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Organizing Design System Component Patterns With CSS Cascade Layers

February 10th, 2025 Leave a comment Go to comments

I’m trying to come up with ways to make components more customizable, more efficient, and easier to use and understand, and I want to describe a pattern I’ve been leaning into using CSS Cascade Layers.

I enjoy organizing code and find cascade layers a fantastic way to organize code explicitly as the cascade looks at it. The neat part is, that as much as it helps with “top-level” organization, cascade layers can be nested, which allows us to author more precise styles based on the cascade.

The only downside here is your imagination, nothing stops us from over-engineering CSS. And to be clear, you may very well consider what I’m about to show you as a form of over-engineering. I think I’ve found a balance though, keeping things simple yet organized, and I’d like to share my findings.

The anatomy of a CSS component pattern

Let’s explore a pattern for writing components in CSS using a button as an example. Buttons are one of the more popular components found in just about every component library. There’s good reason for that popularity because buttons can be used for a variety of use cases, including:

  • performing actions, like opening a drawer,
  • navigating to different sections of the UI, and
  • holding some form of state, such as focus or hover.

And buttons come in several different flavors of markup, like

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