

Meetings in a group video conference app can get noisy as many individuals are on the call. Zoom offers a feature called virtual hand raising. When a user presses this button, all the other members get notified. This ensures that people get a chance to voice out their opinions without getting disturbed.

  1. Polls

Polls allow the members to vote in a video conference web app. The poll results are automatically mailed to the host after the session is over.

  1. Mute Participants

In a group online conference app, the “mute participants” feature allows attendees to join a meeting without a microphone. This helps to lower background sounds during the call. It also ensures a smoother and more attentive meeting for every member.

  1. Record Meetings

A video conferencing Android app like Zoom offers a record meeting function. This feature allows the host to capture the entire conversation. These recordings can then be utilized for multiple purposes. It can also allow attendees to revisit key points later or create a record of important decisions or discussions.

  1. Encryption

Security is very important for video conferencing apps. Encryption plays a critical role. If you are creating a video application, you need to implement 128-bit encryption. This utilizes a 128-bit key to scramble and unscramble video calls between participants. This encryption helps safeguard your messages sent by video conferencing API, making them indecipherable to anyone without the proper key.

The Important Elements of Making a Conferencing App

Developing a video conferencing app like Zoom can be a challenge. Many factors have to be considered when you build a video chat app. Let us see some of the basic ones.

  1. Back-end Development

The back end of a conference video app is the core. If you are hiring developers, you need to bring in experts who are skilled in building the server from scratch.

  1. UI Design

The UI design is the face of your application. So, it must be made to attract users. This can create a good impression for your video conference app for Android.

  1. iOS and Android Compatibility

You need to make a video conferencing app that is open to both Android and iOS devices. This expands the target market significantly. Fortunately, developing for both platforms is becoming increasingly simple. You can leverage Swift to create iOS apps. Meanwhile, WebRTC provides a framework for building an Android video conferencing app.

The Cloud Network

A cloud conference video call app eliminates the need for expensive setups. This makes it a friendly and affordable solution. The technology also allows users to conduct live video calls with anyone possessing an internet connection.

A cloud group conference app like Zoom relies on data centers. They are strategically placed around the world. These interconnected centers are managed by cloud computing systems. This ensures smooth global connectivity.

The Video Architecture

While making a video conference app, you need to ensure that it can handle the video’s requirements. Let us look at 4 features that differentiate the cloud-native and back-end technology in Zoom.

1. Application Layer Quality of Service

One of Zoom’s key advantages is its ability to fine-tune the quality of video for each individual device and network connection. This is achieved through a clever technology called Application Layer QoS. It analyzes factors like bandwidth limitations and device capabilities. This allows Zoom to optimize the data streams for each participant.

2. Multimedia Routing

Zoom’s magic behind managing audio and content sharing during calls lies in its multimedia routing system. These servers act as traffic controllers. They ensure that the audio and any shared content streams are efficiently delivered to all participants during a meeting in a multiple video conference app.

3. Distributed Architecture

A video conferencing SDK like Zoom does not rely on a single central location for its servers. Instead, they have data centers scattered around the world. This clever design is called a distributed architecture. The main benefit is reduced delays in communication. This means no matter where you are in the world, you can experience good video quality during your Zoom meetings.

4. Multi-Bitrate Encoding

A web conference app like Zoom utilizes a technique called multi-bitrate encoding. This essentially means the video stream is compressed into numerous versions with various resolutions. During a call, Zoom automatically delivers the most suitable version to each participant. However, it is based on their internet connection speed. This eliminates the necessity to constantly encode and decode the video stream.

To Conclude

Video conferencing apps like Zoom have changed the way we communicate. Apart from Zoom, there are a lot of best video conferencing apps for Android that offer these services, like Google Meet and Microsoft Teams. If you are looking to build the best video conference app, you need to integrate essential audio and video features. Apart from that, you also need to encrypt your app and design the UI. This can leave your users satisfied with your services.

Featured Image by freepik

The post A Complete Guide to Build a Video Conferencing App Like Zoom appeared first on noupe.

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“Smart” Layouts With Container Queries

August 14th, 2024 No comments

Modern CSS keeps giving us a lot of new, easier ways to solve old problems, but often the new features we’re getting don’t only solve old problems, they open up new possibilities as well.

Container queries are one of those things that open up new possibilities, but because they look a lot like the old way of doing things with media queries, our first instinct is to use them in the same way, or at least a very similar way.

When we do that, though, we aren’t taking advantage of how “smart” container queries are when compared to media queries!

Because of how important media queries were for ushering in the era of responsive web design I don’t want to say anything mean about them… but media queries are dumb. Not dumb in terms of the concept, but dumb in that they don’t know very much. In fact, most people assume that they know more than they do.

Let’s use this simple example to illustrate what I mean:

html {
  font-size: 32px;

body {
  background: lightsalmon;

@media (min-width: 35rem) {
  body {
    background: lightseagreen;

What would the viewport size be for the background color to change? If you said 1120px wide — which is the product of multiplying 35 by 32 for those who didn’t bother doing the math — you aren’t alone in that guess, but you’d also be wrong.

Remember when I said that media queries don’t know very much? There are only two things they do know:

  • the size of the viewport, and
  • the browser’s font size.

And when I say the browser’s font size, I don’t mean the root font size in your document, which is why 1120px in the above example was wrong.

The font size they look at is the initial font size coming from the browser before any values, including the user agent styles, are applied. By default, that’s 16px, though users can change that in their browser settings.

And yes, this is on purpose. The media query specification says:

Relative length units in media queries are based on the initial value, which means that units are never based on results of declarations.

This might seem like a strange decision, but if it didn’t work that way, what would happen if we did this:

html {
  font-size: 16px;

@media (min-width: 30rem) {
  html {
    font-size: 32px;

If the media query looked at the root font-size (like most assume it does), you’d run into a loop when the viewport would get to 480px wide, where the font-size would go up in size, then back down over and over again.

Container queries are a lot smarter

While media queries have this limitation, and for good reason, container queries don’t have to worry about this type of problem and that opens up a lot of interesting possibilities!

For example, let’s say we have a grid that should be stacked at smaller sizes, but three columns at larger sizes. With media queries, we sort of have to magic number our way to the exact point where this should happen. Using a container query, we can determine the minimum size we want a column to be, and it’ll always work because we’re looking at the container size.

That means we don’t need a magic number for the breakpoint. If I want three columns with a minimum size of 300px, I know I can have three columns when the container is 900px wide. If I did that with a media query, it wouldn’t work, because when my viewport is 900px wide, my container is, more often than not, smaller than that.

But even better, we can use any unit we want as well, because container queries, unlike media queries, can look at the font size of the container itself.

To me, ch is perfect for this sort of thing. Using ch I can say “when I have enough room for each column to be a minimum of 30 characters wide, I want three columns.”

We can do the math ourselves here like this:

.grid-parent { container-type: inline-size; }

.grid {
  display: grid;
  gap: 1rem;

  @container (width > 90ch) {
    grid-template-columns: repeat(3, 1fr);

And this does work pretty well, as you can see in this example.

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As another bonus, thanks to Miriam Suzanne, I recently learned that you can include calc() inside media and container queries, so instead of doing the math yourself, you can include it like this: @container (width > calc(30ch * 3)) as you can see in this example:

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A more practical use case

One of the annoying things about using container queries is having to have a defined container. A container cannot query itself, so we need an extra wrapper above the element we want to select with a container query. You can see in the examples above that I needed a container on the outside of my grid for this to work.

Even more annoying is when you want grid or flex children to change their layout depending on how much space they have, only to realize that this doesn’t really work if the parent is the container. Instead of having that grid or flex container be the defined container, we end up having to wrap each grid or flex item in a container like this:

<div class="grid">
  <div class="card-container">
    <div class="card">
  <div class="card-container">
    <div class="card">
  <div class="card-container">
    <div class="card">
.card-container { container-type: inline-size; }

It’s not that bad in the grand scheme of things, but it is kind of annoying.

Except there are ways around this!

For example, if you’re using repeat(auto-fit, ...) you can use the main grid as the container!

.grid-auto-fit {
  display: grid;
  gap: 1rem;
  grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fit, minmax(min(30ch, 100%)), 1fr);
  container-type: inline-size;

Knowing that the minimum size of a column is 30ch, we can leverage that info to restyle individual grid items depending on how many columns we have:

/* 2 columns + gap */
@container (width > calc(30ch * 2 + 1rem)) { ... }

/* 3 columns + gaps */
@container (width > calc(30ch * 3 + 2rem)) { ... }

I’ve used this in this example to change the styles of the first child in my grid based on whether we have one, two, or three columns.

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And while changing the background color of something is great for demos, we can, of course, do much more with this:

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The downside to this approach

The only downside I’ve found using this approach is that we can’t use custom properties for the breakpoints, which would really improve the DX of this.

That should eventually change considering custom media queries are in the spec editor’s draft of the Media Queries Level 5 specifications, but its been in there for a while with no movement from any browsers, so it might be a long time before we can use them.

And while my opinion is that having custom properties for these would both make them more readable and easier to update, it opens up enough possibilities that it’s still worth it without them.

What about flexbox?

With flexbox, the flex items are what define the layout, so it’s a little strange in that the sizes we apply on the items are what are important in the breakpoints.

It can still work, but there is a big issue that can arise if you do this with flexbox. Before we look at the issue, here is a quick example of how we can get this working with flexbox:

.flex-container {
  display: flex;
  gap: 1rem;
  flex-wrap: wrap;

  container-type: inline-size;

.flex-container > * {
  /* full-width at small sizes */
  flex-basis: 100%;
  flex-grow: 1;

  /* when there is room for 3 columns including gap */
  @container (width > calc(200px * 3 + 2rem)) {
    flex-basis: calc(200px);

In this case, I used px to show it works as well, but you could use any unit there, as I did with the grid examples.

This might look like something you can use a media query for as well — you can use the calc() in them too! — but this would only work in one if the parent has a width that matches the viewport width, which most of the time isn’t the case.

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This breaks if the flex items have padding

A lot of people don’t realize it, but the flexbox algorithm doesn’t take padding or borders into account, even if you change your box-sizing. If you have padding on your flex items, you’ll basically have to magic number your way to getting it to work.

Here’s an example where I added some padding but I haven’t changed anything else, and you’ll notice one of those awkward two-columns with one stretched on the bottom layouts at one point:

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Because of this, I do generally find myself using this type of approach more often with grid than flexbox, but there are definitely situations where it can still work.

Like before, because we’re aware of how many columns we have, we can leverage that to make more dynamic and interesting layouts depending on the space available for a given element, or elements.

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Opening up some interesting possibilities

I’ve only started playing around with this type of thing, and I’ve found that it’s opened up some new possibilities that we never had with media queries, and that makes me excited to see what else is possible!

“Smart” Layouts With Container Queries originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

Categories: Designing, Others Tags:

Dialogues Blog

August 14th, 2024 No comments

“This isn’t a website. Or even a blog. It’s a conversation.”

That’s the idea! Jay Hoffman and I’ve been chatting a long time now, back since he began writing a series on web history. It’s easy-going talking with someone with all that knowledge about the web’s interesting nooks and crannies.

Anyway, I always look forward to those chats. Sometimes, though, one of can’t make it for whatever reason. At the time, we’d been talking about different approaches to blogging and were particularly keen on the whole “digital garden” concept. We weren’t going to plant one or anything, but that inspired us to move our long-running conversation to a blog — you know, one of the best mediums ever in web history.

We didn’t want something linear in the sense that the blog is an archive of posts in chronological order. No, instead we wanted it to start as a seed that grows into a vine that twists and turns at different bends.

That’s where the “Dialogues” idea came in. It’s all Jay’s, really. He starts by asking me a question that I answer in the form of a post with a follow-up question that he, in turn, answers in a post with a follow-up question, and on and on.

The first question is already up there, and it’s a nice little ice breaker: What was the moment the web clicked for you? I had to take a few moments to let that one sink in and reflect on myself as a web user from 30 years ago. What a great little mind exercise and thing to talk about!

Dialogues Blog originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

Categories: Designing, Others Tags:

font-size Limbo

August 13th, 2024 No comments

You might recall that Alvaro suggests bumping up font-size to 1.25rem from the default user agent size of 16px. Sebastian Laube pokes at that:

I wouldn’t adopt Alvaro’s suggestion without further ado, as I would waste so much space on a smartphone, for example, and many users would probably be irritated by the large font.

I set a font size of 1.2rem from a certain viewport size. But this also has to be done carefully, because then grey areas arise in which media queries suddenly fall back into another area…

I personally agree with Alvaro that the default 16px size is too small. That’s just how I feel as someone who is uncomfortably close to wearing the bottoms of actual Coke bottles to see anything clearly on a screen.

On the flip side, I professionally agree with Sebastian, not that many users would probably be irritated by the large font, but to openly question an approach rather than adopting someone else’s approach wholesale based on a single blog post. It may very well be that a font-size bump is the right approach. Everything is relative, after all, and we ought to be listening to the people who use the thing we’re making for decisions like this.

The much bigger question is the one Sebastian poses right at the end there:

Should browsers perhaps use a larger font size on large screens from the outset if the user does not specify otherwise? Or do we need an information campaign to make them aware that they should check their system settings or set a different default font size in the browser?

Fantastic, right?! I’m honestly unsure where I’d draw the viewport breakpoint for 16px being either too large or small and where to start making adjustments. Is 16px the right default at any viewport size? Or perhaps user agents ought to consider a fluid type implementation that defines a default font scale and range of sizes instead? It’s great food for thought.

font-size Limbo originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

Categories: Designing, Others Tags: